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I've decided to make my own topic to keep whomever reads my posts updated about me!

And it's a nice place to sort of vent.

So... There may be some venting here.

I have some things I would like to say, some more serious things... But I'll post that when I have the time.

Probably when I come back from dinner and a movie with friends.

We're going eat Indian and seeing 9!

I'm so excited to see it... I even learned to play the intro of Welcome Home on guitar :D

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The Indian food was fantastic, I had never had it before.

9 was alright. The animation was amazing, but the story line was just okay. I'm not sure what's up with the ending, but I've decided to sew my own "9" doll.

And I need to hit up a goodwill to get a big plaid shirt to make a dress out of that.


And finally, I've decided to tell you guys 'sup with my life.


Last year, around January probably, I started becoming friends with this girl in my Spanish class. She's in the grade ahead of me, but she seemed like a really cool kid. She'd always poke me in class because she sat behind me and make me read excerpts from Chuck Palahniuk books.

We had similar personalities, except she was like waaay stranger, and I thought that was awesome. We started talking every night on instant messenger. We got into some deep discussions and she told me she was bi. Which didn't change my opinion about her at all, because I'm an open-minded person. Like, whatever lifestyle works for you, you go ahead and live it. She started saying somewhat flirtatious things to me, and we joked about her attraction to me. I wasn't attracted to her, but of course I was still good friends with her.

The jabs at her attraction to me and her occasional flirtatious comments went on for a couple of months, and guessss what. I started to become attracted to her too.

Now, I still consider myself 'straight', as she's the only girl I've had feelings for.

Well, fast-forward to this month.

We've been dating for nearly 4 months now and I've never been happier. We never fight, everything is always lighthearted and fun, but our emotions run deep. We both have never felt this way about anyone else before. She tells me I'm better than any guy she has ever dated, and I feel the same. When she holds me, I never want her to let go. And she says the sweetest things to me.

She is the perfect boyfriend, except, she's my girlfriend :)


But that's not why I'm typing all this out... See, we've been keeping all this a secret.

Recently, her scary mom took her phone away and read her text messages. That just makes me sick. What an invasion of privacy!

Well, we had been texting each other the night before. It's not like there was anything bad, but it was filled with mushy "I loves you"s and "I miss your skin" and things along those lines.

Also, I had just began to let myself relax around her mom. I had slept over at her house a few times, just because we rarely get to see each other as she lives somewhat far away. So her mom freaked out a little bit. And told her we had to break up, and then made a few ignorant comments which are too annoying for me to type out.

Well. We didn't break up. But she told her mom that we did.

Now we only get to see each other (alone) for 30 minutes on mondays and an hour on tuesdays because we take guitar lessons and are in a band together at the same music place. She comes to my house while her little sister has lessons...


Now, she's deathly afraid of the consequences of getting caught. Of all the what-ifs. What if her mom finds out? What if someone talks about how she wasn't waiting in the lobby of our music place? We were talking about how she felt it was really hard, and honestly I was afraid she might break up with me then and there. But she said she definitely still loved me more than anything and there was no way she was going to let me go.

It is difficult though...

We are going to a concert (with some other friends and her mom :\ ) for her 17th birthday though :)

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Hm....two options here. You can continue to keep it a secret for what, one more year until you go to college? (assuming you're both going to live on-campus) Or, you can sit the mom down and say, "Look, we love each other..." and go on from there. Just be sure to stay calm and not yell. Personally, I've never been a fan of secrets, and prefer to keep everything out in the open. But, if her mom is the type that would kick her out of the house or something, it might be best to keep it quiet until she's able to handle getting kicked out of the house.

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Hm....two options here. You can continue to keep it a secret for what, one more year until you go to college? (assuming you're both going to live on-campus) Or, you can sit the mom down and say, "Look, we love each other..." and go on from there. Just be sure to stay calm and not yell. Personally, I've never been a fan of secrets, and prefer to keep everything out in the open. But, if her mom is the type that would kick her out of the house or something, it might be best to keep it quiet until she's able to handle getting kicked out of the house.


