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The Topic About - Kat -

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Having your own topic on the boards has become somewhat of a trend, and I've been intending to make my own for a while now. The problem was, I knew I'd be too lazy to update it regularly. Then I got the brilliant idea to just copy/paste entries from my [website deleted lol] account into here because I can't link you guys to it anyway.


I put it in this forum because I like this forum and it sort of applies I guess.


So here is my topic. Ta-dah!




I'm not going to go into what my mom and I just argued about, because it really was pointless and unnecessary. But I'm just so sick of anything I say immediatly being taken as an argument. "I'm working on something else now, can I do this later?" is not an argument. It only turns into an argument when my mom asks, "Why are you arguing with me?!" and I say "Uhh...I'm not?" and she replies with "YOU'RE ARGUING RIGHT NOW"


Asking if I can wait to do something later is not arguing. Correcting her on a fact (not an oppinoin, but factual material or events that actually happened) is not arguing. The only plausible reason for her to think that I am is because I raise my voice, but that's only because she's so busy screeching about how cranky and contrary I am that I have to raise my voice if I want any sort of hope that she'll hear me. Which I never know if she does or not, because even when we're not "arguing" she just kind of ignores half of what I say and I have to repeat myself about three times.


This is not helped along at all by my brother, who likes to add his own comments from the other room, even though nobody was at all talking to him, because he thinks they're witty, when they're actually just sort of [edit] and useless because nobody cares what he thinks about the matter. Thus why we weren't talking to him in the first place.


Sort of related but not really, my mom has this strange obsession with when I go to sleep. I don't understand it at all. I mean, yes, on school nights, I should go to bed at a reasonable hour. I do this on my own, I don't need her making annoying reminders two minutes before I was about to go by myself. What I don't understand, however, is why she's so crazy-fixated on when I got to sleep on weekends or during breaks. Who cares? It does not affect her in any way. I am very much perlexed.


In other news, I'm pretty sure I don't want to own a dog anymore. Not that there is anything wrong with dogs, they are a perfectly valid animal and I quite enjoy them when I'm at another person's house. I just don't want to own one myself anymore.


I'm so worn-out from putting up with all of this for so long. And people wonder why I'm sick all the time.


There is one ray of hope, though. Tomorrow is Game Day. Marisa loaned me Apples to Apples. People will play it with me if I have to strap them to the chairs.


Summary: I sort of wish that everybody but me and my cats would just leave the house for like, a month. Or longer. And not talk to me.


I'm rather frustrated at the whole lot of them.


PS I feel like such a [edit] teenager for complaining about my parents on my [edit]. Haha, I'm a loser.


PPS I missed Avatar earlier. It was my favorite episode. [edit].


nice first post, mirite

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Growing up is such a pain.


Having a dog is a huge responsibility. You have to take care of your dog 24 hours per day. It is not like a cat where there is a litter box. Annie needs to be walked and sometimes this can be frustrating, especially when you don't feel like getting up and heading out into the cold, snow or rain. You will be off to college soon and the responsibility will then fall on your parents. So, just hold on.


If you can do this, here is what I recommend with your mother. If your mother asks you to do something, please try and accommodate her wishes. When she asks, her intent is probably (and I can only guess) that you do it when she asks. If she wanted you to do it later, she would say something such as, "Would you please get this accomplished today." So when you ask if you can do it later, she perceives this as confrontational and argumentative. So, to alleviate the stress, just stop what you are doing and do what she has asked.


As for correcting your mother on something, this is not worth it, unless you are getting in trouble for whatever it is. If she won't listen, then don't bother to bring it up. You may feel it is important to correct her thinking, but if she won't listen, then it does not matter that you are trying to set the record straight. So, my suggestion is to just tell yourself that you will be going to college soon and things will be better once you are there.


As for your brother... stuff something in his mouth. That is, if you could get close enough without him retaliating. :lol:

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HaHA, I bet you thought I forgot about this, didn't you? Didn't you?! Well, I did. But now I remembered.




Jan. 14th, 2009 at 5:42 PM


I finally got back to school on Tuesday, and I actually feel kind of good about it. I mean, it's school, obviously I'm not too excited, but it's good to be back in my old classes and my new ones seem alright. European History is shaping up to be awesome because 1) I have it with Marisa 2) European history is one of my favorite subjects and 3) It means I get to have Mr. B again and I love him. I moved out of AP English in to College Prep finally, and it's a big relief. Even if we are reading a book that I already read last semester. Makes me wish my final essay hadn't been a timed write, I could have seen if I could turn it in again >_>. And Government...eh. It's not too bad yet, but I know that it'll head downhill soon, especially when I have to start going to all the city council meetings and whatnot D:


My dad is running a CHAMPS game this weekend and told me that he might be introducing one of my new characters. That would be so awesome.


To celebrate my return to school, yesterday evening was spent at Marisa's house playing Mario Kart on the Wii with the nifty steering wheel thing (I KILLED. When I wasn't falling off of Rainbow Road >__> Those bikes are tricksy), making/consuming ridiculous amounts of cheesey potatoes, and listening to The Fratellis. If I had to rank how awesome it is on a scale of 1-10 that they've made another album, I'd say it's around 10,000. u___u


I had something else that I was going to say, but now I forget. Oh well.

Mood: sleepy

Music:The Fratellis - Tell Me A Lie

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HaHA, I bet you thought I forgot about this, didn't you? Didn't you?! Well, I did. But now I remembered.



Of course I thought you forgot.

XD I meant about the topic, not about my previous entry. I've pretty much forgot all of that by now :/ Something I inherited from my mom is a tendency to get very mad very fast, but also calm down fairly quickly.

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HaHA, I bet you thought I forgot about this, didn't you? Didn't you?! Well, I did. But now I remembered.



Of course I thought you forgot.

XD I meant about the topic, not about my previous entry. I've pretty much forgot all of that by now :/ Something I inherited from my mom is a tendency to get very mad very fast, but also calm down fairly quickly.

That's exactly what I was talking about... the topic.

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HaHA, I bet you thought I forgot about this, didn't you? Didn't you?! Well, I did. But now I remembered.



Of course I thought you forgot.

XD I meant about the topic, not about my previous entry. I've pretty much forgot all of that by now :/ Something I inherited from my mom is a tendency to get very mad very fast, but also calm down fairly quickly.

That's exactly what I was talking about... the topic.

Oh. Well...I did. But then I remembered! So all is good now!

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^5 MW XD


If you do not meet with my demands TOO LATE

Jan. 21st, 2009 at 7:41 PM


CHAMPS was awesome, as I predicted. It felt really weird to play in the adult group, but it was still cool. And I drew a nifty picture. Styx worked out well. She seems like she'll be an interesting character and pretty fun to play.


I still can't seem to go to school for a whole week (I stayed home yesterday). I've been pondering the utopia we have to create for English. It's pretty [edit], if I do say so myself. A "domed" citystate surrounded by a nuclear wasteland. And I'll only need 50 participation points instead of the 100 people needed last semester for Government. Still [edit], but at least not as bad.


I get to answer the phone now during my office aid period. I feel terribly important.


I better try to do some homework. I have to forfeit the compy in 15 minutes. Oops.

Mood: blah

Music:Meat Loaf - Paradise by the Dashboard Light

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, here's the deal. I've been absent rather a lot as of late, and that is because my mom has instigated a new rule: If I stay home from school, I cannot use ye olde interweb that day. And I've been home from school...a lot. So that's why I've been gone so much.

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Alright, here's the deal. I've been absent rather a lot as of late, and that is because my mom has instigated a new rule: If I stay home from school, I cannot use ye olde interweb that day. And I've been home from school...a lot. So that's why I've been gone so much.

We have missed you. Hope you are feeling better soon.

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Feb. 6th, 2009 at 7:08 PM


So I haven't been able to get on the computer as of late because I've been staying home from school a lot, and my mom has decided that any day I stay home, I can't get on the computer. I guess I see where she's coming from, but it's still boring.


I didn't go to school at all this week, even though we only had four days. Next week is only three. If I don't make it, my dad says we're probabling going back to homebound. I really don't want to do that, but I honestly can't say right now that I'll be going.


In addition to my physical illnesses, I've started several new and exciting adventures with anxiety and depression. :/ Don't really want to talk about it right now, since I've been talking about it non-stop with my parents. But anyways, those are two major reasons why I'm still missing so much school.


The dog ate one of my mom's fashion dolls at about 6:00 AM Thursday. Mom was really upset. It still doesn't look like the dog is going anywhere, though. Sigh. I still can't really call myself over-fond of her.


Reading my way through the third Twilight book, Eclipse. They're awful. But hilarious sometimes. But mostly awful. Stephen King agrees with me, apparently.


Last week, in a fit of boredom, Marisa and I tried to play Mario Kart with our eyes closed and the other one verbally guiding them around the course. It was pretty much hilarious. Each lap took at least 7 mins. Except on Rainbow Road, where each lap took about 13 mins.


I have soooooo many ideas for comics/stories. Somebody give me some motivation to actually do anything with them. Please.


Mood: blah

Music:Nine Inch Nails - Every Day Is Exactly The Same

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Also: Mario Kart with your eyes closed is awesome. My sister and I would do that with F-Zero X back in the day, with similar results. Another thing we did to mix it up was play the game while we were laying face up with our heads hanging upside down off the couch, facing the TV. The controls suddenly become IMPOSSIBLE.

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Also: Mario Kart with your eyes closed is awesome. My sister and I would do that with F-Zero X back in the day, with similar results. Another thing we did to mix it up was play the game while we were laying face up with our heads hanging upside down off the couch, facing the TV. The controls suddenly become IMPOSSIBLE.

O: I'm totally gonna try that next time. What makes it even better is that she's got the steering wheel thing since it's for Wii.


And thanks, Horatio <3

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My day thus far

Feb. 9th, 2009 at 2:59 PM


2:00 AM - Woke up with an anxiety attack, took a Xanex and stayed downstairs for a while until I calmed down. Talked with my mom, went to bed.


6:30 AM - Mom woke me up to see how I was doing. I felt better. Went back to sleep.


7:30 AM - Mom woke me up again to make sure I was still alright. She stayed in my room and talked with me until I felt up to moving. I thought I was doing better, since I wasn't practically paralyzed like I had been every morning last week.


8:03 - Got to school late, but at least I was there.


12:15 - Left Japanese to go to lunch, had another anxiety attack. Managed to last until dad came to get me, but I broke down pretty much as soon as I got in the car. Came home, talked to dad, talked to mom, cried more, took another Xanex. Listened to awesome Joe Satriani music a friend sent me.


This is getting ridiculous.


Mood: frustrated

Music:Joe Satriani - Crushing Day

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Feb. 11th, 2009 at 4:09 PM


So Tuesday, I stayed at school ALL DAY \o/ BOOSH. It was a really bad morning, but I made it at least.


