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What are you doing on the internet?

The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy

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Killing time before bed. I need it, I am SO tired. :closedeyes:

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I want to be listening to Pandora, so I have something to listen to as I write the next chapter of Invision, but then my computer becomes so slow and the cursor so manic it's impossible to do so.

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Just arrived in Atlanta and am catching up on HampsterDance and work.

Could you buy a very thirsty eagle some coke whilst you're there? Please? :D

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Just arrived in Atlanta and am catching up on HampsterDance and work.

Could you buy a very thirsty eagle some coke whilst you're there? Please? :D

No problem.

*sends a rather large FedEx package to LifesEagle filled with cases and cases of coke*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watching my favourite peoples on Youtube. I discovered that I love video game reviews.

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Trying to figure out what in the world I'm doing after prom tomorrow.

Are you talking immediately after, as in 'after-prom activities' or the days and weeks following?


If it is the days and weeks after and I get awarded Paris, you can plan your next trip to visit me. :D

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Trying to figure out what in the world I'm doing after prom tomorrow.

Are you talking immediately after, as in 'after-prom activities' or the days and weeks following?


If it is the days and weeks after and I get awarded Paris, you can plan your next trip to visit me. :D




My retired French teacher is going to Paris on June 1st. I plan on climbing into her suitcase. ^_^

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Trying to figure out what in the world I'm doing after prom tomorrow.

Are you talking immediately after, as in 'after-prom activities' or the days and weeks following?


If it is the days and weeks after and I get awarded Paris, you can plan your next trip to visit me. :D




My retired French teacher is going to Paris on June 1st. I plan on climbing into her suitcase. ^_^

Immediately... good luck on that. Are there after-prom parties that might interest you?


Make sure you pack some food and water for the trip. Also bring a couple blankets, the luggage compartment tends not to have good flight attendant service. :lol:

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Trying to figure out what in the world I'm doing after prom tomorrow.

Are you talking immediately after, as in 'after-prom activities' or the days and weeks following?


If it is the days and weeks after and I get awarded Paris, you can plan your next trip to visit me. :D




My retired French teacher is going to Paris on June 1st. I plan on climbing into her suitcase. ^_^

Immediately... good luck on that. Are there after-prom parties that might interest you?


Make sure you pack some food and water for the trip. Also bring a couple blankets, the luggage compartment tends not to have good flight attendant service. :lol:

If I could go back to France, I wouldn't mind staying down there!

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Trying to figure out what in the world I'm doing after prom tomorrow.

Are you talking immediately after, as in 'after-prom activities' or the days and weeks following?


If it is the days and weeks after and I get awarded Paris, you can plan your next trip to visit me. :D




My retired French teacher is going to Paris on June 1st. I plan on climbing into her suitcase. ^_^

Immediately... good luck on that. Are there after-prom parties that might interest you?


Make sure you pack some food and water for the trip. Also bring a couple blankets, the luggage compartment tends not to have good flight attendant service. :lol:

If I could go back to France, I wouldn't mind staying down there!

That would be one lonnnnnnnnnngggggg flight.

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Trying to figure out what in the world I'm doing after prom tomorrow.

Are you talking immediately after, as in 'after-prom activities' or the days and weeks following?


If it is the days and weeks after and I get awarded Paris, you can plan your next trip to visit me. :D




My retired French teacher is going to Paris on June 1st. I plan on climbing into her suitcase. ^_^

Immediately... good luck on that. Are there after-prom parties that might interest you?


Make sure you pack some food and water for the trip. Also bring a couple blankets, the luggage compartment tends not to have good flight attendant service. :lol:

If I could go back to France, I wouldn't mind staying down there!

That would be one lonnnnnnnnnngggggg flight.

But entirely worth it!

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Trying to figure out what in the world I'm doing after prom tomorrow.

Are you talking immediately after, as in 'after-prom activities' or the days and weeks following?


If it is the days and weeks after and I get awarded Paris, you can plan your next trip to visit me. :D




My retired French teacher is going to Paris on June 1st. I plan on climbing into her suitcase. ^_^

Immediately... good luck on that. Are there after-prom parties that might interest you?


Make sure you pack some food and water for the trip. Also bring a couple blankets, the luggage compartment tends not to have good flight attendant service. :lol:

If I could go back to France, I wouldn't mind staying down there!

That would be one lonnnnnnnnnngggggg flight.

But entirely worth it!

Very, very true!


So... I guess I won't tell you that next month I plan on going to Paris for the day. :D

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