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Coca-Cola worship


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If you prefer Pepsi then go away.

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That's from around the past week or so. Tomorrow I'll crush them and when I have enough I'll take them to the recycling thing. Until then I amuse myself making towers and using them as pins for bowling. :D

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That's from around the past week or so. Tomorrow I'll crush them and when I have enough I'll take them to the recycling thing. Until then I amuse myself making towers and using them as pins for bowling. :D

Do you crush them from top to bottom or on the side?

Just a stupid question. :lol:

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Warning. Extremist fundamentalist coca-cola lover.





or absolutely whatever

cokes can all go DIE A FIERY DEATH.


Also; even ordinary coke must not be stored in a plastic bottle for it defiles the taste.


That is my view.


Hear hear. I hate coke with cherry, vanilla, arsenic or whatever they put in there. Classic and red, baby. I agree with the whole bottle thing, too, which is why I have the cans: it's expensive but worth it. I have more cans than that, I just crush them before they take over my already small room!

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Warning. Extremist fundamentalist coca-cola lover.





or absolutely whatever

cokes can all go DIE A FIERY DEATH.


Also; even ordinary coke must not be stored in a plastic bottle for it defiles the taste.


That is my view.


Hear hear. I hate coke with cherry, vanilla, arsenic or whatever they put in there. Classic and red, baby. I agree with the whole bottle thing, too, which is why I have the cans: it's expensive but worth it. I have more cans than that, I just crush them before they take over my already small room!

Of course, the glass bottle is still the original and the best.

I love to wrap my lips around those things.

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Warning. Extremist fundamentalist coca-cola lover.





or absolutely whatever

cokes can all go DIE A FIERY DEATH.


Also; even ordinary coke must not be stored in a plastic bottle for it defiles the taste.


That is my view.


Hear hear. I hate coke with cherry, vanilla, arsenic or whatever they put in there. Classic and red, baby. I agree with the whole bottle thing, too, which is why I have the cans: it's expensive but worth it. I have more cans than that, I just crush them before they take over my already small room!

Of course, the glass bottle is still the original and the best.

I love to wrap my lips around those things.

I agree. Glass bottles definitely make the Coke taste better.


When I was in downtown Atlanta, the Coca Cola Company had a building with terrific architectural character. I'll look to see if I have any pictures of it.

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ROFL "arsenic" :lol: LE you get a fish award for that.


Anyways, I'm not a soda person. I'm a big fan of water. :rolleyes:


Thanks! I'll add that to my list. Yeah, you water types. :P Don't understand the hype about water, which is probably why I'm perpetually dehydrated. And if I drank it it would only be for vanity reasons. :rolleyes:

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ROFL "arsenic" :lol: LE you get a fish award for that.


Anyways, I'm not a soda person. I'm a big fan of water. :rolleyes:


Thanks! I'll add that to my list. Yeah, you water types. :P Don't understand the hype about water, which is probably why I'm perpetually dehydrated. And if I drank it it would only be for vanity reasons. :rolleyes:

I drink water when flying to avoid extreme dehydration.

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Coke is supreme... Though I do enjoy a good Cherry Coke. Or I will add some lemon, cause I like the sweetness of the coke and the tartness of the lemon.

But if I am in a situation where I have a choice of diet coke or diet pepsi, I go for diet pepsi. Not sure why

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Coke is one of my daily pleasures. I find that it's best to find something simple that gives you everyday pleasure and coke does that for me. It still makes my pupils dilate. :rolleyes:

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Water DOES seem to be the cool thing right now. So many people just walking arond holding one, showing it off like it's a new phone or something! I always end up doing something really stupid/dumb blonde like dribbling. :lol:

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jesse is a soda heretic

but i love him anyway



kat is super-right.

what the heck is with diet.




asagsdiobtfoidnb i seriously had to stop myself shouting things that would get me all banneded because diet soda just really pisses me off for some reason



water is delicious actually

but nothing refreshes me quite like something carbonated.

i drink soda or mineral water when i have the chance.

but not tonic water because that makes me feel sick if i drink too much.



ahahaha coke is funny because it has caffeine in it

i love caffeine

people drink coffee and coke and red bull and everything like that

and they don't realise that technically, they're getting high

i just love that about it

makes me laugh

and then start shivering and whining and really needing a hug

frig, even caffeine scares me

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Water DOES seem to be the cool thing right now. So many people just walking arond holding one, showing it off like it's a new phone or something! I always end up doing something really stupid/dumb blonde like dribbling. :lol:

Haha really? Most people here still just drink soda. I guess it's gaining in popularity because it has no sugar and people are over-obsessed with weight loss. :rolleyes:

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There's a bit of an anti-American joke here that observes how an American will get a double cheeseburger, large chips, a massive desert... and a diet coke. As if that somehow makes up for it. :rolleyes:


As for keen eyesight, my weakest eye is -4.25 for my contacts.


I really should stop drinking so much coke.

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I'm far more of an America fan than I used to be. I jumped on the anti-American bandwagon that was so popular a few years ago but then I realised how much fun the US is. Hey, I even got a discount in a shop in NYC because I was English. ^_^


I want to go back to Charleston. It is quite possibly the nicest town in the entire country.

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Water DOES seem to be the cool thing right now. So many people just walking arond holding one, showing it off like it's a new phone or something! I always end up doing something really stupid/dumb blonde like dribbling. :lol:

Haha really? Most people here still just drink soda. I guess it's gaining in popularity because it has no sugar and people are over-obsessed with weight loss. :rolleyes:

No sugar??????????????

You need to read some of the labels! You would shock yourself, so bring Phil when you go. You will need him to pick you up when you faint at the ingredients.

