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I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I certainly joined with the intention of posting more but things have gotten in the way lately of a lot of things. I'm in the process of working on getting into a school (almost done with that) and also doing a lot of looking for work. So it's been a little crazy lately. I will be posting though :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I certainly joined with the intention of posting more but things have gotten in the way lately of a lot of things. I'm in the process of working on getting into a school (almost done with that) and also doing a lot of looking for work. So it's been a little crazy lately. I will be posting though :)

Good luck with your school application. What kind of school is it?

FedEx hs one of the best television stations in the USA, so if you were looking at a job in that area, it would be a great place to apply.

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I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I certainly joined with the intention of posting more but things have gotten in the way lately of a lot of things. I'm in the process of working on getting into a school (almost done with that) and also doing a lot of looking for work. So it's been a little crazy lately. I will be posting though :)

Good luck with your school application. What kind of school is it?

FedEx hs one of the best television stations in the USA, so if you were looking at a job in that area, it would be a great place to apply.


It's the Art Institute Online. I'm doing web design and interactive media. Starting Monday.

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So, in an effort to contribute to the forum, here is a writing I did for my class. It's basically a little introduction about me. You can see how I write (not bad I say ;) ) and you can learn a bit about me as well...


Hello to all. My name is Sean. I’m glad to be here at the Art Institute Online. Especially considering my past education has been limited and not fulfilled to my desires. A big regret of mine was walking away from high school in my first year. I started on my path to more education when I went back and got my GED. I wasn’t sure where to go from there. I wanted to attend the New England Institute of Art. I visited the school to check it out a few times. I very much liked what I saw but it turned out to be an out of reach goal at the time. Living more than 30 miles away from the school which was just outside of Boston, I didn’t have much of a way to get there every day. Nor did I have the money for housing. I instead chose to attend a community college in my own city. I left shortly after because I didn’t feel like it was what I wanted to do. Then, I moved to Florida and even farther away from any of the Art Institutes. That brings me here.


Right now, school is a top priority for me. I have been jobless since I moved to Florida in January of 2008. It is, at this moment, October 2008. I have a strong desire to achieve more success than any of the rest of my immediate family. I’ve seen hard times. I don’t want my future family to be living the same way. For this reason, I have a strong desire to complete this degree. No one else in my immediate family completed college. I want to be the one to do it. I want to look back years from now and be proud of my accomplishments. I want my future children to be proud of their father. I want to be a positive role model for them. All of that makes it of the utmost importance that I finish this degree and achieve the success that I desire.


I know it will be difficult. I fear procrastination. I am worried that I will get into the habit of putting assignments and readings off to the last minute. I have always had a great problem with that. In school as a child, I had problems doing homework. I would hardly ever do it. After I walked away from high school, I attempted an online course to receive my high school diploma. I didn’t complete it because of my bad habit of procrastinating. I plan to make it different this time. I am more motivated than ever to finish. For once, I see the future I want starting to take shape. I have been working as hard as I possibly can to keep up with everything in my life and stay ahead. I am proud of how I’ve been doing lately and plan to keep it that way. I am ready for success.

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I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I certainly joined with the intention of posting more but things have gotten in the way lately of a lot of things. I'm in the process of working on getting into a school (almost done with that) and also doing a lot of looking for work. So it's been a little crazy lately. I will be posting though :)

Good luck with your school application. What kind of school is it?

FedEx hs one of the best television stations in the USA, so if you were looking at a job in that area, it would be a great place to apply.


It's the Art Institute Online. I'm doing web design and interactive media. Starting Monday.

Very cool !!!!!!!!!! You should do very, very well.

FedEx has a phenomenal IT department with four massive locations spaced around the USA.

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So, in an effort to contribute to the forum, here is a writing I did for my class. It's basically a little introduction about me. You can see how I write (not bad I say ;) ) and you can learn a bit about me as well...


Hello to all. My name is Sean. I’m glad to be here at the Art Institute Online. Especially considering my past education has been limited and not fulfilled to my desires. A big regret of mine was walking away from high school in my first year. I started on my path to more education when I went back and got my GED. I wasn’t sure where to go from there. I wanted to attend the New England Institute of Art. I visited the school to check it out a few times. I very much liked what I saw but it turned out to be an out of reach goal at the time. Living more than 30 miles away from the school which was just outside of Boston, I didn’t have much of a way to get there every day. Nor did I have the money for housing. I instead chose to attend a community college in my own city. I left shortly after because I didn’t feel like it was what I wanted to do. Then, I moved to Florida and even farther away from any of the Art Institutes. That brings me here.