I missed first hour and part of second hour today because I was reeeeally tired this morning, but those are QUEST and office aid, so it's not like I have anything to make up.


Alex and I will be most likely be driving to [edit] tomorrow to spend a few hours with grandma, but we aren't staying over night. It's a few hours by car, so I dunno what we'll do to entertain ourselves. I might bring some notebooks and my sketchbook, but reading in cars makes me sick to my stomach, so I dunno how those will work out.


I'm not really sure what I'll even do once we get there. I mean, for GeeGee, all I could do was sit next to her and hold her hand. Tons was going through my head, but I didn't have to actually say anything. But grandma will be awake and talking. If I can even manage to talk, I don't have any idea what I'll say.


I guess I'll see.


Mood: contemplative

Music:Ok GO - You're So [edit] Hot

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The fact that you are there will be enough for her. Also, no matter how confusing your thoughts are you will manage to still get your point across. I can't wait to see u on V day. I might steal you away to catch up on things. You knows how my mysterious brain will work. (I probably spelled most of this post wrong ha) Just for a update to everyone including you, I just got done with a four hundred point paper and I 'm deciding my fate in Chemistry and Mathematics currently. Don't know what I got on my paper and other then those things I'm fine. Sick as a dog but fine. On meds but fine. wishing school was over but glad cause I missed most of this week hehheh. And I'm rambling so I'll stop.

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The fact that you are there will be enough for her. Also, no matter how confusing your thoughts are you will manage to still get your point across. I can't wait to see u on V day. I might steal you away to catch up on things. You knows how my mysterious brain will work. (I probably spelled most of this post wrong ha) Just for a update to everyone including you, I just got done with a four hundred point paper and I 'm deciding my fate in Chemistry and Mathematics currently. Don't know what I got on my paper and other then those things I'm fine. Sick as a dog but fine. On meds but fine. wishing school was over but glad cause I missed most of this week hehheh. And I'm rambling so I'll stop.

Rambling is good. Spelling is also good. Mathematics and Science hopefully will stay on the top of your list as they are so important. Get well soon and get back to school.

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Feb. 19th, 2009 at 7:20 PM


So, just as I get myself together enough to not be terrified of going to school, I start getting migranes and really bad nausea and still can't go anyway. Wonderful.


The trip to see my grandma was pretty uneventful. Alex and I drove up there in silence, for the most part. Once we got there, we just chatted with grandma, Aunt Merideth, Gary, and Ronnie for a few hours, then left. We didn't really say anything dramatic or reveal any deep dark secret emotions or anything. Just came in, gave her a hug, talked some, gave her more hugs, and left. I guess that's really how I wanted it.


On the way home, there was more conversation between Alex and I. It eventually became decided that we're going to try to make some sort of comic. Just something very simple, maybe 10 pages long. And since I'm going to be in charge of the art, the style will be VERY simple, but hopefully stylish. Maybe something like Scott Pilgrim.


Tomorrow my mom and dad are going to to see grandma, and if any dramallama goes down, it will be then. Apparenly they've already talked on the phone a little, and grandma wants to know why we haven't talked to her since GeeGee died, and why my mom has always kind of avoided her and all of my aunts. But my mom has made it very clear that she doesn't want any big climactic reunion. She just wants to see her mom one more time while she has the chance. If any of my aunts are there are try to rag on her, she and my dad are going to bail.


I wanted to go up with them, that had been the plan since I got back with Alex, but in my current condition I very much doubt I'll be allowed to go. I wanted to see grandma again, but I also wanted to be there for mom.


Arrrrg. I am so SICK of being sick.


Mood: frustrated

Music:IDOLM@STER demo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Skipped an entry due to content, but here's the latest one.



Mar. 2nd, 2009 at 10:59 PM


Alright, so Saturday was spent in the most disgusting appartment probably in the world. It was filled with various types of cat exriment, newspapers, trash, and random things that were too various to describe. And really, I mean filled. I cleared out six bags of trash, one 6' and three 3' stacks of newspapers, and eight garbage bags full of clothes, and that was only from the main bedroom, which is still nowhere near even mildly habitable. Six of us spend 9 1/2 [edit] hours in that place, and really, it didn't look at all like we'd done anything. It was terrible.


The ONLY good thing was that there was a very sweet, cute kitty named Sonny who kept me company while I cleaned. But I felt bad because his face and ears were missing some fur, and he had some weird scabs. One of the other people who was cleaning with me said he really needs a vet visit because these things could easily be taken care of, but his owner won't do it. >< The appartment belongs to the sister of one of our friends. She went in for a knee surgery a week or so ago, and had a stroke in the hospital. She's better now, but her social worker won't let her go back home until it's fit for human habitation. They want it clean by this weekend, but there is no way that will happen. Our friends all have jobs, they don't have time to take care of a job that huge. I mean, we found mail from '93 and food that expired in '97. It will take more than a week.


In other news, looks like I'm going back to homebound for the rest of the quarter. Sigh.


Mood: tired

Music:Higurashi - Dear You -Cry-

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Skipped an entry due to content, but here's the latest one.



Mar. 2nd, 2009 at 10:59 PM


Alright, so Saturday was spent in the most disgusting appartment probably in the world. It was filled with various types of cat exriment, newspapers, trash, and random things that were too various to describe. And really, I mean filled. I cleared out six bags of trash, one 6' and three 3' stacks of newspapers, and eight garbage bags full of clothes, and that was only from the main bedroom, which is still nowhere near even mildly habitable. Six of us spend 9 1/2 [edit] hours in that place, and really, it didn't look at all like we'd done anything. It was terrible.


The ONLY good thing was that there was a very sweet, cute kitty named Sonny who kept me company while I cleaned. But I felt bad because his face and ears were missing some fur, and he had some weird scabs. One of the other people who was cleaning with me said he really needs a vet visit because these things could easily be taken care of, but his owner won't do it. >< The appartment belongs to the sister of one of our friends. She went in for a knee surgery a week or so ago, and had a stroke in the hospital. She's better now, but her social worker won't let her go back home until it's fit for human habitation. They want it clean by this weekend, but there is no way that will happen. Our friends all have jobs, they don't have time to take care of a job that huge. I mean, we found mail from '93 and food that expired in '97. It will take more than a week.


In other news, looks like I'm going back to homebound for the rest of the quarter. Sigh.


Mood: tired

Music:Higurashi - Dear You -Cry-

Thaaaaaaats gross.



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BLINDED with BLINDNESS part the 2nd

Mar. 8th, 2009 at 10:17 PM


Did a whole lot of nothing for most of this week. Sat around, watched TV. Alex and I took Annie to a nearby park on Friday and walked around the lake trail. The weater was really nice, and the lake was very pretty. I wish I'd had a camera to take along to get some pictures. Annie really seemed to enjoy it, too. But see seems to enjoy pretty much everthing, so I'm not actually sure how thrilled she was. There was one part of the trail that led to a big raft/dock/platform thing that kind of rocked with the flow of the water, and it was nice to just stand there and look at the pretty sky. Kansas may not have oceans, or mountains...or hills...or any sort of even faintly detectable variation in sea level. But I've always thought it's got a nice sunset.


Spent the night at Marisa's on Saturday night. Went to Taco Bell and Baskin Robins, then hung out in Wal-Mart for like, an hour. Just wandering around and looking at stuff we were too poor to afford and playing game demos. There were a few books that looked interesting, I might ask my dad to take me to get another look at them. It might help if I could remember what they were called. We tried to get something from BlockBuster, but there wasn't any movies we wanted to see and none of the games sounded interesting. I did play Rock Band for the first time ever, though, because they had a demo station set up. I was happy that the fact that I haven't played Guitar Hero in like, a year, didn't effect my skill level. Not that I ever got past medium anyway, but whatever (it's that [edit] orange fret. My pinky isn't long enough to reach it). Drumming was...interesting. I didn't [stink], but I probably would have done a lot better of I didn't repeatedly hit the blue drum instead of the yellow. Once we got home we mostly just wated YouTube videos until we went to bed.


The both of us went back to Doom Appartment to help clean again. 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM this time, but there is really a noticable difference. The kitchen is [edit] near clean, and once the garbage bags full of clothes get hauled out of the main bedroom, it will be, too. The living room is nearly there, and Marisa took care of the bathrooms, which actually weren't that bad to begin with, except for the shower of one of them. So it was a much more rewarding experience today than it was Saturday because it actually looked like our work had made an impact on the wretched place. And [omg] I loooooove Sonny. I want to steal him away with me and never look back. Marisa's reaction to the place was amusing, since she's such a cleanfreak/borderline germophobe. And afterwards I got ice cream \o/ So even though it was borning and dirty and nasty and hard, it wasn't a totally wasted day. But ARG I still smell that place even though I've been home for two and a half hours.


Poop on a cracker, that was a lot longer than I meant for it to be.


Mood: sore

Music:Speedy Speed Boy

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Last night, I got a double scoop, one of "Icing on the Cake" which was ice cream with spinkles, chunks of icing, and chunks of cake, and chocolate mousse ice cream with chocolate hunks XD And then today we got frozen custad. I got what's called a "Dirt and Worms", which is the custart with chunks of Oreos, chocolate sprinkes, and a few gummi worms.

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BLINDED with BLINDNESS part the 2nd

Mar. 8th, 2009 at 10:17 PM


The weater was really nice, and the lake was very pretty. I wish I'd had a camera to take along to get some pictures.




And afterwards I got ice cream \o/ So even though it was borning and dirty and nasty and hard, it wasn't a totally wasted day.



Sonny must be that little kitty that lived in the doom apartment? D: Ones that grow up in bad circumstances seem to be the most awesome.

And sometimes [not always] the same can be said for people.

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Last night, I got a double scoop, one of "Icing on the Cake" which was ice cream with spinkles, chunks of icing, and chunks of cake, and chocolate mousse ice cream with chocolate hunks XD And then today we got frozen custad. I got what's called a "Dirt and Worms", which is the custart with chunks of Oreos, chocolate sprinkes, and a few gummi worms.

Ohhhhhhhhh, I want some for breakfast.

Sounds so good.

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It was most delicious. And yeah, Sunny (as I now believe it is spelled) was the kitty.


Mar. 16th, 2009 at 12:23 AM


So I had a dream last night where I had two motorcyles, some sort of Harley and a Ninja. I drove the Ninja and somehow also took along the Harley down to a bike trail near my house, which in the dream was a park of sorts. There was a really old rollercoaster track thing about as big as my kitchen that I could attach my motorcylces to and drive around. I was suddenly transported so somewhere on the other side of my park, and I thought to myself, "Oh crud! I need to get back before my Ninja and my yak are stolen!" because I guess the Harley had turned into a yak now. So I made my way back and this kid I went to school with in 7th grade and some other person had taken them both into a convinience store and were talking about how they stole them, and I was like "HAY give me back my motocycle and my yak" and they were all "no we stole them" and then this guy walked in and was like "give them back!" so they did and the guy walked my yak home why I drove the motorcylce.


