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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

mystery lovebites

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sometimes i feel so bad

for all of us

splitting up my heart

my own selfish desires

leading me to two conclusions

ones small and angry

the other big and random

everytime i think ive made up my mind

the other surprises me

and one knows hes sharing

while the other never asks.


at first i added this to my list of issues

but untill im forced to choose

it'll be okay

i think i know what i want in the end

if he'll pay attention to me long enough

if he'll treat me right

but what if im chasing what i already have

in other arms?


im torn in half

past lovers

once lovers

now lovers

two lovers

stronger lovers


when two hold my heart

its all about where i currently rest my head

which isnt fair to any of us

im unfair

but he doesnt even know

which is better for us both

but im dying for a phone call

dying for the 7 words

'i miss you, baby i love you'

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This is phenomenal!!!!!!!!!


*hands xMyOwnMindx The Double Platinum Moon Award*


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