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So I 've come to the conclusion that being 18 is really a big deal yet I do not feel like it is. I mean it's great that I'm going to be a n adult and don't get me wrong I'm really exicted . It's just... Well, It's so final I guess. So Hampster's , How does one deal with the changing of their life, the transtion from being a kid to being an adult. , a girl to a women? How?



The path is set in stone

Gravel, Limestone, and Tears pay a part in its build

Walls have been built

Torns in my side have left scars

The past has left its mark


The day is bright

The sun shines

Friends laugh and tease around me

Jokes are thrown this way and that

Promises to never leave each other's side are said

Silent pleas for it to be true stay in my mind

The present is wonderful and bittersweet


Rain comes and goes

As does the sun

As I walk along the road the path steady appear

Thoughts and fears race though my head

Things seem to be going up and then down

The twists and turns blind me

The future is uncertain


My plans are followed and my path is set but what is this fear that keeps me grounded?

Its the furture

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So I 've come to the conclusion that being 18 is really a big deal yet I do not feel like it is. I mean it's great that I'm going to be a n adult and don't get me wrong I'm really exicted . It's just... Well, It's so final I guess. So Hampster's , How does one deal with the changing of their life, the transtion from being a kid to being an adult. , a girl to a women? How?

Well, the transition goes like this... since you were responsible and a good kid, keep on doing the same thing, except now you are held accountable in the eyes of the law.

If you were a bad kid, I would suggest that you think about each and every action because your parents can't get you out of trouble. But this doesn't apply to you. So, with this in mind, I would say enjoy your day, and keep on making the same responsible choices you always have. You are doing great!!!!!


As for the poem...

*hands Krisluvsdogs The Platinum Moon Award*


What a fantastic poem!!!! You are such a talented poet!

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah, so not much is going on. I wanted to do the same thing that Kat is doing so one you know if I'm posting anything soon and since I'm like never on can see how my life is. I found this poem in my backpack and wanted to share it with you. I had to write is for class. and I really liked it. Also, I wrote it really long ago so forgive mne for not posting it sooner.



Wings to fly with


Wings to be free with


Wings to leave


What I wouldn't give for some wings


Angel's wings


Demon's wings


Bird's wings


What I wouldn't give for some wings


Fight any army of warriors


Move the sun


Die so someone can live


Just to have some wings


To fly over the mountains


To watch the sun rise on the highest cliff


To be free of guilt, pain, and sadness


That's what I would do with my wings


Just for a minute


Just for a day


Just till the end of time


So If I promised to leave


If I vowed to never come back


Would you give me my wings?


Or keep me caged?


Would my wings be with me


Or pined to the wall unable to escape?


Would you give them to me?


Would you give me my wings?


To be free of this pain in my heart


To live my live to the fullest


And to laugh once more


Please give me my wings


Just till the end of time


Just for a day


Just for a minute


That's all I need my wings for


To live


To be free


To love


I need my wings


Would you give them to me?


Would you give me my wings?


Its really long sorry!

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yeah, so not much is going on. I wanted to do the same thing that Kat is doing so one you know if I'm posting anything soon and since I'm like never on can see how my life is. I found this poem in my backpack and wanted to share it with you. I had to write is for class. and I really liked it. Also, I wrote it really long ago so forgive mne for not posting it sooner.



Wings to fly with


Wings to be free with


Wings to leave


What I wouldn't give for some wings


Angel's wings


Demon's wings


Bird's wings


What I wouldn't give for some wings


Fight any army of warriors


Move the sun


Die so someone can live


Just to have some wings


To fly over the mountains


To watch the sun rise on the highest cliff


To be free of guilt, pain, and sadness


That's what I would do with my wings


Just for a minute


Just for a day


Just till the end of time


So If I promised to leave


If I vowed to never come back


Would you give me my wings?


Or keep me caged?


Would my wings be with me


Or pined to the wall unable to escape?


Would you give them to me?


Would you give me my wings?


To be free of this pain in my heart


To live my live to the fullest


And to laugh once more


Please give me my wings


Just till the end of time


Just for a day


Just for a minute


That's all I need my wings for


To live


To be free


To love


I need my wings


Would you give them to me?


Would you give me my wings?


Its really long sorry!

Outstanding!!!!! I really love this poem. And NO it is not really long. It IS really great!

Sadly, it made me think of the people who torture those beautiful butterflies by pinning their wings.


You definitely deserve an award for this poem!

May I present to you, The Platinum Moon Award!!!


Thank you for posting this. :D

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k, so i wrote something for two of my old poems but i need them and their not on my h drive cause i wrote them and didn't sav e them so do u think u could find my old poems. I'm looking for Soulmates, Watching, waiting, and winning and any others u can find r good too

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k, so i wrote something for two of my old poems but i need them and their not on my h drive cause i wrote them and didn't sav e them so do u think u could find my old poems. I'm looking for Soulmates, Watching, waiting, and winning and any others u can find r good too

Give me a couple hours and I will search.


Here is the link for Soulmates:



Pain is in Post #5 and Watching, Waiting and Winning is in Post #10, in that same topic.


If you want, I can merge these two topics.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks I'll post it soon however since I'm not on my usuaul computer till further notice it may take a while. That and finalls and graduation is soon.

Finals, graduation... busy next few weeks. Then comes MIT and I am certain you will busy then as well.

So, we just hope that you stop in and fill us in on things.

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Here's the story at least part of it. I'm not sure if I want to continue on from this point or not.


We've been enemies all our lives. And I mean full blown enemies. Our parents are best friends. His sister and I are very close. We think of each other as sisters more then friends. He and my older brother just have to hang out any chance they get as well. So, no matter where I was, I couldn't get away from his presence till college. I attended college near my hometown under the hope that he wouldn't follow me. My hopes were dashed. I still don't know how he passed. But every Friday he would take one girl out and then choose another for the next week. I sincerely doubt he even remembers their names. I remember being amazed at his womanizing ways yet his grades matched mine. I also remember being slightly jealous when he choose an old partner again. Not that I let anyone know though.


