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New Hedgehog!!!

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I just bought a new hedgehog!

He's still young, and he is in need of a name!

And I REFUSE to name him Sonic.

I want something unique, and I've thought of a few names but I could use yalls help :]


He's a cinnamon European hedgehog



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okay, so I know pretty much no one named this, but I just had an epiphany

I opened my itunes and pressed "shuffle"

and the first song that came on was While My Guitar Gently Weeps



my hedgie's name is




I think it's much cuter than "Spike" or "Needles"

those names are just so... platitudinous

(my new favorite word... LOOKITUP)

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okay, so I know pretty much no one named this, but I just had an epiphany

I opened my itunes and pressed "shuffle"

and the first song that came on was While My Guitar Gently Weeps



my hedgie's name is




I think it's much cuter than "Spike" or "Needles"

those names are just so... platitudinous

(my new favorite word... LOOKITUP)

Sorry I missed this, but I would have used an 'H" name. Harrison is a great name!

You posted the first post while I was working so I couldn't get here until now. I'm so sorry to have not replied earlier.


Do you have a large wheel for him? Hedgehogs need at least two square feet to play in and definitely need a wheel to run. Another thing to remember is you will most likely have to clean the wheel at least once every day. They have a tendency to urinate in the wheel.


It was my understanding that European hedgehogs were illegal to own. Only the African hedgehogs were legal. Of course, this just might be a Florida law. If you move, please remember to check the laws of the state you are moving to as some states have laws saying it is illegal to own a hedgehog. Don't forget that if Harrison gets sick, you will need to find an exotic pets vet, so I suggest you contact the pet store where you purchased him and get the name of someone now, before you have an emergency. One other thing to consider, hedgehogs don't like temperatures below 70 degrees F. If the temperature in your room is lower than this, Harrison will start hibernating and this is not healthy for him. Also, please make sure he is not underneath a fan.


Please do post lots more pictures. The one with the two cats and the puppy is a great shot. Look at the black and white cat peering down into the cage.


Good luck with your new buddy!!!



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Thank you very much for all the tips!

We do not have a wheel for him yet, but I plan on getting one.

I also plan on getting him one of those plastic balls they can roll around in

I'm not sure if it is a Europian or an African hedgehog... but they are both legal here, so that's good!

I'm almost positive that our vet also helps exotic pets

annddd Harrison's temporary home is my bathroom which stays around 70, but once I clear off my dresser he'll be in my room which is much warmer than the rest of our house

thanks again for the help!


and yes, all of our pets were VERRRYYY interested in harrison

Fred, our dog, tried to lick him but got a mouthful of quills :lol:

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Thank you very much for all the tips!

We do not have a wheel for him yet, but I plan on getting one.

I also plan on getting him one of those plastic balls they can roll around in

I'm not sure if it is a Europian or an African hedgehog... but they are both legal here, so that's good!

I'm almost positive that our vet also helps exotic pets

annddd Harrison's temporary home is my bathroom which stays around 70, but once I clear off my dresser he'll be in my room which is much warmer than the rest of our house

thanks again for the help!


and yes, all of our pets were VERRRYYY interested in harrison

Fred, our dog, tried to lick him but got a mouthful of quills :lol:

Please do have your mother call your vet and make sure he/she is an exotic pet vet. This is really important as you do not want to be searching at the time of an emergency, should one happen. Also, it you find a stuffed animal, some hedgehogs like to cuddle up to a stuffed animal. It should be fairly plain with no extra buttons, bows or places where your hedgehog would get into the stuffing. This creates some warmth and also gives them a buddy. Other hedgehogs like a plastic toy to push around in the cage. Not too big, but just something to play with.


Fred probably won't be trying to lick him anytime soon as that probably hurt.

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Aww, he looks just like Federico! <3 I miss him, he was such a dear.


Harrison is a good name. ^^ In my experience with hedgehogs, we got him a small blanket that he liked to curn up in and burrow under, and he had a little plastic ball in his cage he would play with. He also liked to push some of the bedding into his water bowl and would frequently poop in it, so be sure to check for that .____.; Also be careful about letting him roam around on the floor or a table and when holding him, because they pretty much go to the bathroom wherever their at. You can usually tell because they uncurl and lower their backside when it's about to happen. So I'd recomend letting him run around on a large old towel or something and not directly on the carpet.


I had a pair of work gloves that I would use to get him out of his cage, but once I was holding him, I could generally slide them off. He did bite me once, but it didn't really hurt. I just kept still until he let go after a few seconds. He didn't even break the skin. So if you were worried about anything like that, it isn't that bad.


Federico liked a little bit of apple or strawberry for a treats ^^


I know we're allowed to have hedgehogs in Kansas, and while I was taking care of Federico, my Student Nat teacher gave me the number to the vet she used who had helped out with the hedgehog before.