I also recently had a dream that I was a young Jewish boy in a Jewish gang. I got into a fight with a few boys from a rival Jewish gang and we attacked each other with butcher knives until I stole a motorcycle and drove away. It was at a school near my godaunt's house. We were all dressed as 1920's newsboys. And people were filming a documentary about us.


I also played Oregon Trail for the first time today. And WON. Take that wilderness.


Mood: complacent

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Mar. 16th, 2009 at 12:23 AM


I also played Oregon Trail for the first time today. And WON. Take that wilderness.


Mood: complacent



I think you need to get a motorbikes. cause you keep having dreams about them. and watching movies about them.

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Mar. 16th, 2009 at 12:23 AM


I also played Oregon Trail for the first time today. And WON. Take that wilderness.


Mood: complacent



I think you need to get a motorbikes. cause you keep having dreams about them. and watching movies about them.

I agree!!! You need a dirt bike or ninja so we can ride together!

No Harleys!!! Glad the Harley turned into a yak. :lol:

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I do want a motorcycle, but first I need to like, learn how to drive a normal car. And if I ever get one, I would want something more Ninja-styled.

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I do want a motorcycle, but first I need to like, learn how to drive a normal car. And if I ever get one, I would want something more Ninja-styled.

Do you ride a bicycle? You can learn to ride a motorcycle. Why do you have to learn to drive a car first? :wacko:

Just pick a college in a warm climate. :lol:

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I do want a motorcycle, but first I need to like, learn how to drive a normal car. And if I ever get one, I would want something more Ninja-styled.

Do you ride a bicycle? You can learn to ride a motorcycle. Why do you have to learn to drive a car first? :wacko:

Just pick a college in a warm climate. :lol:

I think most states have some thing about needing to be qualified to drive a car before they let you use a motorcycle on thier roads...


I appreciate the asthetics of a motorbike, shoot, that's one of the subfolders in my "random stuff off the internet" folder, but I wouldn't want to operate one.. well maybe one of those itty bitty cars that are considered motorcycles for safety reasons.

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I do want a motorcycle, but first I need to like, learn how to drive a normal car. And if I ever get one, I would want something more Ninja-styled.

Do you ride a bicycle? You can learn to ride a motorcycle. Why do you have to learn to drive a car first? :wacko:

Just pick a college in a warm climate. :lol:

I think most states have some thing about needing to be qualified to drive a car before they let you use a motorcycle on thier roads...


I appreciate the asthetics of a motorbike, shoot, that's one of the subfolders in my "random stuff off the internet" folder, but I wouldn't want to operate one.. well maybe one of those itty bitty cars that are considered motorcycles for safety reasons.

My next car is going to be a smart car. :D

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yeah, those are neat.. but some of those electrics are kinda cute.. THis one I swear was based off the truck in FF7.. or vice versa.. Not that up on my eastern languages, and machine translations are notoriously unreliable when crossing language families.

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Had to delete and re-post this since I forgot to edit some things >_>;


I've read in a few articles that say making the batteries for electric cars totally destroys the environment in a large area around the factory. I think it was mostly mining for the zinc or something...


HEY LOOKIT BEFORE READING THAT DOWN THERE Anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and say that this entry is pretty morbid and I wouldn't be surprised of some people were kind of grossed out by it. So you know, beware. But I wanted to wordbarf somewhere and I figured it wouldn't actually hurt anybody to copy/paste it here, too.




My grandma died at 4:15 AM on Wednesday, March 18th, 2009. I watched.


Mom and I got to [edit] at around 11:00 PM, I think, meaning that all five daughters made it in time. There's not a lot to say about what happened, really. People drifted inside, around the bed, into the living room, talking to each other and occationally to grandma. She couldn't speak or move, but she could hear. We just kind of told her about anything that came to mind. When we were done for the moment, we wandered back out into the living room to talk and laugh with the others. I thought it might be wrong of us to share funny stories and laugh why she was lying there with hours to live, but then I realized that the sounds of her family being happy and together were probably the best thing grandma could have heard.


A few people went off to go to bed, but the five daughters, one of my cousins, and I stayed up. At around 3:30, they turned grandma on her side because she had a lot of congestion and they thought that might help her be more comfortable. Shortly after that, things went downhill rapidly. Her breaths became fewer and far between, and very shallow. By that time, we had all gathered around the bed, just watching. All the lights were out, except for a dim kitchen light. We knew it would be soon. Eventually it was nearly 10 seconds before each breath, which sounded weak and more like a small and quiet hiccup. My cousin Michael went over and said something very quietly in grandma's ear and gave her a kiss. My mom said that this would be my last chance if I wanted to do the same, so I went up and leaned in and just told her that I love her very much, but we all understood that it was time for her to go and nobody was mad at her or anything. We watched her take her last breath. After about 30 seconds without anything happening, my Aunt Julie, who is a trained nurse, took the stethiscope and listened. Her heart had stopped.


I bounced between the living room and the bed while we waited for the doctor to come and pronounce her and the mortician to come and take her. I didn't touch her after she was gone. I don't know why, but I just didn't want to. She looked cold, and like, well, a dead person. I didn't want to do it.


My mom cried. I almost didn't know if she would, but she did. I did, too. I hadn't known if I would, either. I didn't cry very much, though. But all my aunts sobbed. My mom and I left this morning at around 10:30, and all throughout the time we'd been there, somebody would start to cry periodically about every two or three hours. We were all totally worn out the whole time, but nobody could sleep. A few of us tried (including me), but it wasn't very restful and I woke up about every hour or so anyway.


I don't honestly remember what I was thinking of as I watched it happen. I remeber "Holy [edit], I'm seeing somebody die," but nothing besides that. I remember that there was not any song playing in my head, though, and that's the only time I'm aware of where that was the case. It was all just very surreal, especially when the mortician zipped up bag over the gurney. I don't know how to explain it. It didn't feel like it wasn't happening, I knew it was all very real. And I still don't really know what to say about it. I really, really wish I could say something.


The funeral is on Sunday, Alex's birthday. We were going to go to Aunt Kathy's to celebrate, but there's obviously been a change of plans. Is it weird that all I can think of in regards to the funeral is that I think I'll get a skirt instead of pants, and that I'll need new socks to go with my boots because the only ones I have that are long enough are red and gold striped and that isn't really appropriate? I think it's weird.


As cliche as it sounds, at least she isn't suffering anymore. She's up with GeeGee and everybody else she's been missing. Goodbye, Grandma Ran. I love you. I miss you like crazy. I'm happy for you that it's over.

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Kat, I'm here for you when ever you want to talk if the pain gets to much. I'm sorry for your loss. but don't forget that I and my family love you. It wasn't morbid it was bittersweet. Its normal for you to not touch a dead person its also normal that you feel guilty about laughing at funny stories. you're right you're grandma probably is happy that she heard you enjoying yourselves and that she is no longer suffering. We're going up and death is one of the things we have to deal with. I'm praying for you!

Love, Kris.

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*gives - Kat - a hug*

As Krisluvsdogs said... we are here for you and definitely not morbid. Very real, yet for you very surreal.


You and your family are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers, with deepest sympathies during this time.



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Thanks <3

"...Push the motorcycle into the washing machine?"


[site-related stuff edit]


So anyway, I'm on homebound for the rest of the school year. Sigh. I wish this could have happened, like, any year that wasn't my very last one. This kind of [edit]. But I guess it's better than failing all my classes.


The funeral went pretty normal. A lot more people showed up than I thought would. The service itself was very nice, we did the same thing we did with GeeGee and all wrote our favorite memories of Grandma in a book, and the pastor's wife read some of them during the service. She made a special comment about Alex's entry, which sounded like something that you would real out of an actual published work. He's so talented. I get frustrated that he gives up so easily on things. Everyone cried. Even me, a little, which was more than I expected. But I felt almost good about it. I finally felt like I was feeling how I should be feeling.


After the service a lot of people headed back to Grandma's house for food, which I took into one of the back bedrooms where it was quiet and there was a place to sit. I read for a while before falling asleep until it was time to head back home. x_x; But I only got like, an hour of sleep the morning before, so I had an excuse.


Not a lot to report for the rest of the week, but tonight was spent at Aunt Kathy's playing Lego Star Wars, eating cake, and playing with baby Elizabeth who is painfully adoreable. She's just starting to learn how to crawl and how to stand up, so she'd hang onto my fingers and stomp around the floor. It was quite entertaining to watch Aunt Kathy try to play, especially when she thought she was my brother's character and would yell at him for getting stuck in a corner. I think Alex was a little traumatized by the end of the night. This was actually supposed to be a belated birthday party thing for him since the funeral was on his real birthday. >_>; So he got to spend his party helping Aunt Kathy get past parts of the game she couldn't beat herself and listening to conversations about bowel movements. Happy Birthday Alex!


As we were leaving, my mom and I waved at Elizabeth and said "bye-bye". She looked at us, waved, and said "bye-bye", which is apparently one of her first words. I was excited.


[more site-related stuff edit]

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  • 2 weeks later...

It looks like switching all my internet-using to Firefox carries over more of the original format when I copy/paste. Huh.

"Friends are like potatoes. If you eat them, they die."


* Apr. 14th, 2009 at 3:26 AM



So stuff has been pretty normal. Easter Saturday was spent at Aunt Kathy's eating, then killing [edit] at Monopoly. Except for Uncle David. Some day, Uncle David, there will be a reckoning.


I saw the Hannah Montana movie on Friday (OPENING DAY). To be honest, the Hannah Montana franchise itself has never bothered me much. The show isn't suicide-educing, and some of the songs are catchy. The movie itself was cute and fun. I knew going in that the crowd would be a bit louder than usual. And for the little nine-year-old girls that clapped and bopped around in their seats and didn't really do anything distracting, I'm glad they had fun. For the idiot teenagers who stood up and jumped all over the place and sang loudly (and badly) and screamed like they were dying at random intervals, I rather wanted to punch them out.


And...that's pretty much all that's happened, I think. I keep having really weird dreams about every night. They aren't really bad, just weird. At first I wanted them to stop, but I guess they can stay.


I used Alex's sidekick phone for a few hours tonight. It's pretty cool. The keyboard took some getting used to, but I was pretty proficient by the end. I had to stop because the battery was dying, but I kind of want one now.


And I can't stop listening to 3OH!3. That is all.


* Mood: awake

* Music:3OH!3 - Richman

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Kat, you need to emails mes! Easter was fun. Although I still owe you 1,000 bucks. (u do know that I'll never pay right?)

