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argh, i tripped


whoa, where am i?




oh yeah


well i'm off again

Schimmi........... we have missed you!!!!!!!

Here is a link. When you arrive next, go to the Warm Wishes forum, into the IMPORTANT TOPIC, EVERYONE PLEASE READ topic, and please agree to the terms in the first post.

You will be approved for your posts to appear immediately. Hope you show back up.




In the meantime, please take a look at my topic... I have a second motorcycle and have taken some pictures on my ride yesterday.




You have links to both places. Don't be gone so long!!!!!!

We miss seeing you!!!!!!


I have been watching the news about some North Dakota farmers having good fortune where they are drilling for oil on their land.

That sure changes things for some of these people.

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I have been watching the news about some North Dakota farmers having good fortune where they are drilling for oil on their land.

That sure changes things for some of these people.


yay cheaper gas


even though i don't drive...


i could, but i don't


and we still have the majority of the nuclear silos in the us


so that's nice

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