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We Didn't Start The Internet!

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I had this idea for a while now, and finally got around to writing it yesterday.


I was inspired when I saw "We Didn't Start This Website" on YTM-I mean another website. I decided to make my own parody of "We Didn't Start The Fire", about the whole of the internet and its memes, comics, cartoons, and websites.


Rhyming was really difficult so I could only afford to do it sometimes. In short, not all of it rhymes.


Censored for some of the content, I wasn't sure how much I could get away with, so I censored anything I think might not be allowed to say; anyone who's familiar with the memes will know what to fill in, and if not, then the rhymes may help.



Homestar Runner, Weebl's Stuff,

All your Base Belong to Us

YouTube Poop, Shoop Da Woop,

Hey don't Tase Me Bro!


Dramatic Chipmunk, Hampsterdance,

Cap'n Wacky, Songs to Wear Pants [to],

Rick Roll, Barrel Roll, Leave Britney Alone



Ask a Ninja, Do Not Want,

Tubgirl, Goatse, 2 Girls 1 Cup

Awesome Plz, O RLY, Peanut Butter Jelly [time],

One Red Paperclip, What kind of Fail is This?

Pure Pwnage, P--- Bear, Lulz is a corruption of LOL



We Didn't Start The Internet

It was always messed up since the 'net was set up

We Didn't Start the Internet

We didn't make the memes though that's the way it seems



Oscar Wilde, lolrus,

So I herd u liek mudkipz

Ninjas, Pirates, Power Thirst, AVGN


Numa Numa, Line Rider

That's No Good, Rule 34

42, Team Fortress 2, Pingas, AMVs


Will it Blend, Nine Thousand,

Biting Pear, The World's End

Leeroy Jenkins, [Angry] German Kid,

Cyanide & Happiness,

Chris-Chan, 4chan, Red Vs. Blue, Batman,

The Cake's a Lie, You Must Die, I Wanna Be The Guy



We Didn't Start The Internet

It was always messed up since the 'net was set up

We Didn't Start the Internet

What was once for business is now serious business



My Immortal, Phoenix Wrong,

Stupid Mario Bros.,

Captain Falcon, Norris Facts,

Too many memes involving Cats,

Sparta, W-- Boom, Brick Testament, Abridged Yu-Gi-Oh,

Charlie the Unicorn,

The Internet is For P---




Oh, Oh Noes...


Chad Vader, Snakes on a Plane,

The L33tstr33t Boys and Tay Zonday

Chad Warden, Falcon Punch, Chocolate, D--- in a Box

TV Tropes, 30 Second Bunnies,

Tourette's Guy we all find funny

Hi I'm a Marvel, I'm a DC, XKCD,

I Came I Saw I Came, I think I just Lost the Game


We Didn't Start The Internet

It was always messed up since the 'net was set up

We Didn't Start the Internet

No, it's not our bandwidth, it's just ours to mess with


M. Bison, How is Babby Form,

That Guy With The Glasses, Pale Force,

Potter Puppet Pals, Soviet Russia, and BigAl

Lolwut, Caramel Dance, Dr. Horrible, Engrish at last

Eating Socks, JeepersMedia, Can't Let You Do That Star Fox-

Flame Wars, Camera W-----, I Can't Take it Anymore!


We Didn't Start The Internet

It was always messed up since the 'net was set up

We Didn't Start the Internet

Even when we're gone the tubes go on, and on, and on, and on...



We Didn't Start The Internet

It Was always Messed up since the Net was set up

We Didn't start the Internet







+fifty Internets for whoever can name all of the memes I referenced, and where they come from. No cheating!

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That was so funny, well done! I just realised how sad I am because I got most of them. :rolleyes: I WILL get out of this room!!


And I officially approve of Shoop Da Woop. Here I am, CHARGIN MA LAYZOR.


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That was so funny, well done! I just realised how sad I am because I got most of them. :rolleyes: I WILL get out of this room!!


And I officially approve of Shoop Da Woop. Here I am, CHARGIN MA LAYZOR.

:lol: Great pic!!! :lol:

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I had this idea for a while now, and finally got around to writing it yesterday.


I was inspired when I saw "We Didn't Start This Website" on YTM-I mean another website. I decided to make my own parody of "We Didn't Start The Fire", about the whole of the internet and its memes, comics, cartoons, and websites.


Rhyming was really difficult so I could only afford to do it sometimes. In short, not all of it rhymes.


Censored for some of the content, I wasn't sure how much I could get away with, so I censored anything I think might not be allowed to say; anyone who's familiar with the memes will know what to fill in, and if not, then the rhymes may help.



Homestar Runner, Weebl's Stuff,

All your Base Belong to Us

YouTube Poop, Shoop Da Woop,

Hey don't Tase Me Bro!


Dramatic Chipmunk, Hampsterdance,

Cap'n Wacky, Songs to Wear Pants [to],

Rick Roll, Barrel Roll, Leave Britney Alone



Ask a Ninja, Do Not Want,

Tubgirl, Goatse, 2 Girls 1 Cup

Awesome Plz, O RLY, Peanut Butter Jelly [time],

One Red Paperclip, What kind of Fail is This?

Pure Pwnage, P--- Bear, Lulz is a corruption of LOL



We Didn't Start The Internet

It was always messed up since the 'net was set up

We Didn't Start the Internet

We didn't make the memes though that's the way it seems



Oscar Wilde, lolrus,

So I herd u liek mudkipz

Ninjas, Pirates, Power Thirst, AVGN


Numa Numa, Line Rider

That's No Good, Rule 34

42, Team Fortress 2, Pingas, AMVs


Will it Blend, Nine Thousand,

Biting Pear, The World's End

Leeroy Jenkins, [Angry] German Kid,

Cyanide & Happiness,

Chris-Chan, 4chan, Red Vs. Blue, Batman,

The Cake's a Lie, You Must Die, I Wanna Be The Guy



We Didn't Start The Internet

It was always messed up since the 'net was set up

We Didn't Start the Internet

What was once for business is now serious business



My Immortal, Phoenix Wrong,

Stupid Mario Bros.,

Captain Falcon, Norris Facts,

Too many memes involving Cats,

Sparta, W-- Boom, Brick Testament, Abridged Yu-Gi-Oh,

Charlie the Unicorn,

The Internet is For P---




Oh, Oh Noes...


