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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

why hello there

Sammy the Hamster

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So I don't know if you guys remember me or not. It's been quite a while. Actually, apparently it's been since June 28, 2006. That's almost 3 years. If you don't remember me, I was a frequent poster years ago when I was a lot younger and a lot more annoying. :blush:

But anyways, I'm seeing a lot of old friends :) I think it's really cool you guys have kept up with the boards. Wow, I imagine everyone's grown up so much. Ummm I'm a junior in high school now. So I'm not too grown up I guess... but prom is tommorow night for me. I'm soooo excited!!! I play tennis and ski. It's pretty chill. I have a job now too :/ scary stuff happens when you grow up I guess :rolleyes:

Anyways, I would like hearing from you guys and hearing how things are going for you all.


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So I don't know if you guys remember me or not. It's been quite a while. Actually, apparently it's been since June 28, 2006. That's almost 3 years. If you don't remember me, I was a frequent poster years ago when I was a lot younger and a lot more annoying. :blush:

But anyways, I'm seeing a lot of old friends :) I think it's really cool you guys have kept up with the boards. Wow, I imagine everyone's grown up so much. Ummm I'm a junior in high school now. So I'm not too grown up I guess... but prom is tommorow night for me. I'm soooo excited!!! I play tennis and ski. It's pretty chill. I have a job now too :/ scary stuff happens when you grow up I guess :rolleyes:

Anyways, I would like hearing from you guys and hearing how things are going for you all.



Welcome back!!!!!!! Of course we remember you! I will give you a link and please agree to the terms and then we can get you approved for your posts to appear immediately.


How have you been? The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy, you probably remember him as MoneyLover, has his prom this evening. Jesse, Jesusfreak, Kep, Leguan, Lexxscrapham and LifesEagle are all in college. Then there are lots of other people you remember and who remember you. I will have to think of all the name changes to get you caught up on everyone.

What kind of job do you have for this summer? Jesusfreak is working at Dairy Queen.


Hopefully you will come back and be a regular poster.


Here is the link:


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So I don't know if you guys remember me or not. It's been quite a while. Actually, apparently it's been since June 28, 2006. That's almost 3 years. If you don't remember me, I was a frequent poster years ago when I was a lot younger and a lot more annoying. :blush:

But anyways, I'm seeing a lot of old friends :) I think it's really cool you guys have kept up with the boards. Wow, I imagine everyone's grown up so much. Ummm I'm a junior in high school now. So I'm not too grown up I guess... but prom is tommorow night for me. I'm soooo excited!!! I play tennis and ski. It's pretty chill. I have a job now too :/ scary stuff happens when you grow up I guess :rolleyes:

Anyways, I would like hearing from you guys and hearing how things are going for you all.



Welcome back!!!!!!! Of course we remember you! I will give you a link and please agree to the terms and then we can get you approved for your posts to appear immediately.


How have you been? The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy, you probably remember him as MoneyLover, has his prom this evening. Jesse, Jesusfreak, Kep, Leguan, Lexxscrapham and LifesEagle are all in college. Then there are lots of other people you remember and who remember you. I will have to think of all the name changes to get you caught up on everyone.

What kind of job do you have for this summer? Jesusfreak is working at Dairy Queen.


Hopefully you will come back and be a regular poster.


Here is the link:



I've been working at a retirement community for almost a year now. It's a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I'm pretty much a waitress. Wow, I can't believe all those people are in college. Time flies by. Are there any new regulars? Oh, is cheetaspot still hanging around these days?

Prom was really fun! We had an awesome time! Life is going good, my tennis team won the first round of regionals today. So that was pretty sweet.

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I've been working at a retirement community for almost a year now. It's a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I'm pretty much a waitress. Wow, I can't believe all those people are in college. Time flies by. Are there any new regulars? Oh, is cheetaspot still hanging around these days?

Prom was really fun! We had an awesome time! Life is going good, my tennis team won the first round of regionals today. So that was pretty sweet.


Waitressing is hard work. For a year?!?!?!? That's quite a long time and I am thrilled you are sticking with it.


You can't believe how time flies... just try life as a hamster. :lol:

Cheetaspot is in college and never shows up. New regulars... no. Wish there were. That would be awesome.


Great news about the prom. It's nice to know this will be a good memory.


Congratulations on the first round of successful regionals. Hope your tennis team is the ultimate winner!!!!!

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Hey yeah, I do remember you! XD Horatio is right, I am in college and working at DQ for the summer. :lol: I also have an awesome boyfriend now, and will be graduating next year. I'm planning to teach middle school science. I have my own topic here, the link is in my probably horribly outdated signature, though it's lots of pages long, so feel free to skip through it. I think it runs through much of high school and all of college. :wacko:

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Hey yeah, I do remember you! XD Horatio is right, I am in college and working at DQ for the summer. :lol: I also have an awesome boyfriend now, and will be graduating next year. I'm planning to teach middle school science. I have my own topic here, the link is in my probably horribly outdated signature, though it's lots of pages long, so feel free to skip through it. I think it runs through much of high school and all of college. :wacko:

It's actually great reading. You have really come so far and accomplished so much. :)

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