XD Actually, it's only $400...you did pay me $600. It's your dad that you owe every penny you'll ever earn XD

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For the record, I am no longer at Aunt Kathy's house

"What did you call me?! A box of lettuce?!"


* Apr. 18th, 2009 at 10:57 PM



So chances are pretty [edit] good that I'm going to graduate this year. My two required credits are online and I can exempt myself from a majority of the actual work and just take the tests. I might very well do it all tomorrow.


Got a manicure on Friday, it's pretty cute. Then I went to Marisa's and spent the night playing Sims 2 and running around [city name] Medical Center because while visiting her mom, she forgot her wallet (and driver's license) in her room, but but the time we realized it all the doors were locked except the ER so we had to walk all the way around the building to get back in. We woke up and played Mario Kart Wii for a while, both with eyes closed AND upside-down. Upside-down was terribly annoying and I only lasted for one lap before I started to feel barfy and in general got tired of the controller constantly listing to one side. We then went to a friend's graduation party and hung out and ate a bunch of cupcakes, so that was cool.


I'm now at Aunt Kathy's and booooored out of my skull. I got to play with the baby a bunch, though, and with Jonathan, both of which are always a plus.


Also, I started Breaking Dawn. I just want to get it over with.


* Mood: bored

* Music:FFVI - Celes' Opera

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"I'll take everything on the menu. Twice."


* Apr. 22nd, 2009 at 6:08 PM



I was awoken by my phone ringing at 8:00 AM on Monday. It played Supermassive Black Hole, meaning that it wasn't anybody I knew and had assigned a ringtone for. The caller ID said "Unknown". I answered it, thinking somebody might have gotten a new number, but nobody responded, so I hung up. The same thing happened a few minutes later, so I put my phone on silent and went back to sleep.


When I woke up around noon, I checked and had 8 missed calls. It gave me a number this time, but I didn't recognize it. I also had a text from the same number saying "Answer ur phone". Still thinking that it might be Olivia, who gets a new phone number every other week, I texted back asking, "Who is this?"


I got another call from the same number a few seconds later.


Me: Hello?

Caller: Hi, is this Katie?

Me: Uhh...yeah.

Caller: Alright, I need to ask you something.

Me: ...'Kay.

Caller: Do you know Jericho?

Me: What? Uh, no.

Caller: You don't know anyone named Jericho?

Me: No, who is this?


And then they hung up. o_o


I looked up the number online and apparently the phone came from Omaha, Nebraska, but I couldn't find out anything else without paying to register and I don't care that much.


In unrelated news, online classes are DONE \o/ They took like, two days total. Just gotta turn in all that 1st semester work for AP English and I will GRADUATE. HEY NONNEY NONNEY.


Going to get my hair highlighted tomorrow. Dunno for sure what color yet.


And apparently there's been a few acts of vandalism happening around our neighborhood. Good thing both our yards are already too pitiful to get any worse.


* Mood: hot

* Music:Queen - We Will Rock You

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  • 2 weeks later...

To Horatio and MK: Your art requests are included in the stuff I've been doodling and plotting out, so those will arrive at some point in the near-


well I'll be done at some point.


"Stop writing on that [edit] shovel and come out with your hands up!"


* May. 1st, 2009 at 6:53 PM



I've been going through a bout of internet lethargy lately. I just haven't been feeling like getting on that much, unless its to do little things like look for cool pictures or whatever. So if I'm not around very much lately, that's why.


I have, however, been trying to write and draw more. Anything actually presentable that comes out of that, I'll try and share.


Nothing much has happened. Jonber came over and brought Elizabeth, and Jon mowed the lawn so I don't have to for a while \o/ And we got to chat and play with the baby. My uncle was up from Texas a week or two ago. It was nice to talk to him, we don't get to much, and he brought a video of his wife and my cousins, so I got to "see" them, too.


I still need to finish the AP English work I never did so I can pass for first semester. I'll get to that...


BUT mostly I'm really excited because yesterday we got the tickets for my dad and I to see the Kansas City Symphony preform music from The Lord of the Rings and that will be eleven different kinds of awesome \o/ And I'm thinking that for a celebration with the rest of my family I'll watch the Twilight RiffTrack.


And...that's basically it. Ho hum.


* Mood: bored

* Music:Poison - She's My Cherry Pie

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  • 2 weeks later...

This one contains information that will probably make Horatio happy XD

"I'm Captain Mal! Whooooo!"

Alright, so I was going to wait until I could post the pictures to go along with it, but since we have to order the software separately for our new camera since we got it on eBay, I'm just gonna make a post now and do the pictures later. I would be mad, since it didn't come with a USB cable, either, but it's a really good $200 camera that we got for $10, so I'm not complaining.


Alright, so, May 7th was my actual birthday, and my dad and I went to see the Kansas City Symphony preform music from the Lord of the Rings movies. We were supposed to go to Dragon Inn for dinner but we were running late so we ended up just getting Culver's on the way, but it was still good XD I'd been so excited for the show ever since we first got the tickets and I was very impatient for it to start once we got there. I got a few pics of me and my dad on the way, outside the theater, and in our seats, and some of the stage before it started. I also have a picture of the program, but I might just scan the front instead and see if that turns out easier.


The music itself was just indescribable. Hearing it in the movie theater was amazing, but to hear it live literally made me shiver. I grinned like an idiot through the whole first movement. A projector showed pictures by the artists Alan Lee and John Howe, both of whom are famous for their LotR-related artwork, as the orchestra played, and I couldn't decide which one I wanted to watch most. There was an intermission after the first two movements (I got pics of dad and I in line for concessions), where dad and I ran into our friends Lisa and Mark who we haven't seen in years. I used to babysit their kids, but now they're like, old D: From 8 and 2 years old to 13 and 7. So then after that we went back to our seats for the rest of the concert.


It was all wonderful, but I think the songs from the first movie were my favorites, since I recognized the most music out of those two movements. The orchestra and chorus were perfect, the exact same quality as the soundtrack's symphony but even better since it was live. The soloists sounded different from the voices on the tracks, but that is to be expected, and they were marvelous anyway. One woman especially did most of the solo work. When she sang to Gandalf's Lament, I teared up. I didn't even do that when I saw the actual movie XD. And when the whole chorus would sing the really dramatic pieces like The Prophecy and the huge kettle drums played so loud it caused a rumbling you could feel in your chest during The Bridge of Kazad-dum, it was hard not to get a little carried away.


And then my dad and I talked about LotR mythology all the way home AND I got a McFlurry. So it was pretty much one of the best nights ever.



The day after that (aka Friday), Katie G. and Marisa took me to see 17 Again and bought me an Icee. I kind of went in expecting it to be funny in a stupid kind of way, but it was actually funny in an intentional and cool way. I actually liked it. AND most of the nerd-related humor was correct, so that was a plus. It was cute and funny and I'm glad that I saw it :3 And then Katie G. drew Luc and Prism (two of our RP characters) doing the Carameldansen, and it was super adorable.


And then there was tonight (aka Saturday), when I went to my Aunt Kathy's and watched the RiffTrax of Twilight. I'd already seen the movie without the commentary, as had Alex, so we were mostly numb to the pain of the movie itself and could enjoy the Riff, but the others were not so lucky and could barely make it through even with the help of Bill Corbett, Kevin Murphy, and Mike Nelson. But it was hilarious, as I had expected, and I enjoyed it muchly. I also enjoyed the KFC we got and the cheesecake we had for dessert.


Present-wise, Terri gave me some really pretty dangley earrings. They're silver with a kind of victorian design with this black stone I can't remember the name of set in, and then teardrop-shaped garnets at the bottom. Kristina got me a bag of Reese's, some kitten stickers, and a humorous card. Aunt Kathy had me sit next to her and point out things from the QVC site that I liked because she says that I'm hard to shop for, so she said my birthday/graduation present from her and Uncle David will be arriving shortly.


My big present this year that is another graduation/birthday gift combined will be a laptop, which I am terribly excited about. It's a MacBook, and it's slightly used and a year or two old, but the person we're getting it from says that it works great. I was a little nervous about getting a Mac, I've never dealt with one and most of the tech people I know don't know much about them, either, but I think I'll get used to it quickly. What's more is that my dad is going to get the house set up with wireless, which means that I'll no longer need to fight my mom and brother for use of the computer because I'll have my own \o/ EXCITEMENT.


As I said, pics of everything that I took pics of will come shortly. And thanks to everyone who sent along birthday wishes! ^^

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Oh I am u___u I'm excited because it means that I won't have to fight my mom or brother to use Craig anymore XD 'Cause even with Lappy and Lappy 2.0, they didn't have internet so it was still a hassle. x.x But my dad is gonna get wireless setup so Yet-To-Be-Named MacBook can connect to ye olde internets.

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Oh I am u___u I'm excited because it means that I won't have to fight my mom or brother to use Craig anymore XD 'Cause even with Lappy and Lappy 2.0, they didn't have internet so it was still a hassle. x.x But my dad is gonna get wireless setup so Yet-To-Be-Named MacBook can connect to ye olde internets.

:lol: Great! I think you will have no problem with the Mac. It will take you about three seconds and you will have it mastered. Those three seconds will be taking it out of whatever it came in, opening the laptop and turning it on. :lol:

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Steve [steve jobs, roffle]

Greg [sounds kinda like Craig, only it doesn't. And Greg is one of the 4 Greg's.]

Sinbad [D:< HARDCORE]

Madi/Madison [i dunno, just thought of a name]

or Rhett.


such are my contributions to your naming.

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Steve [steve jobs, roffle]

Greg [sounds kinda like Craig, only it doesn't. And Greg is one of the 4 Greg's.]

Sinbad [D:

Madi/Madison [i dunno, just thought of a name]

or Rhett.


such are my contributions to your naming.

I vote for an 'A' name (for Apple) or 'M' name (for Mac).

So, Madi/Madison would be a start. Mac would also be an idea or possibly something German or French. :lol:

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If you're some kind of anal-retentive or just very bored, you may have noticed that sometimes the format of my updates is different. This is for two reasons.


1. When I switched to Firefox, the copy/pasting retained more of the original formatting, such as spaces and indents, so posts look different than they did when I first started this topic.

2. Depending on how long the entry is or what its about, I sometimes use a code on the site I originally post these on to make a sort of link to the post instead of just leaving it really long to stretch out the page. So the format gets changed around a little then when I go to copy/paste it from the linked page instead of the site's main page.


I don't know why on earth anybody would care about that. But you know...if you were curious.

"This is a bus! Do you know how big a bus is?!"