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I'm far more of an America fan than I used to be. I jumped on the anti-American bandwagon that was so popular a few years ago but then I realised how much fun the US is. Hey, I even got a discount in a shop in NYC because I was English. ^_^


I want to go back to Charleston. It is quite possibly the nicest town in the entire country.

*cough, cough*

Cocoa... you want to go back to Cocoa.

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I'm far more of an America fan than I used to be. I jumped on the anti-American bandwagon that was so popular a few years ago but then I realised how much fun the US is. Hey, I even got a discount in a shop in NYC because I was English. ^_^


I want to go back to Charleston. It is quite possibly the nicest town in the entire country.

*cough, cough*

Cocoa... you want to go back to Cocoa.


Nyehnyeh. I LOVED Charleston, even though it's really quiet and nothing is really happening... at all. I just loved seeing all these houses that our tour guide said were worth millions of dollars and they looked like they were worth a tenth of that amount! Also, it was insanely hot. That wasn't so good. :angry:

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I'm far more of an America fan than I used to be. I jumped on the anti-American bandwagon that was so popular a few years ago but then I realised how much fun the US is. Hey, I even got a discount in a shop in NYC because I was English. ^_^


I want to go back to Charleston. It is quite possibly the nicest town in the entire country.

*cough, cough*

Cocoa... you want to go back to Cocoa.


Nyehnyeh. I LOVED Charleston, even though it's really quiet and nothing is really happening... at all. I just loved seeing all these houses that our tour guide said were worth millions of dollars and they looked like they were worth a tenth of that amount! Also, it was insanely hot. That wasn't so good. :angry:

So then you want to come to Memphis.

*cough, cough*

Memphis, Memphis, Memphis.

*you are getting sleepy... very sleepy... just focus on the silver pendulum*

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Water DOES seem to be the cool thing right now. So many people just walking arond holding one, showing it off like it's a new phone or something! I always end up doing something really stupid/dumb blonde like dribbling. :lol:

Haha really? Most people here still just drink soda. I guess it's gaining in popularity because it has no sugar and people are over-obsessed with weight loss. :rolleyes:

No sugar??????????????

You need to read some of the labels! You would shock yourself, so bring Phil when you go. You will need him to pick you up when you faint at the ingredients.

lol I was unclear in what I was saying. *Water* is gaining popularity because it has no sugar. Soda has an insane amount of sugar.

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Water DOES seem to be the cool thing right now. So many people just walking arond holding one, showing it off like it's a new phone or something! I always end up doing something really stupid/dumb blonde like dribbling. :lol:

Haha really? Most people here still just drink soda. I guess it's gaining in popularity because it has no sugar and people are over-obsessed with weight loss. :rolleyes:

No sugar??????????????

You need to read some of the labels! You would shock yourself, so bring Phil when you go. You will need him to pick you up when you faint at the ingredients.

lol I was unclear in what I was saying. *Water* is gaining popularity because it has no sugar. Soda has an insane amount of sugar.

But the flavoured waters are loaded in sugar...

almost as bad as regular soda. :o

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Yeah, it's like the infamous disguise of Sunny D, the most deceptive drink ever. :rolleyes:

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I could do with some sugar rght now. I was happily sleeping until the room inspection lady woke my up. Now I'm really tired and can't go back to sleep. GRAAHHH! <_<


And I haven't crushed my coke cans so I look like a slob. :rolleyes:

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I could do with some sugar rght now. I was happily sleeping until the room inspection lady woke my up. Now I'm really tired and can't go back to sleep. GRAAHHH! <_>


And I haven't crushed my coke cans so I look like a slob. :rolleyes:

Room Inspection????????????

Can you put all your stuff under your bed? Does she check there?

In the hamster world, we just hide everything under our bedding. :lol:

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I could do with some sugar rght now. I was happily sleeping until the room inspection lady woke my up. Now I'm really tired and can't go back to sleep. GRAAHHH! <_<


And I haven't crushed my coke cans so I look like a slob. :rolleyes:

Room Inspection????????????

Can you put all your stuff under your bed? Does she check there?

In the hamster world, we just hide everything under our bedding. :lol:


Yeah, I'm in private accomodation so they check the rooms and make you pay through the nose for any damage. I spent ages tidying my room so it was okay, even though they only put their head around the door. We have drawers under the bed and I have various stuff in there. I crushed the coke cans earlier so it doens't look too bad in here now.


I love my room. I have fairy flower lights around the window, posters of my faovurite films on the walls, my Wii and this weird thing about Obama fro a parody newspaper on the wall which makes me chuckle when I look at it.


Oh yeah, and I have an en suite. ^_^

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I could do with some sugar rght now. I was happily sleeping until the room inspection lady woke my up. Now I'm really tired and can't go back to sleep. GRAAHHH! <_>


And I haven't crushed my coke cans so I look like a slob. :rolleyes:

Room Inspection????????????

Can you put all your stuff under your bed? Does she check there?

In the hamster world, we just hide everything under our bedding. :lol:


Yeah, I'm in private accomodation so they check the rooms and make you pay through the nose for any damage. I spent ages tidying my room so it was okay, even though they only put their head around the door. We have drawers under the bed and I have various stuff in there. I crushed the coke cans earlier so it doens't look too bad in here now.


I love my room. I have fairy flower lights around the window, posters of my faovurite films on the walls, my Wii and this weird thing about Obama fro a parody newspaper on the wall which makes me chuckle when I look at it.


Oh yeah, and I have an en suite. ^_^


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  • 2 weeks later...

I recycled around 30 coke cans today. The people watching me put them in the big bin must have thought I was a real coke junkie. :rolleyes:

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