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Writers needed for the new Hampster Herald!

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Yes that's right, we are starting our own online newspaper called "The Hampster Herald". We are looking for writers for news, movie reviews, restaurant reviews, editorial, public interest, etc. We also need photographers and artists. Also editors.


Do you think you have what it takes? Let us know.


Let us know of any suggestions you might have.


More info to follow shortly!

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Sounds interesting... I might join in. ^_^


I remember doing class newspapers in library class in like 7th grade. My mom was the librarian, so I was the lucky one who got to type up all of the newspapers. XD



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There's a lot of photographers here who could definitely help out.


Perhaps I could lend my writing talents to it? I don't really know what I'd write, though. I don't see movies often enough to write reviews, nor do I watch the news. Perhaps I could get a job writing music or video game reviews? I dunno. it sounds like a cool project.

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I can take pictures. :lol:

You also are a terrific writer. I was thinking for those people who can't write... they can take photographs.

I am? :huh: Poetry maybe, but I don't generally have the motivation to write much.

You may lack motivation, but you are still a terrific writer when you do write.

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It looks like we have the makings of a staff. (Or at least part of a staff.)


Is there anyone who would be interested in writing "happy" news stories? If you are like me, you get depressed reading the newspaper or watching the news. Somewhere out there is a story that is inspiring or upbeat. Why does news always show the worst side of people? Any news stories submitted must be accurate and real.





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It looks like we have the makings of a staff. (Or at least part of a staff.)


Is there anyone who would be interested in writing "happy" news stories? If you are like me, you get depressed reading the newspaper or watching the news. Somewhere out there is a story that is inspiring or upbeat. Why does news always show the worst side of people? Any news stories submitted must be accurate and real.





I'll write some 'Happy' news stories, though I don't know where to get any happy news stories. I've only seen one or two happy news stories in my life.

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It looks like we have the makings of a staff. (Or at least part of a staff.)


Is there anyone who would be interested in writing "happy" news stories? If you are like me, you get depressed reading the newspaper or watching the news. Somewhere out there is a story that is inspiring or upbeat. Why does news always show the worst side of people? Any news stories submitted must be accurate and real.





I like happy! :D



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I think it would be fun to report on things, really. I mean, What sort of things would the articles be about?

Local news? International News? Hamster news?

Kinda vague concept, but a good one none-the-less.

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I think it would be fun to report on things, really. I mean, What sort of things would the articles be about?

Local news? International News? Hamster news?

Kinda vague concept, but a good one none-the-less.

Yeah, that was going to be my question, are we having news reports about our members here, about the world, our neighborhoods, all of the above? I love the happy news idea though. ^_^

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I wouldnt mind doing a story every now and then when I get the chance. (Lots o' stuff happening) but yeah, I'd be glad to help out.

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Do-able. What do you want me to write about? Also I can do some graphical design if needed.

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Count me in! :D

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Does it matter that I'm new here? lol


I have a talent. I'm a kinda sorta photographer. As in, I'm an amateur photographer. But people like my stuff. I wouldn't mind contributing.


Just ask Topazia; I'm good with a camera :)


And if you want to see what kind of photography I do, I can direct you to my online gallery.

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Does it matter that I'm new here? lol


I have a talent. I'm a kinda sorta photographer. As in, I'm an amateur photographer. But people like my stuff. I wouldn't mind contributing.


Just ask Topazia; I'm good with a camera :)


And if you want to see what kind of photography I do, I can direct you to my online gallery.

Wonderful!!! Everyone is welcome to participate. Please... photographs, written works, whatever you wish to contribute.

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Does it matter that I'm new here? lol


I have a talent. I'm a kinda sorta photographer. As in, I'm an amateur photographer. But people like my stuff. I wouldn't mind contributing.


Just ask Topazia; I'm good with a camera :)


And if you want to see what kind of photography I do, I can direct you to my online gallery.

Wonderful!!! Everyone is welcome to participate. Please... photographs, written works, whatever you wish to contribute.


Awesome. I'm glad I'll be able to help. I'm not bad with writing either so I'd be happy to contribute there as well. I just like working on a team and contributing. So count me in for photographs and some writing for sure.

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Does it matter that I'm new here? lol


I have a talent. I'm a kinda sorta photographer. As in, I'm an amateur photographer. But people like my stuff. I wouldn't mind contributing.


Just ask Topazia; I'm good with a camera :)


And if you want to see what kind of photography I do, I can direct you to my online gallery.

Wonderful!!! Everyone is welcome to participate. Please... photographs, written works, whatever you wish to contribute.


Awesome. I'm glad I'll be able to help. I'm not bad with writing either so I'd be happy to contribute there as well. I just like working on a team and contributing. So count me in for photographs and some writing for sure.


Fantastic! This will be great!

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Any other graphical work jut messge me, I really think PM's should be enabled :/. Anyway yeah, I'll take time to do it bcause of school nd my e-fedding.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so when does this start?

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Oh, okay. Well, let me know what HK says. I'd be glad to toss something into the mix. I just need a topic.

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omg I just had the most hilarious idea! We could have an advice column kinda like arkcher's bad advice topic!

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