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I can draw?!


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Drawings by Mushroom_king? In my originally-for-children forums? It's more likely than you think.


OK, so seeing as there's like 120 pikshurs on my desktop right now, I'm obviously not uploading them all at once. you get five for now. YOU HAVE TO WAIT. >(

post-6896-124849420366_thumb.jpg <- Urbownd fanarts



post-6896-124849423271_thumb.jpg <- That?...Is Mushroom_king (Invision) when she transforms. random cat ears! <_<

post-6896-124849424432_thumb.jpg <- Topazia and Caedmon, with sanities. I have drawings like this of every character.

post-6896-12484942139_thumb.jpg <- Moar EB fanarts

post-6896-124849428221_thumb.jpg <- Dana/Blood Queen when she transforms




yea i don't feel like uploading anymore now, partly because i'm tired and partly because I want to read or something.

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I will, actually, she's a minor villain in the second half of the story, so yea she and her 'sisters' will all get drawings.


(To clarify: she's one of the girlfriends of the Big Bad, The Fusion. and her 'sisters' are lackeys. they do little else besides be annoying.)


But before I can draw her, I have some important 'final versions of Schrodinger's Cat' to be drawing. and some other referential villains that need drawings.









Mushroom, Funky Monkey, Katman, Hamsterfireball, an extremely minor character who shows up for like one scene, surprisingly decent Lifeseagle, Dana, Cheesemaster/Cheese Woman pic, Kris, Sleepoverfanatic, bad Jesse, even worse Moosey, also bad Mega Wolf.

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Drawings by Mushroom_king? In my originally-for-children forums? It's more likely than you think.


OK, so seeing as there's like 120 pikshurs on my desktop right now, I'm obviously not uploading them all at once. you get five for now. YOU HAVE TO WAIT. >(

Topazia and Caedmon, with sanities. I have drawings like this of every character.

Aww! That's so awesome, mK!


I have GOT to get on here more. zombiecat made me lol hehe

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Drawings by Mushroom_king? In my originally-for-children forums? It's more likely than you think.


OK, so seeing as there's like 120 pikshurs on my desktop right now, I'm obviously not uploading them all at once. you get five for now. YOU HAVE TO WAIT. >(

Topazia and Caedmon, with sanities. I have drawings like this of every character.

Aww! That's so awesome, mK!


I have GOT to get on here more. zombiecat made me lol hehe

Exactly... you have got to get on here more often!!!

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