She's a junior and I'm a sophomore, so I still have like three more years in highschool >_>

Her mom's brother is gay, you'd think she'd understand... And I'm pretty certain she would never get kicked out. It's just, she tried to explain to her mom that this was the best relationship she's ever been in and that she isn't pressured into doing things with me.

Her mom was afraid she would never have a husband or something. I'm not sure...


I think we'll just keep it secretive for now. Her mom seriously scares me. She just oozes with fake niceness.

But thanks for the advice, it's much appreciated.

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Unfortunate that your girlfriend's mother acts on her own fears instead of being open minded. I am so sorry that you both have to be secretive about your relationship.


One thing I have experienced, to lie about your whereabouts usually gets you caught. Please have your girlfriend be very careful and try not to lie. If her mother never asks "where" she waited, then she won't be lying. Just something to think about.


When you go to the concert, be aware that her mother will be watching you both to see if there are any special looks between you two. So, try and enjoy yourself and act like you both are just good friends and hopefully her mother's fears will subside.


In the meantime, just enjoy the time you both have together. It sounds like she is a very nice person and you both get along very, very well.

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And. Weeeeiirrrd happenings.

I was looking for someone to go to the concert with me (which was like 3 hours away) so I called around but most people had plans on account of such short notice.

So, I happened to be texting my lovely girlfriend.

And she was visiting her sister's college with her family. Her sister's college happened to be on the way to the concert.

So I joked that we'd go pick her up.

Then her mom actually said it'd be okay. Even though we'd be spending the night together...

And then we went to the concert together. I was like errrrmmmm, cool.

Her mom is just trying to forget the whole thing I suppose and put it behind her.



I have guitar lessons tomorrow, and then band practice on wednesday.

And I need to practice for band. Because I'm lead guitar and such.


Not much else going on in my life.

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And. Weeeeiirrrd happenings.

I was looking for someone to go to the concert with me (which was like 3 hours away) so I called around but most people had plans on account of such short notice.

So, I happened to be texting my lovely girlfriend.

And she was visiting her sister's college with her family. Her sister's college happened to be on the way to the concert.

So I joked that we'd go pick her up.

Then her mom actually said it'd be okay. Even though we'd be spending the night together...

And then we went to the concert together. I was like errrrmmmm, cool.

Her mom is just trying to forget the whole thing I suppose and put it behind her.



I have guitar lessons tomorrow, and then band practice on wednesday.

And I need to practice for band. Because I'm lead guitar and such.


Not much else going on in my life.

So I guess you had a great time at the concert. You could be right about her mother. For whatever reason, at least you both got to go to the concert together!


You need to upload a minute of sound track for us to listen to! That would be stellar!!


Sounds like life is going much better. :D

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Life is quite nice now.

There was a good omen on my way to school this morning. There was a ladybug on my windshield, and it rode all the way to school with me and flew off when we got there. Everyone knows ladybugs mean good luck :)


My history teacher said she wouldn't take any points of for the poem I forgot to bring.

Our chemistry test got pushed back to tomorrow.

My Spanish teacher let me retake part of the test because I had done it incorrectly.

Even though I forgot about my math homework, I got the question right that the teacher had asked. And I got a 92 on my test.

My English teacher loved my story about hobos on the test we took. I didn't know we had a test but I got a 100 :D

Our religion teacher got super distracted, so we didn't really have class.

I got leftover cupcakes from the culinary club meeting I went to on sunday.

And some seniors gave me cookie cake.

Also I found a beautiful green Fender Stratocaster for ONLY $220. And I'mma buy it.




Guitar lesson time :)

AND new house tonight!

Which my girlfriend is gonna come watch with me


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I need a guitar.

Preferably a Fender American Vitage '57 Stratocaster in Surf Green

But I don't want to be too picky.

