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Invision: The Profiles!

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Alright, so I've decided to start a series of these profiles on the extensive cast of my story, starting with Kat, and each profile release will come out when a new character story ends. I'm going to take a break from the chapters in order to writer these, so you'll still have something to look forward to.


Here's Kat, the first one I made. Next will be the Cheesemaster profile.


Name-Kat Dacatis


Species-Furry (mostly animal type)


Likes-Alcohol, Cartoons, Cardboard Boxes, Pin Tac, drawing, claymores, playing, time travel, the mafia, Oscar Wilde, exploring, cool clothes like Fedoras and monocles, the color red, weird stuff, fire, explosions, traffic cones, cool animals like walruses and starfish, hook hands, vikings


Dislikes-Work, serious business


Lives: Hamsterdam in a cardboard box

From: Usyooki


Special skills:

-Musical (Kazoo, Triangle, Accordian, Banjo, Maracas-can play with feet)

-Language (English, Pirate, Gibberish, Nadsat)

-Swordfighting (notably with claymores)

-Crazy Awesome

-Prepared for the zombie apocalypse


Notable Quotes:

"No, wait! That's supposed to explode!"

"Well, the way I see it, Physics is just a bunch of laws, like the legal ones. I break those all the time, so why not the laws of Physics?"

"Have you heard the good news about Cheesus?"



Once upon a time in Russia, a little girl was born with a fedora on her head to the Don of the Russian Mafia. She quickly learned the ways of the Mob, and learned such skills as flying, playing the accordion, and piracy. Life was really, really awesome until one day her parents were killed by Ninjas. Kat then took a level in Badbutt and sought after the Ninjas, and hijinks ensued.



Absolutely none of that is true.



What IS true, however, is that catgirl Kat Dacatis had a mysterious, little-talked about past in Usyooki, a mysterious place none of her friends have heard of. It is rumored that the planet Usyooki was located in a very different galaxy than Invision or indeed any of the planets the Invisionists are from are located. This may explain Kat's eccentric nature and odd, rarely-explored powers.


Kat, as her name may imply, is a catgirl with white fur, thought she has frequently tried to insist it is brown. She frequently wears red, with her hair and suspenders both red and her coat she wears in the Fall and Winter red as well. Kat claims that if Awesome was a solid object, it would be red. She claims to have numerous scientific evidence to back this theory up.


Kat, by nature, is incredibly eccentric, in such a way that she is regarded strange even by the other Invisionists. Kat is known for coming up with outlandish plans, which usually involve one or more of the following: explosions, robots, vikings, the Mafia, traffic cones, and duct tape.

It is a source of great controversy, in that many of Kat's doings are very explicitly against the laws of Physics. It is rumored that, perhaps, Kat's perception of reality is so disconnected that she no longer abides by the rules and laws of physics, and freely breaks them-often without realizing she is.


Some, most notably her fellow employees at the restaurant Planet Horatio, believe that the above theory, combined with Kat's incredibly strong belief that Physical Laws can be broken as easily as Legal laws, is fueled by her massive consumption of caffeine and alcohol.


Kat is apparently wanted by some form of government; her poster has appeared in the newspaper several times before being replaced by the much-more at-large Sheena and Edgar Alan King. She has been wanted for such crimes as 'Theft, Piracy, Vandalism, Indecent exposure, Syndicated Crime, Arson, Driving While Intoxicated, Underage drinking, and Unregistered Time Travel'. Kat has never expressed any panic over being wanted for such a number of crimes; mostly because she can't remember most of them.


Kat herself is the leader of a Mafia creatively called The Kat Mafia. She has amassed an unknown number of members, with prominent ties to other Invision criminals such as The Teen Silver Eye Fox, The Grim Hamster Lord, and Dan 'Dead' Deep. Her Mafia has frequently pulled increasingly notable crimes, from faxing violent bewitched (citation needed) stick figures to enemies, to arranging a full-on shoot-out and massive thefts and attacks. Despite this, no one seems to be brave enough to step up and arrest Kat for any crimes. This may be because an increasing rumor goes around about 'Bruce', a secret friend of Kat who does her every bidding and is excellent at killing, mainly decapitation. Kat has, allegedly, threatened to use 'Bruce' in many a fight, claiming she has him on her person and can use him at any time. Little is known about 'Bruce', whoever he is.


Kat's non-mafia exploits are long, varied, and impossible to describe here alone; it is safe to say, however, that every one of them is very different from the last, and each is completely insane and illogical.


As of late, Kat has shown examples of a possible strange power where she thinks about doing something impossible and it happens, such as fixing a ruined building with tape or using two paddles and tape to turn a tour guide boat into a mini-helicopter.



