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hello all! long time no talk. boo i'm way lame. sorry sorry. but what's up? i feel like i should update everyone (who actually gets on here still) about my life. so i think i might just do that! so so so much has changed. for the good.


sooo... where to start? i have really no idea when the last time i got on here was, so i'm just going to refresh everyone on what's been going on my life for the past year and a half.

the summer of 2007, my brother attempted to commit suicide. at least he claimed that was his plan. when all reality he just freaked out my parents and drove to minnesota or somewhere. he was gone for about a day, and he had to spend about a week in a psychiatry ward after that. that same summer many of my role models...people i looked to for extreme guidance...moved away. the two that had the most impact were my youth pastor and his wife. i was so very close to them. i was extremely upset from that point of my life to about the fall of 2008. i was just at a sort of standstill in my life...a crossroad, if you will. it was a difficult time for me, but i ventured through it.


i am so so so good now, it's almost unbelievable. life could be better, i know, but i'm content at where i'm at and where i'm going. life is lovely, and i'm so very thankful for every day i get to be alive.


let's see...what else happened...in december i got out of what was basically a five-month relationship. it was sad, but i made a good choice in ending it. my happiness isn't worth giving up just to be with an extremely cute boy (or "arm candy" as my mother likes to put it). i fell for a womanizer (boy don't try to fruh-uh-uhnt!), and that was a bit of a destructive relationship. that ended somewhat badly, but we're still kinda friends...and he's now an anti-social lol. in the past year i've gained so many friends, including my bestest friend who i love so very much. which brings me to my boyfriend...


haha. remember the womanizer? well, when we were "talking" (code term for "kinda-but-not-really dating" ... not sure if that term is used in other parts of the U of S), he took me to one of his friends houses. his friend had no idea that we were coming, so when we showed up, he was watching x-men all by his lonesome little self. so, we watched that with him. i didn't talk to his friend again until i managed to find his profile on facebook...we ended up talking, and we hung out a few times. we're similar in so very many ways, but yet we're different. it's a cool relationship, very chill. he asked me out on the day before valentine's day, and i joked about how i couldn't listen to the song "valentine's day" by linkin park anymore. (we both love linkin park.) we're not sure if it can become anything serious though, as he might be moving to Utah or California sometime soon. (It might be this summer...it might be this fall...it might be in a month.) it's hard to think about, but i'm okay with it. i'm okay with where we're at...i like how happy and easy going i am. my parents just don't know about it yet, as i'm not allowed to date anyone older than me that is out of high school. he's only been out of school for a year, though. my parents willll be finding out soon enough.


what else? i've been playing bass for about two years now, and i might be joining the bf's band, since they need a bass player for an upcoming show they have. hmm. i've also been working at a local grocery store (Hy-Vee, haha.) for a year in June. I'm a customer service girl, which i like a lot...i just don't enjoy cleaning the urinals. boo.


yep. that is all. (: it's my bed time, and i need some zzzz's. i have to play for my church's worship band tomorrow morning, and then i need to go shopping for some soccer gear. (soccer starts on monday...i'm so going to die! we run like 5-9 miles at practice. sooo dumb.)

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ooh, also i now have my nose pierced!

and KAT KAT KAT!!! i kinda know how to do some tricks with glow sticks! the womanizer that i was in love with went to a lot of raves and such, so he's wayy good at glowsticking. he showed me some stuff, so i know a little bit. i stink way bad, but i'm getting better!

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TOTO !!!!

*hugs, hugs, hugs*


How absolutely, positively wonderful to see you!


Glad to see you are doing better. So sorry to hear that your brother went through some hard times.

At least he is back on track. Life is hard for young people. It does get better.


Your life sounds like it is really going in the right direction. The bass... fantastic! Hope you end up in the band.


Not much here, we do have lots of people who still come around.


Hope you don't disappear again.


Horatio :D

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It's been so looooong! I'm very glad to hear that things are going so well for you ^^ And if your boyfriend watches X-Men, then I approve =D


And GLOWSTICKING \o/ Haha my friends and I do it all the time when we're bored (which is most of the time). Even in school, we'll just use pencils or whatever.

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horatio: oh how i've missed you! you are as bright and cheery as ever. (: i love it!


kat: glowsticking is amazing! as are you. but yes, the bf does like x-men. and dn'd...bah he's kinda a nerd. but it's cute.


glowurm: haha, i do have some candy. but i don't wear it because i don't want to look like someone who uses X. that's badddd stuff.

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horatio: oh how i've missed you! you are as bright and cheery as ever. (: i love it!


kat: glowsticking is amazing! as are you. but yes, the bf does like x-men. and dn'd...bah he's kinda a nerd. but it's cute.


glowurm: haha, i do have some candy. but i don't wear it because i don't want to look like someone who uses X. that's badddd stuff.

So happy to know I was missed! But certainly not nearly as much as we all have missed you!!!

Please do find a couple minutes to check in and stay with us.


Jesse makes appearances every now and then when his studies allow him a minute. Jesusfreak you have seen. Kep has promised to return for a visit. Leguan posts a few times a week. The Grim Hamster Lord makes appearances in the government topic and then there is everyone else that you have heard from. Glowurm's story is phenomenal and I have a new poll in my topic in Hampsterdance Talk. Mega Wolf will be thrilled to see your post in the Relationships Topic. That's just for starters.

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D&D, haha, I haven't played that system in aaaaaageeeeeees XD Been into CHAMPS lately for the most part. But RPing is good! Hooray for your boyfriend!

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