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okay you guys

go to the "cracked" website and search "creepiest advertising"

click on The 5 Creepiest Advertising Techniques of the (Near) Future


Some of these are already in effect (and the people at cracked just make everything funny) but it is SCARY. I would post the article here, but I would have to change it around because of 'inappropriate text' but seriously, check it out.


Also I've heard that by 2025 there will be a computer available for 1$ that will be as smart as a human brain. And by 2050 or so, something like The Matrix will be available, first for video games and virtual reality, but later the AI will get so smart there's a possibility it would end up a lot like the movie.

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As I was poking around on that website, I found a list of the 20 most bizzare celbrity baby names....this one especially made me laugh. :lol:



#2 Tu Morrow

Child Of: Rob Morrow (from the TV show Numb3rs)


Now, we've just about reached the lowest of the low. Below the wacky joke names, and the pretentious hippie names, we have the pun names. Tu Morrow.


We've heard tales of these people; the ones named "Mary Christmas" and "Candy Barr." It's not only the worst kind of name, it's the worst kind of humor. "Tu Morrow?" That's not one of those things that starts out funny and then wears out its welcome with time; that stops being funny before you say it. It doesn't get any worse than this.




Just thought that was amusing....you can search for the whole list if you want.



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Some of these are already in effect (and the people at cracked just make everything funny) but it is SCARY. I would post the article here, but I would have to change it around because of 'inappropriate text' but seriously, check it out.

Very true... the language would definitely not pass the HampsterKing test.

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Some of these are already in effect (and the people at cracked just make everything funny) but it is SCARY. I would post the article here, but I would have to change it around because of 'inappropriate text' but seriously, check it out.

Very true... the language would definitely not pass the HampsterKing test.

Yeah...they could have gotten their message across without the profanity. :glare:



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