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so, okay. guys.

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The past 3 days or so, I've been rather sick, to the point where I can't really string together a coherent thought. [Texting took about 8 minutes.] and since I can't think, I cant do ANYthing and it is SO boring D:


I've gone through about every video game in the household, as they require minimal involvement, to the point where I've lost interest. [Probably a good thing though] but I can't write any stories without it involving professional photography of pencils, epilepsy, spontaneous conjoining of people [like, like all of a sudden POOF you guys are siamese D:< ] neon-colored and glowing whips, or oreo cookies. These subjects have been on my brain-dead mind for some time.


but instead of make a thread to complain, there are some other recent events of potential interest.


A week ago, my dad got laid off solely due to economic issues, so we're without income and living off of savings indefinitely while we're in a mad search for another job.

Its pretty likely we'll be moving [again! :­D] which is fine with me as long as we go NORTH. i swear, it was like 78 degrees a few days ago. In february. I dont like Texas.


But, this time will be more time-efficient than others, cause... well, we're leasing this current house [see my Dial-up incident] and we need to be out soon anyway.


-stare- ....... seems like something else happened recently.


I'll... post later if I remember what it was.

slso: this post took about 7 minutes. probably because i was just staring at the monritor half the time.

dont do the drubugs, chilluns. [... not to imply that i have, unless nyquil counts]

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Oh, so some bank around here decided to be awesome and hand out a $125 deposit bonus for opening an account.

so now i have me a debit card with about $150 ducks in it. -dances-


... i think thats all.

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The past 3 days or so, I've been rather sick, to the point where I can't really string together a coherent thought. [Texting took about 8 minutes.] and since I can't think, I cant do ANYthing and it is SO boring D:


I've gone through about every video game in the household, as they require minimal involvement, to the point where I've lost interest. [Probably a good thing though] but I can't write any stories without it involving professional photography of pencils, epilepsy, spontaneous conjoining of people [like, like all of a sudden POOF you guys are siamese D:


but instead of make a thread to complain, there are some other recent events of potential interest.


A week ago, my dad got laid off solely due to economic issues, so we're without income and living off of savings indefinitely while we're in a mad search for another job.

Its pretty likely we'll be moving [again! :­D] which is fine with me as long as we go NORTH. i swear, it was like 78 degrees a few days ago. In february. I dont like Texas.


But, this time will be more time-efficient than others, cause... well, we're leasing this current house [see my Dial-up incident] and we need to be out soon anyway.


-stare- ....... seems like something else happened recently.


I'll... post later if I remember what it was.

slso: this post took about 7 minutes. probably because i was just staring at the monritor half the time.

dont do the drubugs, chilluns. [... not to imply that i have, unless nyquil counts]

Arkcher... I am so sorry to hear about your father. What kind of work does he do?

We will be keeping him, you and your family in our thoughts, heart and prayers.

May he find a new job soon!

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Oh, so some bank around here decided to be awesome and hand out a $125 deposit bonus for opening an account.

so now i have me a debit card with about $150 ducks in it. -dances-


... i think thats all.

Congratulations on getting $125!!!

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I totally understand about the lack of income thing. :/ My mom lost her job in December of 07 and due to lots of health issues hasn't been able to find a new job yet, and my dad's working three separate jobs to make sure we get by. So I'm really sorry that's happening to you.


We got 4-6" of snow today =D But that wasn't really very good because I spent a lot of time having to go outside.

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Arkcher... I am so sorry to hear about your father. What kind of work does he do?

We will be keeping him, you and your family in our thoughts, heart and prayers.

May he find a new job soon!

I forgot to mention that he has some friends in high places, and there are several good leads available. We'll recover from this in less than 2 months, I deem.

The half-written plan is that by 2 or 3 weeks, by the end of March, he'll choose which one is most awesome and we'll move there. Even if its just on the other side of town.


so This wont be a lasting incident.


He's a... process engineer, i think you call it. Major in chemistry, minor in geology, so he's worked with cement/concrete plants, made custom ceramic bricks for steel factories, and does some management work so he signs the piece of paper that says 'your bridge wont fall over :­D'

With the right resources, he can pretty much make any sort of rock/sand/stone stuff with many different attributes, like being lightweight and being able to withstand some 1,000C degrees. or being like, nigh-on indestructible. Granted, its not very cheap, but he can do it.


