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It's been a long time...

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...It's been a long time, hasn't it? I thought I'd post this before I could convince myself that it would be fairer to everyone here if I just never showed up again....

I know it's really terrible of me to show up after over a year like this, and I've fallen so far behind that I'll never catch up again (which is one of the reasons it's taken me so long to come back.

Is anyone still here who might recognise me?

...I suppose I can't really assume you'd be reading this, either....

Well, here I am again, I suppose. I'll probably check back, sometime. Even though I'll never catch up.

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...It's been a long time, hasn't it? I thought I'd post this before I could convince myself that it would be fairer to everyone here if I just never showed up again....

I know it's really terrible of me to show up after over a year like this, and I've fallen so far behind that I'll never catch up again (which is one of the reasons it's taken me so long to come back.

Is anyone still here who might recognise me?

...I suppose I can't really assume you'd be reading this, either....

Well, here I am again, I suppose. I'll probably check back, sometime. Even though I'll never catch up.

Of course we do remember you!!! It is absolutely okay to disappear as long as you do come back.

Catching up is easier than you think. We can sum everything up in a nutshell for you. That's why Cliff Notes are so good. :lol:

It is much fairer if you come back than deprive us of never hearing from you again.


So... how are you? What are you up to? What's going on in your life?


As for me, same old stuff. Flying, sleeping, sleeping, flying, hoping to move to Paris, sleeping some more and occasionally riding my motorcycle.

Pretty boring on my end.


Please do show up, you can make this your own topic and you can post here with updates and we can keep in touch that way.


Look forward to seeing you soon!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh. Oh, wow! People actually responded! And all of them names I recognised-- and among them the Great Jesse, whom I still worship, of course, and Horatio, whom I thought had disappeared when I saw that there no longer seemed to be moderators. I suppose I should not have jumped to conclusions.

I wonder what became of Mega Wolf?

How wonderful that so many people replied, and I do regret not coming back to check, sooner.

It's been a long time, but I'm glad to see that people actually remembered me! I wouldn't have expected it of anyone who wasn't quite as-- I suppose I'll say, dedicated?-- as Horatio. No, I mean crazy.

Just so you all know, I love everyone here. Pretty much universally. Right?

I recognised every name... something about that disturbs me... I mean, it's been a long time... surely I ought to have forgotten some of you.

Well, when I finally convince myself that I am not quite as much of a burden as I am, which is to say, when I know a bit more about how this place runs now, where should I go? This place even looks different. And acts different.

You've all made my day-- or, well, my night.

Hello, then, everyone. Nice to see you all again.

(Maybe especially the insane people?)

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Oh. Oh, wow! People actually responded! And all of them names I recognised-- and among them the Great Jesse, whom I still worship, of course, and Horatio, whom I thought had disappeared when I saw that there no longer seemed to be moderators. I suppose I should not have jumped to conclusions.

I wonder what became of Mega Wolf?

How wonderful that so many people replied, and I do regret not coming back to check, sooner.

It's been a long time, but I'm glad to see that people actually remembered me! I wouldn't have expected it of anyone who wasn't quite as-- I suppose I'll say, dedicated?-- as Horatio. No, I mean crazy.

Just so you all know, I love everyone here. Pretty much universally. Right?

I recognised every name... something about that disturbs me... I mean, it's been a long time... surely I ought to have forgotten some of you.

Well, when I finally convince myself that I am not quite as much of a burden as I am, which is to say, when I know a bit more about how this place runs now, where should I go? This place even looks different. And acts different.

You've all made my day-- or, well, my night.

Hello, then, everyone. Nice to see you all again.

(Maybe especially the insane people?)

Crazy... absolutely! :D And thrilled to see you return, hopefully for a post or two a week.


As for Mega Wolf, she has been having some log-on problems. Hopefully HampsterKing has resolved those problems.


Things have changed, as does life. I'm still here, but felt that it was in the interest of everyone to have their posts appear immediately and that has improved things, I think. At least no one is complaining.


Leguan appears every now and then, as does Topazia and a few others. LifesEagle has returned and should stop in for a visit.


You have made our night as well.

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...I should really start saying hello to everyone individually....

What places are there I ought to look at? Oh, well.... I might eventually just start wandering around and looking for something that catches my attention. I think that's what I used to do.... I'm not sure.... It's been too long.... It's nice to know that a lot of the people I know, at least, are still around. Hopefully they won't be scared off by my posting...!



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  • 2 months later...

All of the usual complaints and excuses, such as that I feel I've fallen so far behind that I'll never catch up. This is checking in briefly. Perhaps, if you are all unlucky, I'll start posting more after New Year's? I know I've made threats like this before.

Anyway, happy holidays, or not holidays, and a happy new year's.

At least this place is still around....

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All of the usual complaints and excuses, such as that I feel I've fallen so far behind that I'll never catch up. This is checking in briefly. Perhaps, if you are all unlucky, I'll start posting more after New Year's? I know I've made threats like this before.

Anyway, happy holidays, or not holidays, and a happy new year's.

At least this place is still around....

We would love to see more of you. Understandably, things get more complicated and busy. Finding time to visit is always one of those things you put off. Hopefully next year we will see lots more of you. Have a wonderful holiday season. See you soon!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

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