I hope you have fun with Harrison! Hedgehogs are actually fairly easy to care for but lots of fun ^^

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Aww, he looks just like Federico!


Harrison is a good name. ^^ In my experience with hedgehogs, we got him a small blanket that he liked to curn up in and burrow under, and he had a little plastic ball in his cage he would play with. He also liked to push some of the bedding into his water bowl and would frequently poop in it, so be sure to check for that .____.; Also be careful about letting him roam around on the floor or a table and when holding him, because they pretty much go to the bathroom wherever their at. You can usually tell because they uncurl and lower their backside when it's about to happen. So I'd recomend letting him run around on a large old towel or something and not directly on the carpet.


I had a pair of work gloves that I would use to get him out of his cage, but once I was holding him, I could generally slide them off. He did bite me once, but it didn't really hurt. I just kept still until he let go after a few seconds. He didn't even break the skin. So if you were worried about anything like that, it isn't that bad.


Federico liked a little bit of apple or strawberry for a treats ^^


I know we're allowed to have hedgehogs in Kansas, and while I was taking care of Federico, my Student Nat teacher gave me the number to the vet she used who had helped out with the hedgehog before.


I hope you have fun with Harrison! Hedgehogs are actually fairly easy to care for but lots of fun ^^

Great information! Thank you so much for posting this. I had forgotten about the blanket and going to the bathroom anywhere. Great points.

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The fact that it's a video game character name is over-ruled by the fact that EVERY pet hedgehog EVER is named Sonic. It takes 0% creativity to come up with that. :/

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The fact that it's a video game character name is over-ruled by the fact that EVERY pet hedgehog EVER is named Sonic. It takes 0% creativity to come up with that. :/


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The fact that it's a video game character name is over-ruled by the fact that EVERY pet hedgehog EVER is named Sonic. It takes 0% creativity to come up with that. :/


no no.

its true.

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The fact that it's a video game character name is over-ruled by the fact that EVERY pet hedgehog EVER is named Sonic. It takes 0% creativity to come up with that. :/


no no.

its true.

I don't need any help from you, sir.

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The fact that it's a video game character name is over-ruled by the fact that EVERY pet hedgehog EVER is named Sonic. It takes 0% creativity to come up with that. :/


no no.

its true.

I don't need any help from you, sir.

You, Mushroom_king, have one of the most creative minds. It would have been my guess that you would have come up with a phenomenal name.

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The fact that it's a video game character name is over-ruled by the fact that EVERY pet hedgehog EVER is named Sonic. It takes 0% creativity to come up with that. :/


no no.

its true.

I don't need any help from you, sir.

You, Mushroom_king, have one of the most creative minds. It would have been my guess that you would have come up with a phenomenal name.

I didn't even know you could have hedgehogs as pets, so it's not like I could know this oh so important rule that I apparently overlooked.

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The fact that it's a video game character name is over-ruled by the fact that EVERY pet hedgehog EVER is named Sonic. It takes 0% creativity to come up with that. :/


no no.

its true.

I don't need any help from you, sir.

You, Mushroom_king, have one of the most creative minds. It would have been my guess that you would have come up with a phenomenal name.

I didn't even know you could have hedgehogs as pets, so it's not like I could know this oh so important rule that I apparently overlooked.

In some states, owning a hedgehog is against the law.

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My last post probably came out harsher than I meant for it to be. I was just particularly edgy about the hedgehog/Sonic thing because that's what everybody in my Student Nat class wanted to name ours and I got kind of frustrated with it. So yeah, I wasn't trying to insinuate that MK isn't creative, and I'm sorry if I gave that impression.

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when'd all this get here... I need to check the boards more often


well, thanks for the tips everyone!

And Harrison we just ordered a biiiiiiggggg cage so he can run around more :]

Also, I'm attempting at training him to be not nocturnal so I can play with him easier... but yah!

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when'd all this get here... I need to check the boards more often


well, thanks for the tips everyone!

And Harrison we just ordered a biiiiiiggggg cage so he can run around more :]

Also, I'm attempting at training him to be not nocturnal so I can play with him easier... but yah!

How fantastic for Harrison that you are getting him a biggggg cage! He will be so happy. They ideally need about four square feet to run around in.


You cannot train a nocturnal animal not to be nocturnal. It isn't healthy. This is just the way he is so you need to accept his sleep patterns. What I would do would be along the lines of something like this... if he wakes up around 18H00 to 20H00, take this time to play with him on a regular basis. If he is a morning hedgehog, then get up earlier to play with him then. Try and work your schedule to fit his schedule.


For example, Hercule is an early riser. He is up around 18H00 and it takes him about 30 minutes before he is ready for company. So, somewhere between 18H30 and 19H00, I see when he is ready, then take him out and spend time with him. On the other hand, Horst is a morning hamster, so my time with him is around 07H00.


