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I do whisper to her, but she seems more preoccupied with trying to crawl out of my hands XD


This week our movie theater showed all 8 Harry Potter movies, since Friday was the premier of Deathly Hallows pt 2. It was weird, watching all the movies and remembering what was going on when I saw them for the first time, who I was with and what else was happening in my life. I'd seen 1-4 about a billion times but once they hit 5, I started paying more attention. And of course the last one almost made me bawl, both because of everything that happens and because it was the final movie. Though, I didn't exactly feel like it was "the end" of Harry Potter. There's still the theme park, and JKR is opening a new website, soon. So even though I'm a giant, shameless HP nerd and it was sad that it was the last movie, I don't think it's over.

It will take time for her. Hagar does not like human contact. He runs every time I go near his cage or even call his name.


Harry Potter is a phenomenal storyline, so I agree, it is not over. Too much money to be made. :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been checking in! Not much to report, waiting on my birth certificate to arrive so I can get my driver's permit and looking for a job. I've been reading the boards, just keeping quiet.

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  • 4 months later...

A fitting place to pick this back up. I finally got my learner's permit XD


Other than that...not a lot has been going on with me. I got a lot of new art stuff for Christmas that I've been playing with, as well as Monster High dolls and clothes that I shamelessly adore. Christmas Eve was spent at Kris's house, like normal, and we had lots of fun. Christmas morning and afternoon my family stayed and home, hung out, and messed with our presents. In the evening we packed up some food to bring to my grandma's nursing home and eat with her. That evening I went to my friend's house to stay the night since I was having a late Christmas Lunch with her family, then we both went to my house for late Christmas Dinner XD I've been at her house since then, since we tried to go to the DMV yesterday but it was too busy so we went again today.


Like I said, nothing too exciting.

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Aww, I hope you get some downtime soon! We're spending New Years at our friend's house like we normally do. We just eat cookies and talk, so it will be pretty calm, but fun.

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Actually we made sure to get rid of most of our 4th of July supply on the 4th XD some of that stuff we'd had for years, so we just set off everything to get it gone.

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  • 3 months later...

ohai, I'm dropping in again.


A whole lot of nothing is going on with me XD I've been drawing a lot, which I like. I finally got my learner's permit and I'll be getting my liscence soon after my birthday (which is in 4 days U8 ). Absolutely nothing has happened on the job front, which is good in a way because I've been making a few travel plans recently. Near the end of July I'll be going to Baltimore to stay with a friend for a few days and go to an anime/video games/general cool stuff convention with her. It will be much fun!


I'm going to see Avengers tomorrow, SO PUMPED ASDKFAJDCARTAD

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I have seen Avengers twice and it's not enough. It just might be my favorite movie. It. Is. Amazing.


I had a very nice birthday weekend :3 Saturday I went to a Godzilla and Friends movie festival with my parents and Kris's little brother. We went last year as well, it's really fun. They show a bunch of Godzilla movies, or movies of the same genre, and there's prize drawings and trivia and whatnot. My parents each won a fancy movie poster print, and my dad won one of the big prizes for the night, which is a United Nations Godzilla Crisis Center world clock. So we now know what time it is in places like Tokyo and London and Moscow XD The big movie of hte night was Godzilla 1985, which is apparently very hard to find and rarely seen anywhere, so that was cool. The other movies of the day were Monster 0, Rodan, and War of the Gargantuas. War of the Gargantuas was not my favorite, I fell asleep |D but the other ones were cool.


Sunday I saw Avengers for the second time, with mine and Kris's family. So now I can talk to them about it because before I couldn't tell anyone about spoilers. I'm serious, see this movie, it is amazing. After that we went to a Japanese steakhouse and ate delicious sushi and food they made on the big grill at the table.


Today I slept most of the day XD but I get a cake tomorrow.

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I just asked for a cheesecake from the store, but I'll ge a picture of it before it's gone XD I had red velvet cake last year so my other favorite gets a turn this year.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Things are not so well in the world of Kat.


Last week, my dad lost his job of 13 years. So...we're dealing with that. Hopefully he can get a new one soon, and hopefully one of the places I applied for will call back.


In addition to that, my grandma is doing pretty bad health-wise. She's my last grandparent I have left. Dad interviewed long-term hospice providers (on the same day he lost his job, that was just a great day all around) so she'll have more attentive care. The nursing home has always been very good to her, but having someone there more often is what she needs now.


We're trying to get rid of a nasty batch of fleas that Annie brought in. That's just making all this even better.


In one bit of good news, though, Kris is on a european cruise. I'm currently on the phone with her, she just saw the Rock of Gibraltar. She's already been in London and saw a bunch of tourist stuff (and the royal family). She also got a small concussion. Even in Europe, she cannot escape herself.

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Oh my... I am so, so sorry to hear the news. I do hope that your father gets a new job soon. Along with the news of your grandmother, I know that this must be such a stressful time in your home. Hopefully you will be able to get a job soon too. You and your entire family are in my thoughts, heart and prayers.


Kris got a concussion? How did this happen? Please tell her I am thinking of her and hope that she gets better soon.

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She was unpacking in her room on the ship and hit her head on the bed. The next day, she wasn't watching where she was going and hit her head on a pole. And then she fell off the continental shelf and cut open her foot. All this, including her tripping in Bath and causing the tourguide to rush over and make sure she was okay, has caused us to dub this trip "Kristina Stumbles Across Europe". She's back now, I'll see if she'll come by and give her own account.


The ship's doctor came to recognize her on sight. They'd call the room every morning to make sure she was okay.

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*looks through coffee spray on the iPad screen*


:lol: You needed to accompany your post with a warning... no eating or drinking prior to reading. :lol:

As I read this, I laughed so very hard. I can only imagine the book that is published "Kkristina Stumbles Across Europe"! Please sign me up for ten autographed copies.


Not many people receive daily calls from the crew to make sure they are okay. Kris is going down in cruise ship history!

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I just showed Kristina the last few posts in this topic.


Kris: I'm not that bad! What have you been telling people?!


Me: Only that you got your fourth concussion.


I'm entirely serious. That was her fourth.


She read what I typed just now and laughed until she fell over and said I'm mean to her.

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I'm not that bad!.... okay maybe I am! Urgh! Europe was awesome! Adding to the injuries list my aunt twisted her ankle really bad the last day and the first person the doctor saw was me and asked "Please don't tell me you hurt yourself again!" And I went "Nope, Its my aunt!" I also caused the tour guide to get hurt because of me....

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  • 4 months later...

Guess whose back, back again.


So I finally got a job U8 I'm working at a fabric/craft store and it's really hard to not buy every cool fabric I see because I work at the cutting counter. Luckily I don't make it to the fine art section very often or I'm pretty sure we would have lost our house by now.


