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I'm a graphics designer, coder, and multiple website webmaster for a free game that is based on the anime/manga Naruto. And on our forum, several of us have decided to RP. And, as you know, I have to spread my writing, regardless if it stinks or not. If you enjoy the story, great! And if it being Naruto-related makes it better for you... even better!


The plot for it is "Several/many years after Naruto's death. Unfortunately, there was a Great War (4th). All of those of Naruto's generation who had changed (meaning they 'inherited the will of fire'), are dead, either from the Wars or old age.


The villagers of Konoha and those forever changed by Naruto (who were still alive) attempted to stop the Wars. They all died because of it. But they did succeed. All of the 5 Great Nations are extremely friendly, at least on the surface, and there's even talks of one giant Country, with a council of Feudal Lords (6) to bring about a type of democracy.

Though, with Lords being assassinated frequently, it is continuously being halted."



We all had to create a character, based on a character sheet. We were allowed to make our own village, clan, jutsus, etc. Of course he had to start relatively weak, so we could grow, though. This is my char sheet.


Character Name: Himazaru Musukoyou

Sex: Male

Age: 22


Village: Shoutaiyou no Shiro (Hotaigakure)


Village History: During the Fourth Great War of the 6 Shinobi Nations (Many years after Naruto Era. Hoshigakure finally becoming a nation with a Kage), groups villagers of Hoshigakure and Sunagakure sought refuge in the town of Shouhi, City of the Sun, located on a large mountain peak-valley where the Sun rested during the middle of the day. The city, known for it's location, was home to farmers who, unknowing to themselves, had large chakra capacities and a natural connection to an extremely rare mineral only found in that mountain.


The refugees of the two Great Nations found a welcoming smile from the simple farmers, who only asked they help tend to daily chores. The town was completely self-reliant and self-sustaining, having everything they needed in the valley. Years passed, and the town prospered, due to increased population and unique evolution of mixed breeds.


However, the prosperity of the village would not last long. As a result of the mixing of abilities and bloodlines, the villagers' powers were left uncheck, as the capabilities were unknown. And one man stood above them all in his eagerness to learn just how strong he could become. His name was Uragiri Fukushuyou, and was the son of the Village Elder (Leader) and Priestess, which just happened to be a forbidden marriage. On his 17 Birthday, a lucky year in his village, he, and others with the "Curse", the mixed breeds, killed his own father and the rest of the village elders, taking by force the leadership of the village.


And for 40 years, none tested his unimaginable power, for fear of the unknown. And one by one, over those years, he had those without similar powers executed, as treason to the village. It was also during this time he changed his name to Himazaru, (Joining Sun - Best of both worlds, referencing the combining of the valley and sun during the day.). He declared himself the High Priest and ran the once farming community as a fanatic temple, worshiping the "Himazaru" (The location where the sun and valley met.) declaring it the living creation of the gods.


It was during the fortieth year that everything, changed, however. Always seeking to improve upon the past, Himazaru had people those previously two scores (40 years), who were also seen as incredibly smart, wise, and amazing minds, create new jutsus, no matter the cost. Much like Orochimaru in history, many were sacrificed to accomplish his goals. On the eve of his birthday, age 56, his Prophet (right-hand) went to him and explained it was complete. It was time to utilize his "perfect" controlled breeding "slaves" to accomplish his dream and elevate, quite literally, it to new heights.


His son, Kaga, and the rest of the people gathered in the center of town where the 5 divine (those who completed the techniques), Prophet, and High Priest Himazaru formed a circle, the leader in the middle. They chanted for a while, and when it seemed like nothing was going to happen, the ground began to shake beneath them. The villagers, worried it was an earthquake, went to look at the outskirts of the town borders, only to find they were hundreds of feet above the mountain, the oxygen in the air growing thin.


And so his dream had come true, Himazaru was able to name this new village as Shoutaiyou no Shiro, declaring the entire sky as Hotaigakure, and his territory.


(To be read only after reading the Clan History)


However, as much power and abilities the people of Hotaigakure displayed, they did not last long. An ingenious and brilliant engineering marauding group found the village and raided it during the night, when all were sleeping. Knowing nothing of the people and their powers, it was luck the time they planned to attack. During night, there is little light, and the abilities of the villagers is virtually non-existent, since they relied on the sun for the powers. Most of the village being young and inexperienced, they were quickly killed and were no match for the stealthy pillagers. The divine and Prophet, rather than being killed or captured, decide to commit suicide as their fear took control. And so Himazaru was left to fend for himself, or so the raiders thought. Wanting to save a piece of himself and everything he built, he grabbed his grandson before the enemy reached his home, hiding him.


Within a few minutes, Musukoyou's grandfather was completely surrounded by the attackers, as he watched from a small hole in his hiding space. It was the last thing he saw, as well, because the next second, his grandfather exploded in a light, burning and destroying the entire village above-ground. (Still floating at this point. Falling, slowly, however, as time passed on, since there was no one to hold it to the sky.) Always having many things kept secret around him, Musu knew little about his people. When the city finally landed back in it's original location, he fled, seeking to explore the world, since his was taken away from him.


Clan: Himazaru



Clan History: After the completion of Shoutaiyou no Shiro, Himazaru and the others revealed their true powers to his people, and the world. The youngest and less-experienced of the clan were able to form energies that resembled light and the jutsus of their ancestors, the villages of Hoshigakure and Sunagakure. Meanwhile, with the elders and masters, with improvements on Kujaku Myouhou and Fuuton, were able to develop wings of light for travel and fighting, acting as extra-extending limbs capable of grabing and doing damage. However, when it became night, only masters were able to use their powers, as they were able to absorb enormous amounts of energy and light from the sun during the day, as well as being able to utilize techniques with little need of a source. Unfortunately, not much else is known about the jutsus and techniques...


Known, though, is that the Himazaru people had incredibly pure, black hair, which, oddly, was the source of being able to absorb energy and light. However, for which reasons unknown, and why he was kept a secret, Musu's hair was a blinding white.


Personal biography and description: The personal history is unknown, or, to be specific, relatively being kept secret from his village and all they stood for. At 22, he stands at 5'8'', a slim build, and long, white hair (a product of the Himazaru bloodline.)


As a result of the lack of training, his abilities, innate or not, have not been seen. And, as of the present, he only knows 4 techniques. However, he is incredibly agile and able to dodge most attacks.(Due to training, to make up for his weaknesses.)


Current Status and Location: Exiled, last seen visiting Mizu no Kuni, attempting to study from Kirigakure.


Known Jutsus:

Bunshin no Jutsu

Henge no Jutsu

Kawarimi no Jutsu

Kagamoumoku ( Blinding/Stunning Radiance/Light, named after his father.)


Known Elements: Hiton (The "element" of the village known as Shoutaiyou) , Fuuton, Kujaku Myouhou. However, the latter two have not been seen in the individual yet.

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It really helps if you know stuff about Naruto, or things I write will be confusing.


All a'bustle, and in a bush, Musu watches as genin of Kirigakure learn their affinities for elements and their respective jutsus. This "Bloody" Village somehow seems peaceful, but there's still an air of death that comes with a dark past.


Particularly interested in suiton, the last of the Himazaru studies the jutsus vigorously. The only "real" jutsu he's ever been able to use was to blind someone, so, needless to say, he was eager to learn more, and possibly all jutsus.


Because his family never let him learn anything other than rudimentary education material, all he knows has been from his "exile". So it is his passion to learn all jutsus, all techniques, and write the first compendium of jutsus for the world, so that all may learn what he did not.


But knowing, performing, and even learning isn't easy, as is taught when becoming a shinobi. These are things not known to Musukoyou quite well.