I guess there are just plenty of structures already built, and construction joints that need that kind of concrete are going downhill, or something. This isnt the first time thats happened. ... the.. the laying off.

so What he's looking forward to doing is working with ISO, something like the International Standards Organization so he'd go to everyone elses cement plants and survey their machines and products and make sure everything's fine and dandy. He likes travelling, so that'd work well for him.


but yeah, he's got some good leads, somewhere up in Tennessee was offering like 90k a year. which would be nice.


Also: Katman's dad earns like 300 awesome-points for covering for everyone with 3 jobs.

And it didnt snow here. D: at all. I think they forgot Winter was supposed to happen.

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Arkcher... I am so sorry to hear about your father. What kind of work does he do?

We will be keeping him, you and your family in our thoughts, heart and prayers.

May he find a new job soon!

I forgot to mention that he has some friends in high places, and there are several good leads available. We'll recover from this in less than 2 months, I deem.

The half-written plan is that by 2 or 3 weeks, by the end of March, he'll choose which one is most awesome and we'll move there. Even if its just on the other side of town.


so This wont be a lasting incident.


He's a... process engineer, i think you call it. Major in chemistry, minor in geology, so he's worked with cement/concrete plants, made custom ceramic bricks for steel factories, and does some management work so he signs the piece of paper that says 'your bridge wont fall over :­D'

With the right resources, he can pretty much make any sort of rock/sand/stone stuff with many different attributes, like being lightweight and being able to withstand some 1,000C degrees. or being like, nigh-on indestructible. Granted, its not very cheap, but he can do it.


I guess there are just plenty of structures already built, and construction joints that need that kind of concrete are going downhill, or something. This isnt the first time thats happened. ... the.. the laying off.

so What he's looking forward to doing is working with ISO, something like the International Standards Organization so he'd go to everyone elses cement plants and survey their machines and products and make sure everything's fine and dandy. He likes travelling, so that'd work well for him.


but yeah, he's got some good leads, somewhere up in Tennessee was offering like 90k a year. which would be nice.


Also: Katman's dad earns like 300 awesome-points for covering for everyone with 3 jobs.

And it didnt snow here. D: at all. I think they forgot Winter was supposed to happen.

Oh my goodness!!! Your father sounds so very smart and things will happen for him. This is good news on the way.

Thank you for the update.


Kat's father is another incredible man. He is working so hard to take care of his family. This is honorable and we need to award him with The Red Rose Award.


Hopefully Obama's economic plan and the health care plan will succeed and things will start turning around.

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  • 3 weeks later...
i swear, it was like 78 degrees a few days ago. In february. I dont like Texas.


Woah hey, that's what I love about Texas. You can seriously go from 40 degress one day to 80 the next. It's the best :)

When it goes from 30 degrees to 45, then i'll be good to go. ... for more than one day.

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Kansas weather:


Sunday: snowed 6"

Monday: sunny, maybe 75 degrees

Tuesday: same, snow is gone by now

Wesnesday: humid, muggy, threatening to rain

Thurday: rain

Friday: freezing rain/sleet

Saturday: snowed 2"


This was last week.

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Kansas weather:


Sunday: snowed 6"

Monday: sunny, maybe 75 degrees

Tuesday: same, snow is gone by now

Wesnesday: humid, muggy, threatening to rain

Thurday: rain

Friday: freezing rain/sleet

Saturday: snowed 2"


This was last week.



Memphis was pretty close to the variables you had in Kansas, but a little moderated. We were in the 30's on the cold day and had a high of 89 on the sunny day. Then cold, cold, cold again. GRRRRR.

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  • 7 months later...

I forgot to mention that he has some friends in high places, and there are several good leads available. We'll recover from this in less than 2 months, I deem.

oh ho ho ho


so like 8 months and several hundred frozen burritos later, we're making progress.

Some time in August, my dad caved in and got a temporary job at a local high school. A teacher's salary is about 1/4 an engineers, BUT it was $30k more than we were making before.


In the last month or so, a company up in Charlevoix Michigan has been doing many phone interviews and the like with my Dad, and they've gone pretty well. As near as we can figure, he's the top candidate out of about 8 for a Quality Control Manager. This last weekend, they bought him a plane ticket to come up for a real, physical interview. So he made many preparations, expected a difficult interview with those questions like "tell me about yourself" "what kind of salary range are you looking for?" (if you say too low, they fulfil that request and give you the lowest salary in the whole plant. if you say too high, you cost too much and they wont hire you.) or other risky questions.

