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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Sorry it's been so long

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Who can tell what the mute has seen?

Who can say what the blind have felt?

Who can hear what the deaf create for themselves?


We as fully functional beings forget that some must learn new ways to see, hear, communicate.

But who are we to say they have missed something?


Life awakens to those willing to allow it. Blood only flows if we let it. We die, of course, if we don't, but we do have the power.


Studies are done on objective sciences claiming to be legitimate.


Who, though, controls what is norm and what is disturbia?

Who are we to stack up deviants alongside normals, treating each case as another in a line of similarities?

Who are we to say, he is odd, she is crazy, he is normal, she is good?


Psychology is objective, yet precise. It's a balance between playing God, obtaining answers, and studying chemicals and results.


Who is to say the normals are the nutty ones and the deviants are the aware ones? (Of course we know psychopathy is never good. Oh wait, the PC is now antisocial disorder. bah.)


Alas I have risen from the grave to say this.


I have no idea. These are just thoughts ribboning through my mind like fudge on a sundae, lacing my mentality with a new flavor each day.


Today happens to be about Psychology. Yesterday it was about my commission. Tomorrow it may be about anything. I'll try to stay in touch more than I have.




Oh. Does this make any sense:

I refuse to waste my money and time on watching the Golden Compass (even if it's free on HBO) because I am displeased with the author's lifelong attacks on Christianity. Is that logical? (PS I know I'm a hypocrite for it because I think some of George Carlin's work was hilarious....SOME of it. But not his later work.)


Thanks guys. :) God bless!

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Welcome back! Yes it has been too long since your last post and you really must appear more often. :D


Interesting thoughts.

You are not a hypocrite for your views. You are able to distinguish what you accept as entertainment, for that value, and that which you find offensive. I applaud you for this.


Psychology... hmmmmm.

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  • 2 months later...



The boards have changed again. It looks cool, but very weird when I'm used to the softness of the old boards.


I wonder what everyone has been doing? I miss you guys. I haven't forgotten you I promise.



I've had horrible writer's block lately. Does anybody know any tricks to combat it?


This vanilla oreo would love to know.





The sands of time, however cliched, have swept away and remolded the rock of the present, and winds of change usher in a new sculpture altogether.


The change is subtle, hardly there, but as eons pass, the surface is chipped and revealed to be un-impervious, vulnerable to the smallest of enemies after all.


The machine of society clinks away oblivious to the changes it undergoes as the old fades and the new grows, tradition evolving by day.


The brain undergoes chemical changes in extreme circumstances. Trauma and euphoria are the two main culprits. Time allows these changes for better or worse, and eventually the brain will either return to equilibrium or forever remain incapable of normalcy.


The psyche does not always grow aware of time and change, but those around it do and, if the psyche is receptive, they will bring it to realization.


Such is the passage of time.

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The passage of time... terrific.

How I wish I could put more hours into one day and find more time for those I love, friends I care about and time just to goof off in the company of terrific people. More time to slow down, enjoy the beauty of nature and find peace in the simple things of life.

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  • 4 months later...



This site keeps changing. I had to figure out how to find topics past the first page.


As for writing.


I'm ALMOST done with my book! I'm in the process of deciding how to write an epilogue. I NEED an ending and the story does not allow for much of one so I need something.


And as for stories. I'm writing a short. I'm not happy with the direction it went so far...


I'm afraid I'm losing my authorship. I didn't write for so long... Maybe I lost it? Nothing I write seems to work now. I mean, the last chapter of my book was easy because I knew what I was going to do long before I even got there... But The epilogue has stumped me. This new short I'm struggling with is torturing me because I've turned it once again into a sickened cliche. I don't know how to fix it without scrapping every letter I already wrote and start over....but? I'm a packrat when it comes to my writing. I hate deleting what I worked so hard on. It's like deleting a precious memory of a part of my life. It's kind of frustrating.


