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The Olympics

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I watched it at the pizza place. (I was there with my mom, my mom's boyfriend, and his daughter) Very awesome.

LOL I was just watching some of the Olympics at a pizza place....




The opening ceremony was really cool....I even missed watching Monk to see it! :P The Olympics is like the only time I actually watch sports...



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I know, just the coordination involved with all those people amazes me. It's like marching band x1000. And I think to myself, "We had a hard enough time just getting 30 people in a choir to walk down an aisle and into risers in an orderly manner......"

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I know, just the coordination involved with all those people amazes me. It's like marching band x1000. And I think to myself, "We had a hard enough time just getting 30 people in a choir to walk down an aisle and into risers in an orderly manner......"

I searched and it was interesting that many sites had the opening ceremony video removed due to copyright violations.

Saw a little bit of it on a Dutch website. Incredible. Sorry I missed it.

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I know, just the coordination involved with all those people amazes me. It's like marching band x1000. And I think to myself, "We had a hard enough time just getting 30 people in a choir to walk down an aisle and into risers in an orderly manner......"

I searched and it was interesting that many sites had the opening ceremony video removed due to copyright violations.

Saw a little bit of it on a Dutch website. Incredible. Sorry I missed it.

Copyright? Jeez that's dumb. The big news networks might have it up on their websites, and more people might continue to try and put clips on youtube.

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I know, just the coordination involved with all those people amazes me. It's like marching band x1000. And I think to myself, "We had a hard enough time just getting 30 people in a choir to walk down an aisle and into risers in an orderly manner......"

I searched and it was interesting that many sites had the opening ceremony video removed due to copyright violations.

Saw a little bit of it on a Dutch website. Incredible. Sorry I missed it.

Copyright? Jeez that's dumb. The big news networks might have it up on their websites, and more people might continue to try and put clips on youtube.

So far, all the YouTube clips I have searched, have been removed. I hadn't thought of looking at NBC. I just Yahooed the search.

Perhaps the Chinese have a plan to make money with it. I looked at some of it on the 'official' Chinese site. Impressive.

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I don't like the way the chinese government simulates an ideal world and violates the human rights behind the front.

Every critical word is censored...

I agree. People who don't look deeper than the glitz and glamour don't see the dark interior of oppression, censorship and total control.

At the moment, I am at the site of the 2010 Winter Olympics. They are in the process of making some of the event structures. Exciting!!!

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