A sudden, sharp noise fills the air, and Musu jumps out of the bushes and into a tree, as he watches a thousand senbon fly past his previous location. He's been caught...


Suddenly, in the trees, four shinobi appear. (3 ANBU and one Tokubetsu ANBU specialized with capturing and assassinating targets.) Water starts pouring out of the trees, as the first of the ANBU competes his seals.




Musu : "Kaga-"


"Suiryudan no Jutsu"


The water fills the area, screams can be heard from the former area where villagers were learning. A form take shape in the water, as it projects like a water canon.


Tokubetsu ANBU : "Suiro no-"


The water canon takes shape of a dragon and plunges towards Musu, obtaining a direct hit, as well as destroying several trees in the process. But as the current dies down, no body is found. Just a book, floating ontop of the water. A second ANBU jumps down from the trees to look at the book and for the body. But hearing clashing weapons, he turns around to see the other ANBU in/on the water as well, staring at the trees.




An odd, yellow-white-ish glow forms in the trees, the air surrounding the immediate vicinity becomes hot, almost boiling. But suddenly it all stops, as Musokoyou jumps out from the trees with his hands flat, pointing towards the ANBU. His back to the sun, it becomes brighter as rays of light fly past him, hitting the enemy.


T.A. : "Suiro no jutsu!"


A current of water shoots from the pool instantly to Musu, as it forms a prison around him. But the sun still shines on the eyes and faces of the ANBU, and the refractions from the water prison enhance it like it a prism. It becomes a tangible, physical ray of light as it blasts 3 of the ANBU square-on.


The Tokubetsu ANBU immediately releases the prison and rushes toward Musu, forming seals as he runs along the top of the water, Musukoyou falling towards the water.


"Chains of unbridled imprisonment"

(Small (thin) water current surround the target and capture them, squeezing and holding the enemy to the point where he cannot move. (Can be used with other materials if available, but typically seen with water.)


Water shoots in extremely small, thin "lines", capturing Musu as he hits the surface of the water hardly.


He's captured... The four ANBU stand a'top his body, looking for identifying marks as to his origin. Seeing none, they take him to the prison ward of the hospital.


=_-A Day Later - _=


The presiding Mizukage, Tokubetsu ANBU from the fight, and a medic-nin come into the room sharply, questioning Musu.


As he wakes. he tries to get up and escape, but realizes he is chained.


Medic-nin : "He's suffered minor fractures, contusions, the typical from falling. Not a very good shinobi, heh."


T.A. : "He had no chance once he jumped in the air. And I had no choice."


Medic-nin : "Yes, well, do be careful next time. We don't want to start a war again."


T.A. : "If he wasn't hiding like that, I wouldn't have had to. "


Mizukage : "Enough, what is done is done. Now, child, tell me your name."


Musu doesn't answer.


Mizukage : "You're not going anywhere and being silent won't help you. We're not trying to hurt you, but it appears as you were trying to steal secrets of the village. You might as well come clean with any information."


Musu: : " My name is Musukoyou. Himazaru Musukoyou."


T.A. : "And where are you from? We couldn't find any marks or symbols on you."


Mizukage : "Nothing at all? That's most odd. Perhaps he's not from a Village


Musukoyou : "My clan, Himazaru, the Children of the Light (Not what Himazaru means, however.)... I don't know. My family didn't let me do anything. And then, the day before my "exile", my grandfather put me under the floorboards. And then he... exploded in a burst of light. I think someone attacked the village, because when I got out, everything was gone, and there were corpses of people who didn't belong.


Mizukage : "What was the name of your village, child?"


Musu : "I only know the nation. My family never let me learn much. They called it "Hotaigakure." Though, my grandfather always said he was going to the temple named Shoutaiyou no Shiro. He was the Head Priest of the village."


T.A. : "And his name? What about your father?"


Mizukage : "We'll learn about it those later. Kontouchi..."


T.A : "Yes, Master?"


The Mizukage gives him a look, and it seems Kontouchi, the T.A. understands.

They then leave the room.


Medic-nin : "You may get up and go about the room. But attempt to leave, and you'll regret it. The room is rigged to implode. Formalities, you understand."


Musu : "What about the restroom?"


Medic-nin : "Ah, yes, well. Hm, follow me."


The medic-nin releases his holding and they walk to the door. As it opens, the medic-nin goes blind.


The entire hospital goes dark. Even the emergency power has been cut off. The medic-nin and Musu quickly turn around to look outside, but cannot see through the window, as it is fogged up.


Medic-nin : "Oh no, this is not good..."


Musu : "What can't be good?"


Medic-nin : "That fog... is a mist. It's a jutsu. One of ours, to be precise. And the fact the hospital is completely out of power means that something bad is going down, or is any second.


Musu : "We need some light..."

His hand immediately starts glowing and a light-source is produced.


Medic-nin : "Hey, that's nice. Where'd you learn that?"


Musu : "Don't know. Just did one day. Born with it, I guess."


Medic-nin : "Well, it's nice to have some light. Maybe we can find out what's going on. My name is Momo, by the way."


"Hey! You!"


The two look toward the direction of the voice as a figure comes into the light.


Kontouchi : "Musukoyou, Momo are you alright? The Mizukage wants to see you both. But we're going to have to take a detour. They're attacking."


Momo : "Who's- No..."


Musu : "What? What's going on?"


Kontouchi : "A reform group called "Ama", calling themselves the reincarnation of the Seven Swordsmen of Mist are attacking. We've known they were planning something, but not this soon. But unlike their former counterpart, the SSOM, who wanted only to kill the Mizukage, this group wants re-create the village in their own way.They want to bring it back to the "bloody past. But this isn't the time to talk, we need to-"


"Raiton - Ikazuchi!"

Suddenly, down the hall Konto came from, a giant steam of electricity flies towards the group. The walls are stripped bare as it passes them. Kontouchi counters it, however.


"Doton -Doryuuheki**!"

Mud sprews from the mouth of Konto as he builds a giant wall of rock just before the raiton jutsu hits.


Kontochi : "Let's get out of here before he does that again. I can't defend against much more raiton!"


The group of three run down the opposite hall, hearing another crack of electricity as another jutsu heads their way, blasting through the rock barrier.. Momo slows down slightly, and turns around for a second, throwing a large number of senbon, hoping to divert the attention of the lighting bolt. And it was a success!


Momo : "That should help to slow him down, I hope."


Musu : "You hope..."


They finally reach a window at the end of the hall. They have no choice but to jump out of it, which they do.


Musu : "So, is there any way to get rid of this mist?"


Kontouchi : "Unfortunately, not. However, I can find our way. I can "see" with my feet. Doton - Dori! Follow me!




They finally reach the destination after about an hour, outside of the village borders. Looking back, the group can only see the vague borders, mist behind them. Yet, oddly, there are no screams.


Anbu Captain: "Kontouchi!"


Konto : "How is Kage-sama? Is he okay?"


Anbu Captain : "The young Lord is okay. I see you all made it out. She wants to see you two, now."


Momo, Konto : "Kage-sama!

They bow in allegiance, and obviously worried.


Mizukage : "We've lost the village. Any villagers left have been killed. They started attacking as soon as the mist came. It was too heavy to hear their screams, fortunately. Before I could do anything to stop them, most of the villlage had been killed. The rest joined them. They've finally taken over.."


Momo : "We're just glad you're okay. As long as there is you - There IS a Kirigakure!"


Mizukage : "As much as I would like to believe so, it is not so. What is left of us and those loyal... We're heading to Kumogakure, hopefully they will take us in. But I fear Ama is just the start of something bigger. There's a movement in the air...Can you feel it?"