As for something for you guys:


Here on the boards where hampsters freely roam alongside eagles, cheetahs, a mushroom and a phoenix

Always changing but the ones who contribute keep it properly engaging and roflicious

Many have come and disappeared, moving on to bigger but maybe not better things

Precious few, and ever precious they are, stay and play and say what is and isn't

Seeing my friends here grow and change and mature and evolve to what they will truly be

That is a gift I am eternally grateful for, and I cherish each moment I'm had with everybody

Entertaining boards that once occupied me for hours upon hours (and got me yelled at some summer days)

Regretfully I leave every so often, the gaps at one time so great I forgot you (I'm sorry)

Developing the habit I once had will not be possible, but I will be more frequent than before!

All the posts on here, jumbled though, as some are inevitably as HK moved from the OLD OLD OLD format to the new

Never lose my interest regardless of how often I peruse the archival vaults that contain my friends

Console, I must, this poem as it slows to an end but I do give my solemn vow:

Even if I am absent, these boards are still and always will be close to my heart.


Thank you Horatio for your years of diligent, effective, fair, entertaining, and overall wonderful moderation.

Thank you HampsterKing for creating this space for us!

Thank you all Hampsters (rodentuous or otherwise lol) for being yourselves


Sincerely yours with heartfelt gratitude and deep apology for absconding this heavenly place,



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How beautiful! Thank you so much for the heartfelt sentiment. May I copy this and put it in my topic with your name. I really don't want to lose this.


Please do not stray too far. We miss hearing from you when you disappear.


As for the writing... you don't lose it. Just give it time an I am certain you will have the perfect ending.

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How beautiful! Thank you so much for the heartfelt sentiment. May I copy this and put it in my topic with your name. I really don't want to lose this.


Please do not stray too far. We miss hearing from you when you disappear.


As for the writing... you don't lose it. Just give it time an I am certain you will have the perfect ending.

Of course you can, Horatio!


I miss you guys too, so I'll do my best to come more often.

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I think a lot of us are in that mode right now, where we need to come back here to HD, a home we've had for so long and yet drifted from so quickly.

I have been trying to find a day to make a HampsterDance Reunion. Any good ideas? Are weekdays better than weekends, later better than earlier? It is really hard to figure out.


Any thoughts anyone?

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I think a lot of us are in that mode right now, where we need to come back here to HD, a home we've had for so long and yet drifted from so quickly.

I have been trying to find a day to make a HampsterDance Reunion. Any good ideas? Are weekdays better than weekends, later better than earlier? It is really hard to figure out.


Any thoughts anyone?

I don't know. I'd love a reunion though!

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I think that a weekday would be better, since weekends tend to be pretty busy for people. And I'd say sometime in the evening, since then most people should be out of classes.

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I think that a weekday would be better, since weekends tend to be pretty busy for people. And I'd say sometime in the evening, since then most people should be out of classes.

Sometime after eight. Otherwise I may be working an unable to be there.

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I think that a weekday would be better, since weekends tend to be pretty busy for people. And I'd say sometime in the evening, since then most people should be out of classes.

Sometime after eight. Otherwise I may be working an unable to be there.

Good point!

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I think that a weekday would be better, since weekends tend to be pretty busy for people. And I'd say sometime in the evening, since then most people should be out of classes.

Sometime after eight. Otherwise I may be working an unable to be there.

Good point!

Yes. Other than the boundaries given by myself and Kat, try to time it so those across the atlantic could attend!



:\ I miss tghl. It's weird. we argued sometimes but he was really cool. I miss everyone here that's kind of disappeared but especially tghl.

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  • 2 months later...

I feel violated.


BingBOT was just looking at my profile!!! :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel violated.


BingBOT was just looking at my profile!!! :o

I would feel violated as well.

Bing... Microsoft!

I like Microsoft. I want an Apple though if only to be familiar with the OS.

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Nobody's been on in the last 24 hours. I'll post something.



I'm done with my book! I just need to edit it and remove copyrighted material that I know is in there and then I can let somebody ELSE edit it and then I'll reread it and re-edit it and then I can submit it for publishment!! :D


Yay for budding author!

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I feel violated.


BingBOT was just looking at my profile!!! :o

I would feel violated as well.

Bing... Microsoft!

I like Microsoft. I want an Apple though if only to be familiar with the OS.

Once you use an Apple, you will never want to go back to a Microsoft product!


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I feel violated.


BingBOT was just looking at my profile!!! :o

I would feel violated as well.

Bing... Microsoft!