Also, the aforementioned guitar is $1800+



But I'll settle with any stratocaster. I found one for $220, but when I contacted the guy, he said he had sold it the day before o_o

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I need a guitar.

Preferably a Fender American Vitage '57 Stratocaster in Surf Green

But I don't want to be too picky.

Also, the aforementioned guitar is $1800+



But I'll settle with any stratocaster. I found one for $220, but when I contacted the guy, he said he had sold it the day before o_o

Now that '57 Stratocaster would be a great find!

But for the price, perhaps as you say, any old Stratocaster will do. Keep looking, you will find the right one. Also look in the Classified Section of your newspaper. Sometimes people need to sell something and do not necessarily go on-line. I'll keep my eyes out looking in this area and if I find anything, I will let you know in your topic. In Memphis, sometimes things pop-up that you least expect. There was even a guitar that Elvis used for sale.

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Our classifieds are somewhat terrible.

I've been asking my friend in Nashville to keep an eye out though.


Today, I baked a cake.

And it's friday! Happy friday everyone.

Nashville is a great place to look. I'm checking Memphis and Orlando for you. It just occurred to me that I have a friend who has access to lots of musical instruments, here in Memphis, I will ask him to be on the lookout as well.


Happy Friday back to you. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...


I've had some crazy dramas going on lately.

But I've solved all that, no need to reflect upon it.

HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY, I cannot stop twirling and singing

I love today, I love tomorrow, I love you all!

Yes, it has been a long while!

But you have posted with such a terrific post, that I'm happy to see life is treating you well! :D

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Life is treating me quite well. I certainly don't have any room for complaining.

I did nothing at school today. Because I didn't take the PSAT (I forgot to turn in my money, ohwell)

So. My schedule:

7:55 – 8:10 assembly

8:10 – 9:40 period 5 EngIIH(the four of us watched hocus pocus)

9:40 – 9:50 break

9:50 – 11:20 period 6 SpanishIII (two sophmores and three seniors, so we watched hocus pocus again)

11:20 - 1:30 lunch/meetings as needed (I ate. Then ran around the school)

1:30 – 3:00 period 7 AlgIIH (we distracted our teacher for an hour and a half and talked about world of warcraft... ftw!?)


ALSO, I got a guitar. A nice guitar. A nice expensive guitar.

It's a stratocaster American Deluxe. I believe it was $1600. Here's to early Christmas presents...

Also, whilst at the music store, this reaaaally cute guy sat next to me so we talked about guitars and he taught me some things and I showed him how to play my own worst enemy. Suuuure, I'm taken, and so he's a little old for me. I can still think he's cute, right? :rolleyes: Well, Jude was very sweet and I might just have to go visit him at the restaurant he works at. Ofcourse, I'd never cheat on my superamazingwonderful girlfriend!





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How phenomenally beautiful your new guitar is!!!!

And yes, it is totally okay to think someone of any age or sex is cute, interesting, etc. He sounds like he could teach you some great things on your new guitar. Appreciating someone for who they are, looks included, is possibly bringing a new friend into your life. Have a visit at Jude's restaurant. You might just have a really fun time.


As for schedules... here's to have a day of goofing off. They don't come too often, so enjoy them when they do arrive.


You make my heart happy to know that life is treating you well.

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Thank you!


And yes, he seems like a really sweet guy. And I'm in desperate need of more male friends.

I have like, male acquaintances that are pretty annoying and ex-boyfriends.


Also, my girlfriend's birthday is coming up! And we're going with a few friends to a concert.

So, I'm going to give her a mix CD and a little something that I made.

Oh, it'll also mark that we've been together for five months ^_^


But, here's what I made. I pricked my finger multiple times whilst making it...


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Thank you!


And yes, he seems like a really sweet guy. And I'm in desperate need of more male friends.

I have like, male acquaintances that are pretty annoying and ex-boyfriends.


Also, my girlfriend's birthday is coming up! And we're going with a few friends to a concert.