This was more of "how soon can you move here?" as if they had already made the decision to hire him.


So that went well. This weekend, they have already bought three tickets for him and his family [my parents and I] to fly up there for a weekend, and see if we're comfortable living there. I'm no expert on this matter, but I think that's a strong indication that they're serious about this job if they pay for your family to come up just to take a look around.

Interestingly enough, they didn't handle the finance very well. If you plan ahead and buy plane tickets like 3 weeks in advance, they're a LOT cheaper. ~$500 apiece.

They bought the tickets just yesterday, and we're leaving tomorrow. $1250 each. Almost $4,000 to fly us up there for a day or two just to see if we want to live there.

I just hope that expense goes to corporate, cause thats a big chunk of money for something frivolous.


Flight leaves at 7:40 AM, need to be at the airport at about 6:00, need to leave at about 3 in the morning. Might just pull an all-nighter :­B


Dont know how soon, or even if we'll make that switch, working at the high school is weighing us down somewhat. I don't much want to stay for the rest of the semester. :c

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I forgot to mention that he has some friends in high places, and there are several good leads available. We'll recover from this in less than 2 months, I deem.

oh ho ho ho


so like 8 months and several hundred frozen burritos later, we're making progress.

Some time in August, my dad caved in and got a temporary job at a local high school. A teacher's salary is about 1/4 an engineers, BUT it was $30k more than we were making before.


In the last month or so, a company up in Charlevoix Michigan has been doing many phone interviews and the like with my Dad, and they've gone pretty well. As near as we can figure, he's the top candidate out of about 8 for a Quality Control Manager. This last weekend, they bought him a plane ticket to come up for a real, physical interview. So he made many preparations, expected a difficult interview with those questions like "tell me about yourself" "what kind of salary range are you looking for?" (if you say too low, they fulfil that request and give you the lowest salary in the whole plant. if you say too high, you cost too much and they wont hire you.) or other risky questions.

This was more of "how soon can you move here?" as if they had already made the decision to hire him.


So that went well. This weekend, they have already bought three tickets for him and his family [my parents and I] to fly up there for a weekend, and see if we're comfortable living there. I'm no expert on this matter, but I think that's a strong indication that they're serious about this job if they pay for your family to come up just to take a look around.

Interestingly enough, they didn't handle the finance very well. If you plan ahead and buy plane tickets like 3 weeks in advance, they're a LOT cheaper. ~$500 apiece.

They bought the tickets just yesterday, and we're leaving tomorrow. $1250 each. Almost $4,000 to fly us up there for a day or two just to see if we want to live there.

I just hope that expense goes to corporate, cause thats a big chunk of money for something frivolous.


Flight leaves at 7:40 AM, need to be at the airport at about 6:00, need to leave at about 3 in the morning. Might just pull an all-nighter :­B


Dont know how soon, or even if we'll make that switch, working at the high school is weighing us down somewhat. I don't much want to stay for the rest of the semester. :c

OMG Arkcher!!! If the company bought tickets for you, it is a done deal. The only question is if you and your parents like the area and how soon can you move.


The reason they did not think ahead, was companies do not do that. If they want to hire you, they will do whatever it takes to get the job done and your father must have WOWed them!!! I have been wondering, but was afraid to ask. Now I am so very, very thrilled. BTW, you will love Michigan. It is FREEZING there in the winter and summers are not anywhere near to what you are used to.




We are all so very happy to hear the absolutely incredible great news.


Have a terrific flight! They are probably having you sit in business class which is a lot more comfortable than the back.


I will be on pins and needles until you return with the news. :D

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OMG Arkcher!!! If the company bought tickets for you, it is a done deal. The only question is if you and your parents like the area and how soon can you move.


The reason they did not think ahead, was companies do not do that. If they want to hire you, they will do whatever it takes to get the job done and your father must have WOWed them!!! I have been wondering, but was afraid to ask. Now I am so very, very thrilled. BTW, you will love Michigan. It is FREEZING there in the winter and summers are not anywhere near to what you are used to.




We are all so very happy to hear the absolutely incredible great news.


Have a terrific flight! They are probably having you sit in business class which is a lot more comfortable than the back.


I will be on pins and needles until you return with the news. :D

I've not seen any negative facets of moving there, not being so fond of my peers here in Texas.

But I've been here too long, being almost, almost comfortable in 80F.


I forgot to mention that they asked us three weeks in advance to make plans to travel up there, but even after we committed to go, they didn't buy the tickets until yesterday.