I like Microsoft. I want an Apple though if only to be familiar with the OS.

Once you use an Apple, you will never want to go back to a Microsoft product!


Not so. I used apple when I worked at the newspaper. I hated it. I wanted my laptop badly.


They had lousy keyboards and a defective program.

I like the new keyboards better so I'm willing to try, but the old plastic ones with the clear on the side were really hard to type on and hurt my fingers.


What I really care about most is the keyboard, being a writer. I need keys that are comfortable and easy to type on so I can do it for hours.

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I feel violated.


BingBOT was just looking at my profile!!! :o

I would feel violated as well.

Bing... Microsoft!

I like Microsoft. I want an Apple though if only to be familiar with the OS.

Once you use an Apple, you will never want to go back to a Microsoft product!


Not so. I used apple when I worked at the newspaper. I hated it. I wanted my laptop badly.


They had lousy keyboards and a defective program.

I like the new keyboards better so I'm willing to try, but the old plastic ones with the clear on the side were really hard to type on and hurt my fingers.


What I really care about most is the keyboard, being a writer. I need keys that are comfortable and easy to type on so I can do it for hours.

Hope you like the new keyboards better than the old ones. The iPad is pretty amazing. It is really strange to type on the screen. No pressure whatsoever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel violated.


BingBOT was just looking at my profile!!! :o

I would feel violated as well.

Bing... Microsoft!

I like Microsoft. I want an Apple though if only to be familiar with the OS.

Once you use an Apple, you will never want to go back to a Microsoft product!


Not so. I used apple when I worked at the newspaper. I hated it. I wanted my laptop badly.


They had lousy keyboards and a defective program.

I like the new keyboards better so I'm willing to try, but the old plastic ones with the clear on the side were really hard to type on and hurt my fingers.


What I really care about most is the keyboard, being a writer. I need keys that are comfortable and easy to type on so I can do it for hours.

Hope you like the new keyboards better than the old ones. The iPad is pretty amazing. It is really strange to type on the screen. No pressure whatsoever.

I won't be getting an iPad. I tend to avoid overhyped products. I won't get iPod or iPad, I won't get any of the old Final Fantasy games (but I want the new one it looks awesome) and I won't get a 3D HDTV or a lot of name brand items that are just over popular. I mean, I understand why they're so popular, but I refuse to support them further. :)

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I feel violated.


BingBOT was just looking at my profile!!! :o

I would feel violated as well.

Bing... Microsoft!

I like Microsoft. I want an Apple though if only to be familiar with the OS.

Once you use an Apple, you will never want to go back to a Microsoft product!


Not so. I used apple when I worked at the newspaper. I hated it. I wanted my laptop badly.


They had lousy keyboards and a defective program.

I like the new keyboards better so I'm willing to try, but the old plastic ones with the clear on the side were really hard to type on and hurt my fingers.


What I really care about most is the keyboard, being a writer. I need keys that are comfortable and easy to type on so I can do it for hours.

Hope you like the new keyboards better than the old ones. The iPad is pretty amazing. It is really strange to type on the screen. No pressure whatsoever.

I won't be getting an iPad. I tend to avoid overhyped products. I won't get iPod or iPad, I won't get any of the old Final Fantasy games (but I want the new one it looks awesome) and I won't get a 3D HDTV or a lot of name brand items that are just over popular. I mean, I understand why they're so popular, but I refuse to support them further. :)

:lol: You make me smile. :lol:

Actually the Mac products are the only things, except for the new BMW motorcycle, that I absolutely must have. I will admit... I am a Mac.

As for other new hyped up stuff... I won't go there either. And I definitely won't buy a tele that I need to wear glasses to watch. 3D is not that high on my priority list. Didn't go for plasma and still don't have the flat screen tele although I think those are pretty great.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a flat screen. It's a low end but it does the job I guess. :) I can't complain bc it was a birthday gift.



It's too quiet here. I miss the crowded days when we all were on here.

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I have a flat screen. It's a low end but it does the job I guess. :) I can't complain bc it was a birthday gift.



It's too quiet here. I miss the crowded days when we all were on here.

You are right, when it is a birthday gift, there is not much you can say.


