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Storytellers Encyclopedia


I will list as much information possible about everything ST related, from races, to people, places, etc. However, I will not list all things that are seen in the story. This is more for people wanting to know more of the lore and things behind the scenes.


For the 2009 Revision, 3rd Edition, click this link. http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5484

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Storytellers Encyclopedia


I will list as much information possible about everything ST related, from races, to people, places, etc. However, I will not list all things that are seen in the story. This is more for people wanting to know more of the lore and things behind the scenes.


For the 2009 Revision, 3rd Edition, click this link. http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5484

Thank you for this topic!!! I look forward to learning much more.

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The world in the story is called - Nefrati, meaning New Fracture (A new break). Nefrati is the newest of the worlds, created by the explosion of Suf, the oldest and most ancient of the worlds. There is no known number of worlds or how they came to be, currently. Nor how Suf exlpoded.

If you read the two original editions, Nefrati is also the name of the capital of the Empire. However, in the 3rd, it has a new name - Teracian, which is a name from another story.


The first races of creatures on Nefrati were actually tree small colonies that existed on Suf, who somehow survived the seismic event. The first and largest were shapeshifters who could into anything, and take on the biological characteristics. The other two, un-named presently, started inter-breeding for hundreds of years. After reach capacity, they spread out to find new land and developed new societies. Eventually, the mixed-breeds became the dominant race and declared martial law, claiming they were the True. (It is unknown what they meant by true.)


Wishing to stay out of affairs, the plasma shapeshifters cut contact with the Mixed, but were eventually raided and obliterated, all save one. How the Mixed breeds were able to accomplish this is also unknown, but it is suspected to be related to their lineage. The last remaining plasma sentient [something I cannot say on here. But basically, was forced to do something.] and inevitably spawned yet another mixed-generation.


However, unlike before, this generation was entirely different even from itself. Every new child, thanks to the abilities of the mother, was born completely different (up until a point). Each new child became a new race. There were 106 main-branches in all. The # is assumed to be related to the # of forms/biological being the mother could shift into. Regardless, more and more children were born into these 106 branches. And those children mixed with each other, forsaking and wiping out the paternal mix.


Each branch of the 106 had several sub-species, if not more.


New powers and abilities formed, and 7 chieftains in all were chosen to lead the entire world. They would lead the people for 5000 years, until a sect of man-creatures sprung up, ghastly in appearance and extremely aggressive.


These creatures became known as the first Hun, the evolutionary parent of the present hun. (Hun means over-bearing, or over-whelming.)


A battle lasted for 400 years, with the hun winning out. Their unique abilities consisted of: able to increase in strength and power based on will. If the enemy was stronger, the hun had to become twice as strong. This determination became the undoing of the original mer races.





And this became the backdrop for thousands of years, mer and man wars to take control. Eventually, the hun organized in a way never seen before, and developed a new society they called "Tera", led by a peace-loving man who wanted the wars to stop. Several years later, all groups of people helped to build a massive city and tower in the present day Mestfan.


The Mestfan of yesteryear was called "Teraciane", meaning Born New, and become the foundation of what would become the capital of the world.


Even though peace reigned, and a council of races (1 of each) ruled the land, the highest law decreed by the Order was that men and mer could not breed together. This was little followed by a certain sect/race, who would [force] the women of the hun, luring them by magick. This mix of manmer resembled the paternal side, but would eventually (through breeding) look more like man, with the powers of mer.


And it was this day set the bar for the present hun, and how man gained the ability to use magick.


But, as history dictates, man becomes selfish and ambitious. And so it became. Man seized power by force and new-found powers, thanks to the mer. Because of the man side of the manmer, they were more resistant to magic, with the magickal influence of the mer. And it was inevitable the real mer would fall.


The elves of old scattered, many going across the sea, some to remote forests, others to hills and mountains. The most powerful of all the mer, Amundoshanti, led a large group of refugees farther in-land, colonizing in a grassy valley surrounded by the tallest mountain.


These specific followers would eventually turn into the Sky Elves, or High Elves. (High not meaning it's literal meaning, but a - True Elven, un-touch or tainted by outside influences, disease, etc.) These Sky Elves built vast towers in which were hundreds and hundreds of metres in the air, looking over much, if not "all" of the land.



(This is it, for now. I am sad to say this isn't very good, though.)

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