So, I'm going to give her a mix CD and a little something that I made.

Oh, it'll also mark that we've been together for five months ^_^


But, here's what I made. I pricked my finger multiple times whilst making it...


Absolutely, positively the most stellar!!!!!

If I was receiving that for my birthday, I would feel like someone really cared.

She is certain to love it. The design is terrific. Sorry to hear you were injured in it's making, but it is a labour of love. :D

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This week was fantastic.

Morale is at a high.

I've been extraaa creative lately.

And my favorite senior is going to give me a snuggie for no reason. I'm just that lovable.


Also, today I bought some crayons and colored pencils! Back to basics for me :)


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This week was fantastic.

Morale is at a high.

I've been extraaa creative lately.

And my favorite senior is going to give me a snuggie for no reason. I'm just that lovable.


Also, today I bought some crayons and colored pencils! Back to basics for me :)


I love that drawing!!!!!! It brought a smile to my face!

*hands Wildcat The Platinum Moon Award*


Glad life is treating you well.

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So today was just fantabulously fabulous!

It was a half day at school!

And tomorrow is also a half day, and then our school's little Halloween games thing.

Saturday I'll be going to that concert for my girlfriend's birthday :)

And Sunday I have culinary club!


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So today was just fantabulously fabulous!

It was a half day at school!

And tomorrow is also a half day, and then our school's little Halloween games thing.

Saturday I'll be going to that concert for my girlfriend's birthday :)

And Sunday I have culinary club!


What a spectacular week! Enjoy it!!!

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  • 4 months later...

*sheepish grin*

I'm still alive over here.

I snoop in every now in then.

And since this topic is basically about my girlfriend (as she for the most part is my life now) I just want to say things have been going amazingly with her.

She must be my soulmate.

These past 9 months with her have been the happiest of my life.

We both are aware things can change, but for now, we're just so happy spending as much time together as possible.


Also, I cut my hair short. REALLY SHORT.

It went from this:

(Tim was mah winter formal date. My girlfriend was erm, a bit jealous :rolleyes: )



To this:

(My girlfriend took this picture at the park :D!)


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Ooh, cute dress! Why didn't you go with your girlfriend? :huh:


Because our relationship is a secret :)

There are three other people at school that know we're together, haha

Your relationship will not remain secret for long. :rolleyes:

Somehow those secrets tend to get out.


Thanks for the great picture!

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Hey, we've kept it pretty hushed for 9.5 months, I assume we'll be able to keep it on the quiet side for a bit longer

Some rumors broke out, but they faded rather quickly

Now that must be a record!!! You are right... if you could keep it secret for that long, you must be golden!

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  • 7 months later...

Hey, we've kept it pretty hushed for 9.5 months, I assume we'll be able to keep it on the quiet side for a bit longer

Some rumors broke out, but they faded rather quickly

Now that must be a record!!! You are right... if you could keep it secret for that long, you must be golden!


Geez, I need to start actually coming here on a regular basis.

Kate and I have been dating for almost a year and a half now...

Things have changed between us though. It's hard for her to trust me, it's tough for me to stay in love.

She's morose and depressed, but refuses help from anyone. Sigh.

Things have been pretty nice now though. I absolutely still love her. I guess everyone has tough times in their relationship. I've never been with a person for this long... I can't imagine giving her up though. We're both scared of when she goes to college next year and I'm stuck here :\


I miss you guys.

I miss everyone here.

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Geez, I need to start actually coming here on a regular basis.

Kate and I have been dating for almost a year and a half now...

Things have changed between us though. It's hard for her to trust me, it's tough for me to stay in love.

She's morose and depressed, but refuses help from anyone. Sigh.

Things have been pretty nice now though. I absolutely still love her. I guess everyone has tough times in their relationship. I've never been with a person for this long... I can't imagine giving her up though. We're both scared of when she goes to college next year and I'm stuck here :\


I miss you guys.

