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random poems

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Well, as you all know I rarely update my writings. I 've been busy with preparations for school which starts next week. Anyway, I read a fanfic that inspired this poem. It can b viewed several ways, either unrequited love, couples falling out with each other, or bad break ups and pining feelings. so here it is.


It's Odd

You hold her hand when a week ago you held mine,

You smile at her weak joke when you would roll your eyes at mine,

You act the same when your with her as you did when you were with me.

It's odd, isn't it?

It's odd that jealousy turns to melancholy and envy turns to nostalgia.

It's odd that I smile to see you happy when before it would make me sick.

I remember your laugh.

I remember the lies to stay apart instead of the truth.

I remember the realization that we've faded.

It's odd isn't it?

It's odd that realization turns to peace instead of heartache.

It's odd that fading feelings create a stronger soul instead of a weak heart.

Is it because my feelings are fading or is it because they were never really there?

Is it because I'm over you or was I ever really into you?

Is it because I'm older and wiser now or is it because I see how our affair was ill-fated compared to your love with her?

Is it odd that I'm over you?

Is it odd that I don't feel anything for you anymore?

What do you think?

It's odd , isn't it?

I think it is.

Is it odd, or is it just the way it's suppose to be?

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Well, as you all know I rarely update my writings. I 've been busy with preparations for school which starts next week. Anyway, I read a fanfic that inspired this poem. It can b viewed several ways, either unrequited love, couples falling out with each other, or bad break ups and pining feelings. so here it is.


It's Odd

You hold her hand when a week ago you held mine,

You smile at her weak joke when you would roll your eyes at mine,

You act the same when your with her as you did when you were with me.

It's odd, isn't it?

It's odd that jealousy turns to melancholy and envy turns to nostalgia.

It's odd that I smile to see you happy when before it would make me sick.

I remember your laugh.

I remember the lies to stay apart instead of the truth.

I remember the realization that we've faded.

It's odd isn't it?

It's odd that realization turns to peace instead of heartache.

It's odd that fading feelings create a stronger soul instead of a weak heart.

Is it because my feelings are fading or is it because they were never really there?

Is it because I'm over you or was I ever really into you?

Is it because I'm older and wiser now or is it because I see how our affair was ill-fated compared to your love with her?

Is it odd that I'm over you?

Is it odd that I don't feel anything for you anymore?

What do you think?

It's odd , isn't it?

I think it is.

Is it odd, or is it just the way it's suppose to be?

forgot to turn it green srry

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Well, as you all know I rarely update my writings. I 've been busy with preparations for school which starts next week. Anyway, I read a fanfic that inspired this poem. It can b viewed several ways, either unrequited love, couples falling out with each other, or bad break ups and pining feelings. so here it is.


It's Odd

You hold her hand when a week ago you held mine,

You smile at her weak joke when you would roll your eyes at mine,

You act the same when your with her as you did when you were with me.

It's odd, isn't it?

It's odd that jealousy turns to melancholy and envy turns to nostalgia.

It's odd that I smile to see you happy when before it would make me sick.

I remember your laugh.

I remember the lies to stay apart instead of the truth.

I remember the realization that we've faded.

It's odd isn't it?

It's odd that realization turns to peace instead of heartache.

It's odd that fading feelings create a stronger soul instead of a weak heart.

Is it because my feelings are fading or is it because they were never really there?

Is it because I'm over you or was I ever really into you?

Is it because I'm older and wiser now or is it because I see how our affair was ill-fated compared to your love with her?

Is it odd that I'm over you?

Is it odd that I don't feel anything for you anymore?

What do you think?

It's odd , isn't it?

I think it is.

Is it odd, or is it just the way it's suppose to be?

forgot to turn it green srry

Looks green to me.

* :D *

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gee thanks Here's another



I'm unsure of my path

Unsure of my course

I'm unsure of my faith when things go bad

Unsure if I will get lost

I'm unsure if I'll make friends

Unsure of the times

I'm unsure but God will lead me on

I wrote this in response of starting college this week. It's seem like yesterday that I was prepare to go to high school.

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gee thanks Here's another



I'm unsure of my path

Unsure of my course

I'm unsure of my faith when things go bad

Unsure if I will get lost

I'm unsure if I'll make friends

Unsure of the times

I'm unsure but God will lead me on

I wrote this in response of starting college this week. It's seem like yesterday that I was prepare to go to high school.