While little is known of this power (if indeed that is what it is), more research will have to be done on the mysterious subject.

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Invision Profile: Cheesemaster



Name: Cheesemaster (real name? Citation needed)


Species: Cheeseboy


Likes-Reading, cooking, exploring, engineering, science, being with friends, Onigiri (rice balls), Tea, Learning, making friends, some video games, katanas, Stanley Kubrick movies, science fiction, board games, and smart clothes like sweaters and newsboy caps


Dislikes-Illiteracy, Bigots, religious nutballs, bad books, stupidity, rudeness, assumptions, bad movies, and people who make fun of his glasses


Lives: The Port of Cheese, Swissconsin; the ground floor of a two-house flat on a corner near a newspaper printing company. Lives with C.C. Edna.

From: Earth. Originally from Japan, moved to and was raised in England. Is considered an English citizen and considers himself more English than Japanese.


Special skills:

-Science! (Engineering, Physics, Biology, Geology, Chemistry)

-Swordfighting (Katana)

-Berserk Button

-Rather smart

-Rockin' hair

-Language (English, Japanese, Nadsat, Lapine, assorted Fantasy and Science Fiction Languages)


Notable quotes:

"Jakob, if you would just read a little bit, maybe you'd think more openly about me."

"I could definitely eat these riceballs forever. It's my duty as a man of science to test my hypothesis."


The only son of an unnamed, non-famous scientist whom he refuses to tell anyone about, Cheesemaster is the best friend of Arkcher Ahrroww (also the son of a scientist).


Cheesemaster, as stated, has given so few details on his past that it is nearly impossible to write a detailed history of him. All that is known is that he was born to an English Biologist who studied the Paranormal in Japan, though soon after moved to England and was raised there.


Cheesemaster has spoken even less of his mother. He states that his mother was not around growing up, leading some to believe she is dead (which he furiously denies), while some state that his parents were divorced (he denies this as well, saying his parents were very much in love with each other); the most accepted theory is that his parents were never married in the first place.

This is all that is known about his parents and past.


Cheesemaster is known among the Invisionists for being a kind-hearted, respectable young man who spends his free time reading or preforming various experiments, or building things. He rarely has much free time, though he seems to make the best of it by being with his friends as much as he can.


Cheesemaster's occupation at the moment is that of being a newspaper boy in the Port of Cheese; he lives in an area of the town that most everyone passes through on their way to work or school, and thus he gets rather good business. Many of his friends have expressed concern over such a low-paying job, but he claims it is just enough for him to get books and food, which he says is all he really needs.


An aspiring engineer, Cheesemaster frequently works with the inventor Arkcher Ahrroww and he biologist Leguan, both of which have some experience in the field of engineering and physics, often helping them with new inventions and experiments respectively. As literally nothing is known of Cheesemaster's schooling, if indeed he had any, it is assumed he learned all he does about science from reading.


And speaking of, it's said and frequently joked that Cheesemaster has the second largest book collection on Invision, bested only by The Rabbitt Family's massive library. His collection, even if these jokes aren't true, is impressive and spans a great many genres and is perhaps one of the best examples of his intelligent and (mostly) calm nature. He enjoys nothing better than sitting by his bookshelf on a rainy day with a good book.


One thing he is known for among friends is his frequent quips, which are typically of how he believes a good gentleman should act and is proclaimed by both himself and those around him as a shining example of such. However, he is a teenager, and such can't always act kind and calm. He does try his hardest, and had said that he wants to be like his father, who he says was the the humblest gentleman one could have ever met.


One of his major faults, and one that he fully realizes he has, has been his short temper; no matter how gentlemanly he may seem, it's not uncommon for him to fly off the handle at someone, and then profusely apologize for it afterwards. This is frequent with the prosecutor Jakob White Rabbitt, who hates him with a passion and for no real reason.

These breakdowns typically involve anyone making a snide comment about his eyesight or his glasses, and often ends in him and the remarker getting into a fight. Afterwards, he tends to express deep shame in himself for having gotten angry over something so trivial. He's expressed a want (and probable need) to get over this bad habit of his, though he hasn't taken any action to do so.

As for why he does this, he's never outright said it but has often mentioned how his glasses were a gift from his father, who in turn got them from his wife (Cheesemaster's mother).


It's of much controversy whether or not a small bounty should be placed on him, as he's good friends with a number of criminals including Mob boss Kat Dacatis and the murderer Edgar Alan King. Despite this, he's also friends with the detective Ms. Shirley Locke, and her partner, Dr. Aloysius Ahrroww. It's been rumored Cheesemaster is even a member of Dacatis's mafia, though these are unconfirmed and have no basis. He certainly doesn't seem like the type who would be working with criminals in the first place.

