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i keep forgetting about this place!


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amazing that people still come here!


umm... i dont even know what to say lol...


im home schooled this year to focus on my music writing and recording so ive been UBER busy lately... but i remembered about HD in the back recesses of my mind, i think it's amazing that people still come and post here!


umm is it possible i can upload an original peice of work i recorded? its only 30 seconds long and its a small file, i just wanted to know what you guys think about it

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amazing that people still come here!


umm... i dont even know what to say lol...


im home schooled this year to focus on my music writing and recording so ive been UBER busy lately... but i remembered about HD in the back recesses of my mind, i think it's amazing that people still come and post here!


umm is it possible i can upload an original peice of work i recorded? its only 30 seconds long and its a small file, i just wanted to know what you guys think about it



No, just kidding.

Good to see you back Moooosay! ^_^

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haha, well... i guess i couldnt exactly expect the welcome train this late at night... well at least here in FL, its 11:33

I was flying from Ft. Lauderdale to Newark and then back again this morning.

Sorry I missed you. We are always so happy to see you here and wish that you would stop by more often.

How's the group in your town? Please ask them to stop in and say hello.

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thing is i dont know anything about the whole recording dealio, so i just pretty much lay down a track and it's there... that short little thing i uploaded was 1.6 MB i think, a professionally recorded song is normally like 3 MB for 3minutes or so...


maybe when i get the money to purchase a professional recording program the problem will be fixed, until then its short little snippits for now!

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thing is i dont know anything about the whole recording dealio, so i just pretty much lay down a track and it's there... that short little thing i uploaded was 1.6 MB i think, a professionally recorded song is normally like 3 MB for 3minutes or so...


maybe when i get the money to purchase a professional recording program the problem will be fixed, until then its short little snippits for now!

Mac's have some awesome music programs. My friend is a jingle writer and performer and he uses Macs exclusively. I will ask him what he uses. Perhaps this will give you some ideas.

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sounds good! thing is im a windows XP roller... so yeah... Macs are way too expensive for me!

I prefer PCs as well, but I've been told that macs are actually much better for audio and video type things.

i dearly love macs, they had one at school when i was in the TV Production class, it was amazing! i cant dish out 3k for a computer though... im thinking about saving up and getting the HP Touchsmart PC, even though i just got this computer at the beginning of summer

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sounds good! thing is im a windows XP roller... so yeah... Macs are way too expensive for me!

I prefer PCs as well, but I've been told that macs are actually much better for audio and video type things.

i dearly love macs, they had one at school when i was in the TV Production class, it was amazing! i cant dish out 3k for a computer though... im thinking about saving up and getting the HP Touchsmart PC, even though i just got this computer at the beginning of summer

Not all Macs are 3 grand. Let me do some research and tell you what is available and what the prices are. Plus, if you could get a letter from your school that you attend there, they have a pretty good school discount. I will talk to the people at the Apple Store in Orlando and let you know what I find out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think that sounds like the intro to a truly epic song... I want moar.

thanks lol, we made moar to it... but it was random ranting and raving of my friend kyle and i... idk if uploading it would be worth it haha

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