Whoa... I can believe you are starting college this week either! How time has escaped me!

Good luck this year. You are going to love it.


As for your poem, you need to have a book where you keep a collection of all your written works. This is another great poem!

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gee thanks Here's another



I'm unsure of my path

Unsure of my course

I'm unsure of my faith when things go bad

Unsure if I will get lost

I'm unsure if I'll make friends

Unsure of the times

I'm unsure but God will lead me on

I wrote this in response of starting college this week. It's seem like yesterday that I was prepare to go to high school.

Wow, college! I forgot you were a year older than me. Good luck with everything!



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

yes, because of the hw i haven't been on... also I'm in a play or cabera really that will be all year long and not only do i act and sing in it but i'm the stage manger for the whole thing... no time really to breathe.

Here's a new one...

I Don't Miss You

I don't miss you

I don't think about you

I don't feel a thing when our eyes meet

I don't miss you

I don't miss you because

I can feel you with me always

You're always on my mind

The world stops when you look at me

I don't miss you


You're always there


and another one...

For my friend Eve,


It's hard to start thinking in me terms when its been us forever

It's hard to be single when I'm used to being taken

It's hard to flirt with others and not feel guilty about it

It's hard dividing our lives in two

It's hard to go on with out you

It's hard to look at couples together and not wish you were here

It's hard here others take about their loves and not get lonely

It's hard to wish others well when I feel anything but fine

It's hard dividing my life from yours

It's hard to get on without you

but I'm doing it, how about you?

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two of my best friend recently broke up with their boyfriends and I wrote this for one of them because she is taking it hard, that and she moved half way across country to be with him and now he's gone... *wants to punch him* Thank You!

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Here's another peom I wrote for another friend who is also in a hard transitional time....

For Kelsey,


How do I find balance?

How do I get back lost time?

How can I do this?

I need to find balance.

How do I find a time to mend the blurred lines between us?

How can I fit you in and still have time for others?

What do I do?

Where is the balance?

How do I live my life and stay in yours?

Do I shun one experence for another?

Do I chose between them? How can I when I want them both so much?

What do I do?

My heart, I ask you.

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For my friend Emily,


I'm not asking...

I'm not asking you to change your life

I'm not asking you to live a lie

I'm asking you a simple question

I'm not asking for you sign your life over to me

I'm not asking for an excuse...

I'm asking if you wan to be my friend and then maybe more

Not for you to die for me

It's not that hard

But all you do is put up a wall

something which I didn't ask for


For my co workers, and others who lost a loved one...

I can't wish you back

I can't see you anymore

I can't call you and hear your voice

I can't hug you

And I can't say I love you

I can't wish for you

But that doesn't stop me from looking for you in a crowd

Or dialing your number to hear your voice mail

Or hugging a cold wet stone on your birthday

And I still stop now and then to mutter I love you to the air

I can't wish you back

But I wish to see you again

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For my friend Emily,


I'm not asking...

I'm not asking you to change your life

I'm not asking you to live a lie

I'm asking you a simple question

I'm not asking for you sign your life over to me

I'm not asking for an excuse...

I'm asking if you wan to be my friend and then maybe more

Not for you to die for me

It's not that hard

But all you do is put up a wall

something which I didn't ask for


For my co workers, and others who lost a loved one...

I can't wish you back

I can't see you anymore

I can't call you and hear your voice

I can't hug you

And I can't say I love you

I can't wish for you

But that doesn't stop me from looking for you in a crowd

Or dialing your number to hear your voice mail

Or hugging a cold wet stone on your birthday

And I still stop now and then to mutter I love you to the air

I can't wish you back

But I wish to see you again



Those are sooooo beautiful.


You definitely deserve The Red Rose Award for those beautiful works of art.

*hands award to Krisluvsdogs*

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  • 2 weeks later...

thank you! It has come to my attention that I really need to update my poem file on my computer because one day it will be a book... i hope! So, yeah... I working on it... course it may never get done due to school but one can hope... hehe

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thank you! It has come to my attention that I really need to update my poem file on my computer because one day it will be a book... i hope! So, yeah... I working on it... course it may never get done due to school but one can hope... hehe

I will buy a copy of your first book. Please update your poem file. :D

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