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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

The original artwork from - Kat - !!!


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I have decided to make a topic so that - Kat - will show us some of her fantastic artwork.





let's place orders and see what she posts.


The first order will be mine.


- Kat - would you please make me a birthday card.



Thank you.




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Would Invision fanart be too much to ask? :ph34r:

Awesome request!!! :D

I mainly want it as part of an experiment, to see how descriptive I am with describing the characters. If Kat (or anyone else) can draw the character the way I imagine them, then I did a good job.


though I don't recommend she draws Arkcher. He's got a weird hairstyle that's really hard to describe in terms of text.

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  • 2 months later...


OH MY!!!!!!! The cake is awesome!!!!!!!!

Please, please, please put a copy of the cake artwork in my topic. I'm unable to do that on the iPhone.


*hands - Kat - The Double Platinum Moon Award for artwork excellence*



Thank you!!!!!!

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A pic of Elton, John Lennon, and me would be cool.

You could just make up what you think I look like.


(And this is optional...if you don't want to do it you don't have to)



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