Remember you cannot change the sleep cycle of a nocturnal animal. Please try and coordinate the play time to fit in with his schedule. He will be much healthier if you do.

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My last post probably came out harsher than I meant for it to be. I was just particularly edgy about the hedgehog/Sonic thing because that's what everybody in my Student Nat class wanted to name ours and I got kind of frustrated with it. So yeah, I wasn't trying to insinuate that MK isn't creative, and I'm sorry if I gave that impression.

No, you never gave that impression. Hopefully I didn't make you think you did, if so, I am the one to apologize.

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when'd all this get here... I need to check the boards more often


well, thanks for the tips everyone!

And Harrison we just ordered a biiiiiiggggg cage so he can run around more :]

Also, I'm attempting at training him to be not nocturnal so I can play with him easier... but yah!

How fantastic for Harrison that you are getting him a biggggg cage! He will be so happy. They ideally need about four square feet to run around in.


You cannot train a nocturnal animal not to be nocturnal. It isn't healthy. This is just the way he is so you need to accept his sleep patterns. What I would do would be along the lines of something like this... if he wakes up around 18H00 to 20H00, take this time to play with him on a regular basis. If he is a morning hedgehog, then get up earlier to play with him then. Try and work your schedule to fit his schedule.


For example, Hercule is an early riser. He is up around 18H00 and it takes him about 30 minutes before he is ready for company. So, somewhere between 18H30 and 19H00, I see when he is ready, then take him out and spend time with him. On the other hand, Horst is a morning hamster, so my time with him is around 07H00.


Remember you cannot change the sleep cycle of a nocturnal animal. Please try and coordinate the play time to fit in with his schedule. He will be much healthier if you do.



Really?! :blink:

We got this uber-book from some hedgehog expert people and they've trained all their hedgehogs to be awake during daylight hours

And I mean, the people that wrote this book appear to be omniscient on all things hedgehog related

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when'd all this get here... I need to check the boards more often


well, thanks for the tips everyone!

And Harrison we just ordered a biiiiiiggggg cage so he can run around more :]

Also, I'm attempting at training him to be not nocturnal so I can play with him easier... but yah!

How fantastic for Harrison that you are getting him a biggggg cage! He will be so happy. They ideally need about four square feet to run around in.


You cannot train a nocturnal animal not to be nocturnal. It isn't healthy. This is just the way he is so you need to accept his sleep patterns. What I would do would be along the lines of something like this... if he wakes up around 18H00 to 20H00, take this time to play with him on a regular basis. If he is a morning hedgehog, then get up earlier to play with him then. Try and work your schedule to fit his schedule.


For example, Hercule is an early riser. He is up around 18H00 and it takes him about 30 minutes before he is ready for company. So, somewhere between 18H30 and 19H00, I see when he is ready, then take him out and spend time with him. On the other hand, Horst is a morning hamster, so my time with him is around 07H00.


Remember you cannot change the sleep cycle of a nocturnal animal. Please try and coordinate the play time to fit in with his schedule. He will be much healthier if you do.


Really?! :blink:

We got this uber-book from some hedgehog expert people and they've trained all their hedgehogs to be awake during daylight hours

And I mean, the people that wrote this book appear to be omniscient on all things hedgehog related

Before I wrote my post, I consulted the veterinary hospital and asked for a consensus of opinions. The collaboration of doctors told me that you can get your hedgehog to be awake when you are, but it shortens their life because this is not normal and they will not sleep like they are supposed to.


It is almost the same with humans. We are not nocturnal, but there are many of us who work nights. If you look at the group of people trying to switch sleep schedules, we have bags under our eyes, are tired and cranky. No matter how long you try and change to a different sleep schedule, the only this accomplished is that it takes a toll on your longevity.


What the veterinarians suggested, and one vet has two hedgehogs, each of her children has one, is to try and analyze Harrison's schedule, and work your play time around his schedule. If he is an early riser, then play early evening. If he is a late sleeper and heads to bed late in the morning, then get up with him and play early in the morning.


Unfortunately, some people write books and act like they are authorities, but as nature has made these creatures nocturnal, it is something you will truly not be able to change. I'm sorry.

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Thankyou so much for telling me!

You have quite a plethora of information haha

I still get to play with him plenty, and my Dad (who ironically is an ER doctor and works the night shift) enjoys the company when he isn't on his regular sleep schedule

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Thankyou so much for telling me!

You have quite a plethora of information haha

I still get to play with him plenty, and my Dad (who ironically is an ER doctor and works the night shift) enjoys the company when he isn't on his regular sleep schedule

Harrison has a new buddy... your father, when he is not working. :D

Now you totally understand about sleep cycles.


How wonderful that he is an ER doctor. That is such a hard job. I admire him for the great work he does.


Actually, I don't have that much information, I just have access to some wonderful, generous veterinarians who are very willing to share their knowledge.

They always can find time to help people learn.

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