I got my driver's liscence. Shortly thereafter, my car's enginge cracked and I am now car-less.


Uuuuuh nothing of great excitement has been going on with me lately! I'm seeing the RiffTrax Live event of BIRDEMIC on Thursday, that should be good.


Oh wait, I never told you guys about the convention I went to in Baltimore. It was super cool. I met with some friends that I've known online for years and we all had a great time buying things and taking pictures of/with cosplayers. We saw Jason David Frank's Q&A panel (aka the original Green Power Ranger) and he's pretty hilarious. I also go to see Washington DC and all the touristy stuff there, and have dinner in China Town. The convention and tourist stuff was fun but mostly I just loved being able to spend time with the people I'd grown so close to. It needs to be July again. Also next year my group is going to do a group cosplay and it will be the most hype.


Okay I think that's all now. Oh wait, no, while I was in Baltimore there was a guy doing drugs literally right in the middle of the street. That was a sight.


Okay now I'm really done.

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Great to have you return with an update.


Such bad news about your car's engine. That is really awful. How are you getting back and forth to work?


As for working in a shop where temptation is all around, that must be quite hard. Glad you are resisting the fine arts department.


The riff-raff of the big city can be closer than you think. Not a pretty sight.

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Right now, my parents are either taking me with their car or my brother is taking me before he works. Which means that sometimes I have to get there an hour or two early and leave an hour or two late. Luckily my bosses are all really cool and don't mind if I chill in the break room while I wait for my ride or my shift to start. We're looking for a new car for me now, so hopefully we'll find something soon.


I did buy myself one thing so far. It's a sketch book full of fashion croquis to design outfits on, so I can be lazy and not draw a body every time I just want to work on an outfit |D

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That sounds like such a headache. What kind of car are you looking for? Would it be less expensive to replace the engine? Were there other problems with the car? Car problems are so very, very frustrating.


Sounds like your sketchbook is quite nice! Have fun using it!





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Right now I'm just looking for anything that runs XD I don't really want something big, though, like a minivan or a pickup. And no, considering that the car was a '89 Honda Accord, it definitely isn't worth trying to replace the engine.


Once I finish something I think you guys would like I'll definitely share it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I drive a '96 Ford Ranger pickup. It's kind of those small-medium kinds of pickup trucks, the appropriate size so that it's not too small to be self-defeating, but big enough to actually carry something.

You should break your resolve and get one.



with those Riffrax Live guys

and now my bros and i seek to invest in slrpnls. If we don't, birds will... behave violently in a way that defies all description.

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Honda Accords are good cars, but sometimes, they have to be escorted to car heaven. Yours has given you many good years. Let me look at the board where guys sell their 'airport' cars. Sometimes they do not look pretty, but they always run. The goal is not to look good getting to work, but to make sure you do get to work. Sometimes they have great buys as the guys are changing bases and do not want to drive their cars, or cannot drive their car, such as a move to Hong Kong. Let me look and see what I find. Of course, after being reliable and in good running shape, I will make sure it meets my second priority... a good heater.


BIRDEMIC! Perhaps Alfred Hitchock knew something we are all just learning. :lol:

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I don't even remember telling you that I had an aversion to trucks but I totally do and I didn't get one. I now have a red '92 Cadillac Seville, dubbed Red Hare after Lu Bu's mount. It's very nice if you ignore that it needs a front wheel adjustment and sometimes dies if you idle in parking lots too long. Also I'm still without cupholders. Did people of the 80's/early 90's just not drink things in the car?


BIRDEMIC was amazing. slpnls are the technology of the future. I would also like to make it clear that I am hangin' out with the family, and we're having ourselves a party.


An alert for those of you who don't know (but the only people who read this are Arkcher and Horatio, both of which I'm pretty sure already know): I'm going to Orlando on Friday and I won't be back until next Thursday. I'll have my phone but no lappy and thus no HD. So yeah, don't think some small clump of Sandy made it all the way to Kansas when you don't hear from me.

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You are going to Orlando and you just mention it now?!?!?!? Disney World?


*gets some heavy duty pyrotechnics for when - Kat - steps off the airplane*




Glad to know you found a car. A red Cadillac Seville named Red Hare. :lol: And no, people did not eat and drink in their car like people do today.

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  • 3 weeks later...

XD I think you were out of the country while I was there, anyway! And we actually went to Sea World and Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure. I went to Hogwarts so my life is basically complete now. We also stayed at the Nick Hotel as the whole trip was kind of for Kris' brother's birthday, and it was pretty cool. But overall it was a great trip, I loved all three parks and the hotel and I got lots of cool swag. I also got a cold. That was not so cool.


I also survived my first Black Friday in retail, hooray for me! Today was also super busy since Black Friday basically lasts all weekend for us. I'm looking forward to days on Monday and Tuesday orz I'm also looking forward to the Hobbit coming out soom omg I need it.


I also need to make the most obnoxious holiday-themed apron I can because we're allowed to wear Christmas aprons at work until Dec 26th.

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This weekend has just been awful. Crazy busy at work, especially on Sunday when we were extremely understaffed. What's really got me, though, is that Sasha (my hamster) has passed away. She escaped her cage Saturday night and my dad found her this morning. We know it wasn't due to any of the animals, as she didn't appear injured. I've been a mess since I heard and I'm just doing anything I can to get my mind off it but nothing really helps.


I miss her so much. I keep thinking about things she did that I'll never see again.

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Welcome to the crazy world of work at the holidays. Retail is so tough. People seem to think that can make a mess of things and there is you to clean up after them. I am sorry you had to work so very hard. The bad news is that... it is only going to get worse. Until the middle of January.


*gives - Kat - a cyber hug*


We are so sorry to hear about Sasha. Hamsters do what hamsters do best, and that is escape. Unfortunately she passed away while she was out. I know this is such a difficult time for you, but please know that she loved you and knew you were a terrific "mother".

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My dad and I burried her today. I guess I'm doing a little better than I was Monday but everything is still fresh. I could wax dramatic until my typing fingers got numb but all that would do is make me even more upset about something I can't change.


There isn't really anything else going on with me right now. I'm hoping that later tonight I can get my tickets for the midnight premier of the Hobbit, and the day-long Lord of the Rings trilogy showing the weekend before. Hopefully I'll have either Saturday or Sunday off that weekend.

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  • 5 months later...

It seems like despite my intentions, I always forget to check in over here orz Sorry guys! I still love you!


Things have been a little eventful since my last check-in. There was Christmas, of course, which was very cool. We did our usual, just hung out together at home and visited my grandma in the evening.


Grandma died in late January. We held a service for her on her birthday, and it was more of a birthday party than a funeral, since that is what she wanted. And it was much more true to her than something more somber, anyway.


