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Eek I'm going to be real busy!


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I just realized that I start school on Wednesday which means I'm going get more and more busy. Along with going to school and spending an hour or two on homework, I need to set aside an hour or two for my online Precalc course (I do at least 2 lessons each day), and then set aside some time for practicing piano as well, and then I might need to practice clarinet sometimes. So if anyone wonders about why I'm not showing up so much, that's the answer, although for the first couple of school days I probably won't have so much work to do. But once it gets into full swing...


I'll be done with my Precalc course by november so hopefully I can come online more often then. :) I know that sounds like a ways away but that's all I can do. :(

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I just realized that I start school on Wednesday which means I'm going get more and more busy. Along with going to school and spending an hour or two on homework, I need to set aside an hour or two for my online Precalc course (I do at least 2 lessons each day), and then set aside some time for practicing piano as well, and then I might need to practice clarinet sometimes. So if anyone wonders about why I'm not showing up so much, that's the answer, although for the first couple of school days I probably won't have so much work to do. But once it gets into full swing...


I'll be done with my Precalc course by november so hopefully I can come online more often then.  :) I know that sounds like a ways away but that's all I can do.  :(

Dont worry about us here! What you must worry about is your school work!!! :D And just wondering; What grade are you in?

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Hi, just popped in to say that I survived the first 3 days of school ^_^ It was hard and there was a lot of homework each night but it's all done now and I can relax over the weekend and focus on my precalc course :)


We're reading Beowulf in English Honors, it's supposed to be hard and all, but honestly I find it pretty easy to understand. The word choice throws me off sometimes but I can usually get the message they're trying to convey. It's cool to hear a Denmark verson of your typical superhero story ^_^

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That's cool. How is he doing in 10th grade so far?

Well I think he's fine. He's made friends at least.(since we moved he is not too happy cause he's leaving a lot of his buddies. but now hes adjusting).


Eh as for grades I dunno he does his homework as far as I know.

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Well I think he's fine. He's made friends at least.(since we moved he is not too happy cause he's leaving a lot of his buddies. but now hes adjusting).


Eh as for grades I dunno he does his homework as far as I know.


Eugh, moving must be hard. Hopefully he can still talk to his buddies through email or AIM. And if he does his homework that's better than when my brother Shawn went to school :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
How did it go? :huh:


It was actually kind of fun, despite all the bothersome things. Like, the band letter said not to wear jackets in subliminal weather, and it was 83 degrees. But it turns out I was the only one without a jacket. I'm special! :P The band teacher didn't seem to agree though...


And the screw that hold my thumb rest in came out recently. My dad installed a temporary fix on it, but it came out. During the game. >_<


And I put my reed in my pocket and it got smushed. But I should have seen that coming.


At least there were good rice crispy treats. Mmm (everything else had that evil human chocolate in them).


And I saw a friend of mine today, who is going to college. She's doing good. I thanked her for giving me her clarinet liar last year and she said "So THATS where my liar went!" :lol:


Our town actually won (GASP!) so it was exciting and all. The other team wasn't really bright though. They kept falling down after they dropped the ball and stuff. It was fun to watch :lol:


Oh, there were lots of bugs attacking those really bright lights above us. One landed on my lip :wacko:


And the sky looked cool, with the clouds and all.


That's all I can think of for now :)

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It was actually kind of fun, despite all the bothersome things. Like, the band letter said not to wear jackets in subliminal weather, and it was 83 degrees. But it turns out I was the only one without a jacket. I'm special!  :P The band teacher didn't seem to agree though...


And the screw that hold my thumb rest in came out recently. My dad installed a temporary fix on it, but it came out. During the game. >_


And I put my reed in my pocket and it got smushed. But I should have seen that coming.


At least there were good rice crispy treats. Mmm (everything else had that evil human chocolate in them).