Kontouchi : "Forgive me, Kage-sama, but no. You've always had a hand on the future, though. I can only deal with the present."


Anbu Captain : "We'll be taking a ship, but it will be in disguise. We cannot trust anyone till we reach Cloud Village. Protect the Kage, but at a distance. We do not want to set the people off. Konto - I want you to-"


Kontouchi : "Understood."

The cut-off ANBU Captain nods.


Mizukage : "I hope you understand, dear Musukoyou, that we are weary in taking you with us. They attacked the same time as you came. My advisers suggest we leave you, but I have a feeling we'll need you."


Anbu Captain : "We're setting off, now. We can't wait, or they'll find us."



The traveling group reaches the shores of Mist and wait for a ship at the dock. Kontouchi, per request of his Captain, hides in the shadows watching, surveying the entire place. Once declaring it is safe, and the vessel is ready, his reports in and they set off to Kumogakure.



Musukoyou : "Do you know anything about my people? I do know they're descended from a place called Sunagakure and Hoshigakure, but I don't know where those are."


Mizukage : "After the Fourth War, the Kazekage informed me they had a large group of refugees leave. But I don't know anything about them, where they were headed, or if they grouped up with anyone else. It's possible villagers of Hoshigakure left as well, but I haven't recieved any reports. That village has been extremely quiet recently. They were hit pretty hard by the War, though."


Musukouyou : "I wish I knew something. Especially after my village was destroyed. I did sneak around, though. But I never gathered much information. So I ventured to try to learn from others. I didn't know you all kept things secret. I'm sorry if I made an offense."


Mizukage : "An offense was not made if it was not intended. Though you shouldn't have been sneaking around. It would have been okay if you were standing out in the open watching. No one would have thought to check you out."


Anbu Captain : "Someone's coming..."


A knock at the door, followed by a "routine room check" call.


Anbu Captain : "Routine Room-checks? I've never heard of them for ships. Especially cargo ships."


"We don't get many passengers."


Anbu Captain, whispering to the others : "That's my point..."

Grabbing a kunai, he slides beside the door and opens it slightly. Before the man could react, he is pulled in the room and a weapon at his throat.


"Woa! What's going on! My captain just sent me down to check how you all were... Surely you all must be hungry and thirsty."


Mizukage : "I'm sorry for my husband. He doesn't trust other men around me."


"What about those?"


Mizukage : "Those are my brothers, and this one, his name is Mushu, is my son."


"Mushu, eh? Odd name..."


Mizukage : "It's his father's."


Anbu Captain : "We're fine. Sorry about the attack. But we don't need anything. It's not a long trip."


Looking to the wife, accepting her nods of agreement, the man gets up and leaves.


Kontouchi : "Ever consider acting, Kag- Kagana?"


ANBU Captain : "We're going top-side, get some fresh air. We should also be close, so once we leave the room, we're staying up there. Gather everything you need."


The group nods as they gather their equipment and prepare to be seen by the crew aboard.


Kontouchi : "Let's go."




Musukoyou : "It's beautiful, isn't it? I've never seen the ocean by itself. On the ride to Mist, I stayed below deck. I wasn't an actual passenger."


Mizukage : "Can you see it? Kumogakure's dock. We're almost there."


Musukoyou : "Earlier, before we came to the dock, you said 'If Cloud will take us in.'"


Momo : "It's prime embarrassment if a leader loses their village. Especially to a missing-group. And while our relations are good, it's different if we have to take refuge."


Kontouchi : "Kumogakure is our neighbor across the vast sea. And unless they wish to cause strife against all the other nations, they must take us in and act accordingly. A Kage, village-less or not, is still a leader and can be considered royalty. Whether or not they oblige that determines if they have a passion for pleasantries. And history dictates they don't."


Anbu Captain : "Musuoyou, don't try to learn from them. We don't know what will happen. As far as they're concerned, you're Kirigakure. Try to steal from them, and they'll punish you, and us. They won't look at it like we did."


Musu : "Got it. So don't get caught in other words."


Momo : "..."


"Land-ho! One nautical mile!"


Anbu Captain : "Get ready"



The troupe unloads once the ship has made harbor. their way to the gates of Cloud, they're asked to identify themselves. Shortly after, the Mizukage is taken to the Raikage's office. The others find a place to stay.



Raikage : "Bloody Mist lost their village. Kind of ironic, isn't it?"


Mizukage : "Thousands of people lost their lives because of the attack. I hardly doubt this is a time for gestures."


Raikage : "You're right, forgive me. But it does still strike me as so. You may stay here for the time being, but you have a plan, I am willing to bet. As well as I cannot allow you to make Kumogakure your home."


Mizukage : " I have one final request, if I may. Well, several, but they're all related."


The Raikage nods for her to continue.


Mizukage : "One that travels with us is not of our village. In fact, we found him hiding in our bushes while trying to learn from our shinobi learning elemental jutsus. He's a refuge from his own village. He said they called it Hotaigakure. Have you heard anything of it?"


An Anbu of Cloud appears.


Raikage : "Have you any information?"


Anbu : "Yes, Kage-sama, but it is small. But, with respect, I don't want to feed information you already know."


Mizukage : "The child said the village was formed by people of Hoshigakure and Sunagakure. They called themselves the 'Children of the Light', and that his grandfather went to a temple every day called 'Shoutaiyou no Shiro'. I'm assuming it's in the village."


Anbu : "We don't know much more. But my former captain, in my youth, said his squad was gathering information about a possible refromation of Akatsuki. They felt a rumble near a mountain, so they went to investigate. But what they found... was astounding. They actually saw the top of the mountain floating."


Mizukage : "Floating? How does a mountain top float?"


Anbu : "We don't know. But upon further investigation, we've determined the Hotaigakure and floating mountain are one and the same. But other than that, we know nothing. We sent another patrol out about a year ago, to see if anything had change. When they reported back, they said the village was obliterated, and it was no longer floating."


Raikage : "If this child is from the village, he must be the last one. And if they could have an entire mountain top fly above the world, who knows what experiments and powers they developed."


Mizukage : "He doesn't know anything. He said his family never let him leave the house. He was never able to learn anything."


Raikage : "We'll speak more of this later. I have another important even to attend to, if you don't mind?"


Mizukage : "But of course. Good-daye, and thank you."



Now, as part of this RP, I have an "Event" thing set up, that, based on the RPers actions and etc, determines the future and future events that govern the world. This is the first.


With the fall of Kirigakure and the rise of the reincarnated "Bloody Mist", shock waves are sent through the 6 Great Nations, as a Hidden Village's history has come to an end.


The former Mizukage now taking refuge for the time being in Kumogakure, the rest of the world prepares for even bigger and more personal things.


Sunagakure, once revered both for it's faults and strengths, has fallen into turmoil as the economy drastically falls into a seemingly "thug-ish" environment.


Though the times have been changed for the better through the former Hokage Uzumaki Naruto, there are larger forces of evil gathering who would bring about the "old ways."


And, unknown to the characters of this story, they have a role to play yet.


Event -


A secret society of elite shinobi assassins has sent its members to the now 5 Hidden Villages, seeking to eliminate potential disruptors.


Through evidence and investigation, a group stationed in Sunagakure believe to have found a small band of shinobi of minor villages, who they fear will attempt to halt their process. They have followed them out of the Village and into the country...


Ever weary of the recently "discovered" Kumogakure, who's information as of the last Great War finally came to light, they've sent a small detachment to assassinate the Raikage and any others with similar viewpoints.


Momo : "Are you hungry?"


Musukoyou: "No, I've never eaten. I do drink water, though."


Momo : "Never? You've never eaten? Why not? How not? You should be dead. Everyone needs to eat."


Musu : "I don't know, I just haven't."