Yes, I also miss those crowded days when there was so much going on.

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  • 3 months later...

I have a flat screen. It's a low end but it does the job I guess. :) I can't complain bc it was a birthday gift.



It's too quiet here. I miss the crowded days when we all were on here.

You are right, when it is a birthday gift, there is not much you can say.


Yes, I also miss those crowded days when there was so much going on.

Oh yes, it's certainly nice enough. I do like it. I've just been exposed to the higher end models so I know what i'm missing.


YAY!!! I can't WAIT for tomorrow! It's wannabeflmkr's birthday! I did my first cross-stich for him. I made a happy birthday card with a cake on it. I got him a weight lifting set he's been wanting, Monopoly, and chips (because he really likes them). I also got a surprise bag from the dollar store. we like getting those. I hope he likes it all.

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I have a flat screen. It's a low end but it does the job I guess. :) I can't complain bc it was a birthday gift.



It's too quiet here. I miss the crowded days when we all were on here.

You are right, when it is a birthday gift, there is not much you can say.


Yes, I also miss those crowded days when there was so much going on.

Oh yes, it's certainly nice enough. I do like it. I've just been exposed to the higher end models so I know what i'm missing.


YAY!!! I can't WAIT for tomorrow! It's wannabeflmkr's birthday! I did my first cross-stich for him. I made a happy birthday card with a cake on it. I got him a weight lifting set he's been wanting, Monopoly, and chips (because he really likes them). I also got a surprise bag from the dollar store. we like getting those. I hope he likes it all.

Always great to see you!!!


Birthdays are always terrific, especially when you have fun searching for all those great gifts that people enjoy. I am sure he will love his birthday presents. Take a picture of the cross-stitch and post it please. It would be fantastic to see this gift!


Have a great celebration!!!

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I have a flat screen. It's a low end but it does the job I guess. :) I can't complain bc it was a birthday gift.



It's too quiet here. I miss the crowded days when we all were on here.

You are right, when it is a birthday gift, there is not much you can say.


Yes, I also miss those crowded days when there was so much going on.

Oh yes, it's certainly nice enough. I do like it. I've just been exposed to the higher end models so I know what i'm missing.


YAY!!! I can't WAIT for tomorrow! It's wannabeflmkr's birthday! I did my first cross-stich for him. I made a happy birthday card with a cake on it. I got him a weight lifting set he's been wanting, Monopoly, and chips (because he really likes them). I also got a surprise bag from the dollar store. we like getting those. I hope he likes it all.

Always great to see you!!!


Birthdays are always terrific, especially when you have fun searching for all those great gifts that people enjoy. I am sure he will love his birthday presents. Take a picture of the cross-stitch and post it please. It would be fantastic to see this gift!


Have a great celebration!!!

He liked it all. Thanks. I'll put it in artwork. I found buzzers! Those little new years things that you blow and they well... buzz? i found them! 47 cents with tax! I enjoy them. Poor kitties got scared of them though. OMG! At Sean's work there's a crane game and I went to see him on break and he got me a shining stars raccoon on his first try! then we had another try but we didn't get anything. But! I got a raccoon! he's ADORABLE! I named him Bandit. He was my copilot while towing the car home yesterday. Long story... apparently cops either don't know it's against the law or it's okay to tow a car with another car. I did not like it. But the car is home and we don't have to pay for towing or impounding. or to fix it... we're getting a new one. I like Bandit. He's CUTE!

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Nobody's been on in the last 24 hours. I'll post something.



I'm done with my book! I just need to edit it and remove copyrighted material that I know is in there and then I can let somebody ELSE edit it and then I'll reread it and re-edit it and then I can submit it for publishment!! :D


Yay for budding author!

*round of applause*

CONGRATULATIONS on getting your book ready for the next step, the outside editor, and then the publisher. This is such wonderful news!!! May I purchase an autographed copy as soon as it has been published? :D


I'm surprised that I didn't appear as I was on this morning, but I didn't post. :wacko:

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Nobody's been on in the last 24 hours. I'll post something.



I'm done with my book! I just need to edit it and remove copyrighted material that I know is in there and then I can let somebody ELSE edit it and then I'll reread it and re-edit it and then I can submit it for publishment!! :D


Yay for budding author!

