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What do you think we all look like?

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Try to describe, using as many details as possible, what you think the other members of the bored actually look like in real life. Wait until five guesses are made about you, until you reveal who was closest.

No hard feelings on anyone...



I've always had this image in my head about Kat, but I'm sure it's wrong.


Short, maybe 5'2". Thin. Shoulder length Blonde hair. Green Eyes. Well defined cheekbones. Ashlee Simpson's old nose.

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Muwaha, I remain an anomaly >D But yeah, I guess I need to wait until four more people guess how I look now, then Tibs can see how close he was XD

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Muwaha, I remain an anomaly >D But yeah, I guess I need to wait until four more people guess how I look now, then Tibs can see how close he was XD

I think Kat looks like a ninja irl.


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I think its hilarious everyones guessing what Kat looks like.



so I'll join in.


red-hairded, overall slender, ever-so-slightly pale with numerous freckles, and eye color is whatever it is. i dont care. Neon purple. yeah, that'd be cool. Very luminous.


And just to mix things up a bit, i envision Lexxy-man to be on the tall side, with rather short light brown hair, bearing that 'awesome person' look. the sort that most other college students who actually know what they're doing, kind of look. not sure how else to describe it D:


As for Horatio, I imagine a small light brown hamster with like two white stripes maybe. bigger eyes than most. sleeps a lot.

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For 'Rasihey, are we guessing the hamster or Patricia? XD

:blink::blink: There is a human involved here? :blink::blink:

:unsure: Of course not! :unsure:

MW! You bad girl. Underage drinking is bad enough, but to get that drunk that you would say such a thing is just horrific.

Tisk tisk tisk! :lol:

:lol: LOL :lol:

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What do people think I look like? :)



Ummm, I'm not a people, so I will wait to see what the people say.

hey, hamsters is people Too..

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I guess for a hamster, I can type pretty well. LOL

Yes, you can guess too, Horatio... ;)



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What do people think I look like? :)



Ummm, I'm not a people, so I will wait to see what the people say.

hey, hamsters is people Too..

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I guess for a hamster, I can type pretty well. LOL

Yes, you can guess too, Horatio... ;)



Brown hair about shoulder length to start.

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Mmkay, I'll try a few. Here I go. O:


Tibs: Mid-height, thin. Short, kind of messy brown hair with maybe some blonde-ish highlights. I dunno the eyes, maybe green or hazel? Kind of tan.


Lexxy-Man: Tall and lean. Sandy blonde, shaggy hair maybe down the the neck and some sort of beard, at least some stubble or something. Blue-ish/grey eyes, skin maybe a little pale but not ghostly or anything.


Dog Lover: Kind of on the short side, again thin. Dirty blonde hair that goes a few inches past the shoulders, and it's slightly wavy. Blueish/green eyes, skin maybe a little tan.


XD I'm sure those are all totally off.

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I imagine Kat to be about 5'5'', thin but not anorexically so, red and blonde hair, pale, and overall cute. But I dunno. She could be some lumpy old guy with a potbelly and half the recommended number of teeth.

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I already know what Jesusfreak, MW, Arkcher, Taynio, and Cheesemaster look like....hmm, not much guessing.


well, I already know what Cheeseman, MW, and Arkky look like. I don't think I could make very good guesses for everyone else.


wait, what?

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I already know what Jesusfreak, MW, Arkcher, Taynio, and Cheesemaster look like....hmm, not much guessing.


well, I already know what Cheeseman, MW, and Arkky look like. I don't think I could make very good guesses for everyone else.


wait, what?


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XD I guess if we're counting Cheesey's as two, then I'd say the closest was...umm, this is hard...maybe Arkcher? He definitely wasn't spot on, but his might be closest.


I find it interesting that most people thought I have green eyes XD Hmm.


Leguan: I'd say kind of short with an athletic build, tan skin, and black, short, kind of spikey hair, maybe brown eyes. XD Again, probably totally off, I made up up on the spot.

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Mmkay, I'll try a few. Here I go. O:


Tibs: Mid-height, thin. Short, kind of messy brown hair with maybe some blonde-ish highlights. I dunno the eyes, maybe green or hazel? Kind of tan.


Lexxy-Man: Tall and lean. Sandy blonde, shaggy hair maybe down the the neck and some sort of beard, at least some stubble or something. Blue-ish/grey eyes, skin maybe a little pale but not ghostly or anything.


Dog Lover: Kind of on the short side, again thin. Dirty blonde hair that goes a few inches past the shoulders, and it's slightly wavy. Blueish/green eyes, skin maybe a little tan.


XD I'm sure those are all totally off.

A few things are correct. =]


Lets see some more for me. :lol::lol::lol:

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Mmkay, I'll try a few. Here I go. O:


Tibs: Mid-height, thin. Short, kind of messy brown hair with maybe some blonde-ish highlights. I dunno the eyes, maybe green or hazel? Kind of tan.


Lexxy-Man: Tall and lean. Sandy blonde, shaggy hair maybe down the the neck and some sort of beard, at least some stubble or something. Blue-ish/grey eyes, skin maybe a little pale but not ghostly or anything.


Dog Lover: Kind of on the short side, again thin. Dirty blonde hair that goes a few inches past the shoulders, and it's slightly wavy. Blueish/green eyes, skin maybe a little tan.


XD I'm sure those are all totally off.

A few things are correct. =]


Lets see some more for me. :lol::lol::lol:

I'll try! Oh no wait, I met you in real life. :P But I have a bad memory for faces (well a bad memory in general) so I could probably still play. LOL



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I'm curious as to how people think I look like too D:

On the short side. Brown hair with various streaks of who knows what.

Green Eyes.

On the thin side.

Wow, a lot of people online think I'm Brunette. o_o I have blond hair. But I do get streaks of color a lot, like Pink and Blue. So you got that part right. Yay!

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  • 3 weeks later...

ok, i was just thinking about starting a topic like this then i was like OMGGGG YAY because its here :D



A. what do you people think i look like? even though in most of the pictures i post of me you can clearly see me except i'll have large glasses on and a blob where my mouth should be.. or a smiley over my head lol. And horatio, no you cannot answer, you have clearly seen me in my youtube video lol


B. My Predictions!

1. MK - I see you as shorter... with medium length hair... and now i know its blonde but w/e lol. Um, hazel eyes and generally an attractive person...

2. Cheesey - Tallish, dark blonde kindof wavy hair.. green eyes, and also generally attractive.. i see everyone here as attractive because everyone has great personalities :]

3. Dog Lover - light brown hair, average height, wavy hair,blue eyes, smiling a lot lol.... again with the generally attractive

4. TBFOF - brown hair, brown eyes, i also imagine short messyish hair "..."

5. Kat - whats a cool word for hair color... MAHOGANY! lol, yes mahogany hair, tallish, thin, pale "..."

6. MW - blonde and like 5'7''... lol i dont remember any pictures and for some reason i cant imagine you lol "..."

7. arkcher - hmm. tall, dirty blonde, for some reason glasses comes to mind lol i dont know why "..."


and yes me typing "..." is lazy-talk for generally attractive

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  • 4 weeks later...

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