Momo : "Well, it doesn't mean you can't start! Here, have some of my ramen."


Musu : "Eh, I... thank you."


As Musukoyou is about to take a bit of ramen, Momo nudges him as they look up and see the Mizukage returning.


Momo : "Is everything okay, Kage-sama?"


Mizukage : "For the sake of security, call me Misomani."


Kontouchi : "The Captain is speaking with the ANBU here."


Miso: "He's leading our part of the investigation of recent events regarding the downfall of villages."


Musu : "You mean other villages have been experiencing the same things?"


Miso : "Not the same particular thing, But similar things, yes. Downfalls, all different but the same in their own right."



Surprised, the group turns around to see a black-cloaked ANBU.


Kontouchi : "What is it?"


Anbu : "The Raikage requests assistance. If he could, he wants to borrow your medic-nin and one other that you can release."


Miso : "Since you're requesting my medic, I assume it's for a mission. I cannot spare any of my ANBU, though, and that's all I have left."


Anbu - "I understand. However, please, look at it from our point of view, all of our Jounin and Chuunin are out on missions or dealing with important things. We wouldn't request it if we didn't think it vital to our mission success."


Kontouchi : "Take us to the Raikage so he may explain more. Then we can make a decision."


Anbu - "Very well. Please, follow me."




Raikage : "Always were a hand-full, Miso. Never trusting, either."


Konto : "Please, Kage-sama, with respect... onto the subject."


Raikage : "Ah, yes, well... We've recieved word of a group of assassins that have invaded the village. Along with best ANBU, I want your medic and another to portray as myself."


Miso : "Should even one second pass, they could assassinate not only my people, but yours before you could react."


Raikage : "It's possible, but our sources suggest they're merely chuunin level. But, people do hide their true power all the time."


Musu : "I'll do it. You need someone. And I'm not a villager, so no ties."


Raikage : "Brave, young child. May you be safe."




Outside of the Raikage's office...


Momo : "Are you sure about this Mosuko?"


Musu : "No, but I have to do something. And it's not like they could use anyone else."


Anbu : "If you two would please, come with me. We need to outfit you two."


As the three start their journey off, Konto calls them to halt.


Konto : "I'm going with them."


Anbu : "And your Kage?"

Looking at Kontouchi's face, he turns around and they press on.


This is it, for now. I wish I could explain things to you, but it would take forever, because there's so much to learn.

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Latest part of Himazaru


Miso : "So then the rumours are true. "Akatsuki" is back."


Raikage : "Not the group itself, of course. But the people are claiming to have all nine bijuu. Personally, I don't believe it is possible. But, beliefs aside, we have to treat it as top priority. I don't trust the people closest to my position. Neither should you. Or, at least, in the past. You no longer have a village, but you carry influence."


Miso : "And their plans?"


Raikage : "Full control of all shinobi villages, bend the world to meet their structure and idea. If they succeed... they will make Bloody Mist look like nirvana."


Miso : "They hold onto the past. How annoying..."


Raikage : "It's always the one that do who present the most problems for the rest of us."




Anbu : "Fits you three perfectly. Musukoyou, you'll have to stand tall and powerful. A kage is highly revered as the best shinobi of their village. Momo, Kontouchi... you two will walk behind him by 2 paces, one on each side. There'll be six total of us. The two infront of him will be looking foward, you'll be secretly looking to the side and top, while I and the other worry about what is behind us."


Konto, Musu, Momo : "Understand."


Anbu : "I understand you can use Dori, Kontouchi. We'd appreciate the extra help using it."


Momo : "Are we ready?"


Anbu : "No, but it doesn't matter. We have no choice. We must flush them out."




The group leaves the Kage Mansion and walks through the village to a forested area within the borders. Like predicted, they are not alone. Pretending to be active, they look around.


Konto : "I'm picking up countless anomalies. If I had to guess - 30."


Momo : "30...!?"


Anbu : "Don't get nervous. I don't see them, tho- They're underground! Move!"


As soon as the Anbu is finished yelling, the enemy blasts out from the ground and attacks.


Konto " Doton - Doryo Dango!"

He grabs the ground beneath him, picking up two large boulders and throws them at some of the enemies.


Momo : "Chakra no Mesu!


"Magen: Jubaku Satsu"

The entire group of enemy shinobi disappear as trees and roots grow out from under Konto and the others, trapping them.


Anbu, Momo, Konto, etc : "Kai - Release!"

All except Musukoyou is released from the obvious genjutsu.


As the genjutsu fades, the shinobi re-appear. But one of them yells out.

"That's not the Kage! Regroup!"




Taking a moment to rest...


Anbu : "What kind of shinobi is Musu? Can't even use Kai?"


Momo : "He doesn't know much about anything, even though he can use some jutsus."


Anbu : "We'll I have no time to rest. Konzou, Kage-sama!"


The Cloud ANBU group disperses, seemingly heading to the Kage Mansion.


Kontouchi : "We're going to! The Mizukage is there!"


Momo, Musu : "Right!"




Glass breaks as smoke bombs are thrown at the window. Both Kage take cover and get ready for a fight. The Raikage silently starts creating a raikiri, while the Mizukage forms seals.




Raikage : "Foolish idiot..."

The kage obtains a direct hit on an enemy.


Mizukage : "You're the fool!"

The Mizukage releases her seals and instead throws a number of kunai towards a group of shuriken that were on their way towards the Raikage.


Raikage : "Age gets us all, my dear. Thanks."


Re-forming her seals, the Mizukage releases a large amount of water that floods the room, and forms a water fall that flows out of the windows and onto the ground below.


The door to the room explodes, as several shinobi appear.



"Suiton : Suiryuudan no Jutsu!"

"Fuuton : Daikamaitachi no Jutsu"


Jumping onto the walls, both kage use chakra to hold their place.


Mizukage : "Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu!"

Raikage : " Raiton : Hi no Hagane"


The water swells and quickly pulls back up into the room, as the Mizukage sends it flying in tremendous force towards the enemy. Meanwhile, the Raikage fills the water with electricity as it hits the targets.

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Anbu : "Katon : Ryuuka no jutsu!"

The Anbu jumps jump into the Kage room, and sends a large pillar of fire towards the door way, which just so happens to have even more enemies flooding through.


Mizukage : "When will this madness end?"


Raikage : "I don't know, but I hate the idea of tearing up my village to defend against panzy assassins... Raiton- Hiraishin!"

Gathering multiple lightning strikes into his palms, the Raikage calls for all alies to leave the mansion and jumps ontop of it. Standing on the roof of the mansion, he also uses an un-named technique which turns the lightning white, which appears to be the strongest type of electricity. (The whiter lightning is, the stronger. And vice-versa.)


Anbu : "Kage-sama!"


Raikage : "Raiton - Jibashi!" thrusting his palms on the peak, the electricity flows from his body to every crevice of the mansion, forming Saint Elmo's Fire, and electrocuting all inhabitants inside.


Musu : "Wow!..."


Momo : "Amazing. Such display of power..."




Kumogakure ANBU appear beside the Raikage, along with Jin.


Raikage : "Go throughout the village, seek out all people who are not of this village. Bring them to 'the room.'"


Everyone : "Understood, Kage-sama!"




Kontouchi : "Kage-sensei, are you okay?"


Miso : "Worn out is all. Never had to use so much chakra before."


Momo : "Here, let me see if I can help."

Using his powers, Momo attempts to heal any potential injuries.


Miso : "Thank you. Musu, I - "


"Excuse me, Mizukage?"


Miso : "Yes, who are you?"


Jin : "My name is Jin. The Raikage has one last request, if it is alright with you."


