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- Kat -

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Well, I went to the Apple store and bought Photoshop. But when I went to download it, I did not have enough hard drive space. I knew this day was coming and that it was just a matter of time, but I guess I either need to buy a new laptop or install more hard drive and processing capability. Such a difficult decision. What to do... new laptop or upgrade the 17"?


Anyway, when I get back home I will post to your topic. Spent some time last night drawing... I am definitely not an artist. :lol:

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XD Yeah, I need to work on that hole "sleeping in the night and being awake in the day" thing.

Or just work at FedEx. :lol:

Where do you think the phrase "absolutely, positively overnight" came from. Not from those people who slept when it was dark. :D

You would fit right in.

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  • 6 months later...

The image, of course, is 500x3000. However, for some reason, it uploads it as 267x1600. What on earth? It reports it as having the correct file size however when I save the version that the website displays to my computer, it's nowhere near 256 kb. Strange! Weird! Annoying!


Not like it wasn't annoying enough when I accidentally messed up the colours by saving it as a gif... but then I realised the terrible artifacts from accidentally saving it as a jpg in-progress earlier and then the colours being ruined as a gif only made it more hilariously awful.


On the upside it seems I wrote large enough that it's still legible. Mostly. I, uh, I'll transliterate if I have to. o_O


post-7648-0-09179700-1322928313_thumb.gif <- WHY DOES YOUR UPLOADING CONSISTENTLY MESS UP

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Click on the image and it will appear much larger, in the size you posted. It appears in a small size to save space.


Your post was hilarious!!!! I see you still have your phenomenal sense of humour!!!


Seems like - Kat - had an enormous amount of blood... perhaps that is because she is a vampire? :o


I cannot wait until she reads this!!!

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  • 7 months later...

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