Chad Vader, Snakes on a Plane,

The L33tstr33t Boys and Tay Zonday

Chad Warden, Falcon Punch, Chocolate, D--- in a Box

TV Tropes, 30 Second Bunnies,

Tourette's Guy we all find funny

Hi I'm a Marvel, I'm a DC, XKCD,

I Came I Saw I Came, I think I just Lost the Game


We Didn't Start The Internet

It was always messed up since the 'net was set up

We Didn't Start the Internet

No, it's not our bandwidth, it's just ours to mess with


M. Bison, How is Babby Form,

That Guy With The Glasses, Pale Force,

Potter Puppet Pals, Soviet Russia, and BigAl

Lolwut, Caramel Dance, Dr. Horrible, Engrish at last

Eating Socks, JeepersMedia, Can't Let You Do That Star Fox-

Flame Wars, Camera W-----, I Can't Take it Anymore!


We Didn't Start The Internet

It was always messed up since the 'net was set up

We Didn't Start the Internet

Even when we're gone the tubes go on, and on, and on, and on...



We Didn't Start The Internet

It Was always Messed up since the Net was set up

We Didn't start the Internet







+fifty Internets for whoever can name all of the memes I referenced, and where they come from. No cheating!

Phenomenal! Simply Phenomenal!


You outdid yourself on this one Mushroom_king!!!

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okay, got lost on some of them But here'sa partial list.


2chan, antidisestablishmentarinism, /b/,cheezburgers, dragonball Z, exhibitionists, film version of "The wall", HHGG, japan, Karl Marx, lazy typing, math envy, nintendo, o-zone, PORTAL, Questioning authority, richard astley, scientology, the carribean, ursula vernon's weird fruit collection, valve, WoW, Xerxes, youtube, Zero wing,



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okay, got lost on some of them But here'sa partial list.


2chan, antidisestablishmentarinism, /b/,cheezburgers, dragonball Z, exhibitionists, film version of "The wall", HHGG, japan, Karl Marx, lazy typing, math envy, nintendo, o-zone, PORTAL, Questioning authority, richard astley, scientology, the carribean, ursula vernon's weird fruit collection, valve, WoW, Xerxes, youtube, Zero wing,


You did much better than I did. :)

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okay, got lost on some of them But here'sa partial list.


2chan, antidisestablishmentarinism, /b/,cheezburgers, dragonball Z, exhibitionists, film version of "The wall", HHGG, japan, Karl Marx, lazy typing, math envy, nintendo, o-zone, PORTAL, Questioning authority, richard astley, scientology, the carribean, ursula vernon's weird fruit collection, valve, WoW, Xerxes, youtube, Zero wing,



Everything is correct except The Wall, which I don't think I mentioned anywhere, the closest anything from 'The Wall' has to being a meme is some YTMNDs about it. and probably some YTPs. The 'Soviet Russia' line is a reference to the Russian Reversal jokes (EX: In Soviet Russia, YouTube videos rate you!), but since those jokes were inspired by Marx it still counts. Scientology HAS sparked some memes, but I didn't mention any in the song.



Everything else is spot-on. You get ten internets.



UNRELATED-I forgot to mention Cthulu anywhere in the song. D:




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I listened to the original song last night. I was thinking that it would be cool to know all the words but that that would take a lot of effort...lol

I still need to see an Elton/Billy Face2Face show!!!



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I listened to the original song last night. I was thinking that it would be cool to know all the words but that that would take a lot of effort...lol

I still need to see an Elton/Billy Face2Face show!!!



That would be a phenomenal concert to see.

I would definitely like to see that one as well. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
I listened to the original song last night. I was thinking that it would be cool to know all the words but that that would take a lot of effort...lol

I still need to see an Elton/Billy Face2Face show!!!



That would be a phenomenal concert to see.

I would definitely like to see that one as well. :D

They're playing in Albany but I'm going to be in Maine then. :(



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I listened to the original song last night. I was thinking that it would be cool to know all the words but that that would take a lot of effort...lol

I still need to see an Elton/Billy Face2Face show!!!



That would be a phenomenal concert to see.

I would definitely like to see that one as well. :D

They're playing in Albany but I'm going to be in Maine then. :(



Maine will be phenomenal. May I please go with you?

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I listened to the original song last night. I was thinking that it would be cool to know all the words but that that would take a lot of effort...lol

I still need to see an Elton/Billy Face2Face show!!!



That would be a phenomenal concert to see.

I would definitely like to see that one as well. :D

They're playing in Albany but I'm going to be in Maine then. :(



Maine will be phenomenal. May I please go with you?

Sure! We're going later this year than normal because of MIT. Usually we go for the 4th of July.



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I listened to the original song last night. I was thinking that it would be cool to know all the words but that that would take a lot of effort...lol

I still need to see an Elton/Billy Face2Face show!!!



That would be a phenomenal concert to see.

I would definitely like to see that one as well. :D

They're playing in Albany but I'm going to be in Maine then. :(



Maine will be phenomenal. May I please go with you?

Sure! We're going later this year than normal because of MIT. Usually we go for the 4th of July.



Beautiful phoyograph. I can't wait to go with you. Please make sure your pocket is big enough. :lol:

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