* May. 19th, 2009 at 4:30 PM



So...I graduated. On Sunday. I don't really know what to say about that, the ceremony was nice, if a little long, especially when it came time to call everyone's names since we had about 320 in our class. There had been a lot of hangups that made me question if I was even going to go. First, there was the little issue of getting all my credits, but we got that taken care of. Then we thought it was too late to order my cap and gown, but no, we still could and got that done. Then we had to pick the cap and gown up from the school, which would not have been possible if one of the janitors had not been on the roof at the time and saw me and let me in. Then I had to figure out who was getting tickets and if they would be in the gym with the actual ceremony or in the auditorium where they were doing a live broadcast, but after some drama about that we got it figured out. There was also the rehearsal on Friday which made me realize that the gym was going to be crowded and hot and that I should bring shoes to change into because even though the new ones I'd bought were pretty cute I could not wander the school in them for long. Then finally the night came, and I arrived to check in and realized that I was supposed to have a stole with my cap and gown but I hadn't gotten one, but that got taken care of too. So overall, there was a lot that just made me question if the whole commencement thing was worth it, and if I shouldn't just go to the school the day after to get my diploma, but now, I'm glad I did it. If nothing else, I got ice cream out of it.


As I suspected, I didn't get an overwhelming sensation of freedom or change afterward. I didn't get it when I turned 18, either. Nothing really feels too different. I think part of that might be because I was already on homebound, so I've been away from the school since around October anyway. I'm happy, don't get me wrong, but I don't feel anything overwhelming.


I didn't know that Arv was retiring, but they announced it at the commencement. Arv was my Quest teacher all through high school, and he was actually Alex's, too. Thanks so much for everything, Arv. You did a lot for me, especially this past year. I wish only the best for you.


In other news, since it is now summer, it means I have to start mowing the lawn again. Which I despise because it makes me break out in hives and it's hot and loud. Arrg my hands are still all puffy and swollen. Makes it hard to type.


Anyway, congratulations to anybody who has or will be graduating high school or college soon. [edit], congratulations for not having to go to school for a few months even if you're not graduating. Happy summer, everyone!


* Mood: calm

* Music:Brak - We're Buds

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To Horatio and MK: Your art requests are included in the stuff I've been doodling and plotting out, so those will arrive at some point in the near-


well I'll be done at some point.


*cough, cough*


We are still here. :rolleyes::D

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To Horatio and MK: Your art requests are included in the stuff I've been doodling and plotting out, so those will arrive at some point in the near-


well I'll be done at some point.


*cough, cough*


We are still here. :rolleyes::D

I'm weeeeeerking on it

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To Horatio and MK: Your art requests are included in the stuff I've been doodling and plotting out, so those will arrive at some point in the near-


well I'll be done at some point.


*cough, cough*


We are still here. :rolleyes::D

I'm weeeeeerking on it

When you get your new Mac, you will have NOOOOOOOOOO excuses. :D

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The King of the Beavers


* May. 27th, 2009 at 11:47 PM



So I'm currently on my new MacBook, and it's pretty much awesome. I'm in the LIVING ROOM. Watching TV. And I'm on the INTERNET.


It is taking some time to get used to the Mac, but the basics are easy enough. It's things like setting my font colors on my IM programs that are proving the most difficult to figure out. I'm in the process of moving all my files off of Craig and onto new Lappy who is yet to be named. It's taking a while, thought, since I have a lot of files ._.; And then I need to install my scanner and tablet and the programs the tablet came with.


All in all though, it's a really nice computer and I already love it. I'm so glad I finally got my own lappy. A huge thank you to my "mysterious benefactor" (you know who you are) for giving my parents a really great deal and letting me finally get my own laptop.


* Mood: cheerful

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The King of the Beavers


* May. 27th, 2009 at 11:47 PM



So I'm currently on my new MacBook, and it's pretty much awesome. I'm in the LIVING ROOM. Watching TV. And I'm on the INTERNET.


It is taking some time to get used to the Mac, but the basics are easy enough. It's things like setting my font colors on my IM programs that are proving the most difficult to figure out. I'm in the process of moving all my files off of Craig and onto new Lappy who is yet to be named. It's taking a while, thought, since I have a lot of files ._.; And then I need to install my scanner and tablet and the programs the tablet came with.


All in all though, it's a really nice computer and I already love it. I'm so glad I finally got my own lappy. A huge thank you to my "mysterious benefactor" (you know who you are) for giving my parents a really great deal and letting me finally get my own laptop.


* Mood: cheerful



I'm making a note here: Huge Success.

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

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The King of the Beavers


* May. 27th, 2009 at 11:47 PM



So I'm currently on my new MacBook, and it's pretty much awesome. I'm in the LIVING ROOM. Watching TV. And I'm on the INTERNET.


It is taking some time to get used to the Mac, but the basics are easy enough. It's things like setting my font colors on my IM programs that are proving the most difficult to figure out. I'm in the process of moving all my files off of Craig and onto new Lappy who is yet to be named. It's taking a while, thought, since I have a lot of files ._.; And then I need to install my scanner and tablet and the programs the tablet came with.


All in all though, it's a really nice computer and I already love it. I'm so glad I finally got my own lappy. A huge thank you to my "mysterious benefactor" (you know who you are) for giving my parents a really great deal and letting me finally get my own laptop.


* Mood: cheerful



I'm making a note here: Huge Success.

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

Look at me still talking when there's file transfering science to do

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The King of the Beavers


* May. 27th, 2009 at 11:47 PM



So I'm currently on my new MacBook, and it's pretty much awesome. I'm in the LIVING ROOM. Watching TV. And I'm on the INTERNET.


It is taking some time to get used to the Mac, but the basics are easy enough. It's things like setting my font colors on my IM programs that are proving the most difficult to figure out. I'm in the process of moving all my files off of Craig and onto new Lappy who is yet to be named. It's taking a while, thought, since I have a lot of files ._.; And then I need to install my scanner and tablet and the programs the tablet came with.


All in all though, it's a really nice computer and I already love it. I'm so glad I finally got my own lappy. A huge thank you to my "mysterious benefactor" (you know who you are) for giving my parents a really great deal and letting me finally get my own laptop.


* Mood: cheerful

So... now you should have no reason whatsoever as to why you can't come here and make a post or two. Without copying and pasting from another website.

*cough, cough*



Glad to hear you got your new Mac. Welcome to the world of Mac users. If you need any help, although I am sure you are having more fun trying to figure it out, I can be of a little assistance. Of course, Jesse is the ultimate source of information, but I have a little basic knowledge.


It is nice to know that you have a mysterious benefactor. You deserve whatever nice things come your way.


Just so you know, the Apple programs match the Windows programs. So, if you need to write something in Word, just use Pages, Excel is Numbers and Power Point is Keynote. Apple has designed their program so that it will read the Windows and Windows can read the Apple. You should have no problem uploading your files. If you want some information on fonts, let me know. Also, you can go to the Apple website and put in your question and find almost any tutorial you would ever need.


The one thing I love about Macs are that they are totally sensible. For example, if you make a single letter typo, just hit the delete key and it removes the last letter or group of letters and you can retype. None of this backing up to delete a letter. There are lots of other cool features.


Have you shown Kris your laptop?

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Jesse is the ultimate source of information


Oh great, I'd better watch out now. :lol:


I'm glad you enjoy your macbook. Does it have bootcamp? That would let you boot up into windows if you ever need to run something with that OS. Not sure how it works exactly...but I guess I'll find out in a few months. I found out recently that I can refresh my school laptop and get a macbook next semester! :)


Random tip that I just learned today: Press command, option, and 8 together to zoom in and out toward your cursor. Keep holding those keys when you zoom in, and you can press + and - to adjust the zoom level before you let go.

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Jesse is the ultimate source of information


Oh great, I'd better watch out now. :lol:


I'm glad you enjoy your macbook. Does it have bootcamp? That would let you boot up into windows if you ever need to run something with that OS. Not sure how it works exactly...but I guess I'll find out in a few months. I found out recently that I can refresh my school laptop and get a macbook next semester! :)


Random tip that I just learned today: Press command, option, and 8 together to zoom in and out toward your cursor. Keep holding those keys when you zoom in, and you can press + and - to adjust the zoom level before you let go.

And yes... you Jesse, are the ultimate source!!!


And rats... I actually knew something you didn't. That was probably the one and only thing you didn't know about the Mac.


Actually, you don't need Boot Camp if you have iWork. This is supposed to replace the need for Boot Camp. At least that is what they told me in the Apple Store. But you know those geniuses. :rolleyes: LOL


Jesse, refresh that laptop as soon as you can and get your MacBook. :D

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The Mac is working smoothly so far, just have to move the rest of my stuff off Craig.


I don't think it's got Boot Camp, but so far all of the Word and Notepad stuff I've moved over works in Pages and TextEdit. And my tablet came with a CD to install Photoshop, so all of those documents should work, too.


And more like now that I'm not crazy busy with birthday and graduation plans, I can make more posts XD But the lappy will definitely help!


And I haven't seen Kris yet, but I'm taking it with me when she and Rachel and I hang out next Wednesday ;D

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The Mac is working smoothly so far, just have to move the rest of my stuff off Craig.


I don't think it's got Boot Camp, but so far all of the Word and Notepad stuff I've moved over works in Pages and TextEdit. And my tablet came with a CD to install Photoshop, so all of those documents should work, too.


And more like now that I'm not crazy busy with birthday and graduation plans, I can make more posts XD But the lappy will definitely help!


And I haven't seen Kris yet, but I'm taking it with me when she and Rachel and I hang out next Wednesday ;D

When I was at the Apple Store for my Mac a few months back, they said I wouldn't need Boot Camp or VMware Fusion (which is actually better than Boot Camp). So the news made me quite happy as I had the iLife and iWork.


You should find that the laptop comes with iPhoto which is also a terrific program.


Do you have something to carry your laptop around in? I have some suggestions if you want.


Also, have you started putting your music on your new laptop? You can click on "Get Album Covers" and iTunes will get the album covers to match your CDs.

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I got a good backpack when I got the lappy, so I'm using that now.


I have moved all my music over, but at the moment, I'm still exploring iTunes and debating if I want to keep using it or see if I can find find a way to get Mac-compatable Winamp or something along those lines.

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I got a good backpack when I got the lappy, so I'm using that now.


I have moved all my music over, but at the moment, I'm still exploring iTunes and debating if I want to keep using it or see if I can find find a way to get Mac-compatable Winamp or something along those lines.

My suggestion would be to keep using iTunes.

*cough, cough*



Glad you have a good backpack that you like. Hopefully you will be able to put all of your books in there as well. Perhaps not ALL of your books. LOL


One thing to keep in mind, when you are carrying your power cord, do not wind it to tightly around the unit itself. I have found that they do not have a long life. So what I do with mine is to hold the unit and wrap the cord very loosely around my hand then put the entire thing into a carrying case. Also you will find the cord twists inside itself, so I made sure that I would 'smooth' it out every now and then. You will figure out what I am talking about later, it probably does not make any sense now. Also, I kept the little cord pin cover and used it when I was carrying the laptop around. This protected the pins from damage. Of course, I don't think this is totally necessary, but I am pretty hard on things.