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Once upon a time in Russia, a little girl was born with a fedora on her head to the Don of the Russian Mafia. She quickly learned the ways of the Mob, and learned such skills as flying, playing the accordion, and piracy. Life was really, really awesome until one day her parents were killed by Ninjas. Kat then took a level in Badbutt and sought after the Ninjas, and hijinks ensued.

Ohsnap, I just noticed that

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Dawn June Rabbitt

Gender: Female

Species: Type II Vampire


Likes: Horror and Romance books, Gothic Lolita, cute accessories like parasols and boots, lace, ribbons, the colors black and purple, Cheesemaster, Sterling Rabbitt, James Rabbitt, Monsters, drawing, dragons, faeries, Magic, Fantasy


Dislikes: Bright lights, heat, bright colors like yellow and pink, being sad, Jakob Rabbitt, rudeness, craving for blood, religious fanatics, badly-written romance/horror, dirty clothing, t-shirts/jeans


Lives: Port of Cheese outskirts

From: Cullough, the Horror story world (from the novel 'The White Rabbitt', set in 19th Century London). Lived in Dreamtopia for a few years.


Special skills:

-Magic (Dark)

-Good artist

-Good with animals like spiders and dragons

-Kind and Polite



The middle child of the Rabbitt Sisters, and the most outgoing, Dawn is one of the few Rabbitt family members who actively travels (James travels as well, but not quite as often).


Back home on Cullough, Dawn June Rabbitt was an outgoing young woman who was rejected by most of her peers because they found her too dark and too strange; even back then, she was notable for carrying around a sketchbook which she drew dragons and other monsters in. At one point, her legal guardian, Jakob Rabbitt, forbade her from drawing them and insisted school officials keep her from drawing them. However, the plan did not work as Dawn would just entrust her drawings with the much kinder James Rabbitt, who often cleared up the matter and once again allowed her to draw.


Dawn, as stated, was rejected by her peers for her drawing, and was only more rejected when she had an 'accident'; Dawn had been walking home one night when she was brutally attacked by what was later discovered to be a vampire. Dawn was knocked cold, and most of her blood drained; for the entire night she was motionless on the ground, having died from the blood loss.

Her family, worried, sent out police to try and find her; they looked through the entire city just long enough that Dawn's transformation into a vampire was complete.


Dawn was found lying on the ground, pale, with the bite marks now gone from her neck. The police found her, dazed from the experience, and took her home, where she confided in the open-minded James Rabbitt.


It turned out Dawn had been bitten and killed by a Type I Vampire-one that had died of some cause and become a vampire. Dawn was now a Type II Vampire-she'd been bitten, killed, and transformed into one. Dawn, expressing concern, was relieved to know she had not become a bloodthirsty killer like the vampire who attacked her, but would need to avoid certain things such as water and crosses and would still need to occasionally drink blood. She decided that in order to not kill any humans, she would try to only drink the blood of animals.


Due to her new (ahem) life, Dawn had to avoid crosses, water, garlic, and other things every vampire must avoid. This made her peers deem her even stranger than she already was, and not only did they avoid her, they often harassed her and teased her; especially on the front that she had to avoid crosses, due to living in a religious society. Her only real friends were her younger sister Sterling, James Rabbitt, and later on, Richard Rabbitt.


Later in life Dawn moved from her home planet to the magical planet Dreamtopia to study magic; she went to a High School for magicians, where her weirdness was much more open and accepted (though not by much). She became friends with Mushroom_king and Vanilla Star Hamster, and due to a strange turn of events, Paper Mario Master and Dana 'Blood Queen' Lion. Her schooling allowed her to become a very powerful Dark Mage, a skill that has become useful to her in recent years.


Dawn was transported to Invision along with her family-Jakob, James, Julia, Sterling, and Richard Rabbitt. They now live in a recreation (though it's rumored to be their same house teleported to Invision) of their enormous Mansion, known to others as The Rabbitt Manor. The house is enormous, and painstakingly well-kept; though bleak, the house is clean and nothing is broken. Behind the house is an enormous hedge maze and a cemetery for past Rabbitts-at least, back on Cullough past Rabbitts were buried behind the mansion. No one knows if the bodies were transported to Invision to be re-buried. If the rumors about the house having been teleported are true, than it is very likely.


Dawn, personality-wise, is not a shut-in nor is she antisocial; she is very outgoing and friendly, as well as polite to everyone around her. Her manners, as many friends say, are (usually) incredibly for a teenage girl.




spoiler-free, so no mention of the events from Dawn's Story.

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