And I saw a friend of mine today, who is going to college. She's doing good. I thanked her for giving me her clarinet liar last year and she said "So THATS where my liar went!"  :lol:


Our town actually won (GASP!) so it was exciting and all. The other team wasn't really bright though. They kept falling down after they dropped the ball and stuff. It was fun to watch :lol:


Oh, there were lots of bugs attacking those really bright lights above us. One landed on my lip :wacko:


And the sky looked cool, with the clouds and all.


That's all I can think of for now :)

An over all good night! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wee! Really busy today, but good news. I got a 93 on our group presentations in history. The book I chose for the reading project, White Fang, seemed to please my english teacher well. I look forward to reading that book completely for once.


I just worked on a lab report for the lab we did today, I actually finished most of it already :) It trades off with the fact that I only had one subject for homework.

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Wee! Really busy today, but good news. I got a 93 on our group presentations in history. The book I chose for the reading project, White Fang, seemed to please my english teacher well. I look forward to reading that book completely for once.


I just worked on a lab report for the lab we did today, I actually finished most of it already  :) It trades off with the fact that I only had one subject for homework.

That is great Jesse!! Sounds like you had an overall good day!!! :D

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Wee! Really busy today, but good news. I got a 93 on our group presentations in history. The book I chose for the reading project, White Fang, seemed to please my english teacher well. I look forward to reading that book completely for once.


I just worked on a lab report for the lab we did today, I actually finished most of it already  :) It trades off with the fact that I only had one subject for homework.

White Fang? I love that book! But wait, you're allowed to read that in 10th grade? I wanted to use it but my 6th grade teacher said i needed something more complex. Not Fair.

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That is great Jesse!!  Sounds like you had an overall good day!!! :D


Yep. Today wasn't too bad either. I finished the lab report - a week before it's due ;) I think I'll hand it in so if my teacher finds that I missed something I can always fix it :)


Now I think I'll work on my Precalc course - told ya I was busy!

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Hey guys I just got home from playing at a football game (for marching band that is). Now I'm going to be comfy and relax..ahhhh....sorry I haven't been on today.

You're in marching band? Have fun, and good luck... Do you compete?

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SIX hours?!?!?!?!?

They have to learn a lot of stuff.

In addition to having to learn to play their instruments, they also have to learn how to march in formation and stuff.

I'm sorry, Jesse.

Have fun...

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You're in marching band?  Have fun, and good luck...  Do you compete?


Yes, but not exactly a proffesional one. We march down to the football feild, sit in the stands, and play. No we don't compete. We don't do any "shows" either, barring the Memorial Day and Homecoming parades.

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They have to learn a lot of stuff.

In addition to having to learn to play their instruments, they also have to learn how to march in formation and stuff.

I'm sorry, Jesse.

Have fun...



Yes we do but it doesn't take six hours, just two each week :P Sorry about that.

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I have to leave for vacation tomorrow morning, for the weekend (yes, I'm missing a day of school for it. Fortunately the only thing I'm missing is to hand in the English essay but hopefully they won't consider it "late" when I hand it in on tuesday. They probably will though. <_< )


So tonight is the last time you'll see any of me until monday night unless dad feels like setting up the network up there.

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My hardisk blew up in my computer (not litterally!) so I might have lost everything. Fortunately, as if by fate, I had the urge to copy my lab and essay over to this ibook, so those are still safe ;)

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My hardisk blew up in my computer (not litterally!) so I might have lost everything. Fortunately, as if by fate, I had the urge to copy my lab and essay over to this ibook, so those are still safe ;)

Good thing you saved what you did! I am sorry to hear the bad news. Call Arkcher, he is great at computer repair! :lol::lol:

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Good thing you saved what you did!  I am sorry to hear the bad news.  Call Arkcher, he is great at computer repair! :lol:  :lol:


Why call Arkcher when I have my dad? ;) He tried to recover it but it looks like it's dead for good, and I need a new one. Barring the things I copied over, there was nothing too important anyway. :)

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Why call Arkcher when I have my dad?  ;) He tried to recover it but it looks like it's dead for good, and I need a new one. Barring the things I copied over, there was nothing too important anyway. :)

