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I look back


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I look back and see a loud, annoying, hyper, uncontrollable individual who only cared for himself. I re-read all the posts on this specific (new) forum I can written by him. And I am utterly angry embarrassed by the abundance of immaturity.


And I wonder.. but what I wonder, I do not know. But, still, I wonder...


And it's saddening this all has happened. And all the lies told. All the half-truths, truths bent to suit his needs. How many exactly that you became victim to, I will not say. And neither will I say which ones. But know - The person before you, the person you knew, nothing you could know, past, present, or future would be considered factual.


Everyone lies. Some speak of "boast lies" to suit their own ego. He did. How many and which? Again, I cannot say.


It is more out of fear than privacy I cannot say. Fear of the opinions, fear of the unknown. He was a different person then. But can you forgive him? There are things I could tell you which would cause him to be instantly IP banned.


The manipulation, false ideas, emotions, events.. His words became a poison. And my hearth burdened and heavy, I want to spill the cup over and let it pour like a river. But he wouldn't like that. And I fear the consequences.


Even if promised and granted a pardon on behalf of the ban, could he still come back and be greeted the same way?


No, everything he does will be looked at and judged. People will turn their hearts cold to him.


He wonders if I am jumping to conclusions. But we know the facts. We know the horrors of the past. And I know what will happen when revealing them.





You cheat on your girlfriend before she becomes your wife. Yet she does not know. 10 years down the road, you tell her out of guilt. But, she is not so easy to forgive you. Especially after all those years and marrying you. She relied on her trusting of you. And you broke it, keeping it secret.




He has cheated on you, the people. And I want to tell his dirty laundry. He broke your trust and you didn't know it. What will happen when I reveal what he has broke?


My heart heavy, still I cannot say what it is he did.

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One thing that is different about the people on HampsterDance...

we do have the power to accept a person as they are even after they have revealed what they perceive to be as horrific acts, evil acts or bad things about themselves.

Sometimes people are hardest on themselves and we can see the good through it all.

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