Miso : "Ever since we came to Cloud, he's been having request one after the other... But alright. He's given us safe haven. It's the least I can do. What is it he wishes?"


Jin : "Musukoyou."


Kontouchi : "What does he want him for?"


Jin : "To study, learn from, to teach. He believes whatever powers that may be latent in him, yet to be discovered, may benefit the village."


Miso : "He doesn't even know anything."


Jin : "Know or not, it's incoded in him. And with the evidence and history of his people, the Raikage is certain there's powerful techniques that can be used."


Momo : "Great, so he'll be a test subject."


Jin : "In a manner of speaking, yes. But he'll be treated with the utmost of care."


Musu : "I want to do it."


Konto : "Are you sure, Musu?"


Musu : "I want to learn. I want to know about my people."


Miso : "But they don't know anything."


Musu : "It won't hurt. Worst case scenario - I learn something."


Momo : "Or end up a frog..."


Jin : "Follow me, please, Musu."

Thinking to himself - I hate leading and following people... I'm worthy of so much more!


Jin is another person's character.

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Mizukage : "We've out-stayed out welcome. It's time to leave."


Kontouchi : "And the Captain?"


Mizukage : "He's staying with Musku, as well for the investigation. He'll take care of both, rest assured."


Momo : "Somehow I am not convinced."


Konto : "I have to agree there."


Mizukage : "How long have you served with Yin, Konto?"


Konto : "11 years, Kage-sensei. But it is that fact which I cast my suspicion. He's different... Something doesn't feel right."


Mizukage : "He lost most of his men during the attack. We all lost people, hundreds of them. We're all a little different."


Konto : "I don't know..."




Jin : "Kage-sensei! Your visitor has arrived."


Raikage : "Thank you, son. Before you leave, I have a present for you..."

Jin is handed a scroll and told to open it once he leaves the room.


Raikage : "Musu... Musukoyou. Musuko-you. Son of the Sun. Quite a fitting name for you, considering your history."


Musu : "I guess it was no surprise my father and grandfather were Kaga and Himazaru, respectively."


Raikage : "As well as every aspect of your village, I presume. But, that's another topic for another time. What I am concerned with at this moment is your training. Or, rather, the lack of it."


Musu : "What about it?"


Raikage : "Well, you see, I want you to study under some of my best Shinobigashira. They're Head Ninja, and above the rank of Jounin. It's a tradition from the formation of our village, to set ourselves different. Out of all Shinobi, they are the best. And best to learn from, as well."


Musu : "Great, but what will I be learning?"


Raikage : "A question for them, that is. This..."

Pointing behind Musu, towards a man in a cream cloak with kanji of Raiton on both sleeves.

"is your first teacher - Kosumai, Kumogakure Master of Raiton."




3 weeks later...


Kosu : "Now, I want you to form these seals. And follow me. Fuuton: Hanachiri Mai."

Following exactly as instructed, Musu reaches the end.


Musu : "Fuuton: Hanachiri Mai"

As practiced for several weeks, the wind picks up and the leaves on the ground are carried by the wind. Using his chakra, Musu directs the wind in the 5 basic movements - foward, left, right, down, and up.


Kosu : "Good, you've finally learned your first real jutsu. But it only gets harder from here on in... First, though, I want to see what you can do."


Musu : "The only thing I know other than the 3 basics I've picked up is the one I named after my father. And I don't really know how it works. It just does what I want."


Kosu : "Regardless, I want to see. We may be able to fix it, or harness it."


Musu takes a breath of air, as the atmosphere around them suddenly starts to boil. The sun's rays become hotter as they beat down on the two's bodies.


Kosu : "Interesting..."


Finally, a quick flash of an yellowish-white aura is drawn into the body of Musu...




The area, free of the affects from before, now becomes a land of blinding light, the sun shining harder than ever. The temperature quickly rises to match the energy used. Musu finally releases it.


Kosu : "Amazing, purely stunning. Quite literally. Give me a second, though. I - I can't see just yet, heh."


Musu : "Sorry."


Kosu : "Ah, there we go. Yes, that was an impressive technique. No doubt derived from your people, of course."


Musu : "That's never happened before."


Kosu : "What hasn't?"


Musu : "It was different this time. Before, it's always been a slight glow with blast of hot air, lasting all of maybe 2 seconds. Now it was more like 10, with different things happening."


Kosu : "Quite possible your training has increased its power, know that you know and have more control. We'll continue with this tomorrow. I want you to continue using that technique. We'll try to adapt it to many styles. After... I get some protection, of course."

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Important Info : Another person decided to kill off the Raikage during a night. You'll see me hint towards in near the end. The plan for his char was to kill the Raikage while he is meditating, at 10 PM. Technically, there's supposed to be ANBU (Almost like a personal body guard) watching to make sure he is safe, but strict orders were given not to. This is the time a possessed Jin will strike.




Kosu : "It's amazing the progress he's made, Kage-sensei. He's not a genius, but there's something inside of him that knows what to do already. Even his past techniques have changed themselves drastically before his own eyes."


Raikage : "That is nice to hear. One day soon, maybe we can use him..."


Kosu : "With respect, Sensei, he still hasn't developed his own powers. And it will take even longer for it, too. We knows he can use fuuton, but he hasn't been able to use the other 4. But, then again, if what he says is true - Half being from Sunagakure no sato and Hoshigakure... It's possible."


Raikage : "Make sure it is done, Kosumai. Now, dismissed. I wish to be alone."


Kosu : "As you wish, Kage-sensei."




Musu : "What did he say? What does he think?"


Kosu : "He is glad to hear your progress and wants to see it himself."


Musu : "Isn't he coming?"


Kosu : "He's about to meditate. He does it often, especially to recharge himself. The battle, even though it was weeks ago.. He used a lot of electricity. This about the time, though, he's back to normal, if not better."


Musu : "Oh... So, back to training?"


Kosu : "No. Not tonight, that is. I have a trip planned for us, an unexpected one. There's some information we need to find out."


Musu : "Where are we going?"


Kosu : "Hoshigakure."


Musu practically collapses. A chance to visit his ancestors?




The next morning, unaware of what happened during the night, the two set off on a boat towards the mainland.


Kosu : "The closest place is Kusagakure. I have friends there, they'll help you learn a few things. We can only stay a couple of days, until we're geared enough to set out on foot. What would you say is your best strength right now?"


Musu : "My agility. I seem to be lucky, I escape things that would kill me."


Kusu : "Good, we'll focus on that, as well. Maybe you'll learn good counter-attacks along with it. But for now, take a nap. It'll be a day before we reach it. You'll want to save your strength."

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Something that may help people understand, I didn't think about saying earlier, which you may have already realizied... Katon - Fire Release. Suiton - Water Release. Fuuton - Wind Release. Doton - Earth Release. Raiton - Lightning Release. And, two elements not mentioned but known to Musukoyou... are Kujaku Myouhou - Not a specific element, but an element on it's own known from the Star/Hoshigakure people. The powers are derived from a meteor. And, lastly, Hiton - Light. (Hiton can also be considered fire, because hi and ho are interchangeable between Fire and Light.) However : Katon, Raiton, Suiton, Doton, and Fuuton are the 5 main elements. But, even so, thousands of jutsus do not necessarily use elements, persay. But.. that's a long, difficult story to tell. To my story, now!



It is half a day after that night. They're almost at the shores of the mainland.


Musu : "What's that feeling?"


Kosu : "You can feel it? I didn't think you could."


Musu : "What does it mean?"


Kosu : "For those attuned with the energy, Raiton, we are large conduits, merely manipulating the direction the electricity flows. And for such a large static discharge in the air, it means only one thing - the Raikage is dead. His energy now increases the flow towards the others who are conduits."


