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Newer songs

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It's been a long time since I last posted a song, so I decided to post all the ones I've written recently.


Has anyone seen the cat?


When the news of your death is told so suddenly to me,

It doesn't take to long for me to cry

When my eyes well up and my mouth becomes unable to speak words,

It's that time when I need you more than ever

It seems you only stayed here for a short time

It seems you didn't want me near you very much

I still remember when you were a baby, laying with your sisters

Back then, you didn't have a name

We gave you a name upon the way home

And set you in an unfamiliar place full of unfamiliar faces

An uninvited guest who would dart around unseen


Now I need you more than ever

The other three don't seem to understand but

Now I need you more than ever

The other three don't bother to be near me

Now I need you for forever


I watched you grow up and you became the cutest thing I saw

But you were running in and out causing me to worry

You always came back but this time you didn't

Where have you gone this time?

I only wish you were here with me

If you could understand me then you would see

Now I need you more than ever

The other three belonged to each of us

But you belonged to no one

You belonged to me, or him, or all of us,

You were everyone's friend


Now I need you more than ever

The other three don't seem to understand but

Now I need you more than ever

The other three don't bother to be near me

Now I need you for forever


It's time for me to get going

I need to keep moving

Gotta keep your death out of my mind

I'll find a new one if you'd just give me time

I'll never forget your cute face and cute greeting

When you opened the door to come and see me

When you were here, I knew

I was yours

For you followed me wherever I went

But today, you won't follow me anymore

No longer will I look and see you, right next to me

You were next to me all this time



I need you more than ever

I need you more than any other



That's all I have to say


I've had enough for this day


I need to get out of this town


I need to get out of this town

But I also need to stick around

I've done everything that there is to do

A hundred times and then some


There's nothing left for me in this town

Just friends and high school and all my memories

somehow i think that if i leave, it'll become like the places

I used to go

That weren't so good

But back then it seemed like they were


Once I finish High School, maybe I'll go to College

But after that I'm leaving here

Trust me I'll stay in contact, if I could I'd take you with me

But what happens, that we'll see


But something is keeping me here

Part of it's my friends but there's something else

The memories, i think, they're killing me

They're suffocating me


I need to get on out of this town

I was never meant to be here in the first place

But I'm glad I met you

I'm glad I met you

I'm glad that we got to be friends


I hope that if I leave

You'll never forget about me

I won't let you do that

I hope that we can always

Be the same as we are now

Hanging out on the weekends

I hope it can stay that way


But I don't know what's gonna happen

I'm scared to see what happens

The future is killing me


Have you Forgotten?


Just the other day you and me were talking

Hanging out like we always do

I suddenly thought of something that happened

Just a couple months ago


It involved all of us

And honestly it was pretty funny

It's a good story to share it's the kind you tell your kids


But it seems something has gone wrong


It seems that you have...forgotten that moment

I told you about others and you said you forgot them all

My eyes welled up but I was in public so I sucked back the tears

This could very well be the very last straw

A signal saying it's time to end it all

But I continue because you guys we've had some good times

Even if you seem to forget them


Maybe everything never happened

Maybe I'm just living a lie

Maybe It's time to say Good-Bye

But I simply can't do that because you're way to special to me


I have no more to say


Let me think for the rest of the day




And When The Wind outside is getting colder

And When The Person I am Gets Older

And When The fog on my glasses gets bigger as my tears begin to drown me

And When It's Time for you to go

And When You see George and Donti and Tolly and Callie

And When The Shovel preparing Your grave is digging

And When the Noise of the shovel gets louder

And When the Winter ice numbs me so

Oh my blood is warm but yours is so cold


As I hold You Dead in my arms


The Back of The Bathroom Wall


Have you Ever read graffiti and found it uplifting?

As good as a book you read, and as pretty as a work of art?

Lemme tell you about what I read on The Back of The Bathroom Door.


I see written in black ink pen is someone's MySpace

I dunno why, maybe they want attention

I don't have a MySpace but if I did I'd visit you


I see written in blue marker are some flowers and the phrase

"Don't Worry, Be Hippie"

Hey, Man, I'm not much of a hippie

But Maybe if I was I wouldn't worry so much

But I kinda like my video games and all my gothic poetry

But I also like my Tye-Dye so I guess I'm fine


I see written in a blackish-blue Pen

The lyrics to a Ramones song

Hey, man! I like that band!