I miss everyone here.


We miss you!!! Glad you have stopped back in!!!


Relationships are very hard. The fact that two people are together as long as you both are is a testament to how hard you are working at keeping this relationship going. Please do not worry too much about next year. Things will have a way of working themselves out, although you may or may not like the outcome. How far away is her college? The time away will give you time to focus on your studies and get finished with school. Then you can select a college that interests you and focus on your studies and enjoy the time when you both are together. This is the time to complete your education so that you can prepare for your life after college. You really need that education to be competitive in the job world and make a decent living. Jobs are hard enough to find, with good credentials, and without college, you are truly limiting yourself. Remember that your education comes first and the relationship second. Once you have graduated, you can then find jobs near each other and plan on a future together.


We hope to see more of you. Please post pictures, we love seeing them.

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  • 4 months later...

This board is an archive of my life from 5th grade on up.

Anything incredibly exciting, depressing, or tidbits I found interesting I posted on here.

I've practically grown up with everyone here and ended up drifting away


I guess I tend to drift from people I know in person too, but I digress.


Even if next to no-one reads this, I'd like you all to know I'm very appreciative of the advice, comments, and general friendliness I've gotten here.

Including that ridiculous political scuffle I had with MW. Ah, looking back on the pre-pubescent self <3


I want to keep everyone updated. I want to be friends with you all again.

But mostly I want to have the time to do so.

Forgive me if I cannot.



Okay, that's all I felt the need to say :3

I'm just in a thoughtful mood and remembered that I could of course post thoughts here!

I've also got a blog I'd love you all to follow, but without link posting that seems nearly impossible!

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Wildcat... we do read the new posts, although not everyone posts. We have some habitual lurkers and I wish they would say something.


You make time for what is important to you. As life goes on, it is a matter of priorities and where things fit into this list. We hope this remains

somewhere high on your priority list. The drifting happens to all of us, we just run out of time every now and then. We hope that you want to return.


Please email me your blog url. Here is an address for you: darker52843@mypacks.net

If you allow facebook access to your address book, please list me only as Horatio.


As for the political viewpoints, this is wonderful. I appreciate when people express what they are thinking.


Check out my Horatio topic in this forum and let me know if you can find what the photograph is all about. And no... not leaves and tree branches. :D Mega Wolf stops into her two topics, The Relationship Topic in the HampsterDance.com Website forum and Days In the Life of Mega Wolf in the Hado forum.


Hope to see you soon and often.

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Oh, Horatio, you've noticed the habitual lurkers as well?

Maybe they find our lives entertaining. xD

I really wish they'd just say a few words, at least!


Such is life, people come and go. It really is interesting to look back on things. I completely forgot about any political scuffling. :lol:


It's all understandable, keep us updated on your own time. It's mostly been me and Horatio just chillin' over here lately.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

I don't know who still actually checks out posts other than Horatio's topic, but mostly I like to post here and look back on it later.

Hey guys. I'm 18 these days and a real life college student.



I love your picture!!! You look phenomenal!!!


MegaWolf has been away, but she usually checks in and then Topazia stops and visits. - Kat - makes a stop in when there are no pyrotechnic events going on. SleepoverFanatic52 has resurfaced, which is great!!! There are the others who make a fleeting appearance, but I am so happy you returned and posted your picture! Is that your art? I wish you would show us more!!!

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I'll have to check in more and see what's up with everyone.

No, it's not my art! It's my favorite band's poster though.

I can definitely post some of what I'm doing. I'm an advertising major with a double minor in women's and gender studies and graphic design, so I'll have a lot of projects to show!

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That will be really fantastic to see some of your art! Advertising, graphic design and women's and gender studies is a fantastic combination! Great thinking!!!


Whoever did the artwork for your favourite band is good! I like those posters. What kind of music does your band play?


On another note... how are you doing down there with the hurricane? I see you still have electricity!

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  • 3 years later...

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