*round of applause*

CONGRATULATIONS on getting your book ready for the next step, the outside editor, and then the publisher. This is such wonderful news!!! May I purchase an autographed copy as soon as it has been published? :D


I'm surprised that I didn't appear as I was on this morning, but I didn't post. :wacko:

Absolutely! I'll give you one. no charge. You were somewhat of an inspiration in my formative years in writing. A close friend, i'd say, i can give you one. :)

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Nobody's been on in the last 24 hours. I'll post something.



I'm done with my book! I just need to edit it and remove copyrighted material that I know is in there and then I can let somebody ELSE edit it and then I'll reread it and re-edit it and then I can submit it for publishment!! :D


Yay for budding author!

*round of applause*

CONGRATULATIONS on getting your book ready for the next step, the outside editor, and then the publisher. This is such wonderful news!!! May I purchase an autographed copy as soon as it has been published? :D


I'm surprised that I didn't appear as I was on this morning, but I didn't post. :wacko:

Absolutely! I'll give you one. no charge. You were somewhat of an inspiration in my formative years in writing. A close friend, i'd say, i can give you one. :)

Whoo Hoo!!!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


More than that, I am glad that I could have helped inspire you. To hear you say that really makes me feel good!!! :D


Sadly, I think most young people have a creative side, intelligent side, adventurous side, and adults seem to want to stifle these sides of expression. Fortunately I had a great mother and have a great father, who always believed that you should try as many things as possible to see where your interests and talents lie. My mother was an artist with a love of all sorts of music and cultural talents, my father is an engineer with a love of mathematics, science and history; and between the two, I had a very charmed childhood.


My dream for you would be that you become a personal success in the field you love. If you do what you love, you will be a success! :D

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Nobody's been on in the last 24 hours. I'll post something.



I'm done with my book! I just need to edit it and remove copyrighted material that I know is in there and then I can let somebody ELSE edit it and then I'll reread it and re-edit it and then I can submit it for publishment!! :D


Yay for budding author!

*round of applause*

CONGRATULATIONS on getting your book ready for the next step, the outside editor, and then the publisher. This is such wonderful news!!! May I purchase an autographed copy as soon as it has been published? :D


I'm surprised that I didn't appear as I was on this morning, but I didn't post. :wacko:

Absolutely! I'll give you one. no charge. You were somewhat of an inspiration in my formative years in writing. A close friend, i'd say, i can give you one. :)

Whoo Hoo!!!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


More than that, I am glad that I could have helped inspire you. To hear you say that really makes me feel good!!! :D


Sadly, I think most young people have a creative side, intelligent side, adventurous side, and adults seem to want to stifle these sides of expression. Fortunately I had a great mother and have a great father, who always believed that you should try as many things as possible to see where your interests and talents lie. My mother was an artist with a love of all sorts of music and cultural talents, my father is an engineer with a love of mathematics, science and history; and between the two, I had a very charmed childhood.


My dream for you would be that you become a personal success in the field you love. If you do what you love, you will be a success! :D

^_^ thank you, horatio!


My mom always did like us to find what we liked and hone our dreams. Sounds like you had AWESOME parents as a kid.

Not a problem. :D All my HD friends have helped me along, particularly you, taynio, myxownxmind, and tghl. You guys are awesome. I've been given insight on multiple subjects I'd never be able to write about on my own, and I made great friends.


HD boards rulez! :)

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Nobody's been on in the last 24 hours. I'll post something.



I'm done with my book! I just need to edit it and remove copyrighted material that I know is in there and then I can let somebody ELSE edit it and then I'll reread it and re-edit it and then I can submit it for publishment!! :D


Yay for budding author!

*round of applause*

CONGRATULATIONS on getting your book ready for the next step, the outside editor, and then the publisher. This is such wonderful news!!! May I purchase an autographed copy as soon as it has been published? :D


I'm surprised that I didn't appear as I was on this morning, but I didn't post. :wacko:

Absolutely! I'll give you one. no charge. You were somewhat of an inspiration in my formative years in writing. A close friend, i'd say, i can give you one. :)

Whoo Hoo!!!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


More than that, I am glad that I could have helped inspire you. To hear you say that really makes me feel good!!! :D


Sadly, I think most young people have a creative side, intelligent side, adventurous side, and adults seem to want to stifle these sides of expression. Fortunately I had a great mother and have a great father, who always believed that you should try as many things as possible to see where your interests and talents lie. My mother was an artist with a love of all sorts of music and cultural talents, my father is an engineer with a love of mathematics, science and history; and between the two, I had a very charmed childhood.