Minor detail, there will be a three-hour layover in Detroit. Don't know what i'll do in that time. Probably walk around and stare at funny-looking people.

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OMG Arkcher!!! If the company bought tickets for you, it is a done deal. The only question is if you and your parents like the area and how soon can you move.


The reason they did not think ahead, was companies do not do that. If they want to hire you, they will do whatever it takes to get the job done and your father must have WOWed them!!! I have been wondering, but was afraid to ask. Now I am so very, very thrilled. BTW, you will love Michigan. It is FREEZING there in the winter and summers are not anywhere near to what you are used to.




We are all so very happy to hear the absolutely incredible great news.


Have a terrific flight! They are probably having you sit in business class which is a lot more comfortable than the back.


I will be on pins and needles until you return with the news. :D

I've not seen any negative facets of moving there, not being so fond of my peers here in Texas.

But I've been here too long, being almost, almost comfortable in 80F.


I forgot to mention that they asked us three weeks in advance to make plans to travel up there, but even after we committed to go, they didn't buy the tickets until yesterday.

Minor detail, there will be a three-hour layover in Detroit. Don't know what i'll do in that time. Probably walk around and stare at funny-looking people.

This is incredibly fantastic news for your father. Hope you like it up there, which I am certain you will.

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I kind of want to know what Dell was thinking, making this laptop with a 10" screen. This thing is tiny. The text field on the boards here takes up almost the whole screen.


But here we are in Charlevoix MI, and we still don't have a definite confirmation of having a job here, but there havent been ANY negative vibes from anyone. Not a lot of competition, either. From what I understand, Michigan has one of the highest unemployment rates around, I would think there'd be a lot more people falling over themselves trying to get this job.


But we are the first of the candidates to physically come up here, or rather, only ones to make it past a phone interview.


But, since employment is a terrible, tedious, drawn-out beaurocratic process, they wouldn't be able to get us up here until January. We're renting our house in Texas up until December, so we'll probably be homeless for a few weeks unless we find a weekly-rate rental joint.


If all goes as planned, they'll have information for us by Tuesday, regarding moving up here/getting a job/other details. I think they'll have a few more interviews between now and then. Can't say for sure.


But since the economy around here is so messed up, we've found through newspapers and ads that a lot of 3+ bedroom homes could be rented for ~$600/mo. Which is crazy awesome. A lot of people facing foreclosure are getting desperate to rent out, so finding residence won't be a problem at all.


on a side note, I ate the most awesome BLT sammich for lunch today. one pound of bacon on sourdough bread. Almost went in to cardiac arrest, but it was the most awesome sammich ever.

Oh, it had some vegetables on it, too.

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Dell wasn't thinking. A ten-inch screen wouldn't make it worth carrying around.


Your father and all of you are in my prayers for a successful outcome and job offer. Michigan is a great state, and I think you would love it there, has severe economic problems due to the loss of many jobs in the automotive industry. Then comes the trickle-down effect and no one escapes being hurt. One of the biggest problems with home ownership is when you lose your job, are unable to find another one in the same area with similar pay, then if the economy is bad, you are unable to sell your house. Fortunate for you, your family rented, so it is very easy to pick up and go where the job is. That is one reason why there is not as much competition for this job, people are stuck where they were before due to owning their house and not being able to sell. Glad something is going in your favour. Hope you find a house you like. I am certain you will. Your father will have lots to consider, such as his morning commute and when the snow hits, that always makes the commute a whole lot slower.


BLT's are the greatest!!! I think I would have had to try one and think about the cardiac arrest later. :lol: It totally would be worth it!


Please let us know how things go. We are here waiting for the good news!!!

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My dad got an email from the headhunters, group of folks trying to get him hooked up with this job.


Unfortunately, I was just informed that you were not selected for the position in Charlevoix. This came as quite a shock to me. Shawn did not provide much detail, but I’m trying to see if I can find out additional information.


so this is about the third time we've been "not selected" for a position.

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My dad got an email from the headhunters, group of folks trying to get him hooked up with this job.


Unfortunately, I was just informed that you were not selected for the position in Charlevoix. This came as quite a shock to me. Shawn did not provide much detail, but I’m trying to see if I can find out additional information.


so this is about the third time we've been "not selected" for a position.


Oh Noooooooooooooooo!

I am so, so sorry to hear this.

Certainly you all are stunned to hear the bad news.

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