My dad got a new job! He's been there for about a week. What's funny is that he works with the mom of one of my close friends now XD We didnt' realize it until he'd been there for a few days.


My job is still pretty normal. I've been thinking of maybe picking back up a few classes since I'm not getting many hours. The community college here offers a class that basically just helps you choose the best career paths for you, so I'd probably take that one, and maybe a life drawing class if they have it. I'd like to take Japanese again, I really miss it, and I might retake Mythology since I failed the first time.


This past weekend, my parents and I spent Friday and Saturday at a Jules Verne film festival. It was pretty cool, not only because I love Jules Verne but because it was interesting to see the techniques used in the older films. The films by Karel Zemen were particularly interesting, because of the amazing ways he blended animation, stop motion, and actors. There was literally a scene that I would have believed was CG'd, it was so smooth, but it was made in 1961. The movies included: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Trip to the Moon, The Conquest of the Pole, An Impossible Voyage, The Fabulous World of Jules Verne (the Zeman film previous mentioned), Journey to the Beginning of Time (there's always one movie in these festivals that's just prime MST3K material, and this year, this was it), and Mysterious Island. Being as fond of both the sci-fi and steampunk as I am, Jules Verne stories have always fascinated me, and it was cool getting to see the movies.


Puck died the week before last. I've vented and cried and been angry and been hopeless about it already, and it still hurts, but it's getting better. I still catch myself expecting to see him sometimes. Thinking about it too much only makes me upset again.


Aaaand that brings us to today, which is my birthday. We're having chinese food and cheesecake. My present today is a new tire, but I'm told I'll be getting something else later this week, and then a larger present later on once dad has been working longer. So far a few friends have given me some art, Kris has dropped a few hints about what she's getting me, and another friend is being cagey about what she's got me XD


I hope everyone here is doing well! I still think of you all a lot, even people I haven't talked to in years. TGHL, HogwartsHam, Otter, if you somehow come across this, I miss you guys like crazy!


Aaaand I think that's all for now. Food is here so I'ma go eat.

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The birthday shenanigans never stop! On Friday one of my friends gave me a red velvet cake with the most majestic topper of all: one of those rubber horse masks, only instead of a plain horse, it is a unicorn. It is the most beautiful of all creepy horse masks.

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So I'm posting here from a hotel room right now, because I was surprised for my birthday with a weekend at a fantasy and sci-fi art convention. I've already loaded up on a lot of amazing art from the show room, and tomorrow and Sunday they're going to have amazing panels that I'm really looking forward to. Being surrounded by everyone who is so talented and makes a living creating such beautiful art makes me really want to join them!


Today was pretty much entirely spent in the show room. Pictures of my swag to follow.

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So I'm posting here from a hotel room right now, because I was surprised for my birthday with a weekend at a fantasy and sci-fi art convention. I've already loaded up on a lot of amazing art from the show room, and tomorrow and Sunday they're going to have amazing panels that I'm really looking forward to. Being surrounded by everyone who is so talented and makes a living creating such beautiful art makes me really want to join them!


Today was pretty much entirely spent in the show room. Pictures of my swag to follow.

I think you should definitely plan on joining them! You are THAT good!!!

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I have a looooooooooooooooong way to go before I'm ready to show there XD But I really hope I can someday. Seeing so much beautiful art really makes me want to make my own.


Panels were today! Listened to guys from WETA talk about designing the dwarves from the Hobbit, and a bit about different Middle Earth races and cultures. That was one of my favorites of the day, the guys were very nice and there was a Q&A at the end. For anyone wondering: The ax in Bifur's head and the bird poo in Radagast's hair were Peter Jackson's ideas XD This one is tied for one of my favorite panels of the day.


I got two amazing commissioned sketches from Jeremy Bastian and David Petersen. They're so amazing I just can't express ;u;


The second panel was about the history of fantasy art. Well, it was actually basically just a slideshow of various artists with a little bit of background given towards their origins and what the picture was illustrating/made for. But it was interesting to see all the styles! There was a small Q&A at the end but by small I mean about one question. The whole thing only lasted about 40-50 mins of the 1.5 hours it was scheduled for.


After that was a panel on creating horror images and stories. I've always had an interesting in creating some kind of horror-themed pictures, but I'm not much of a genre buff so it was very helpful to hear people who specialize in the genre to give ideas and an insight as to how they create what they do. They were also all very cool and also held a Q&A at the end. This was a close second for my favorite panel.


Michael Whalen gave a presentation about his art career where he basically showed a bunch of his book covered and gallery work while talking about how and why he created them and what was going on in his life at the time. Michael Whalen's work is beyond description, and hearing him talk about his art both as a process and a career just fascinated me and really made me want to get into it too. This was the other panel tied for my favorite.


Last panel of the day was in character creation. It was pretty cool, if a bit vague, but the guy hosting it was funny.


There was an awards ceremony tonight, where a lot of my favorite artists were honored, including David Petersen, Cory Godbey, Virginie Ropars, and Brom, who won the Grand Master award (yay!). A dance group called Quixotic fusion also preformed, and they were pretty cool. They did four dances, three of which were alright, but one in particular just totally blew me away. One of the dancers was behind a projection screen (it wasn't just her shadow though, you could still see her clearly), and she was basically dancing with a projected partner. It was so cool and pretty and powerful and I almost cried.


I almost cried like five times so far, I feel like a baby XD But art means so much to me, especially the fantastic art featured at this convention. I've spent my entire life in fantasy worlds. I could drown in fantasy, and that's what I've been doing at this convention, surrounding myself with beauty and power and emotion and mystery and hope and want until I ache. All I've ever wanted to do is make something that could bring me and maybe others the indescribable feelings of longing and love that I've felt for these stories, both written and drawn. Something that makes me feel as happy and entraced as what others have created. I can only hope that what I make affects anyone else in the tremendous way that this artwork effects me.


I'm almost crying again XD I normally don't show too much of my emotions in real life. I don't know why, that's just how it's always been. There's just very few things that work me up enough that I can't keep it bottled in, and how I feel about artwork and storytelling is one of them.


I would be lying if I said that being here hasn't majorly pushed me towards a career in art and illustration. I just hope that this buring desire lasts once I get back home to real life. It is unfortunate that my depression manifests itself most prominently in a strong apathy towards anything and everything, including things that I love doing. I would love to have the discipline to draw and write every day and practice and practice and learn and experience and use those experiences in my art until I have something worthy of a portfolio and can get a foot in the door somewhere. I feel like I betray myself and the people around me when all I can muster the energy and will to do is slump downstairs and sit on the couch. The apathy and lethargy turn to disappointment and anger at myself, which only makes me more convinced that anything I do wouldn't be worth the energy because I could never do it right or well enough. I hate that feeling, I wish I knew how to make it go away. It's kept me from so much, both personal goals and responsibilities I have to others. It's turned me into a person that I never wanted to become. Someone who doesn't really like themself but doesn't even have the motivation to become anything better because what's the use? Why try?