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I got a good backpack when I got the lappy, so I'm using that now.


I have moved all my music over, but at the moment, I'm still exploring iTunes and debating if I want to keep using it or see if I can find find a way to get Mac-compatable Winamp or something along those lines.

My suggestion would be to keep using iTunes.

*cough, cough*



Glad you have a good backpack that you like. Hopefully you will be able to put all of your books in there as well. Perhaps not ALL of your books. LOL


One thing to keep in mind, when you are carrying your power cord, do not wind it to tightly around the unit itself. I have found that they do not have a long life. So what I do with mine is to hold the unit and wrap the cord very loosely around my hand then put the entire thing into a carrying case. Also you will find the cord twists inside itself, so I made sure that I would 'smooth' it out every now and then. You will figure out what I am talking about later, it probably does not make any sense now. Also, I kept the little cord pin cover and used it when I was carrying the laptop around. This protected the pins from damage. Of course, I don't think this is totally necessary, but I am pretty hard on things.

I have kept ahold of the cover, and I have untwisted the cord out several times XD But, I'll keep in mind the thing about wrapping up the chord. I'd been wrapping it around the unit, so I'll stop that now.

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I got a good backpack when I got the lappy, so I'm using that now.


I have moved all my music over, but at the moment, I'm still exploring iTunes and debating if I want to keep using it or see if I can find find a way to get Mac-compatable Winamp or something along those lines.

My suggestion would be to keep using iTunes.

*cough, cough*



Glad you have a good backpack that you like. Hopefully you will be able to put all of your books in there as well. Perhaps not ALL of your books. LOL


One thing to keep in mind, when you are carrying your power cord, do not wind it to tightly around the unit itself. I have found that they do not have a long life. So what I do with mine is to hold the unit and wrap the cord very loosely around my hand then put the entire thing into a carrying case. Also you will find the cord twists inside itself, so I made sure that I would 'smooth' it out every now and then. You will figure out what I am talking about later, it probably does not make any sense now. Also, I kept the little cord pin cover and used it when I was carrying the laptop around. This protected the pins from damage. Of course, I don't think this is totally necessary, but I am pretty hard on things.

I have kept ahold of the cover, and I have untwisted the cord out several times XD But, I'll keep in mind the thing about wrapping up the chord. I'd been wrapping it around the unit, so I'll stop that now.

My method is to hold the square charger, and kind of make a very loose bunch of loops around your hand. That seems to work a little better for me. You will figure out what works best for you.


Have you decided to keep iTunes?

*cough, cough*


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XD I'm still debating. Mostly because I don't even know what my other options are yet. My brother said he'd ask his Mac-using friends what they use.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry guys, I have been lurking about, I've just been hit with a creative surge lately and have taken to holing up and writing or drawing. As soon as any thing is actually produced out of my efforts (like the card and fanart I still own Horatio and MK, I bet you thought I forgot but I didn't), I promise I'll share it.

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I'm sorry guys, I have been lurking about, I've just been hit with a creative surge lately and have taken to holing up and writing or drawing. As soon as any thing is actually produced out of my efforts (like the card and fanart I still own Horatio and MK, I bet you thought I forgot but I didn't), I promise I'll share it.

You could always just put HampsterDance on your home page so that you have to make a post as soon as you get on Lappy. Let's see... it would probably take a couple minutes to make a post before you start your creative streak.

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It's actually already my homepage! XD I promise I'll start making more posts being hermiting away.

Please do. We miss you when you are not around. Just like Arkcher. He lurks about, but doesn't post.

D: they're catching on to me

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It's actually already my homepage! XD I promise I'll start making more posts being hermiting away.

Please do. We miss you when you are not around. Just like Arkcher. He lurks about, but doesn't post.

D: they're catching on to me

Of course. I see your name in the members online list... then you disappear without a trace. LOL

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I tend to like berries in general, but we don't eat them often since my dad only likes strawberries (which aren't actual berries at all).

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  • 5 months later...



I just moved.


Between Fest, college prep, and moving, there's been a lot going on irl that kept me from the internet. But now that most of that is mostly over, I plan on being back more regularly!


In the interest of sharing some of my recent experiences, I'ma copy/paste from another site. Mostly because I don't feel like typing it out again. So here we goooo.


In addition to those things, I also went and saw Wicked at the music hall with Kristina and Uncle David, and I still can't even begin to describe how utterly breath-taking it was. All the performers were excellent, and actress playing Galinda was hilarious. She had very good comic sense and timing. And of course the music was just ;adlkghaeha;ergbd;akjg OH MY GOSH. I almost cried three separate times XD Kristina bought be the souvenir program and let me rip her CD onto the lappy, so all was super special awesome. Before we went to the show, Uncle David took us to a Japanese steak house that was delicious, and had the kind of grills where they cook at your table and set stuff one fire (though I was an idiot and got sushi, so I only got little tastes from Kristina's plate). It was delicious and afterward the chef threw shrimp at us and we caught it in our mouth and had a good lol.


I also saw New Moon at the midnight premiere with Alex and Marisa. We went to IHOP before hand and discussed our apprehension and decided on a code word ("Sweet Mustache") to use to express any amusement/annoyance/sorrow/things that would make a rabid fangirl cut us if they knew what we were talking about. I will say, though, that this one was a lot better than the first. There were more intentionally funny moments, and the fighting was way better. The way they made the wolves transform was cool, too. Once again, we agreed that we'd all rather watch a movie about the secondary and background characters than the main characters. The background characters were actually cool.


Nothing much has happened since then, just chilling in the new house. Mom and I did jigs of happiness that Donny Osmond won Dancing With the Stars tonight. We were also really pulling for Kelly, but I was fine with either of them winning.

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Haha, my mom was so excited XD She was one of the 13-year-old girls that was in love with him back in the day, so she's been rooting for him to the whole time. I wanted either him or Kelly to win, and they both go to the final 3 so I was happy.

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  • 1 year later...

Since I'm back, I figured I'd make a post here.


After a while of hunting, I FINALLY FOUND A GOOD HAMSTER ;0; I tried two PetSmarts and one local shop called PetLand, but I finally found one at a place called Pet Stop. I was looking for just a normal sized, normal hair-length, and normal colored hammie, and they had just what I was looking for~ She's about 8 weeks old and a beautiful blond color with a bit of darker brown around her face and some white around her tummy, and she has cute little black eyes. As she's a Siberian hamster, I wanted to give her a Russian name. I almost went with Anya, before my mom pointed out that that's the Russian version of Anna and we already have an Annie, so I went with Sasha.


While we were there, before I found Sasha, there was a little hamster that had slightly darker coloring that I was interested in because I really liked their markings, but they were very skittish and did not like being held at all. Sasha seems to be much more calm.


I'm so glad to finally have a little hammie ^0^ We'd had a good tank and enough supplies to last a year, all we needed was the hamster XD Annie has at least been in the dining room with her, so I don't think she'll cause a problem. Sophie most likely will never even know about her, since she rarely comes out of my mom's sewing room. I'm hoping that Puck will do what he did with Edgar (the mouse we tried to house before he escaped) and the geckos we housed for a while: he was interested for a while, but eventually ignored them. Then again, the geckos didn't move around much and Edgar hid all the time, and Sasha seems a lot more active. But I'll keep her safe~ Especially when she's out in her ball. Annie will get shut in my parent's room or outside >.>;


I was going to take pictures, but she's finally settled into her house and I don't want to disturb her (the pet store lady said I should give her a day to get used to her tank before I handle her a lot, anyway). Once she comes out to explore again I'll get some pictures ^^ I'll also include some of the other animals we saw at the stores.

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Yes!!! Those pictures of the pet store were amazing! Thank you for posting them. And... no double post. Sometimes I give the hamsters three days, so you play it by ear. See how you think she is doing. Just increase the handling a little, then a little more. You are going to be so happy with Sasha. It will be outstanding to see close up pictures of her.


My policy is to never disturb the hamster when they are in their house. I treat that like sacred ground. They will come out and I can give you suggestions as to when should occur. Talk to her as much as you want so she knows your voice. That helps immensely.


Thank you for the pictures and we look forward to more.

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Yeah, I've been just sitting outside her tank for about an hour now. When she's out exploring I'll put my hand in and she'll sniff it a bit, but when she gets sick of me she hides in her house and I leave her alone. She did let me pet her a few times without jumping away, though.


Do you think it would help if I put a little something in there that smelled like me? If I could get a scrap of fabric from my mom or something and carry it around for a day or so and put it in there, would that help her get used to me?


She discovered her wheel last night and had great fun with that XD Which is a good thing, because so far all she's eaten are her treats and not any of her real food. Maybe I hid too many treats around the tank for her and she isn't interested in the pellets XD


I had to take the lid off of her potty because she kept using it as a hidey hole instead of a bathroom. One corner of it was filled with food x.x But she has been eating and drinking, and I did find some droppings, so I think she'd adjusting healthily. I'm so excited for when I'll be able to hold her and put her in her ball~

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Great idea about putting your hand in there. No need for the fabric, because she already knows your smell.


The wheel... my hammies love those wheel... all night long. :)


She will eat the real food. You just won't see it. In the mix, is real food, combined with fruit, nuts and other good things. As for the treats, she is collecting them and hiding them in the area where she sleeps. Hamsters will collect all the goodies, but they will not always consume only them. They are pretty good about eating food that is good for them as well. Take a little piece of raw carrot, a blueberry, pepper, etc. and place it in her cage in the evening. The next night, remove the remaining piece as it is not a good idea to leave food in the cage that can spoil. A small piece of lettuce, cheese, not velveeta or other processed fake food, is also good.


You did great with removing the potty lid. If she continues to sleep in her potty, then remove the potty and place the potty litter where you find her going to the bathroom. If she stops sleeping in the potty, but is going to the bathroom elsewhere in her cage, then pick up the bathroom wet paper and place that in the potty and put the potty over the spot where she goes. Hopefully if you work at this she should be potty trained fairly quickly.

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Yeah, after I took the lid off I moved the potty to the corner where I'd found the droppings. But now I think I see some in her house >.> We'll work on it.


She's spent the rest of the day in her house. When I look in there I can see she's awake, though, eating and cleaning herself. I think she just knows that I won't bug her if she's in there XD


I think we've got some baby carrots, I'll cut one up and put it in her snack dish for her this evening ^^

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There was only one hamster who would poop in his potty... Hercules. And he had to have two potties... one for poop and one for pee. He would never do both in one potty. Most hamsters can be potty trained to pee in the potty, but the poop... well, don't even bother to try.