My dream for you would be that you become a personal success in the field you love. If you do what you love, you will be a success! :D

^_^ thank you, horatio!


My mom always did like us to find what we liked and hone our dreams. Sounds like you had AWESOME parents as a kid.

Not a problem. :D All my HD friends have helped me along, particularly you, taynio, myxownxmind, and tghl. You guys are awesome. I've been given insight on multiple subjects I'd never be able to write about on my own, and I made great friends.


HD boards rulez! :)

You are the greatest and you are most welcome!


My most exciting thrill will be when I read your first published book!!!


My parents were awesome. I was very, very lucky!


HampsterDance has given us the opportunity to get to know some amazing people who have become terrific friends. This is one website that has added to my life.

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  • 6 months later...

*Comes in, browses for a moment, leaves a conspicuous hello*



[conspicuous]Why, hello, there![/conspicuous]

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Hope all is well with you. What a pleasant surprise to see your post!!! Not much to report... an encounter with my garbage can, and I lost. Ummmm, my laptop had a visit to the computer doctor for my memory and some additional speed. Finally home today. What a relief! Have the iPad2 which is awesome, but now I have to carry one more electronic device. :rolleyes:


Other than that... life is good.

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Hope all is well with you. What a pleasant surprise to see your post!!! Not much to report... an encounter with my garbage can, and I lost. Ummmm, my laptop had a visit to the computer doctor for my memory and some additional speed. Finally home today. What a relief! Have the iPad2 which is awesome, but now I have to carry one more electronic device. :rolleyes:


Other than that... life is good.

That's wonderful to hear. I start my new job today in a little over an hour! I'm so excited. I'm hoping to be very successful at it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm selling office supplies. It's... kinda boring, because I have nothing to do unless I'm checking people out and I can't leave the front area. That's okay though. I'm getting paid over minimum wage!


Yeah, my book only took what... 6, 7 years to finish. I haven't written much on it. I'm trying to read and reread and write new stuff so I can have new worlds to envelope my mind in.

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The office supply store... I love wandering around that place! The coloured pencils, markers and other art supplies is my first stop, followed by the graph paper aisle.


The first book is always the hardest. You are doing great and I am applaud you for your dedication. You will be a terrific author. This is one thing I am certain of!!!

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The office supply store... I love wandering around that place! The coloured pencils, markers and other art supplies is my first stop, followed by the graph paper aisle.


The first book is always the hardest. You are doing great and I am applaud you for your dedication. You will be a terrific author. This is one thing I am certain of!!!


You're so awesome.


I'm working on a spinoff of my other storyline.

It's weird writing about the innards of a different mind.

also I've posted some of my stuff on this other site that's all about writing and it's the easiest site name in the world to guess because it's just writing. And I'm an allicat and I have three things up on it.


I wish I had better writing ideas in my head. :blink:

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The office supply store... I love wandering around that place! The coloured pencils, markers and other art supplies is my first stop, followed by the graph paper aisle.


The first book is always the hardest. You are doing great and I am applaud you for your dedication. You will be a terrific author. This is one thing I am certain of!!!


You're so awesome.


I'm working on a spinoff of my other storyline.

It's weird writing about the innards of a different mind.

also I've posted some of my stuff on this other site that's all about writing and it's the easiest site name in the world to guess because it's just writing. And I'm an allicat and I have three things up on it.


I wish I had better writing ideas in my head. :blink:

The spinoff should give you a good route to new ideas. A friend of mine wrote a play about a psychotic. I do understand how hard it is to write about matters of the mind. I will search for your work. You are smart, so I am certain you have protected your intellectual works. I am looking forward to reading your new stuff.


The ideas will come when you least expect them.

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  • 9 months later...

Alas, The board is dead. REVIVE!!!!

> :[)

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