Okay wow this turned into something not at all what I was going for when I started writing XD I should just stop now. It's late and I haven't slept a lot so I'm probably going to look at this later and wonder what the heck I was doing with this.


TL;DR VERSION: The con is great! I love it and it's been both exciting and informative!


sorry okay bye now

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Aaaaand home! Today was the last day of the con. Most of it was spent at panels, but I did get to do a last round in the show room, and was able to congratulate David Petersen and Cory Godbey on their respective silver award in Comics and gold award in Unpublished illustration.


The first panel of the day was a creature creation talk given by a creature designer for films and books, including Star Wars. She emphasized that the best way to create believable fantasy creatures is to draw on the shapes and musculature of real world animals. I was aware of this as a concept, but never was sure how to put it into practice, but the panel really helped show me how to consider an animal from the bones out and go from there, which I hope will help me in my own creature design.


Michael Whalen had an interview/Q&A that I went to, and I just really loved hearing him talk about his creative process and how and why he gets ideas. He's a very interesting guy and I'm so glad that I was able to hear what he had to say.


The last panel was on digital comic and illustration coloring tecniques using Photoshop, and I learned a good number of tricks that I think will assist and speed up my own artwork. I'm hoping, at least XD No way to know other than to test it!


I already ranted myself into a big awkward hole last night but this really was one of the best experiences I could ask for as an aspiring fantasy/sci-fi artist. There was so much to learn just by being there, and all of the artists I talked to were so kind and willing to answer any question. I'm really, really glad I was able to go.


I'm home now and my lack of real sleep is catching up with me XD And I gotta go to work early tomorrow morning, icky .-. at least I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get to sleep early.

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It sounds like a very good weekend for you! So glad to hear that you had a great time and enjoyed yourself. Now I suggest that you keep focused on creating your art! I think you have lots and lots of talent, you just have to remember what makes you happy. Follow your heart!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So! It's been a short while since I last updated you all. Not too much has happened since Spectrum, I've mostly been working XD We've been getting a lot of rain and humidity so everybody is just doing as little as possible.


With only one cat now, mom and dad have decided to start scoping out another dog. Mom always wanted a smaller dog that could actually sit in her lap, so we're looking for one that size with a good personality. A lot of toy dogs tend to attach to one person and hate everyone else and we want to avoid that, and we also need one that isn't too high-energy, as we are a very low-energy family XD


I went with my dad, Kris, and her mom tonight to see Spamalot, it was lots of fun. Makes me wish we had a TV that actually worked with our DVD player so I could watch Holy Grail again .-.


That's it from me!

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One great dog that I suggest, is a poodle. Not the little bitty ones, but a miniature. They are true family dogs. We had an apricot miniature, named Buttons, and he loved everyone. My mother's lap was his favourite place, but he was a non-discriminating lap dog... if you lap was open, he would hop up. Buttons was not a yappy dog and barked very little. His hair/fur was not cut in a foo-foo cut, but sort of long all over. The other great things about poodles, they do not shed, but you do have to brush them every day, or they will get matted. There should be a poodle rescue in your area. Another thing to consider, you do not want a very little dog, such as a pocket toy, or those really tiny dogs, they tend to have more medical problems.


The humidity is here, and only going to get worse. It seems like the humidity is ten times worse in Memphis, than in Florida. Humidity is a good reason to be lazy.


So, was Spamalot good? I think we have a TV that works with a DVD player, but we do not have a DVD player, so I do not know if it works with one or not. Are Blu-Ray players and DVD players, the same?

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If there are any poodles in the shelters around here, I'll tell mom and dad to check them out! We haven't checked any rescues because my mom doesn't like the way a lot of them are run in my area.


Spamalot was excellent! They basically took Holy Grail and added songs, so it was hilarious. The actors had excellent comedic timing and what they did add for the musical was great. And I got an inflatable cow XD

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There are rescues dedicated only to poodles and usually they are pretty well run. Most often, they are a few people who take dogs into their home until they can find a new home. I hope you can find one in your area.


I will try and find the dedicated poodle rescue in your area. Another option is Petco. Quite often they have great rescue pets.


Forever Friends Animal League is another option and they can be found at petstew.


Search for adopt-a-poodle.adoptapet. I looked in your area and there was a perfect Miniature Poodle called Scoobie Brite, located in your area at a Petco. He loves sitting in laps. He is an adult which means that he is already housebroken and will only chase cats if they run. Otherwise, he will give the cat a bath of kisses.

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Mom saw Scoobie, and she's considering going to take a look.


I haven't mentioned anything before because it was still too fresh and I didn't really want to talk about it, but it's been long enough now that I'll go ahead and say something. On May 25th, one of my best friends named Fa'licia was killed in a car accident. She lost control of her car on a dangerous stretch of road. I've been kind of distracted ever since, it's still a huge shock. She was only 23, I never expected to lose her. Every death I've dealt with through my life, there's been some warning, even if it was only a few days, but it was at least enough time to say goodbye and try to prepare myself. But there was no warning for Fa, and it still doesn't seem real.


Her dad has many health issues of his own, and was in the car when it happened. I actually read an interview he gave with a local news site that came out with what exactly happened during the accident and it was...upsetting, to say the least. He's been through something that I cannot begin to fathom. All of my prayers and good thoughts are with him.


Fa'licia lived in Australia, and I'd known her for 9 years. We called each other sisters, we're listed as sisters on FB. We'd talked on the phone multiple times and sent each other gifts for Christmas and birthdays. I still have a box of presents in my room that I hadn't been able to send her yet. She was so special to me and I miss her so much.

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Oh my... I am so very, very speechless.

*sends - Katie - a cyber hug*


You and your "sisters" and Fa's family are in my thoughts, heart and prayers. This must be such an extremely difficult time for her family. I cannot begin to imagine just what they are experiencing.

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Thanks Horatio, all of her friends both in Australia and that met online are sticking together and keeping each other strong, and sending support to her dad and family. There's a lot of us, because Fa was really one of the most genuinely kind and engaging people I've ever met.

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Her dad added me on FB because I was helping coordinate stuff on her page and talk to people. I'm still sending all my thoughts and prayers to him.

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There is news in the world of Kat!


The biggest being that we got a new dog. Mom had been looking for a little dog, one that could sit in her lap with her while she worked on stuff. We looked for a few weeks, and on Friday, we brought home Pippin. He's a poodle mix (we think he's part terrier, too), and he's fitting in very well. He's very cuddly and loves to be pet, and he gets along well with Annie. Sophie hates him, but that was to be expected. He's very, very quiet, I've get to hear him make any noise aside from a growl when he and Annie were playing with a tug toy.