Musu : "Poetic. Does it mean you're stronger, though?"


Kosu : "No. It merely means easier access to larger amounts of energy. Like, for instance, the more water - the larger and more suiton jutsus a person can use. It is the same for us."


Musu : "It must have been the same for my people."


Kosu : "What do you mean?"


Musu : "When the bandits attacked, it was at night. If all the signs are correct, my people's power were primarly used in the daylight, with the sun out."


Kosu : "See, you do learn quickly. Unfortunately, the Raikage was right. You know more than you think you do. "




The two talk for quite a while as the boat sails on. Having been delayed shortly, by a mild storm, they finally reach the shores of the mainland. After spending a day of rest at the harbor, they take off on foot toward Kusagakure.




The trip took two , and they seldom rested. But during the travel, Kosu had Musu constantly form seals and practice jutsus as they ran along. They finally arrive to Kusagakure at night.


"Tree of Life - Entangling Roots!"


Kosu : "Katon - Kaheki!"

As the roots from underground of the former's attack, Kosu creates a small wall of fire, protecting them from being attacked. However, it is not enough to completely burn through the large plant-life.


Musu : "Fuuton - Hanachiri Mai!"

The fire, now being mixed with wind, grows larger and stronger. However, the two shinobi have forgotten about their heads, as the roots drop down on them, capturing them.




Musu : "You know, you'd think I would be used to this."


Kosu : "What?"


Musu : "Being captured by people..."


"Quiet you!"


"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Raiton robes? Only place with that style is Kumogakure. What does Cloud want with us? They must want something, since they send their #1 Raiton Master."


Kosu : "You should know, you're friends with him."


"It is good to see you again, Kosu. But being captured? That's no way for the Raiton Shinobigashira to be done in."


Kosu : "It's night-time. My powers are useless."


"I must have forgotten. Forgive me for attacking you, I thought I'd have a little fun with you. Here, let me let you two down."

The unknown speaker forms a one-handed Tiger seal as the tight limbs around Kosu and Musu's wrists retract."


Kosu : "This is Musu, he is my apprentice. We're heading further, but wish to spend several days here for training. With your permission... and help."


Kusa Daimyo : "My help? For training your successor?"


Kosu : "No, he is not my successor. He is a special task, though, ordered by the former Raikage."


Kusa Daimyo : "Former? This is too much information at once. Come, let us sit and speak over tea. Let us take time."




Kosu : "I cannot confirm it entirely, but I know the Raikage was killed several nights ago, on our boat ride to the mainland."


Kusa : "Hm, yes, you would know. I'll inform my messengers to report it to the other Villages. Is there a successor for him?"


Kosu : "Technically speaking, I am the last of the Master Shinobigashira. The others are all dead or exiled. In my absence, it would fall to the strongest of the other Shinobigashira. But I don't trust them. And there's something disturbing with how the Raikage died."


Kusa : "But that's not what brought you here. This child, what is it he needs?"


Kosu : "Aside from formal training? Specialized training, something I cannot give with my affinities. Like I told him, I am a conduit for my powers. I merely direct them. However, the powers of you and your people involve outside influences."


Kusa : "So you want us to help him harness his control over his jutsus. What else?"

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Kosu : "Everything. "


Kusa : "In two to three days?!"


Kosu : "Is that a problem?"


Kusa : "Even the Great Uzumaki took at least a week even with his special Kage Bunshin technique. And that's almost 400 times the normal rate."


Kosu : "This one is faster. Three times as fast."


Kusa : "That's impossible..."


Kosu : "The next generation always surpasses us, remember? This child has had the most intense ancestry over the last 50 years. And it seems all the information of the past is incoded in him. It's simply re-learning it all again."


Kusa : "Who is this child? And where is he from?"


Kosu : "More tea..."


Kusa : "Ah..."




Kusa : "Now, let us fight, boy. I want to see what you've learned during your time with Kosumai."


Musu : "I only know two attacking jutsus."


Kusa : "A smart shinobi knows it is not how many you know or how stronger they are."


Musukoyou throws several shuriken towards the Kusa Daimyo, instantly forming seals right after them.


Musu : "Fuuton - Hanachiri Mai!"


The Daimyo dodges the shuriken and into the trees. However, Musu, using fuuton, has caught the shuriken and changes their direction toward that of the target.


Kusa : "Smart Kid... Nature Manipulation - Flying Needles. Dodge this..."

The tree the Daimyo is standing on suddenly grows numerous branches, as they fly out toward Musu. Meanwhile, the Leader leaps from tree to tree, using the jutsu several times.


Musukoyou, using his chakra, pumps it into his muscles and reflexes, allowing him to dodge most of the wooden needles. However, several of them hit his left hand


Kusa : "Weak, boy! Weak!... What!?"

To his surprise, several seconds after being hit, the "Musu" turns into a log.


Kusa : "Bloody idiots... Doton - Dori!"

Feeling the virbations in and on the earth, he scans the area, searching for Musu's location.


Kusa "There you are... "

Suddenly, the Daimyo disappears.


Using the experiences with Kosumai, he builds the remaining chakra in his body, concentrating it in a single spot, forming it like he does with "Kaga." Appearing behind him, the Daimyo uses roots again to capture Musuokoyou.


Musu : "Finally..."

Releasing the built up chakra, he becomes an instant flash bang, blinding the Daimyo and throwing him off the tree. The energy also singes the bark of the tree. Unfortunately, it causes him to faint.


Taking several moments to regain his sight, the Daimyo picks up the unconscious boy and takes him back to the house.


Kusa : "Stupid boy..."


***I really didn't like this one. Just doesn't feel right.***

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Kosu : "It's sweet, with a nice after-taste bitterness."


Kusa : "Yet not over-powering. But it lacks formal brewing."


Kosu : "It shows potential. Imagine if it was properly brewed."


Kusa : "The boy knows how to use techniques, in impressive levels. But he doesn't know control."


Kosu : "Which is why I brought him here. Who better than those that are attuned with nature, manipulating their very biological structure? Your understanding of precise control is astounding."


Kusa : "Why do I have the feeling that yo-"


Kosu : "Must return to Kumogakure.


Kusa : "Cliche. But I suppose there's no one else to take over the village."


Kosu : "On the ides of the third day, send a messenger to Hoshigakure. And Musukoyou, as well. I must say, though, I am surprised as how quick you caught on."


Kusa : "You couldn't sit still. It was obvious."




Kusa : "Yes, yes, like that. It's exactly like how you create a light-source. You're subconsciously using the appropriate amount of chakra, forming it and not exerting too much."


Musu : "So, then, instead of the flashes I do..."


Kusa : "If in a dire situation, with no exit, then use it. But for any other situation, it may be better as a simple distraction. Or, possibly, if channeled right, it could become an attack on its own."


Musu sighs, somewhat tired of all the training and reprimands.


Kusa : "As with light, it is capable of becoming semi-solid, or concentrated into a beam."


Musu : "Where is Kosumai?"


Kusa : "He... had to return to the Village. With the death of the former Raikage, he is the successor. He has to answer the call. But it doesn't matter, you're here, and he's there. Do you see that water? Walk ontop of it."


Musu : "Hm, I've seen it before. It can't be too hard."


The Daimyo laughs as Musukoyou nervously stands at the edge of the water. However, it is quickly turned around to awe as the young man perfectly scales the surface.


Kusa : "Son of a... Impossible. You! Do you lie to me? You understand more than you let on, you filthy mongrel."


Musu : "I don't understand, what is wrong?"


Kusa : "Either Kosu and you are lying to me or he is correct in that you know than you realize. But, I am tired of being surprised. It's annoying... If this was a story, I'd spit at it. Poorly written."


