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Fake Memories

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Pick ANY person on the board you want, then make up a story about something that you and them once did together. Happy, funny, sad, anything you want. The only rule is that it has to be TOTALLY MADE UP. If it really happened, you can't use it. You can make up as many as you want.


Like this one time, me and JesusFreak were out on the middle of a lake fishing and eating breadsticks. Then a shark tipped over our boat and attacked us, but we beat him into submission. We learned that he was really just insecure about himself, so we let him hang out with us for the day. That night we all went to Chili's and had an awesome time.

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One day -Kat- and I decided to fight the evil budgies that lived in the attic. So, armed with small Ikea lamps, we charged into the dusty loft space to be greated by the King of the Clipboard people! Boy, we were surprised. We dined with him at a glorious feast consisting of roast table and sauteed leather boots. We were eventually declared traitors to the Great and Glorious Kingdom of Blibby and had to battle some Battlefrogs TO DA DETH.



That was fun. ^_^

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Once upon a time, Mushroom_king and her very awesome friend known as Cheesemaster, and his incredibly awesome hair (which is cooler than Arkcher's), were playing vihjoe games one time. They were playing Brawl. Except it was SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME BRAWL, so Jeff and Geno were playable characters. Mii, too. So MK was Jeff, and that other person was Geno, and then they got into a fight over which game was better, Mario RPG or EarthBound, and then they probably made peace. Which probably involved listening to John Lennon. And a Peace pipe. Can't make peace without a peace pipe. Anyway, then they went to a Weird Al concert and lived happily ever after. The End.

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One day, I decided to put on a shark outfit, just to see how things go underwater. I think it was pretty convincing, it was even shiny with these big huge teeth. A few fish asked me what I was doing in a lake, rather than a sea, which made me hesitate- Why was I so stupid as to go jump in a lake, Sharks don't go in lakes...


Ever since then all the fish and vegetative growths had been giving me real suspicious looks, it made me really nervous and insecure. I had to get out of there, just had to; A shark just doesnt jump out and leave a lake though. How can I convince them I'm legit?


I thought to myself, 'What do Sharks do?' I saw a movie about that one time, called Jews or something like that. I dunno, It had a bunch of sharks. At least one. In there, it kept attacking boats and people at random. So, that must be what sharks do. And to my astonishment, there just above me was a boat! In the middle of the lake!


"Score!" I thought to myself, as I shot straight upward at the unsuspecting boat, and its passengers. Upon impact, the boat tipped over, and several breadsticks and cats, accompanied by one human, fell out of it. Not wasting any time, they grabbed nearby blunt objects, such as claymores, knitting needles, stale breadsticks, Whatever they could find, and kept beating me to a pulp until I stopped fighting back. I had to explain my situation, as that was quite the awkward moment. I remained anonymous, hiding behind the guise of a shark. I convinced them that I was pretty insecure about myself, and we were pretty good friends after that and hung out with them for the rest of the day.


We went to Chili's that night, and I had some shrimp. Thats what Sharks like to eat. The Waitress there asked what a shark was doing in their restaurant, which created a dawning moment of realization upon all present guests, as I became the focus of attention, everyone giving me those same suspicious looks as in the Lake.


I swear, nothing but Drama ever since I put on this Shark outfit. -takes it off-

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last week, Glo and I were rollin in our space cruiser, chillin out, maxin, relaxing all cool. We decided we were hungry, so we pulled up to the Space Taco Bell. "100 of your finest cheese quesedillas," Glo ordered in a resonating bass. The poor young man at the window gazed at him in abject terror of his commanding aura, then shakily handed out the stuffed bag. As Glo pulled the cruiser into the parking lot, I checked out order. They were quesedillas, alright, but hardly the finest. "Unacceptable!" I roared, causing the cruiser to shake. So then we stormed inside and smacked some people up until we got our quality quesedillas.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Once upon a time, me, Arkcher, and Kat went on an epic quest to find out why Cheeseman never comes here anymore.


Turns out that he was kidnapped and roped and tied up in the Crayola factory, so we had to defeat the evil White Crayon in order to save him. And then we breakdanced on the roof to celebrate after we saved him, and Kat ate the Macaroni crayon.

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MK and I were spending our usual Sunday morning together, eating Fruity Pebbles out of tea cups and debating the size-to-awesome ratio of tophats. We were on our third helping when a small, grubby young aardvark burst into the drawing room. We gazed at it in alarm as it picked itself off, brushed itself off, and introduced itself as Humphrey. Apparenly, the aardvark was trying to sell underwater sheep door to door, but one of his prospective customers got mad and flung him into our chimney. He burst into tears, saying that if he couldn't sell enough sheep, his dear old mother and 50 younger brothers and sisters would be taken from him and forced to live in a Burger King freezer for the rest of their sad little lives.