He only has two problems that we're going to train with him on. The first, and most important, is that he doesn't like going to the bathroom outside. If we take him out on his lead, he just kind of sits next to us and won't even start sniffing around unless you take him out far enough in the yard. He'll go if you stay out there a while, but the problem is that he doesn't tell us when he needs to go, and thus ends up going in the house. This is not ideal. Also, he's a big beggar when anyone has food.


Annie had a similar potty issue when we got her, and also she chewed up everything in sight (including one of my mom's expensive fashion dolls), so I'm pretty sure we'll get through with Pippin just fine. He's a little sweetie :3


Other than that, not a whole lot has been happening. I might do some house-sitting later this week for a friend, and I'm getting more hours at work. That's pretty much it!

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Oh, and Horatio, I keep meaning to go out and check what all food and stuff we have left over for hamsters, but then I keep forgetting until it's too dark to see on the patio x.x I'll try to get an inventory on that soon!

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Congratulations on your new dog! Is he a rescue or did you all name him Pippin?


As for training him to go outside... at the pet store they have this stuff that smells like doggie urine or such. Humans cannot smell it. You place some of this, spray or drops, where you would like your dog to go outside, and when he smells it, he usually will go in that spot. This stuff helps train the dogs pretty rapidly.

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I think he was just kind of overwhelmed with the new house, he hasn't had an accident for a few days. And his name at the shelter was Noodles, but mom didn't like it so she went with Pippin. He was a pick-up and not a turn-in so they didn't know what his name used to be. He was skinny when they found him, but had obviously had a recent hair cut and had lived with someone before.

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Glad you all named him. Noodles, sounds like a sort of silly name. I like Pippin. Great name. Sometimes people are so cruel and when they get tired of a pet, they just drop it off somewhere rather than taking them to a shelter or pet store that searches for new homes. If I were king, you would serve jail time for abuse of animals.

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From what we've gathered from his behavior, we think he belonged to an older lady that passed away. Whoever was taking care of her things afterwards either lost him accidentally and never bothered looking for him, or turned him loose on purpose because they didn't feel like taking care of him. Either way, people can be irresponsible and cruel. We're glad that it seems like he was only out and on his own for a short time.

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From what we've gathered from his behavior, we think he belonged to an older lady that passed away. Whoever was taking care of her things afterwards either lost him accidentally and never bothered looking for him, or turned him loose on purpose because they didn't feel like taking care of him. Either way, people can be irresponsible and cruel. We're glad that it seems like he was only out and on his own for a short time.

And now he has the best home of all!!! A rescue home is always so fantastic for a pet. I am really happy he is in your home! I know he feels lots and lots of love.

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He actually did fine with a bath XD It wasn't traumatic at all.


Since it was requested in Horatio's topic, here is my 4th of July summary:


We went to our friend's house, like usual. The day was filled with smoke bombs, jumping jacks, and sinking empty cans with water dynamite. Much fun was had, and I caught up with a friend I haven't seen in about 9 years. He has a cool girlfriend who talked Pokemon with me.


I have to say, our evening fireworks were probably the most impressive we've had for a while. A friend of ours brought a huge mortar set with lots of different effects, and of course we had our own fireworks we'd bought a couple weeks ago. My Sea Monster went off beautifully, it's my favorite because it's got an effect that literally looks like little sparkling jellyfish are floating to the ground. Our big finale was kind of exciting because some of it went off a little low to the ground, but in the end it worked out really well because basically the entire back yard was full of explosions XD


Some people around us were setting off literal sticks of dynamite. That got annoying. But it was actually a beautiful day, so we weren't too hot, I only got one bug bite, and the fireworks and company were excellent~

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DYNAMITE???????? A little bit dangerous as a Fourth of July extravaganza. Good think they did not blow up a building by accident. That accident probably would not be covered by insurance. I can see explaining that to the insurance company. :lol:


Sounds like another pyrotechnic success for you and your families. Nice Fourth. Pictures? You have a camera... pictures would be great!!!

*cough, cough*


Glad the bath went well. At least it was not both the dog and your mother taking a bath. :lol:


I am trying to get TBFOF to post a picture of himself in bed... perhaps you can convince him. :rolleyes:

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XD I saw that in your topic.


I do have an excellent camera! I, however, am not yet an excellent photographer, and haven not mastered the art of getting fireworks pictures that don't look like amorphous blobs. One of our other friends managed to get a few though and is supposed to send them to us, so once I get those, I'll post them!

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XD I saw that in your topic.


I do have an excellent camera! I, however, am not yet an excellent photographer, and haven not mastered the art of getting fireworks pictures that don't look like amorphous blobs. One of our other friends managed to get a few though and is supposed to send them to us, so once I get those, I'll post them!

I found that if you video your fireworks, you can selectjust one slide as a photograph. That helps the blob effect. :lol:

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O: I shall keep this in mind!


Right now I'm babysitting a little girl (5 years old) and her brother (2 years old). He's happy watching Nick Jr. and playing with his cars, but she's all about trying to use my laptop XD

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They were both all about my mom's Nook before the screen cracked. She has a new one now but I don't know if she's gonna tell them about it XD


Their dad has a Mac, too, but I'm not sure how often they get to use it.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm really terrible at remembering to talk to people D: Sorry guys.


In part, it's because nothing has really happened of interest lately. Ren Fest jsut finished it's second weekend, but I haven't been involved at all so it isn't really effecting me yet. I've just been going to work, watching people play video games, drawing, writing, nothing particularly interesting!


It's waaaaaaay too hot over here. I'm sick of it x.x Fall, get here faster please.

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It's tried! I've managed to avoid it by going outside as little as possible.


Not much going on right now, hanging out with a friend and listening to music while drawing~

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This would probably be better suited to the Art forum, but oh well. It's my topic.


Just a random thing I drew because I was bored. I didn't really try anything specific, just played around with different Photoshop tools. No actual attempt at realism or cleanliness was made. The only rules were that I couldn't erase (unless it was to achieve a specific effect) and I had to add anything that came to mind, no getting lazy and leaving things out. Although now that I look at it, I wish I'd put some leaves on the pond surface. Oh well.


I've been thinking about stuff since I went to Spectrum and this is kind of a little way of getitng some of that out of my head. I can't really call it "practice" because I didn't really put to use any habits or tecniques I want to inforce, but it's still just something I don't usually draw. Not anything particularly noteworthy, but it's how I spent a small part of my evening.


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This would probably be better suited to the Art forum, but oh well. It's my topic.