We kept the same group of friends with more additions when college came around. All our friends seemed to see sparks between us. I always thought they could see the hate run off of us. However, our friends took it as attraction. After one really bad shouting match, she stalked off to clam down. And her brother, my best friend, dragged me away from the sickening sight of her with that scum she called her boyfriend. The fight had been about her relation with him. Back then I defended my jealousy by saying that she was like my sister and I was concerned about her. Her brother seemed concerned as well. However, I appeared though to be the only one ready to use drastic measures to tear them apart. I had accused him of not caring enough but instead of flaring up my friend just looked at me.

"She knows that he's cheating on her."

"But why...?"

"She thinks that he's the only chance she'll ever have for love."

His statement reminded me that this was her first boyfriend. Suddenly, I knew that she was only 20 and had no real boyfriend but this one before. She must not have seen the eyes of our high school follow her around. Mine followed her too, but only since she was my sister's friend.


to be contiued due to unavailability as of right now.

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here's the rest of it, srry about the break off but my dad told me to hit the hay


They both stared at each other. Who would have thought that after four years of med school apart, they would both end up in the same hospital? They couldn't break their gaze. Perhaps if they both hadn't wondered where the other was in life. If they hadn't stopped to wish things were different. If they weren't enemies, but friends, lovers, maybe even have a family together. Then perhaps their feelings wouldn't be caught in their eyes for the other to see. Smiling, she bent down to sort the papers at their feet. He bent to help her and grabbed a stack of the sorted papers. He noticed her name and title. "Dr. Bella Christen, Head of Pediatric Intensive Care. You made it, I see. You always wanted to help poor sick children." She looked up at him from the papers. Her eyes held disbelief and admiration.

"Thank You" she whispered softly, " It seems your dream came true as well. Dr. Kenneth Penmark, Head of Pediatric Surgary."

He grinned. She smiled back, bigger then ever. They both stood. Papers had been sorted and both knew they had to part. Bella started up the stairs and Ken moved out of her way. She walked up a few steps as he continued down. She turned and opened her mouth. He spun to talk. They both spoke at once. "Would you like to have lunch?" they both laughed and made plans to see each other later.

"I'm glad they're finally together."

"They're so right for each other."

"They truly are soulmates."

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Thank you! Today we wrote six word stroy in english. I though up these in class.


Made Friends. Never loved. What More?


Life was worth it when unknown.


Never kissed. Still waiting for Romeo.


This I made on the bus


Lost Friend. Found ones for life.


And this is while I was listening to Strong by Jordyn Taylor.


Turned strong. When I was weak.


these were while I was listening to Taylor Swift's I'd lie.


One girl. One guy. unknown love.


you ask, love me? I lie


So, Hampsters can you make a six word story like mine.

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it can't be that bad just pass the word on ok. Here's one for you:

Horatio ponder. Horatio thought. Story unfinished.

That's great! Let me think on this a bit.

Hmmmmm. six little words.


Opening statement, developed body, completed essay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

cute! here's a poem for all my friends who have graduated or are graduateing with me tonight! Go class of 09!



Friends help you.

Friends heal you.

Friends laugh with you.

Friends cry with you.

Friends grow along side you.

Friends help you no matter what time or place you may be.

They love you, for you.

They are the family you have with different last names.

They mean the world to you.

This is what you are to me, my friend.

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cute! here's a poem for all my friends who have graduated or are graduateing with me tonight! Go class of 09!



Friends help you.

Friends heal you.

Friends laugh with you.

Friends cry with you.

Friends grow along side you.

Friends help you no matter what time or place you may be.

They love you, for you.

They are the family you have with different last names.

They mean the world to you.

This is what you are to me, my friend.

Good luck to all the graduates!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you, this poem I posted is going to be dealing with abuse. It goes along with a story I'm writing. Its a Harry Potter fic with my own character. I've written many one shots on AU with Harry and my character. I can post one here but it does have a student and teacher pairing. Nothing really bad but angst and the student is of age. So yeah but either way heres my poem.


He needs me !

He needs me!

I can see the blows, can see the pain.

I can hear the screams, can hear the tears.

I can feel the numbness of fear, can feel the silent tears.

But I'm powerless to help.

He needs me!

Its my fault hes getting beaten, mine because I spilled the drink.

Its my fault for the new scars, mine because I couldn't protect him.

Its my fault that I can't look away,mine because he told me to run and they caught me, telling me to watch.

But I'm powerless to run and get help.

He needs me!

I would run if I could.

I would get help if I could.

I would take his place if I could.

He needs me!

Then the blows continue, and I'm still powerless.

Then I wake , and I'm still powerless.

Its a dream.

But he needs me.

Even in my dream he needs me.

But I'm still powerless.



If you've read harry potter, then you know his relatives mistreat him. This poem is about my character, his sister, watching her uncle beat harry. It will come in to play latter in my story I'm writing.

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its kool, i read my copy and relized that i added more on the post here then i saved. got a nw story but i need a title so, hampsters, care to help? where did u get the cover for kat's lappy, i'm looking for a green one.

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its kool, i read my copy and relized that i added more on the post here then i saved. got a nw story but i need a title so, hampsters, care to help? where did u get the cover for kat's lappy, i'm looking for a green one.

What size is your computer? Send me an email with all the details please. Computer make, model, size, etc.. Thanks!

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well, i haven't found it yet i was just wondering if there was a web site or place i could look up that's all.

If you tell me exactly what kind of computer you have, I can direct you to the proper site. Different sites for different computers.

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