Look for the wet spot... that will be the area for the potty. This takes time and patience with some hamsters.


As for the pieces of carrot, etc., about the size of your first digit on your pinky. That gives you a rough idea os size. Just one little piece. As for the nuts, corn cobbies, other hard treats, when you clean the cage, they can be removed and replaced. They do not go bad.

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Aaaah, alright. I'll just worry about the wet spots, then.


And I made sure we've got some carrots, so I'll try bribing her tonight XD

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It may take a little bit before she will eat out of your hand. But keep working on it. As you are able to pet her, this is fantastic. She will come around to you, but remember how you look to her. This giant human staring down at her. It just takes a little bit. You will do great with her.

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Little update: like you said, she won't take a carrot if its on my hand, but she get have a few pieces last night. I had to prop one of her toys behind the stand to her wheel because it kept knocking into the glass and keeping my dad awake XD She's chosen to be a bit more solitary today and is staying her her house's lower level, which has some of her bedding blocking the windows so I can't peek at her XD Maybe because it's rainy and a bit chilly. But I think she's doing well so far!

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Sounds like she is doing great. Remember that she is nocturnal, so you will want to make sure she does not keep everyone up at night, by keeping her cage where the sounds of her wheel are not too disturbing. It got so that I was looking to hear the wheel at night and when I did not, it was too quiet. I tried to take pictures today, but they did not cooperate. Hopefully this evening.


*keeps paws crossed*

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Yeah, it was fine, like I said I just had to make sure there was something to keep the wheel from knocking on the glass.


It's been a solitary kind of day today XD Though I was wondering, is there some kind of optimum hamster-picking-up technique? Whenever I go to hold her, she slips out pretty easily. I don't want to squish her but I can't seem to get a good hold on her.

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Yeah, it was fine, like I said I just had to make sure there was something to keep the wheel from knocking on the glass.


It's been a solitary kind of day today XD Though I was wondering, is there some kind of optimum hamster-picking-up technique? Whenever I go to hold her, she slips out pretty easily. I don't want to squish her but I can't seem to get a good hold on her.

Pick her up with both hands, then hold her against your body. Stay close to your cage. Whenever you put her back into her cage, always use both hands and NEVER let her jump. If she jumps, then pick her back up and hold her again and try placing her back into her cage without her jumping.


One thing I do is to get the ball, put your hand into the ball and let her try and get onto your hand by moving your hand around in the ball, palm up so that she is forced to get into your palm. This will acquaint her with the smell of your hand. I do this with the ball on my lap and the opening close to my body so that she can not run far if she does slip past you. Have a little piece of lettuce, the tip of a leaf about the size of a fifty-cent piece. She will take this from you. Eventually you will be able to feed her this in the palm of your hand.

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Alright, I'll give these a shot tonight. I know she's up since I've heard her running around for the past hour XD

It just takes time. The blonde girl is not happy with being held. Of course I am working hard to get her into my hand, but she has a mind of her own. The little grey guy does not want to have anything to do with me, but once caught, he is not quite as wiggly and will put up with me for a little bit. They both love the ball and this is great because it gives me the opportunity to work with them.


Good luck. It just takes time. Lots and lots of time. The worst part is that when I leave, as babies, they totally forget everything I taught them when I get home and it is almost as if they did not learn anything.

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x.x yeah, she seems to get a little jumpy every time I come back, though she will let me stroke her again eventually.


I am pretty sure that she knows that her house is her safe place now, because every time put my hand in the tank, that's where she hides XD If I wait for a bit she'll come back out, though. She'll just run around while I pet her, but if I go to pick her up she'll run under her water bottle or her wheel so I can't get to her. I need to ask my dad where he put the box with her wheel and food in it. I thought it was out on our enclosed porch but I can't find it x.x

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More hamster news. I feel like a new parent XD


I finally coaxed her into her ball today, so we had a little one-on-one time. Unfortunately, she spent most of it trying to chew her way out of the ball. My mom got her first good look at her and has deemed her adorable, so that's cool, since she normally isn't into any sort of rodentia. I let her run around the library for a bit. It was cute to see her realize that her ball could move and she could run around XD she seemed to bump into things a lot, but I'm sure that's fairly normal for a first-timer.


I was a bit tricksy and made her stand on my hand by covering the hole in her ball with my palm and carefully turning the ball so she had to stand on me. I didn't do it for too long, or keep her in the ball very long at all, maybe 10 minutes, because I didn't want to overdo it and she seemed a little jumpy. It doesn't seem like I'm making much progress on the handling front...maybe I just got a solitary hamster XD I hope she'll come to trust me more, though.


She also has figured out how to stand on top of her house. She enjoys doing that. XD

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You are doing great. Remember, she is a baby and does not see well, but the experts say hamsters see shadows and things that move in variants of grey. I think the hamster has a little bit better eyesight as mine know how to hide as soon as I enter the room. They also use scent as an awareness tool, which means that as soon as they smell you, they might run. When you get her to come out, use both hands to start picking her up. You can sort of cup your two hands together and then place her against your body. If you whisper to your hamster they will have a tendency to listen. Their ears are very sensitive.


Finding her wheel is really important. Hamsters run four to six miles a night and they really need their wheel. So as long as you can put it far enough away from the side of the cage, and it won't wake your father up, then this will help her get her exercise.


Truly, you are doing great with your little Sasha. They take time and lots of effort. Get a small piece of lettuce, and when you get her out of the ball, hold her against your body with one hand and give her the little piece of lettuce with the other hand. She will probably act uninterested, but they love lettuce and when she realizes that this is no trick, she will take it from you. This will begin the process. My two are going through the same thing and are so elusive. In some ways, I think these two have communicated and conspire to play games with me. They jump into their wheels, and when I try to catch one, they run, while the other one will be in their wheel. I go to that cage and that hamster will stand near the hole for the tube, while the other one has returned to the wheel. Grrrrr. Eventually I can catch them, but it gets frustrating and takes quite a while. So, the long of it is, yes, you are doing great with Sasha. Hamsters just take time. Think about training a one to three month old human baby if you were a king kong sized gorilla. :lol: Food bribery helps enormously. In addition to lettuce, a small piece of cheese, or a peanut, also works. You will find the food that your hamster prefers. They all like something different. Fresh peppers, carrots, raisins, you will find what she really enjoys.

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I shall keep pressing on, and I'll ask my dad about the lettuce. She loves her wheel so I think she's doing fine there ^^ I'm glad to hear I'm not screwing it up! XD

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Ball time got cut a little short tonight because she peed in it XD but I tried once again to her her to at least sniff at me, but unless I really got in her face she'd totally ignore me and try to chew her way out.


I think one of the problems I have is that I'm really scared that I'm going to hurt her. I've yet to be able to get a hold of her to pick her up, because I'm so worried about hurting her that she slips out of my hands easily (also because the second I reach in her tank she runs for her house x.x). And I know that this whole process is going to involve some discomfort on her part until she feels safe with me, but when she looks so tiny an scared I start to feel bad and just want to let her hide in her house more. At least the long road will make it feel like more of an accomplishment once we finally make friends.


It's not even been a week, we've got a long way to go XD

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If you can pick her up with both hands and then hold her against your body, you will not hurt her. At first, hold her over the tank and bring your body close to the tank while picking her up. You are not really young, so I am certain you will not squish her. Before putting her into her ball, try to guide her to her potty. When most hamsters wake up, they use the potty and then groom themselves. If you allow her to wake up and get to the grooming stage, she most likely will not pee in her ball. This usually happens when they have not had an opportunity to do their wake-up grooming ritual. Some hamsters will groom themselves in the ball because this is what they do after they have woken up. So, give her some time to do her ritual and this should avoid any problems with accidents.


You really are doing great, it is a long process. When she is finished with the ball, sit with the ball in your lap, open the lid and stick you hand in. Keep making her get onto your hand. Eventually she will feel totally comfortable getting onto your hand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately, progress with Sasha kind of came to a stand-still because I was running around busy all last week >< I still talk to her whenever I pass by and I've gotten into her cage a bit to move stuff around if it looks disorganized, but I haven't been able to work with her much. And last night she pushed her potty out of the corner so she could sit in said corner XD Dunno what that was about.


Saturday was my birthday :3 On Fridays, I go to Kris' house to help out with the babies that live there (one of the couples in our group of friends is staying with them while they look for a house, and they have a 3 year old and an 8 month old), and after that Kris and I hung out and I spent the night. That was fun, since I don't get to see Kris very often any more with her being busy with work and school. She's going to Disney World sometime this week, I think. Jonathan had declared earlier in the week that it was going to be Family Movie Night, and we were going to watch How to Train Your Dragon, but we couldn't find it on their OnDemand so we ended up seeing the Green Hornet, which nobody really liked XD I'd seen it before and knew that the only parts worth watching were the fight scenes and the parts where the Black Beauty is doing cool stuff, but now everyone else knows too. I only slept for about an hour that night, which kind of stunk because it made me tired all the next day. I don't know why I couldn't sleep more x.x


But in the morning, Kris' mom, brother and I all headed back to my house to pick up my parents and then went to the Godzilla and Friends movie festival. It was basically a monster movie festival where the theme was "movies that feature a large group of monsters". We got there just after Godzilla vs. Ghidora started, which included Godzilla, Ghidora, Rodan, and Mothra. It was one of the older movies so of course it was a bit cheesey, but it was still cool. After that was the lunch break and we ate at BoBo's a drive-in burger place that had been on the show Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. It was very good; I ate all of it even though I felt kind of sick xD After that we went back to the festival room and saw House of Frankenstein, and old horror movie that included the Mad Scientist and Hunchback (protege of Dr. Frankenstein and his assistant), Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, and the Wolf Man. It was, once again, old and sort of corny, but I actually enjoyed it, and I rarely enjoy older movies XD After that was How to Make a Monster, which was just...bad. It wasn't even the funny kind of bad. It was just boring. And there weren't actual monsters in it, just two teenage kids dressed as a werewolf and Frankenstein that were brainwashed to kill people because some crazy makeup artist was mad about loosing his job. After that there was a Godzilla Roar competition for the younger kids that were there (a surprising amount; I didn't think there would be so many). Jonathan entered but was beaten by a little kid who I think they just gave the prize to because he was young, but Jonathan was a good sport.