Just a random thing I drew because I was bored. I didn't really try anything specific, just played around with different Photoshop tools. No actual attempt at realism or cleanliness was made. The only rules were that I couldn't erase (unless it was to achieve a specific effect) and I had to add anything that came to mind, no getting lazy and leaving things out. Although now that I look at it, I wish I'd put some leaves on the pond surface. Oh well.


I've been thinking about stuff since I went to Spectrum and this is kind of a little way of getitng some of that out of my head. I can't really call it "practice" because I didn't really put to use any habits or tecniques I want to inforce, but it's still just something I don't usually draw. Not anything particularly noteworthy, but it's how I spent a small part of my evening.


Oh... I really love it! Seriously!!!!


I think the fact that you are just playing around is really fantastic. Nice job on the artwork. I really like your use of colours.

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  • 1 month later...

S'up, guys? Not too much happening on my end. Work has been crazy busy as we get into Halloween/Christmas. Those are the crafting holidays, after all.


My plea to everyone who reads this: Please, PLEASE actually read the sale signs you see at stores. Not everything within a 10 foot radius of the sale sign is actually on sale, and if you look at the sign to check what items and brands are included, then it saves everyone time and hassle.


The latest news, though, is that I got a new hamster! I still have fond memories of Sasha, and she will always be in my heart, but a little hammie came my way needing a loving home, and I knew that this would be the perfect time to start anew. Her name is Penelope Puddles, Penny or PP for short. She's still fairly young, so she's tiny and hasn't grown into her ears yet. She's mostly black with a thin white streak down her chin and throat onto her belly that ends in a little hook. It was interesting to notice that after I'd set up the hamster house just how Sasha had always organized it, Penny wanted none of that and moved everything around XD I'll have to get used to her way of doing things. She appears to have picked up her mother's habbit of stuffing tubes full of bedding for no apparent reason other than to block herself off from dens and pods in her house :wacko:


I hear her running around in her wheel, so I'm gonna go see if she's interested in some time in her ball. Wish me luck!

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Who reads those sale signs when you can disrupt a sales associate from the middle of whatever they are busy doing, to sidetrack them into devoting personal time to you the customer? Besides... the Christmas season is approaching so there will be lots more of us maniac customers out there harassing hard working sales associates. Isn't this what you get paid for? The other stuff, like organizing the shelves, and returning things back to the appropriate department that we left halfway across the store from where we picked it up, just make your job that much more interesting. Right? Seriously, I could not do your job as I would be fired.


Penelope Puddles, or whatever you decide to call her, is a great name. A little black bear hamster. Nice. The mother taught her babies well. Blocking the tube keeps out the rift-raft who might wander in and steal your food or destroy your home. She sounds wonderful! We will expect pictures! Did Miss Penelope get into the ball?


Hiero and Hedwig turned three this past summer. My how time flies. I remember when they were just little babies. These two are such different personalities. Hiero has learnt how to manipulate humans and Hedwig cannot be bothered coming out unless you are feeding him breakfast in bed. He is the stealth hamster. Once you do catch him, he wants to be in the ball, climb all over you, more specifically go up your sleeve and peer out. It all must be on his terms.


Well, they are starting the descent into Memphis, so, I have to conclude this post. Thank you for the update!

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I'd say about 60% of customers are normal, or even cool, but that last 40% gets to you.


She did get in her ball, yes! She's little so I only had her out for about 40 minutes because I dind't want her little self to dehydrate. She seemed to enjoy it but it's still a challege to get her back out again each night. She's very busy and has better stuff to do than let me love her XD


I remember that Sasha would crawl around in my lap once she was used to being handled. She was definitely a fearless and intrepid explorer. I never realized until I owned one just how unique hamsters can be from each other.

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Oh my goodness... the difference in personalities are incredible! Of all the hamsters that I have loved and had in my life, there have never been two that are alike. It is so interesting to see just how they are individuals with certain likes, dislikes and preferences. Horst would get in the ball and circle the sofa, around and around and around. Hiero is a follower. She will follow you around if you do not walk too fast, to allow her to keep up in the ball. Such good memories of all the little personalities. Miss Penelope will develop into her personality and it will be fun to hear who she becomes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello again, guys! Not too much is going on over here. We're preparing for Black Friday at work, which I must admit, I'm not looking forward to. At least it will be over with this week. At home, everything is pretty normal. We're starting to work on Christmas (I know what I'm making my mom and dad, still need to think about Alex. And I know what presents I'm getting the other people I can afford.). We're also having a game this Saturday so the cleaning has begun.


Penny is doing great. She's still skittish about letting me pick her up out of her cage, but she'll hop in her ball on her own and she'll climb out on me and hang out if I just lay the ball on my chest. She's still using her bedding to block off tubes and keep herself out of certain areas. Most specifically, the pod with her potty litter in it .-. But she is healthy and (I'm pretty sure) happy! We already knew that Annie basically leaves hams alone when they're in their ball, but now I know I have to keep an eye on Pippin or he tries to bat her around :I


That's pretty much all I can think of. I'm so exciting XD

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Penny sounds like she is doing well. You can count on her always blocking her tubes. That makes her safe. The Hiero and Hedwig both still block up their doors and they are both about three and one-half years old.


Please always use a piece of tape on her ball when she is in it. That makes her ball a little more secure and keeping the lid on tight.


Black Friday... I hope you made it through the day relatively unscathed. Going out shopping on Black Friday is the very last thing I want to do. Too many crazy shoppers looking for a deal. Then you would have to stand in line for almost a year for the privilege of paying. No thank you, I stayed home today.

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  • 5 months later...

Dropping in again. Hello, whoever is out there!


Things have been a little crazy here as of late. March-May is Birthday Season around these parts, so there's been lots of that. Including my own, which you can read up on a bit in the Birthday topic Horatio started for me <3 Otherwise, we also did some celebrating for Mother's Day. Mom wanted to got to IHOP and get groceries, so that's what we did XD My friend's fiance is visiting from Ohio, so we've been trying to work around my work schedule for me to hang out with them for a day or two. It's looking like on Thursday, we'll go to the KC zoo, get something to eat, and then go to the midnight premiere of Godzilla, which I am SO HYPE ABOUT.


I went to the Godzilla film festival I always attend a couple weekends ago, it was great as usual. We saw the original Gamera, Godzilla Vs. The Sea Monster, the original Japanese Gojira, and Godzilla Vs. Biolantte, a movie that never got an American release. Gamera and the Sea Monster were alright, not my favorites but still fun. Biolantte was pretty good, I enjoyed it even if the story was a bit thrown-together. My favorite of the weekend, though, was Gojira. It can be hard to take a movie seriously when it stars a man in a giant rubber suit, but Gojira really brough in some heavy stuff. It wasn't just the monster destroying Tokyo. It showed the consiquences of it, and how it effected families and individuals. It was a lot darker than pretty much every other Godzilla movie I've seen, but I really liked it. They also had a few people talk about their trips to Japan and Toho Studios, the company that made most of the Godzilla films, and that was pretty cool. So yeah, between that and my general love of Godzilla, action movies, and Bryan Cranston, I'm really excited for the new movie.