Musu : "I was never allowed outside of my home. The first time I met someone aside from my family was someone who tried to sell me into slavery. "


Kusa : "Oh, woa is you. I'm sending my messenger today, and you're going with him. I cannot continue training you. I hope Kosumai forgives me."


***Okay, okay... I am becoming fed up with myself so much. I am writing so many cliches and crap lines. Of course, all the time waiting for other people to continue so events will roll. Fillers, if you will. They're not writing lately, so I am trying to keep active.***

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--Saturn is a new person's char. I won't be going into her story, though.--


They nod to one another and quickly run out from the bushes, seals and swords ready at their sides. But as they get closer, the fire dies out, and the two travelers disappear in thin air.


Attacker 1 : "It's a trap, fall-back!"


The Messenger forms a one-handed tiger seal as special exploding tag seals are activated, sending thousands of weapons flying and tags exploding.


The attackers' # dwindles down to 3, from 6.


Attacker 1 : "They died because they weren't worthy."


Attacker 3 : "Katon - Goukakyuu no jutsu!"

The fireball consumes the encased area in a stunning performance.


The Messenger appears behind Attacker 2 and lights him up with an unknown technique, but it's appearance is that of a blue fire.


Meanhwhile, trying to be helpful, Musukoyou steps in and uses Fuuton : Hanachari Mai!"

Immediately, the entire amount of leaves in the immediate vicinity circle around Musu, as he tries to direct it towards the enemy. The wind gushes and turns the leaves into a thousand razor sharp edges


Attacker 3 : "Katon : Housenka no jutsu!" Numerous balls of fire fly towards the pillar of razor leaves heading towards him, burning them just in-time, before hitting him. However, the power of the wind still hits him bludgeoningly.


Messenger : "Some power.. Use something helpful!"

Instantly, the messenger goes to the knocked-down enemy, drawing a kunai, and thrusting it down. However, Attacker 1 appears behind him, his kunai also drawn.


Attacker 3 : "Look..." pointing towards Musukoyou. The two shinobi beside him also look, stunned.


Musu's, in all his lack of glory, hair shines brightly as it flutters in the wind. He closes his eyes and remembers what the Kusa Daimyo told him. After taking a deep breath and relaxing, he lifts his arm in the air, hand-flat pointing towards the group on the ground.


Attacker 1 : "Himazaru!"


A ray of light pours from Musu's hand as Attacker 1 yells. As the attackers are distracted, Messenger takes his opportunity to sink his kunai into Attacker 3's throat, slicing it open, as the beam of light flies past him and beats into Attacker 1.


The light, now tangible, becomes hot and more powerful as Musu closes his eyes and concentrates on turning it into a smaller, condensed version. Pointing at the heart, it blasts through, killing him.


After taking several moments to collect themselves, the Messenger speaks.


Messenger : "You wasted too much chakra, and took too long. They could have killed us both several times. But... it was a nice distraction. Simple attacks can do more in the future, though. Remember that."


Musu : "He knew my name... he knew my people..."


Messenger : "No matter. We must go."




The two decided it was better to make haste after the attack, so they did not rest. Several days passed as they got closer to Hoshigakure.


During the night...


Messenger : "I have someone I must meet. Don't wander off. I won't be here to protect you."


Musu : "I'll be okay..."




Musukoyou wanders the village, until he sees a young girl walk into a hotel. He follows her, trying to keep his distance, but she keeps looking over her shoulder.


As she walks into her room, shutting the door, Musu stops and plans out his "attack."


Musu : "Hm... "

Putting his hand to the door, he releases chakra trying to view any disturbance. Seeing a tag, he gains the stupid idea to remove it..


Using his energy, he heats the door up, and "shorts" the tag. Only, however, to have the door catch on fire due to the extreme heat he added.


Panicking, he stumbles backward a little, but the door flies towards him as the young girl kicks it down.


Girl : "Who are you?!"


Instantly, Musukoyou turns himself into a minor flash-bang and runs away. People run to put the door out. As he gets out of the building, an object of energy flies past him, missing.


He turns around to see the young girl standing at the door. They run into the woods.

After a few minutes of running, Musu turns around and flashes a bright light out of his hands.


Looking around the area for her, he is surprised that she know is behind him, with a kunai at his neck.


Girl : "I have you... Now, tell me who you are!"


Musu : "You may think me vulnerable, but I am a bomb myself."


The girl jumps back after feeling the temperature around Musukoyou heat up quickly.


Girl : "What do you want with me?"


Musu : "Your headband, it's from Hoshigakure, yes? I have ancestors there. Some of them left during the last great war..."


Girl : "That doesn't answer my question. Who are you and what do you want?"


Musu : "I am just curious about you. I know nothing about our people. I am heading there, my friend is busy at the moment, though."


Girl : "I don't like being followed."


Musu: "Why aren't you in the village...?"


The young girl tells him the story as they both sit on the forest floor.


Musu : "Do I want to know them, then?"


Girl : "They're not.. bad. Or at least, I thought that. After the attack... it was all different."


Messenger : "Musukoyou!"


Girl : "Musukoyou? That's a funny name. Mine's Saturn."


Musu: "Like you're one to talk... Well, it looks like I have to go. Maybe we'll meet up again, sometime."


Saturn : "For your sake, I hope not."


As Musukoyou goes back to the village, he looks back at her and smiles and winks, then lets off another flash.


Saturn : "Pervert!!!!"

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I totally forgot to put a whole "chapter" in. So here it is. It is the one that comes before the previous one I posted...


Kusa Daimyo : "You're an annoying boy, Muskoyou. But I hope you learn what it is you seek. May it not be overwhelming."


Musu : "You remind me of my Grandfather. Rude, obnoxious, impatient..."


Kusa : "And you being utterly annoying."


Somehow, the two were speaking kindly, as if they were old friends speaking insults in-replace of saying goodbye.


Kusa : "This is my messeng-"


Musu : "Yet another voyage and person to follow. Let us be off. I wish not to waste time."


As the messenger and Musukoyou take off, the Kusa mutters to himself.


Kusa : "I'm afraid time is all you have, and you're running out of it..."




Messenger : "It's a long journey, and we may get lost a time or two. The precise location is known to few."


Musu : "Let me guess, you're one of them."


Messenger : "Nope. But I have my trusty friend here, Dai-Hawk, who knows the way."


Musu : "Great, we're following a bird. So, how do you talk to him? Forget I asked, let's just go."




The fire dying out, Musu, wakes up to an imagined noise.


Messenger : "We've been watched ever since we left. They're becoming confident, they are staying closer than before."


Musu : "Who is? And why do they want us?"


Messenger : "I don't think they know, but I have an urgent message. I'm only sent out for the top secret missions."


Musu : "No protection? No ANBU?"


Messenger : "I'm the only one who can read the message. If anyone but myself opens it, it'll act as 100 exploding tags. Besides, they sent you. You must be able to do something. As for myself, I am ex-ANBU, though."


Musu : "Ex-ANBU? Fired?"


Messenger : "Retired - Sh...."


(Now is the one with the attacking. Sorry I misposted. But, anyways, here is the new one.)







Chuunin is a rank.




"This is grave news indeed."


Messenger : "There's more to it, but it is unknown. We're doing out best to gather it."


Hoshikage : "Hm... Very well. Take this message back to your leader. Make haste."


Messenger : "Right..."




"You'd be surprised. We kept most of our history secret for over a hundred years. Now, the most of it is open to the public."


Musu : "Do you know anything about the Fourth War and villagers leaving?"


Librarian : "Not in text, but I know personally. I was with the group. "


Musu : "You were? Wha- what..."


