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I'm alive

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Hey! Hamperster Dance members, I'm alive. i've been really busy lately and haven't been on much so I'm srry if i caused worry and just wanted to pist that I'm here still. i'll leave with my lastest work...



You pass him in the hall

He smirks at you and laughs

You're his arch enemy and the feelings of hate are double in return for him

You look away, unable to make up an insult

But deep in your heart you sense that you should look back

But being a high schooler you continue never seeing the brown eyes that follow you down the hall


He walks past you in the lobby

You ignore his subtle jab that's his greeting and continue to study

In college you never have time to look for fun, real fun with a real man

Yet that's an excuse your friends say as he passes by with a new girl on his arm


You bump into him in stairwell

Papers fly everywhere

Yet as your eyes meet you know it's time

it's time to stop hiding behind the hate of a child, the dislike of a young woman, and the acts of a fellow doctor.

it's time to find your soulmate, the one that is right in front of you.

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Hey! Hamperster Dance members, I'm alive. i've been really busy lately and haven't been on much so I'm srry if i caused worry and just wanted to pist that I'm here still. i'll leave with my lastest work...



You pass him in the hall

He smirks at you and laughs

You're his arch enemy and the feelings of hate are double in return for him

You look away, unable to make up an insult

But deep in your heart you sense that you should look back

But being a high schooler you continue never seeing the brown eyes that follow you down the hall


He walks past you in the lobby

You ignore his subtle jab that's his greeting and continue to study

In college you never have time to look for fun, real fun with a real man

Yet that's an excuse your friends say as he passes by with a new girl on his arm


You bump into him in stairwell

Papers fly everywhere

Yet as your eyes meet you know its time

it's time to stop hiding behind the hate of a child, the dislike of a young woman, and the acts of a fellow doctor.

it's time to find your soulmate, the one that is right in front of you.

Thanks for stopping in. We were concerned about you and are happy to hear that you came to let us now things are okay.


Great poem. You are a most talented writer!!!


Please go to Glowurm's topic (via the link) and pick a face. We need all the faces to be chosen for the story and there are three remaining.


Even though you may not be here, we need for Glowurm to start his story and he won't do that until all the faces are chosen.


Thank you.


And please do stop in and pist again.

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  • 3 weeks later...


There was no pain when she first faced him

There was no pain when she landed the first hit out of pure luck

There it was... swinging though her as she stumbled to gain her footing

There was pain , more now as she blocked hit after hit

he was taunting her, she knew it

That hurt to but oddly more then the blade slicing though flesh

suddenly, Pain was everywhere, she had let him past.

She had failed her friends, her family, and her duty to her town

She gasped as cold air seemed to gasp her and engulf her

Pain was everywhere as she gasped"I'm cold"

But the pain left as she saw her teacher knell near her and said"I know"


This is a poem about a fight I'm going to have in one of my stories when its posted I let you guess which one.

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There was no pain when she first faced him

There was no pain when she landed the first hit out of pure luck

There it was... swinging though her as she stumbled to gain her footing

There was pain , more now as she blocked hit after hit

he was taunting her, she knew it

That hurt to but oddly more then the blade slicing though flesh

suddenly, Pain was everywhere, she had let him past.

She had failed her friends, her family, and her duty to her town

She gasped as cold air seemed to gasp her and engulf her

Pain was everywhere as she gasped"I'm cold"

But the pain left as she saw her teacher kneel near her and said"I know"


This is a poem about a fight I'm going to have in one of my stories when its posted I let you guess which one.

Your poem is fantastic. Now I have to go back and find the story! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Watching, Waiting, and Winning

She walks past you, catching a bit of her perfume as you pass

You smirk and laugh to cover up the feeling of nervousness you get when she is around

She hates you and knowing this you return her feelings , even if you wish you didn't have to

she looks away and walks past you knowing she couldn't make up an insult

You wish she would look back to see your apolitic smile

But she leaves you behind on her way to class with your eyes trailing after her


You pass her in lobby , her blond hair braid and out of her glasses that help her scan the page

You use a insult as a greeting, but she is unfazed, by the greeting that has become part of your love and hate relationship

You walk past her and wonder if she was still with him, refusing to give him a name because you know that he'll never care for her the way you do

There are rumors that she really likes you but you ignore them and the subtle hints your friends leave as you walk past her with some girl on your arm, you wonder if the girl knows that she's there only because she' to busy studying


She bumps into you in the stairwell

Your papers and her's scatter mixing on the floor

You know that you should leave, that hope she cares sailed long ago, but your eyes catch hers

She knows , just as you do , that its time

Its time to stop hiding behind a image, that you can't win her though jeoleous, and the time to end your sorrow dqys and lonely nights

its time to gain what you spend your life during by watching, waiting, and now by winning, its time to have your life with your soul mate, the one in front of you


this is the guy's version of Soulmate

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