On a more personal level, I'm going to need all the fun activities I can get on Thursday. Sophie is in very poor health. As in, we're just keeping an eye on her to see if she's still alive. If she makes it to Thursday on her own, we're taking her in to the vet in the morning to be put to sleep. She can't use her back legs, she can only lay in the sewing room and barely drink a little water as long as we make sure it's next to her head. I think she's just kind of waiting for what she knows is coming. It late April of last year when we lost Puck. He was my cat and I don't think I'll ever be really over losing him. Sophie, while not as close to me as Puck was, has still been a member of our family for 18 years. She had her quirks and endearments, and I love her very much. I don't want to see her go, but I'd rather she not be suffering anymore.


I haven't worked a Sunday in like, two months. So of course the one Sunday we make plans to have my birthday CHAMPIONS game, I work. I was kind of angry about that, but not a lot I can do.


That's basically it for me. How is everyone who's still around?

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*sends out a very large cyber hug*


Ohhhh, I am so, so sorry to hear about Sophie. Eighteen years... what a long and wonderful life, with a family who loved her more than words can express. Hopefully you can keep her at peace for her final days. Please let us know how she is doing.


Godzilla... you will not have any competition from me. I could never get into the hairy, larger than the Empire State Building, gorilla-type thingy.


Birthday season... for me that is March. All my family are March birthdays. At least my mother, being an artist, decided that we all should make things for everybody's birthdays. I really liked that idea.


As for you working Sunday, ouch! That always happens when you make plans. Perhaps you could delay your birthday CHAMPIONS day for one more week? Give you opponents time to practice. :lol:

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On the Sophie front, we made a decision Wednesday night. Sophie hates car rides, new places, and new people. Going to the vet would involve all of these things. She is winding down quietly on her own time, and we have decided that unless she is just severely suffering, we are going to try to let her pass on here at home. It will be what is most comfortable and secure for her. We don't want her to be anxious and unhappy in her last moments.


Godzilla was AMAZING. I've already seen it twice. I might do a more in-depth review later but right now it's still just too much for me to try to explain. It's visually breathtaking and emotionally moving. It's one of those movies that makes me want to run outside and pedal a bicycle to the moon.


The zoo was also fun! It was a perfect day weather-wise. I'll try to post some of the pictures later on. We sang to the animals a lot.


I finally got the video game I wanted for my birthday, so I'ma go try it out! CHAMPIONS birthday game and birthday dinner at one of my favorite local restaurants will be another time.

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Post pictures of you singing to the animals at the zoo! Now those have to be hilarious!!!!! Did the animals enjoy your melodious voices? Animal pictures are always enjoyed!!!


Receiving the birthday present you always wanted, is a big plus!!! Eating out must have been fun, especially if you got to eat your birthday dinner there!


GODZILLA... twice?!?!?!?!?!? When you get to the five or six time mark, I might have to have a serious conversation with you! :lol:


What I find very, very interesting is that the first time you watch a movie, you see some things; the second time you watch it, you see things you totally missed the first time; and by the fifth and sixth time, you are seeing more and more. One of those multiple viewing movies for me was Meet Joe Black. The first time I watched it, I enjoyed the movie; but the second, third and fourth times, I saw so many, many more things that I had missed. HUH??? How does this happen? By the fifth and sixth times, I was beginning to get a more in-depth and detailed view, absorbing all the little inuendos. I could watch that movie so many, many more times. An excellent film.


As for Sophie, I know that you and your family have agonized over this decision. You are doing what you believe is in her best interest and I think you are right. Getting into the car and going to the veterinarian's office would be too stressful for her. Having her at home is really thoughtful of you all. Please keep us posted.

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  • 3 months later...

Well, as a follow-up to my last post:


As I'm sure was expected, Sophie is gone. She did pass away at home and I still believe that's how she wanted it. She's burried in the back yard with Sasha now.


I only ended up seeing Godzilla twice XD I've seen Guardians of the Galaxy three times now, though. The record for in-theater viewings, though, I think goes to Avengers. I saw it seven times. I'd see it again 8I (I've also seen all of the LotR movies in theaters more times than I can count but that was not all upon their initial releases so I don't count them).


You're really right about how you notice new things every time. As you become more and more familiar with what you've already seen, you can pay more attention to smaller stuff in the background and find some really interesting things.


Went the the zoo again earlier this month XD Not so much singing but it was still fun! It was nice because a few of the animals were really photogenic. The polar bear especially was doing flips and stuff in the water right next to the glass, and he'd push off with his paws so you could hold your hand up and compare the size. He was very considerate for photographers!


I did a couple of tattoo commissions for a friend, and my dad and I started painting with open acrylics. They're a lot like oil paints but they dry quicker. You still have plenty of time for blending and moving color around, but you don't have to wait days and days and use a sealer. We're having a lot of fun! When we need a break we watch Bob Ross clips online XD


We're super short-handed at work so I've been getting a lot more hours. On the one hand it's good because of the extra money, but on the other it leaves less time for drawing and watching anime .-. the life of an adult, I suppose.


My brother's car died last month so he and I have been having to share mine. And by "share" I mean he's basically usurped it and I can use it when I need to go to work. He keeps the keys on his keyring despite my repeated reminders to keep it on the key hooks by the door (and as a result my keychain is broken), the back of the driver's seat is broken and won't go up all the way anymore so when I drive I'm at a 45 degree angle, it smells like cigarette smoke, he leaves his trash and belongings in the seats all the time, and he complains when he has to pick me up from work because he can't play video games or hang out with his friends longer. Keep in mind that HE is the one who has been dragging his feet when it comes to getting a car because he's exceedinly picky. I'm really fed up with it. He found a car and we're hoping he can get a loan and pick it up on Sunday. I really, really hope it goes through or I'm going to snap.


I never did go to that restaurant for my birthday. Kris's mom made me my favorite dinner of her's though. Raviolli lasagna with strawberry cheesecake =w= I still want to ask about that restaurant, though. Wonder if it's too late to go XD

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The zoo offers some very cooperative animals, when you catch them at the right time! It would be great to put your hand up to the glass and compare it to a polar bear's paw. Some of the photographs that you can take of animals can really be incredible! Now, you and your father can paint some of the photographs that you have taken. Please post some photographs of your artwork. I love taking photographs of animals!


The one movie I have seen too many times to count is Meet Joe Black. There is so much more to that movie than you realize. After about the fifth time watching the movie, you start to see more of what the story is about. Very intense movie. Definitely one of my all time favourites!!!


