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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

New layout?

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IPB 3.0 took over, and now our site here has a new layout and color theme.


I cant find the View New Posts, or equivelant D:


thoughts, anyone?

I can't find the new posts either, though I think "View New content" is kinda the same thing.

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WOAH different.


As somebody who doesn't deal well with change, don't mind me if I complain about it for like, a year or so.


And I want my real View New Posts.

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IPB 3.0 took over, and now our site here has a new layout and color theme.


I cant find the View New Posts, or equivelant D:


thoughts, anyone?

I can't find the new posts either, though I think "View New content" is kinda the same thing.

:x i swear, somewhere I found the "Active Content" which was different from "View New Content" in that it showed stuff that happened in the past 24 hours.


but now I can't find it.


But it looks like this New Content mess is an RSS feed, too.

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also: there's a... post rating? I don't remember what they're called, but in the lower right corner of a post [by the signature] is a green + and a red -.

utilize those, to signify your approval of posts.

Just like on Youtube. kind of.

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also: there's a... post rating? I don't remember what they're called, but in the lower right corner of a post [by the signature] is a green + and a red -.

utilize those, to signify your approval of posts.

Just like on Youtube. kind of.

Yeah, I thought that's kinda cool. Definitely more efficient than posting "I like this" or something with equally little content. :lol:

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I'm getting HampsterKing to see about the old avatars. I lost mine as well and I don't have any back-up photos as they were all lost when my backpack was lost. :(:(:(


On the left side is a dark blue coloured folder, this would show where the new posts are. It goes lighter when the posts are viewed.


As for the View New Posts, click on those words 'View New Content' at the top right side, this should show you all the new posts. I will make sure it is operational.

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I'm getting HampsterKing to see about the old avatars. I lost mine as well and I don't have any back-up photos as they were all lost when my backpack was lost. :(:(:(


On the left side is a dark blue coloured folder, this would show where the new posts are. It goes lighter when the posts are viewed.


As for the View New Posts, click on those words 'View New Content' at the top right side, this should show you all the new posts. I will make sure it is operational.

I think I have the ones I submitted on my computer still, I can resend them. They may also be in a topic in artwork, unless we lost all those photos too.

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We still have posted pictures:

Vixen's Avatars Topic

MK's Avatars (which I don't think made it into the old boards)

Erendayu's Avatars (Horatio in an orange and purple airplane)

Jesse's Art (has avatars)

Arkcher's Avatars (also mostly not in the old set I think)

Avatars that were made for specific people

Top Banana's Avatars

Another avatar topic

The page in my photos topic where I posted a whole bunch of avatars

Another page in my topic where I posted lots of avatars


I think I got them all. Also, I can easily make any of the pictures I posted (or pictures anyone else posted) into avatars by request (or any of you can do it; just crop the photo to a perfect square, and then resize it to whatever it's supposed to be, 200x200 is it? I don't remember.)

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:c I can't find a "Mark All Posts as Read" anywhere. just hitting that marker on the side of each forum on the main page.


Really liked having that in the View New Posts search.

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Not sure if it's my new computer or something got fixed, but the ginormous stretchiness is gone. ^_^

Edit: figured out it was something my adblocker was messing up, adding hampsterboard to the bypass list fixed it. (installing said adblocker brought the problem back, then adding the boards to the bypass list fixed it)

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:c I can't find a "Mark All Posts as Read" anywhere. just hitting that marker on the side of each forum on the main page.


Really liked having that in the View New Posts search.

I'll ask HampsterKing about all of the above.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to keep you all informed of what is happening with the board update. Evidently there is another update coming out that will include the View New Posts function, return the avatars to their proper place and replace some of the missing older topics.


Videos should be able to be uploaded, but I am unsure of the space alloted, so you will have to check.


Hope this helps.

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Woah. This is crazazy.

I leave for a few months, and BAM, everything is all differenty.

Hi everyone :)

Quit leaving! :lol:


Sorry! I come in and creep every now and then as a guest though! :ph34r:

I more or less avoid my computer nowadays

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Woah. This is crazazy.

I leave for a few months, and BAM, everything is all differenty.

Hi everyone :)

Quit leaving! :lol:


Sorry! I come in and creep every now and then as a guest though! :ph34r:

I more or less avoid my computer nowadays



Just get on for a couple minutes and update us on what is happening in your life.

So... what IS happening? Are you okay? How is life treating you? Have you seen - Kat's - Art Topic in the Creative Forums?

You can put in a special request. Check it out. Mushroom_king has the most awesome Invision story. You will love reading this!

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  • 1 month later...

I've been gone wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long.

Exactly my thinking!!!!! :D

So I suggest that you do something about it... come around more often.


haha school keeps me extremely busy, now that i do my work :)

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I've been gone wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long.

Exactly my thinking!!!!! :D

So I suggest that you do something about it... come around more often.


haha school keeps me extremely busy, now that i do my work :)

Glad to hear you are doing better in school and actually accomplish your homework! :)

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I've been gone wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long.

Exactly my thinking!!!!! :D

So I suggest that you do something about it... come around more often.


haha school keeps me extremely busy, now that i do my work :)

Glad to hear you are doing better in school and actually accomplish your homework! :)

yeah, i never used to. it's so time consuming. i have drama from 2;30 to 4;30 then i get home at 5 then i do my homework til dinner then shower then back to homework.

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also: there's a... post rating? I don't remember what they're called, but in the lower right corner of a post [by the signature] is a green + and a red -.

utilize those, to signify your approval of posts.

Just like on Youtube. kind of.

*slaps forehead*

Duh... I remember those little buttons now. :lol:

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This is really weird. It's going to take me so long to get used to this. :-(



Haha. It doesn't bother me anymore. :P



That's good news.


As a matter of fact, I thought about you yesterday. I found an old Elton John album.

Are you still looking for those?

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This is really weird. It's going to take me so long to get used to this. :-(



Haha. It doesn't bother me anymore. :P



That's good news.


As a matter of fact, I thought about you yesterday. I found an old Elton John album.

Are you still looking for those?

I have pretty much a complete collection now, so unless it's the "Thom Bell Sessions" ep, I have it.

Thanks for thinking of me, though! Which one is it?



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This is really weird. It's going to take me so long to get used to this. :-(



Haha. It doesn't bother me anymore. :P



That's good news.


As a matter of fact, I thought about you yesterday. I found an old Elton John album.

Are you still looking for those?

I have pretty much a complete collection now, so unless it's the "Thom Bell Sessions" ep, I have it.

Thanks for thinking of me, though! Which one is it?



Actually, I found two. I will get the names for you later my brain is fried at the moment. :blush:

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