Right now, school is a top priority for me. I have been jobless since I moved to Florida in January of 2008. It is, at this moment, October 2008. I have a strong desire to achieve more success than any of the rest of my immediate family. I’ve seen hard times. I don’t want my future family to be living the same way. For this reason, I have a strong desire to complete this degree. No one else in my immediate family completed college. I want to be the one to do it. I want to look back years from now and be proud of my accomplishments. I want my future children to be proud of their father. I want to be a positive role model for them. All of that makes it of the utmost importance that I finish this degree and achieve the success that I desire.


I know it will be difficult. I fear procrastination. I am worried that I will get into the habit of putting assignments and readings off to the last minute. I have always had a great problem with that. In school as a child, I had problems doing homework. I would hardly ever do it. After I walked away from high school, I attempted an online course to receive my high school diploma. I didn’t complete it because of my bad habit of procrastinating. I plan to make it different this time. I am more motivated than ever to finish. For once, I see the future I want starting to take shape. I have been working as hard as I possibly can to keep up with everything in my life and stay ahead. I am proud of how I’ve been doing lately and plan to keep it that way. I am ready for success.


You sound like you have decided your path and I do believe you will follow your dreams. There are a few Art Institutes in Florida. If you are near a big city, check and see if there is a school near you. The only reason I know this is because I have wanted to take some courses at the Art Institute and I also live in Florida.


Because you are driven, I do believe you will follow through. You are talking to the world's worst procrastinator, so I understand completely, the problem of putting things off. Hopefully this was be in the past as you get into something you really enjoy.


We are here for you and if you ever need support, you can count on us.


Good luck! We know you will be a superb success!

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I should somehow work you into my story. Your username stands for "Wannabe Film Maker", right? I don't have any characters with video cameras.


Yes, that's correct. That's what I am :D


At the moment, I'm on hold on the phone with godaddy customer support. And it's after 1 in the morning. Yay for 24/7 support! lol

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I should somehow work you into my story. Your username stands for "Wannabe Film Maker", right? I don't have any characters with video cameras.


Yes, that's correct. That's what I am :D


At the moment, I'm on hold on the phone with godaddy customer support. And it's after 1 in the morning. Yay for 24/7 support! lol

:lol: The worst part is that you are 'on hold' and it is 01H00 in the morning. :lol:

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I should somehow work you into my story. Your username stands for "Wannabe Film Maker", right? I don't have any characters with video cameras.


Yes, that's correct. That's what I am :D


At the moment, I'm on hold on the phone with godaddy customer support. And it's after 1 in the morning. Yay for 24/7 support! lol

:lol: The worst part is that you are 'on hold' and it is 01H00 in the morning. :lol:


Yeah, that's an annoying part but at least they have good friendly support and get the job done :D

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I should somehow work you into my story. Your username stands for "Wannabe Film Maker", right? I don't have any characters with video cameras.


Yes, that's correct. That's what I am :D


At the moment, I'm on hold on the phone with godaddy customer support. And it's after 1 in the morning. Yay for 24/7 support! lol

:lol: The worst part is that you are 'on hold' and it is 01H00 in the morning. :lol:


Yeah, that's an annoying part but at least they have good friendly support and get the job done :D

That's if you don't fall asleep while on hold. :lol:

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hehe sneak attack:


Paz posts reply in thread



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This was a blog I wrote earlier tonight while still in a very very emotional state. I'm still very upset. Crushed.



2001 - October 20, 2008

Goodbye little buddy. I miss you.


Saying goodbye is not what I wanted to do tonight. But it's what I had to do. I lost my best friend tonight. He was my best friend since March of 2002. For more than 6 years he has always been right there. Now he's gone. Just like that.


I was right there with him when he went. Not saying goodbye. But saying please don't go. I was saying please don't go long after he had already. I couldn't let him go. I don't want to let him go. But he's gone.


My only comfort in this moment is that he knows I was right there with him when he did go. And I know I was with him.


I miss you so much already, Georgie. I'll never ever forget you, my best friend.

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This was a blog I wrote earlier tonight while still in a very very emotional state. I'm still very upset. Crushed.



2001 - October 20, 2008

Goodbye little buddy. I miss you.


Saying goodbye is not what I wanted to do tonight. But it's what I had to do. I lost my best friend tonight. He was my best friend since March of 2002. For more than 6 years he has always been right there. Now he's gone. Just like that.


I was right there with him when he went. Not saying goodbye. But saying please don't go. I was saying please don't go long after he had already. I couldn't let him go. I don't want to let him go. But he's gone.


My only comfort in this moment is that he knows I was right there with him when he did go. And I know I was with him.


I miss you so much already, Georgie. I'll never ever forget you, my best friend.

Oh my goodness... you have my deepest sympathies in the loss of your friend. I know just how much it hurts to lose your best friend. If you have a picture of him, please post it as we would love to see him.


Again, I'm so sorry to hear you have lost a dear friend.



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