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Tales of Invision Text Meme

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I was very bored and decided to make this.


This is a text meme for fans of Tales of Invision (all ten of them). X the boxes that describe you and see which of these characters you're most like. Not all characters are here, though. Just the five main ones and some extras.


Arkcher Ahrroww


[] You went to/go to a boarding school

[] One or both parents is famous

[] You enjoy inventing things

[] You live in or lived in Canada

[] You married young/plan to

[] You wear your hair long

[] You get along really well with your dad

[] You're really good at archery

[] You tend to jump to conclusions

[] You don't like seeing your boyfriend/girlfriend hanging out with friends of the opposite gender.




[] You can't eat cheese for one reason or another

[] You wear glasses

[] Your hobby is taking things apart and putting them back together.

[] You've considered adoption/have adopted

[] You delivered/sold newspapers at one point

[] Most of your friends are of the opposite gender

[] You consider yourself the perfect gentlemen/lady

[] Nothing is better than reading on a rainy day

[] You are Japanese or English.

[] You can fight with a sword.




[] You have a friend who always follows you around.

[] You married young/plan to

[] Music is the greatest thing ever.

[] You can play the guitar

[] You are often given huge responsibilities.

[] You have a signature clothing item.

[] Green is the best colour.

[] You tend to accept things as they are, no questions asked.

[] You listen to a very wide variety of music

[] You can't stand seeing your friends fight.


Kat Dacatis


[] You have been told by family or friends you are insane.

[] You have been declared insane by a professional.

[] You believe in the power of making things happen by thinking about them

[] Cats are the best animals

[] You have a zany sense of fashion.

[] Vikings are awesome.

[] You can play the accordion, kazoo, or banjo.

[] You love Oscar Wilde's books and poetry.

[] You would be in the Mafia if given the chance.

[] You love alcohol of any kind


Paper Mario Master


[] You love video games

[] You own consoles from multiple companies

[] You hate console wars.

[] You cosplay as video game characters.

[] You wear glasses for fashion.

[] You are very short.

[] You tag along with one of your friends everywhere they go

[] You have worked as a substitute teacher before

[] You like video games of every kind.

[] You are surly and sarcastic.


C.C. Edna


[] You have a parent or older sibling whom you look up to frequently.

[] You are adopted

[] Drawing is your hobby

[] You think two of your friends would make a good couple.

[] You work/worked at a shoe shine stand once

[] You've been homeless before.

[] You're a boy with a girl's name or vice versa

[] You are deathly afraid of someone you know.

[] You are psychic or at least believe that you are.

[] You have curly hair.


Aloysius Ahrroww


[] You are British.

[] You love studying medicine.

[] You like to invent things.

[] You can't resist pretty women/men

[] You have/plan to have up to four kids.

[] You love tea

[] You have a good relationship with one of your children.

[] You're an adult with a respectable job but still enjoy playing video games and using the Internet for entertainment purposes.

[] It's very hard to get you angry.

[] You are very defensive of your family.

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Arkcher Ahrroww - 3


[] You went to/go to a boarding school

[] One or both parents is famous

[x] You enjoy inventing things

[] You live in or lived in Canada

[] You married young/plan to

[] You wear your hair long

[x] You get along really well with your dad

[] You're really good at archery

[x] You tend to jump to conclusions

[] You don't like seeing your boyfriend/girlfriend hanging out with friends of the opposite gender.


Cheesemaster - 2


[] You can't eat cheese for one reason or another

[x] You wear glasses

[] Your hobby is taking things apart and putting them back together.

[] You've considered adoption/have adopted

[] You delivered/sold newspapers at one point

[x] Most of your friends are of the opposite gender

[] You consider yourself the perfect gentlemen/lady

[] Nothing is better than reading on a rainy day

[] You are Japanese or English.

[] You can fight with a sword.


Mushroom_king - 3


[] You have a friend who always follows you around.

[] You married young/plan to

[x] Music is the greatest thing ever.

[] You can play the guitar

[] You are often given huge responsibilities.

[] You have a signature clothing item.

[] Green is the best colour.

[] You tend to accept things as they are, no questions asked.

[x] You listen to a very wide variety of music

[x] You can't stand seeing your friends fight.


Kat Dacatis - 1


[x] You have been told by family or friends you are insane.

[] You have been declared insane by a professional.

[] You believe in the power of making things happen by thinking about them

[] Cats are the best animals

[] You have a zany sense of fashion.

[] Vikings are awesome.

[] You can play the accordion, kazoo, or banjo.

[] You love Oscar Wilde's books and poetry.

[] You would be in the Mafia if given the chance.

[] You love alcohol of any kind


Paper Mario Master - 5


[x] You love video games

[x] You own consoles from multiple companies

[x] You hate console wars.

[] You cosplay as video game characters.

[] You wear glasses for fashion.

[] You are very short.

[x (well, I used to)] You tag along with one of your friends everywhere they go

[] You have worked as a substitute teacher before

[x] You like video games of every kind.

[] You are surly and sarcastic.


C.C. Edna - 3


[x] You have a parent or older sibling whom you look up to frequently.

[] You are adopted

[] Drawing is your hobby

[x] You think two of your friends would make a good couple.

[] You work/worked at a shoe shine stand once

[] You've been homeless before.

[x (well its unisex)] You're a boy with a girl's name or vice versa

[] You are deathly afraid of someone you know.

[] You are psychic or at least believe that you are.

[] You have curly hair.


Aloysius Ahrroww - 1


[] You are British.

[] You love studying medicine.

[x] You like to invent things.

[] You can't resist pretty women/men

[] You have/plan to have up to four kids.

[] You love tea

[] You have a good relationship with one of your children.

[] You're an adult with a respectable job but still enjoy playing video games and using the Internet for entertainment purposes.

[] It's very hard to get you angry.

[] You are very defensive of your family.

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