I am trying to drum up business for Arkcher. Besides he has never worked on a mac. You need to tell your father you want one of those liquid cooled G5's or the new Ibook. Lucky you, a new computer. :D

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I am trying to drum up business for Arkcher.  Besides he has never worked on a mac.  You need to tell your father you want one of those liquid cooled G5's or the new Ibook.  Lucky you, a new computer. :D


No no, not the computer, I meant the harddisk. The computer's still functional :P


(My choice of words isn't very good is it? ;) )

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Actually, I do believe you said that.  It was me who misinterpreted.  My apologies.


Oh, okay, that's fine. So, I can actually talk a little bit ;)


(Why are we always on at the same time?? Even when I'm on vacation!)

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I just figured out different notations for electrions in atoms! I'm so happy ^_^ I know orbital notation and electron configuration notation now. :)


I have to leave for my football game soon, so I won't be on much tonight...unless it magically starts raining :P

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I just figured out different notations for electrions in atoms! I'm so happy ^_^ I know orbital notation and electron configuration notation now. :)


I have to leave for my football game soon, so I won't be on much tonight...unless it magically starts raining :P

You lost me. Y'know on the notations and electrons and atoms....

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I finished that Precalc final. I hope I won't have to retake it :blink:


Yay, my oldest sister and her fiance are stranded in the mall because someone repaired their car wrong...

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I finished that Precalc final. I hope I won't have to retake it  :blink:


Yay, my oldest sister and her fiance are stranded in the mall because someone repaired their car wrong...


Well, at least they can sit in the Food Court until the tow truck shows up.

I could think of much worse places to be stranded.

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Well, at least they can sit in the Food Court until the tow truck shows up.

I could think of much worse places to be stranded.


Yeah, but now we need to give them more money if we want them to get to work tomorrow :blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ewwwww! Especialyy on account that I don't like french fries, mustard, OR mayo! :lol:


Oh yeah congrats Jesse on the good final grade! ^_^ My precalc midterm is later this week. :wacko:


Thanks. Good luck with that midterm :blink:

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  • 1 year later...
Thanks! :) I hope Rob goes easy on us...

I have total faith in you. You will do excellent! :D

I don't remember what I got on the midterm, but my final grade for the year was 98. ^_^ Now I'm in AP Calc. :blink:

I absolutely positively knew you would do fantastic and you proved me right!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Thanks! :) I hope Rob goes easy on us...

I have total faith in you. You will do excellent! :D

I don't remember what I got on the midterm, but my final grade for the year was 98. ^_^ Now I'm in AP Calc. :blink:

I absolutely positively knew you would do fantastic and you proved me right!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aw, thanks! :blush: I hope I do about as good this year, because I need all the scholarship money I can get. :blink:

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Thanks! :) I hope Rob goes easy on us...

I have total faith in you. You will do excellent! :D

I don't remember what I got on the midterm, but my final grade for the year was 98. ^_^ Now I'm in AP Calc. :blink:

I absolutely positively knew you would do fantastic and you proved me right!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aw, thanks! :blush: I hope I do about as good this year, because I need all the scholarship money I can get. :blink:

I have some fantastic pointers on getting more money. If you would like to hear them just let me know and I will write and tell you.

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Thanks! :) I hope Rob goes easy on us...

I have total faith in you. You will do excellent! :D

I don't remember what I got on the midterm, but my final grade for the year was 98. ^_^ Now I'm in AP Calc. :blink:

I absolutely positively knew you would do fantastic and you proved me right!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aw, thanks! :blush: I hope I do about as good this year, because I need all the scholarship money I can get. :blink:

I have some fantastic pointers on getting more money. If you would like to hear them just let me know and I will write and tell you.

that would be great! ^_^ I'm working on finding scholarships using a website my mom found. I'm going to have lots of essays to write... :unsure: (eh, sorry if this triple posts...it's not working right... you can edit this part out)

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