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MW's New Hamster!!!

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I got a hamster on my birthday. It's amazing and friendly, likely female, but you know, flipping over dwarf hamsters isn't always easy. XD It's actually more shy than friendly, but doesn't bite at all.

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I got a hamster on my birthday. It's amazing and friendly, likely female, but you know, flipping over dwarf hamsters isn't always easy. XD It's actually more shy than friendly, but doesn't bite at all.



What kind of dwarf? A little Robo?

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It's mostly black. What type would that make it?

Possibly a black Campbell's Dwarf hamster. The black hamster is slightly rare, needing two black genes, one from each parent. Most black hamsters become silver with age, some early in life and some much later in life.




Have you been to LegoLand MW?

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It's more of a dark grey, with a black stripe. And no, I haven't been to Legoland, although I don't live so far from it. XD

Did you see me waving to you? I will post some pictures to see if you can recognize anything.

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You're likely not to take as long as I am as far as posting pictures. The laptop, where I usually put my SD card and am too lazy to hook up my camera itself, is failing right now. XD

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