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Planet Teracian - Return

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This is a dream I've had twice, first the first, obviously, and then a sequel - Return. And it was just too epic of a dream, in my dream, to keep to myself. Also, this'll help me remember it. I am neither sure of the specifics of some things, since, in a dream, obviously, I am not an encyclopedia and I'm not going to write stuff that didn't happen.


I'll be starting out with Return, since its new and I don't want to forget. I will then do the first.


I am not promising this to be any good or appeasing.


The dream starts a long time before this part, but, it'd be confusing for you all. But, to sum it up - some stuff happened and I am not at my grandmother's house.





My grandmother/father, mom, and two cousins Nancy, Lauren are in the dining and living room (connecting rooms.)


I was imagining my first time in space, and visiting Teracian, first and ancient planet, and saved the universe. But, like a daydream, someone talks and I wake up.


Kris : "I don't know any Russian piano pieces, Lauren."


I remember playing all known piano pieces, but, for some reason, I don't remember actually playing them.


Lauren : "Ah, come on, I know you do. You've played these."


Kris : "I've never played them in my life."


I walk away and turn around towards the dining room.


My grandmother and grandfather are talking about something, but I don't know what it is. Then my cousin Nancy comes over and informs me of something.


Nan : "I just received a call. They're ready and expecting us."


Kris : "I'm not going."


Mom : "Yes you are."


Nan : "Get cleaned up. You have to go."


So I grab my bag and go into the bathroom down the hall. I then proceed to pull stuff out and wonder if I should take a shower. But, then I remembered I had already taken one that day. So I clean my face and put on deodorant. I go out of the bathroom and we're ready to go.




Nancy and I get in the car and we drive to the airport. Somehow, along the way, other people appear in the vehicle. I know who they are, but not how they got there. So, we arrive at the airport, and stop at the booth leading into it. (This airport is the largest on the world with all the top stuff.) They have us get out of the car and I show them my badge (Just like an office worker name-tag/badge thingy). Then, we follow them to 'The Pad', which is a launch pad with a huge ship. (In the style of NASA's Rocket Ships, but larger and more grandeur, along with more space-style flair.)


We all suit up and go into a room leading to the Ship. There, we're given our assignments, duties, and ranks.


Kris - Navigator

Nancy - Science Officer

John - Unknown at this point

Unknown at this point - Unknown at this point

Unknown at this point - Unknown at this point

Unknown at this point - Unknown at this point


As we go into the Ship, those around us start saluting. It seems our reputation precedes us.


We're settled and lock into the seats, just like the present Astronauts are. But, then...


John : "There's no Pilot. Where's the Pilot?


Nancy : "The Pilot?"


Kris : "I'll be the pilot, too."


Sam : "That's because you are the pilot, and navigator."


Kris : "I am?"


Nancy : "He forgot..."


Kris : "I'm the best navigator in the known universe, I know all. I guess it's safe to assume I can fly, too, huh?"


Nancy : "Just get us off the ground..."


So I climb into the pilot seat and start the engines. Within 10 seconds, we're boosted into the sky and the radio goes off.


Radio : "Commander Doan, this is Tower 1 - Lieutenant Gorye speaking. God-Speed."


Kris : "Roger, Lt. Gorye. Captain Doan out. Literally."


(Commander and Captain are two different tanks. Captain being higher. But, in this instance, it's referring to Commander/Pilot of the ship.)


And as we enter space-time (The terminology for Open space, somehow.) the dream switches to Space Station - Zetla (Top Secret Station, and the HQ of ALL (I mean everything in the universe basically.)


Admiral of the Allied Navy (Highest rank possible in Space, he is the head of all Navies, human and alien. There's an Army equivalent, incharge of ground forces on planets. But anyways.)..


Admiral of the Allied Navy, Admiral Hackett, was seen talking to someone, presumably other commanders.


(I will continue later)

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Hackett : "It's hard to imagine this would happen."


" They're on their way. They did it once."


"Maybe they can do it again."


Hackett : "Is he really that good?"


"Officially - He's just a navigator. "


Hackett : "And?"


"Unofficially - He's the best solider in the known universe, and the only one stupid, and brave, enough."


Hackett : "Set up a meeting. I want the Leaders and Commanders here for his Return."




Events are skipped, and things happen. I do not know what.




Kris : "It's hard to believe it was just last year."


Nancy : "We were the only ones left."


John : "So, you all really went to Teracian? I didn't know it even existed."


Kris : "No one knew, until it was found again. The planet never had an orbit. It just went all throughout space."


Sam : "I don't understand."


Nancy : "People found the planet, bad people. And they tried to use the planet again."


John : "Use it again?"


Kris : "The planet, even though it was the first, is also 'ultimate.' It was created by something and can be used as a weapon. No one knows the details. The only archeologist who could read the language died on our voyage. Some ancient beasts attacked us."


Nancy : "And since he was the only one left who could-"


Sam : "Did he not have papers, files, writings of the language?"


Kris : "I don't know. If there is any, it's in the ship. He was part of the crew. But there's no over-ride access, even for me."


John : "Maybe Zetla can."


Ben : "To contain leaks, research and scientific files are kept on a closed system on this ship. And it's the only ship of it's kind."


John : "So this is a science and research ship?"


Kris : "I don't remember..."




More scenes are skipped and then we/I see Teracian in our view, the horrors of the past flood 'my' mind.




Blurry and jumped scenes occur. They were important but it was like watching TV with rabbit ears, and bad reception.


Thus conclude Teracian - Return.

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Thank you. But being fuzzy and jumbled, I mean it was actually like that in the dream.

That's even worse. :lol: Of course, when I wake up and am trying to remember and it is all fuzzy and jumbled,

I am not certain if it was fuzzy and jumbled when I was dreaming or my trying to recollect. :lol:

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