As for your brother... he really needs to get his own car. You are far too nice. If it was my car, he would be cut off the minute he smoked in it. He is abusing your generosity. Bad brother!!! I will give you the Five Halo Angel Award. You definitely deserve it!!! By the way, he owes you a new key chain!!!


Better late than never... ask for the restaurant dinner!!! You can go until the day before your next birthday!!! :lol: As for ravioli lasagna and strawberry cheesecake... interesting combination!!!

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I'll go through and find some of the good pictures to post.


He doesn't technically smoke "in" my car, he just smokes near it but he always has the windows down so the smell gets in anyway :/ it's still annoying.

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Well, here's a rather sorrowful update. Right as I was going to bed last night, I went to check on Penny. I hadn't seen her in a few days, but that's pretty common when I have a stretch of days where I have to go to bed early since she normally wakes up late late at night. Unfortunately, this time I could tell something was wrong. Checking through her pod confirmed that she had passed away. I'm not sure how, but I do know that at least one of her siblings died early, too. So this was not entirely a shock, but my heart still hurts.


Penelope Puddles was a quiet, thoughtful, unassuming hamster who loved her ball and spending some time climbing on me before she went on her runs. I loved her dearly and still do. I'll miss you, Miss Penny-Ham.

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Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Penny had a wonderful life and she knows that she was loved. If a hamster had to pick an owner, you are the one they would choose! You give them the best life! You give them a wonderful home and lots and lots of love. May Miss Penelope Puddles rest in peace.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still missing Penny, but life, as they say, goes on. We had a garage sale at Kris's house. Didn't make a whole lot of mony but at least we don't have as much stuff in our house XD Other than that, it's same old, same old over here. Lots of working, lots of drawing and playing video games when not working. I don't remember if I already said this, but a friend of mine commissioned me for two tattoo designs that I finished up a month or two ago. It's a strange feeling, knowing that someone wants something that you've drawn to be on their body forever, much less three things that you've drawn XD but she was really happy with them so I'm happy too!

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That is wonderful!!! What a compliment to know that you art will be with her forever!!! I think that is a higher compliment than someone buying a piece of your art. You are unable to remove the art from your body as you would with art on the wall, if you become tired of it. You have to feel so very, very good about this!!! Would you please post pictures of the designs? I would love to see them.


Garage sales... what a great way to get rid of unwanted stuff. I have gotten where I do not want any more stuff as it complicates your life. Art work... yes, knick-knack thingys... no.


But now Apple products... that is a totally different thing. I did buy the new iPhone 6. Not the Plus as it is too big for me. The smaller iPhone 6 is much easier to hold up to your ear if you do not want to carry ear buds or a bluetooth ear piece.


Outside my back door I have the cardinal group who stop in for breakfast. The highest count I have had at one sitting is seven. These birds are so lovely and I get to see the parents and children in all stages of development! It is so much fun to watch as their feathers turn into the brilliant red. We have a large variety of birds, squirrels, chipmunks and a carnivorous pitcher plant. Yesterday I happened to be watching as the pitcher plant trapped a fly for dinner. I actually felt sorry for the fly.


Penny... it is always sad when you lose a friend. Hopefully you did not sell her cage at the garage sale. You can disinfect the cage and prepare it for your next hamster.

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  • 2 months later...

Been a while, huh?


Things are pretty average here on that Kat front. I've got some early Christmas presents, which include Monster High dolls, a 3DS and some games, an iPad, and a bunch of excellent art supplies and art books, so I'm already scoring pretty well this year XD Work is pretty busy, but at least more hours means more money.


Saw the Hobbit premere last night. I loved almost all of it, but this time around, I really could have done without the romance they tried to hard to push between Kili and Tauriel. Nobody liked it. Stop it. I didn't really care either way about it in Desolation of Smaug, but it was just so heavy-handed here. I have more thoughts on the movie as a whole, but spoilers so *zips lips*.


I did not sell my hamster stuff, it is disinfected and awaiting the right hamster to come along. Maybe around New Years when our budget has recovered from Christmas, I'll go friend hunting.


Just drawing and gaming over here. XD How are you guys?

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Hooray!!! So nice of you to stop in!


Glad to hear that your Christmas haul is starting off on a positive trend! It can only get better!


Absolutely, I do think that you need a new hamster friend. I got two new firends, Hoshe and Helike and only after about five weeks, Helike passed away suddenly. I do miss her quite a bit. She was one of the most beautiful and smartest hamster friends ever to enter my life.

DSCN1385 - Version 2.JPG


As for other news, get all the work hours you can, while you can. This just helps for later on down the road.


I will be back to catch up.



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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys! It's kinda been a while.


I haven't been doing too much. My brother's car died in Feb, so between then and last week when he got a new one, I was pretty much stuck at home because he had my car for work when I wasn't at work. We did, however, go to Godzilla Festival last week. That's always fun! We had a birthday game for me last Sunday where I got to bring one of my first characters back and Kris's mom made me an amazing dinner. Ravioli lasagna, homemade bread, salad, and red velvet cheesecake =w= so good. Thursday was my actual birthday~ I got some new dolls, an art book for a game I love, and a stylus and art program for my iPad so I can make it a sketchbook! I also went to see Avengers: Age of Ultron and AGFASEFSDFGD it's amazing. So good.


Early in April, the Last Unicorn world-wide tour came near my town. Since the Last Unicorn is one of my favorite movies and probably my absolute favorite book of all time, my mom and I went to see it! They screened the highest-quality print of the movie made to date, but what's really special was that Peter S Beagle (the author) was there and signed my book. He was so kind and funny and meeting him just made me love the book even more. I loved that he was so genuinely interested in talking about his stories, even after he's talked about them with so many people. A lot of people in his possition get tired of that, but he didn't.


Eating my birthday dinner from my mom now, so I'ma get back to that :3 Just wanted to check in with you guys, whoever is still around!

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- Kat -, it sounds like you had a very nice birthday! Your birthday dinner sounded delicious. Red velvet cake, how could we not guess that this would be your favourite. I wonder if they could make a blue velvet cake? Hmmmmm. Two birthday dinners... even better!!! Did you ask for two different dinners or the same foods cooked by different chefs?


Godzilla Festival... that had to be quite a bit of fun! The Last Unicorn world wide tour sounded exciting. It is always nice when the artist/author/illustrator remembers how it was to start out and appreciates the people who are there to see them. When you can ask the same question that a million people have asked before you, and the artist still answers as if it was the most important question of the day, is really nice. So nice to know that you got your book signed.


Wonderful news hearing that you had a very nice birthday.

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Two different dinners by two different chefs~ both were great!


I've currently seen Age of Ultron three times. I saw the first Avengers eight times before it left theaters, so I'll keep my AoU tally here for posterity.

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