Feeling sorry for the fellow, MK and I agreed to help him sell the sheep. With our combined forces, we were able to sell enough subermible sheep to save the aardvark's family. We celebrated with lots of Cherry 7-Up and grapefruits.

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It was a hot day. Fourty-one degrees, if I remember what the weather forecast said right. And we use celsius here. Dear god it was hot. 40ºC, that's 104ºF. Nice. It was hotter than the kind of fever you'd go to the hospital for. And that was in the shade. In the sun, well, we won't be going into that. It was -horrid-. The only redeeming feature about any of it was that, at the very least, it was dry. You didn't sweat and get all sticky, because there was no moisture in you to sweat out, and no moisture in the air to make you sticky. No matter how much you drank. My tongue felt like a bone. I would lick my arm and it would make my arm feel drier. Horrid. I could barely keep my eyes open because every time I opened them I could feel the moisture in them evaporating off.

...And yet, I was shopping. We were shopping. MK had come in for a day visit. I dunno how that works, you know, just waltz on down to Adelaide for a bit of a trip, but whatever. It's MK, she can do whatever she wants. It's not like it's a bad thing. Anyway, we were out shopping, and she was complaining about the heat and the fact there's no famous guys in Australia she really wants to marry. Pink Floyd? Britain. Ramones? US. We have NATHEEEEENG. Or at least that's what she thought.

But all in all, it was a successful trip. I'll elaborate more on it later, when I have more time. It was a darn good day.

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It was a hot day. Fourty-one degrees, if I remember what the weather forecast said right. And we use celsius here. Dear god it was hot. 40ºC, that's 104ºF. Nice. It was hotter than the kind of fever you'd go to the hospital for. And that was in the shade. In the sun, well, we won't be going into that. It was -horrid-. The only redeeming feature about any of it was that, at the very least, it was dry. You didn't sweat and get all sticky, because there was no moisture in you to sweat out, and no moisture in the air to make you sticky. No matter how much you drank. My tongue felt like a bone. I would lick my arm and it would make my arm feel drier. Horrid. I could barely keep my eyes open because every time I opened them I could feel the moisture in them evaporating off.

...And yet, I was shopping. We were shopping. MK had come in for a day visit. I dunno how that works, you know, just waltz on down to Adelaide for a bit of a trip, but whatever. It's MK, she can do whatever she wants. It's not like it's a bad thing. Anyway, we were out shopping, and she was complaining about the heat and the fact there's no famous guys in Australia she really wants to marry. Pink Floyd? Britain. Ramones? US. We have NATHEEEEENG. Or at least that's what she thought.

But all in all, it was a successful trip. I'll elaborate more on it later, when I have more time. It was a darn good day.



AC/DC's Angus Young?

Wolfmother's Lead singer?



There's two.

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AC/DC's Angus Young?

Wolfmother's Lead singer?



There's two.

Angus Young is Scottish-born. U:

Andrew Stockdale is ew. Like he's not a good person. You don't want to marry that THEENG.

Well, Scots are cool and stuff too

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AC/DC's Angus Young?

Wolfmother's Lead singer?



There's two.

Angus Young is Scottish-born. U:

Andrew Stockdale is ew. Like he's not a good person. You don't want to marry that THEENG.

Well, Scots are cool and stuff too

BUT are they from Australia?

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one day kat and i were like, "whoa. we're bored. and seeing as we're the same person and all, we should probably go do something, like, together." and so we did. we flew to britian, were we kidnapped george and fred weasley, and locked them in a closet. a closet in a trailer. a trailer in the middle of the desert. then we put on their clothes, went to the HP set, pretended to be fred and george, and we raved like it was 1999! there were glowsticks everywhere.

the end.

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one day kat and i were like, "whoa. we're bored. and seeing as we're the same person and all, we should probably go do something, like, together." and so we did. we flew to britian, were we kidnapped george and fred weasley, and locked them in a closet. a closet in a trailer. a trailer in the middle of the desert. then we put on their clothes, went to the HP set, pretended to be fred and george, and we raved like it was 1999! there were glowsticks everywhere.

the end.

You forgot the parts where we hit them over the head with large wheels of cheese and gave them frilly dresses so they weren't nekkid in the desert u___u I distinctly remember those parts.


But man, that was an awesome day.

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