By dinner, I felt too sick to really want to go anywhere, so I stayed in the festival building while everyone else went to a Mexican place that they liked. They got back in time for the final movie of the night, which was Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidora: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack!, which was a more recent movie (I believe it was made in 2001). That was definitely my favorite movie of the night. Even though they were still using guys in suits, it looked very cool and had some amazing shots. And while most movies seem to feature Godzilla as almost a good guy who fights off monsters to save Japan, in this one he was definitely the antagonist and the other monsters were fighting him off XD. Everyone there would cheer and clap when cool things happened so that made it even more fun. At the end, an acclaimed Godzilla expert answered questions about the movie and the night in general before the festival ended. They'd been raffling off prizes all night, and I'd hope that I'd get some birthday luck, but the closest I got was my mom winning and giving her prize to me XD It's a cool matted mini-poster for Godzilla vs Gigan that I got Bill Tsutsui (the aforementioned Godzilla expert) to sign it, so that was cool. There had been a coloring contest for the young kids as well where they colored in a picture of Godzilla and handful of other monsters that Jonathan had entered. He lost again, but once again he was a very good sport. They were also taking donations to give to Japan Relief organizations, and Mr. Tsutsui talked about what it was like to be in Tokyo during the earthquakes (Tokyo wasn't greatly harmed, but it was still alarming).


Long description is long XD But it was a great day and I had a lot of fun. I think we'll definitely be going again next year.

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Cleaned out Sasha's cage today, things went nice and smooth. She played in her ball in the library while I watched her and cleaned. I put less litter in her box in hopes that she wouldn't try to dig and play in it this time XD So now Puck is being all cuddly since I payed attention to the hamster all afternoon and not him. AND I shut him in the sewing room. I am a horrible monster.


One of my birthday presents was Photoshop CS5, so I'm super excited to tear into that. We just need to figure out what to do to prove that my dad is a teacher, since the teacher/student version is about $1400 less expensive than the regular version XD


Dad printed off an application for the library for me. I really hope to get the job, as I've wanted to work in a library for years now. If it doesn't work out, though, there's a receptionist job at a vet clinic that I would like to try for. Before I wanted to be a librarian, I wanted to be a vet, so that would be nice, too.


Everybody remember to keep Horatio in your prayers, today and tomorrow will be very hard for her <3 We all love you and we're here for you, Horatio.

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Puck will forgive you for being a horrible monster, which I believe is NOT the case. For a cat, the sewing room sounds like a nice place to be stuck, as long as you can make a bed on the fabric. :D As for Sasha, digging and playing in her bedding is what she does in the wild. Dig down into the bedding to hide or sleep. That is okay if you put in a lot. Glad to hear that Sasha is settling down. Hagar, my little grey boy, is still scared of everything. Helga, the blonde female has no idea she is supposed to be nocturnal. If she could she would have to put her in and out of the ball all morning long. She never goes to sleep before noon.


Photoshop... when you master that, you can give me lessons.


Good luck with the job at the library! I hope you get it. If not, the receptionist at the veterinarian's office might not be so bad.


Thank you for your kind words. I am totally speechless. That is a first for me. Time is needed to mend my heart.

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My dad got me a bag of lettuce to help bribe Sasha with, so hopefully we'll be making friends soon. I wish us both luck in getting our hamsters to chill out XD


I gave my dad the paper he needs to get the serial number for CS5. He needs to scan his teacher school ID and send it to them to prove that he's a teacher, so hopefully I can install it soon.


For the application, all I need to do is tell the people I listed as references that I listed them and then I can turn it in XD I need some nice clothes for an interview if I get one...

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My dad got me a bag of lettuce to help bribe Sasha with, so hopefully we'll be making friends soon. I wish us both luck in getting our hamsters to chill out XD


I gave my dad the paper he needs to get the serial number for CS5. He needs to scan his teacher school ID and send it to them to prove that he's a teacher, so hopefully I can install it soon.


For the application, all I need to do is tell the people I listed as references that I listed them and then I can turn it in XD I need some nice clothes for an interview if I get one...

Sounds great!!! Good luck!!!

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  • 1 month later...

The hamster front is moving slowly, but progress is being made. I let her out in her ball for about an hour every night, and she does fine. I can pet her most times without scaring her, and my mom managed to hold her for a few minutes (or so she claims).


I was missing for a few weeks because my faithful lappy's screen died, but it's all fixed now~ And they fixed my enter key that always used to pop off, so I'm pretty happy all around.

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The hamster front is moving slowly, but progress is being made. I let her out in her ball for about an hour every night, and she does fine. I can pet her most times without scaring her, and my mom managed to hold her for a few minutes (or so she claims).


I was missing for a few weeks because my faithful lappy's screen died, but it's all fixed now~ And they fixed my enter key that always used to pop off, so I'm pretty happy all around.

I am stunned that you had those problems. Usually Macs are known for a great product. Glad to know that they fixed everything for you.

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Well I do use it A LOT so the screen burning out isn't too much of a surprise. And the enter key, I think something got under it and made it pop off once, and then it broke the little mechanism that keeps them in place.

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Well I do use it A LOT so the screen burning out isn't too much of a surprise. And the enter key, I think something got under it and made it pop off once, and then it broke the little mechanism that keeps them in place.

That still should not happen. I was really shocked to hear this. At least it was fixed! I am really, REALLY happy they took care of this.

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Well, last night, through a combination of her being too tired to fight me off and my hands smelling like fruit, I got to hold Sasha for a bit XD she was a bit squirmy and she seemed like she was going to start nibbling my hands once or twice, but she didn't bite and she held still while I put her back in the tank. I hope this means we're closer to being friends~

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Well, last night, through a combination of her being too tired to fight me off and my hands smelling like fruit, I got to hold Sasha for a bit XD she was a bit squirmy and she seemed like she was going to start nibbling my hands once or twice, but she didn't bite and she held still while I put her back in the tank. I hope this means we're closer to being friends~

Outstanding progress!!! But please do not let your hands smell like fruit the next time as she might take a bit. Hamsters love apples, blueberries, cherries, you get the idea.


Keep working at it. She will get better. If you can, when you get her in your hands, sit down on the sofa or somewhere she might be able to run around on your lap without escaping and falling to the floor. This will help to make her more comfortable around you. If she is anything like Helga, at some point she will lose patience with being in your lap and start to get squirmy. Then it is time to put her in the ball or back into her cage.


Great work!!! You are making terrific progress.

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Things are progressing well! I, my mom, and my friend have all held her for a bit while she just sniffed and crawled on our hands. She's still antsy about being picked up initially, but once you're holding her she's more cooperative. We recently bought a lot of shredded lettuce for tacos at a party thing we had, so she'd been getting treats every time I see her XD


I'm pretty excited for tomorrow! Our annual blowing stuff up promises to be quite the affair.

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Double post. I'll commit seppuku for it in the morning.


The 4th of July was awesome, as always. Lots of explosions and food and fun. Our perfect safety record was broken this year, but not by fireworks. One of our friends was stepping off the patio and happened to step into the hole one of their dogs has been burying, so she ended up spraining her angle really bad. Unfortunately, it was her house we were all gathered at, so she and her husband missed all the night time fireworks. We were going to save them for next year, but they really wanted us to get rid of everything we could (something about not wanting a garage full of half-illegal explosives). We were sad that they couldn't be there, especially considering that they'd bought pretty much all of it, but they were very pretty. We got a good haul this year.


The afternoon was spent with the normal water dynamite and empty soda cans in a big metal tub of water, which is always fun. There was also lots of smoke bombs and fire crackers (at night we let off the 1000 string). At night, in an effort to get rid of everything possible, I personally set off 50+ ground blooming flowers and at least 20 jumping jacks. I felt accomplished. One of our other friends brought over a big commercial-grade mortar, so our grand finale was pretty much like a short professional show in the back yard XD that was sweet. And loud.


When it got too hot for me (I spent most of the day with a bad headache and I hadn't been able to sleep at all the night before), I'd go inside and play with the kittens they were fostering, Moe, Larry, and Shemp. They are three ginger cats with a few white spots that are about 4 months old, and they are so adorable >w< especially when they're in the mood to cuddle. They purr like outboard motors. Moe was my favorite, because of his little white feet and his big soft belly, and he was the most mellow of the three, but dad is steadfastly against another cat.


I think Sasha might have gotten a bit shook up yesterday while I was gone from all the commotion outside. I slept in most of today because I still wasn't feeling well, but she didn't come out of her nest until nearly midnight, and she's been very anxious all day. She doesn't want me to hold her again, and gave me a warning nibble when I tried. She actually managed to wriggle enough to escape and get on the floor, but I scooped her up into her ball from there. When I went to put her back, I just lowered the ball into the tank since she was edgy, but I tried to pet her and she'd run away. I hope she calms down, we were finally being friends D:

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Double post??? I didnt see a second post.


The fireworks display must have been a sight to see. They made a good choice not to save them as I can only envision them going off on their own sometime during the year, without human intervention. :lol: You always semm to have the best time with pyrotechnics. :D From your post, it sounds like you had quite a great deal of fireworks. The mortar must have been quite the finale!!!


I am really sorry about your friend's sprained ankle. This does not count on your safety record. :lol: Sprains are really bad and I believe, are worse than broken ankles. The muscles and tendons always seem to take much longer to heal and seem to be more painful.


Your description of the kitties make them sound so precious. I can understand your father not wanting another cat. He is saving you from yourself. :)


Sasha probably was quite upset with all the fireworks noise. When she gets upset, just give her day or too. If you have to, go back to letting her get into her ball in her cage. Then when you are sitting, put the ball in your lap, open the top and let Sasha walk in and out of her ball. This will help her calm down and let you hold her again. Hamsters have extremely sensitive ears and the fireworks must have been very distressing for her. When you talk to her, whisper. If you whisper, this will help her calm down. She should perk up her ears and pay attention. Not for long, but at least for a while.


You are doing great, it is sometimes outside influences that make your progress difficult.

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Yeah, after getting her out a second time last night, I held her for a while afterwards and she seemed alright again.

Get her out as many times as you can. She will eventually get used to you. For example, Helga still gets squirmy on the first time in the ball. She wants to get into her ball so much, that I have to pay close attention as she will launch herself in the direction she believes the ball to be. And she is really, really quick. She does not want any attention from me, she just wants to get into her ball. Hagar on the other hand could care less about human intervention. He will tolerate it for a few minutes, then he gets really wound up and wants to get into his ball.

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She is, indeed, fine now :3


Sunday is my favorite toddler's birthday party. I totally overspent on her present but she's worth it.

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I do whisper to her, but she seems more preoccupied with trying to crawl out of my hands XD


This week our movie theater showed all 8 Harry Potter movies, since Friday was the premier of Deathly Hallows pt 2. It was weird, watching all the movies and remembering what was going on when I saw them for the first time, who I was with and what else was happening in my life. I'd seen 1-4 about a billion times but once they hit 5, I started paying more attention. And of course the last one almost made me bawl, both because of everything that happens and because it was the final movie. Though, I didn't exactly feel like it was "the end" of Harry Potter. There's still the theme park, and JKR is opening a new website, soon. So even though I'm a giant, shameless HP nerd and it was sad that it was the last movie, I don't think it's over.

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