Maybe we oughta be friends


I see written in between the bricks

The Names of couples written in pen

What a shame, I don't have a date,

Otherwise I'd write my own alongside yours


I see written in many different kinds

The Names and Dates of tourists long and left behind

Hey I'm a tourist too, I hope you're having fun

I want to write my own name alongside yours


I see written somehow in Pencil

A poem in German, I wonder what it's about

Someday I'll learn German, and hope it hasn't washed away

And learn what you were talking about




Hey, Chris, knock knock it's me again

It's been over five years since we saw each other last

Remember how you said goodbye, just the day before Christmas break?

I wonder how you've been since then


And it's been so long since we talked last

I remember the way we talked about games and anime together

Since then things have changed, and the truth is hard to see,

Oh Chris if you saw me now would you recognize me?


I don't quite remember the first day we met

Must have been in Kindergarten 'cause that's as long as I knew you

Hey, remember those trading cards you made and gave to me?

Guess what, I still got 'em

I stamped the words "I Miss You" On them and sometimes

I still look at them and remember the good times we had


Remember how you said goodbye

During the Christmas song the whole school tried

I got your number and e-mail but it's changed or maybe I lost it

Oh Chris if you saw me now would you recognize me?


You know I've had a lot of friends

Who I only knew for a while and

I never saw them again or heard from them

But while I do think about them,

I knew you long before I knew them

And I knew you far longer then I knew them

And some days I lie in bed

Thinkin', "Hey, where did he go, anyway?"


But you know not everything was great

I remember about a week, for me you had this strange strong hate

And oh, how I cried that night

But days passed that felt like years

And before I knew it you wiped away my tears

And said, "Hey Let's be friends again"


But then you moved and I haven't heard from you since,


and I hope you hear this song even if you don't know it's me

And even better I hope you know how I much I miss you


Oh Chris if you saw me now, if you saw me now, would you recognize me?




Come on, now, you want a good game?

Come here and let me tell you and you'll never be the same!


He has hair like Lucas and a YoYo like Ness,

He traverses islands and caves just like all the rest.

He uses a slingshot like Animal Crossing and Link,

If that doesn't make you wanna play...well, come on, just think.


It's as hard as Kid icarus, if not harder, but hey-

Enough with comparisons, come on and let's play!


Before Mike Jones was a rapper, we had this NES gem!

Oh how forgotten, will it get enough attention? God knows when!


This has to be the most difficult game I've ever played

But it's not so much frustrating as it makes me want more, and hey

When I finally get through, it's such a satisfying thing,

And then, guess what, do it all over again!


Before Mike Jones was a rapper, we had this NES gem!

Oh how forgotten, will it get enough attention? God knows when!


So what is the story, you'll probably ask:

Well, let's take a look.

There's a pitcher from Washington and his name is Mike,

His uncle Dr. Jones invited him to these islands,

But it seems he's been kidnapped so now Mike is looking for him

What happens in the end? You'll have to play to find out!


Before Mike Jones was a rapper, we had this NES gem!

Oh how forgotten, will it get enough attention? God knows when!


Oh, and don't forget, the most puzzling of questions:


Did you dip your uncle's letter in the water?


Ode to Geno


(spoken)GENO WHIRL!!!

(smashing noise)



(music begins here)


(sung)Once upon a time in 1996,

Came a video game from Nintendo and Square-Enix!

It's a pretty good game, but most of all, I know-

There's the best loved character, a puppet called Geno!


(spoken)Well, that isn't his real name. Just the doll's name.

Nope, his real name was too hard to pronounce.



Yea, he was just a lifeless little toy

Who belonged to the Toad named Gaz (Had no idea he was a boy)

But one fateful night, a restless star came down

And took control and he started walking around!


What happened next? Well, he took off for the woods

Gaz asked Mario to go get him and he said he would

After following him for hours through the Forest Maze,

They found he wasn't lying about Geno taking off, and they were just amazed


Geno explained that he'd come from afar

To find the pieces to fix the road of stars

Because if he didn't, then no wishes would come true

So Mario and Mallow said, "Hey, we'll help you!"


So Geno joined them, and they all helped each other out

They found he's really strong, which is something everyone seems to like about

Him, and his very catchy theme song

That I could listen to all day long


There's a lot of great things about the game, I know

But most of all I really love Geno!

He came from the stars just to save our wishes

Go, Go, Geno, go repair Star Road

Go repair Star Road

Go make our wishes come true and repair Star Road

Go, Go, Geno!

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Mushroom_king... you are very talented! Not only as a story teller, but author, lyricist and poet.


*presents Mushroom_king with The Blue Note Award*


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Mushroom_king... you are very talented! Not only as a story teller, but author, lyricist and poet.


*presents Mushroom_king with The Blue Note Award*


Please never let anyone tell you that you are not great at writing, creating, etc.. You are most definitely talented and have lots of ability.

Do not let anyone take this away from you. Always believe in yourself.

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