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- Kat -

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Alright, so aprox. two weeks ago, Wayside Waifs brought some dogs out to the Ren Fest to try and get them adopted. My dad, who has always been the most cautious in our family to make large decisions and who has always been staunchly against any more pets, nearly adopted one then and there. Her name is Annie, and even though he didn't get her that Sunday, he and my mom and brother and I talked about it, and Annie came home with us today! ^.^

She's a black lab/hound mix with some white patches on her chest and toes, and she's about 8 months old. When they found her, she was literally starving, which stunted her growth, so she's smaller than a lab and probably won't get much bigger than she is now, but she's a good sized dog. She's still really thin, but we're gonna work on getting her healthy. As of right now, Puck watches her like a hawk and hisses when she gets too close, and Sophie blatently refuses to acknowledge her existance and instead hides in my parents' closet where she can pretend nothing is happening.

But yeah, we got a dog =D Her name may or may not remain Annie. I think we can come up with something better, but if we come to find that it really suits her, then I guess it can stay.

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