Librarian : "We met up at some mountain with a group from Sungakure no sato. They had already spent quite some time there with the farmers, the natives. And then he was born. Out of the mix, twas he who would come to ruin."


Musu : "Himazaru?"


Librarian : "How do you know it, Child?"


Musu : "My name is Musukoyou Himazaru."


Librarian : "That's not possible, they were all killed... "


Musu : "My grandfather, Himazaru, saved me."


Librarian : "Hm, well, he did something good in the end, it seems."


Musu : "Please, finish?"


Librarian : "Hm, ah, yes. Well, that child, your grandfather it seems, had a mix of all the experience and powers of not only the people from Star, but from Sand. As well as the immense chakra supply from the farmers. It was limitless the amount of things he could do. And when he had people killed, that's when I snuck out and left. Twas the night the village was lifted into the sky, actually. I saw it to my back while leaving."


Musu : "So, you're one of me?"


Librarian : "No, child. I would have been one of those killed. My powers are latent. I show all the signs, but none of the miracles."


Musu : "Do you... do you know anything of me?"


Librarian : "Ah, the child. Yes, but only that you were born. No one knew anything. Amazing you still live."


Musu : "I don't know anything."


Messenger : "We're heading out tomorrow."


Musu : "Will do."




Chuunin : "Oh boy! Ramen!"


Musukoyou : "Eh, excuse me."


The chuunin turns around, face stuffed with ramen, still eating.


Musu : "Er, I'm sorry. But I was wondering if you c-"


Chuunin :"Hungry?"


Musu : "Uh, no..."


Chuunin : "SIT! Eat...!"


Musu : "Yeah, okay..."


Chuunin : "Have you had ramen before?"


Musu : "I've never eaten before."


The chuunin stops eating, spewing his food out.


Chuunin : "NEVER?! Then eat! Eat!"


Musukoyou grabs the chopsticks and spoon, and puts it to his mouth. But right as it passes his nose, the smell wonderful, he is pushed from behind, as the food falls to the ground.


"Baka (idiot)! Eating without us?!"


Chuunin : "Never! Chef, more ramen!"


Musu, obviously annoyed, loses control and raises the temperature of the area, his hair and eyes glowing. The people around him stare, shocked. Then, immediately, the Chuunin shoves a spoon of ramen into Musukoyou's mouth, to his surprise. The temperature resets.


Musu : "Ramen!"


Everyone : "Ramen!!"


*Will finish later*

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Musu : "I've never eaten before, but this is amazing!"


Chuunin : "Ah, I knew you would like it... Musukoyou."


Musu chokes on his ramen, utterly stunned.


Chuunin : "Sh, follow me. I have not much time"


The group and Musu go off after eating ramen, to a hidden place on the outskirts of the village.




The chuunin and rest of the group releases their henge techniques to reveal 4 old men and one woman.


Woman : "We had no idea you would come. At least so soon. When the attacks started, We felt the power from Lord Himazaru disperse, and knew we had to come out. And so, we did."


Man 1 : "Seeing the entire village in ruins, and the left over traces of chakra residues, it was obvious what happened."


Man 3: "Once we left the Sealed room, the land immediately started to settle."


Man 2 : "And as we were the Divine, Himazaru made sure to protect us in-case something should happen. "


Man 4: "The room was not only for us to focus our chakra."


Man 1 : "But to protect us, as well."


Woman : "Plans were devised that once your grandfather was dead, we would wait until you came to us here, in Hoshigakure. He foresaw it happening. And here you are. Each of us will help you learn you heritage."


Man 1 : "Your bloodline."


Man 4 : "Your abilities."


Man 3 : "Your biological being."


Man 2 : "The way of the Himazaru, the powers of your father and grandfather."


Woman : "To help you understand..."


All : "Is your father."




(((Wow, talk about Cliche, huh? Could I be any more pathetique? lol)))

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The mysterious Messenger, who promise to return, did in fact come back. But, not quite as expected. Revealed in a warming light, came the lost parent.


During the night, father and son, reunited, spoke a great deal about what all had occurred in detail.




Gathered around Musu in a circle, Prophet and Divine meditated and channeled their knowledge and wisdom into the medium - Son of The Sun. Their energies and chakra flowed in the room like waves in the ocean, lights of the Aurora Borealis. Sweeping into the body of the young man.


And, as it was, and promised, Musukoyou learned all was there was to know. But knowing, practice, training, and real situations cannot compare. Much more training lies ahead for our shinobi.




Woman : "Using Hiton, power of the Himazaru, is much like Kujaku Myouhou of the Hoshigakure no sato shinobi. It is releasing your chakra, mixed with the light within."


Kaga : "It is also how we produce our wings. We direct, manipulate, and form the energies into extending limbs. It takes much concentration for anyone. But, once mastering it, it becomes natural and no focus at all is required. Such is using any form of our power."


Woman : "But..."


Kaga : "You are different, my child. Evident by more than just your hair and eyes. Only Lord Himazaru, rest his soul, knew how you become to be. But we know what you are and what you are capable of."


Man 2 : "The fact you've been able to use such mastery over your power with any training in the first place is not luck."


Man 1 : "You are the epitome of our entire people and kekkei genkai."


Man 3 : "You are the beginning of our complete, mastered power."


Man 4 : "And you are the tool which ends it."


Woman : "Because of what you are, the TRUE Son of the Sun, Child of Light, you are incapable of passing on the power by birth. But you have the ability to 'enlighten' others to this 'nirvana.' It is why your grandfather kept you hidden. Others, just by being in your presence, can gain access to these powers. Your true power..."


Kaga : "Is inspiration."




A week had passed, and Musu was eager to test what all he had learned. Along with Hiton, and it being incredibly important in basic understanding, he learned Kujaku Myouhou as well. Though, 'Peacock' is trumped by having every ability being converted into Light, it's fold increased.


Musu forms the Tiger seal as he hair and eyes begin to glow.


Kaga : "Good, my son. Now, also, unlike us, who need to absorb energy, you are the energy. So powers are easier to access, even during times of darkness. Now...Try to release it. Don't force it, don't direct it. Just let it flow."

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~~After much deliberation with others and myself, I have removed Musu's Kujaku Myouhou abilities, and replaced them with Katon.~~


Like the forebearer Kujaku Myouhou's tails, Musu's chakra emits as a glow surrounding his body. (Sort of like a SSJ's (Super Sayain) aura.)


However, unlike the predecessor, movement is available. And constant seals is not required. It's almost as if the aura has a mind of it's own, resounding in vibration with Musu's own.


During these couple of weeks of intensive training, Musukoyou learned numerous techniques, including new fuuton and katon abilities.




Musu : "Fuuton - Hanachiri Mai!"


Like before, a pillar of wind is created. But instead of leaves... Musukoyou takes a deep breath and then blows fire, combining the elements. Now a pillar of fire, Musu forces it towards a tree target. Instantaneously, the tree is lit'aflame.


Woman : "Combining elements is hard for most people. They have lower chakra capacities, so these things a a dream for them. And even for you, it will use much chakra."


Kaga : "By using fuuton, you can also fill your lungs with more oxygen than normal. This will make your katon jutsus last longer and more powerful. It can come at a risk, as well. Too much, and you'll blow yourself.




After learning all he could, the Prophet and Divine said goodbye.


Kaga : "We're heading back to Shoutaiyou no Shiro. We're going to rebuild it. "


Woman : "But, since your birth, your grandfather declared you the Hijiri and High Priest. You are the village leader by title."


Man 1 : "But you are by no means a leader yet."


Man 4 : "Once the village is rebuilt, we will contact you."


Man 2 : "And you will be the example of all of Hotaigakure."


Man 3 : "Do well, young Lord. Dark forces are at work. Be a light for others."

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