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What are you going to do after you get off the internet?


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Probably play more Children of Mana and F-Zero. Or I might read. That's always fun.


BUT! I'd much prefer if my mom came home from work so we could run errands.


No, really! I'm making full use of my Summer vacation!

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I'll probably write or draw, then eat dinner soon afterwards.


>___> This might take place fairly soon, as Kris's computer has teh lag liek woah.

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Showering and going to the store for getting envelopes and harassing Phil. :rolleyes:

WHATTTTTT? You are just taking a shower now????????? :blink:

I did that very early this morning. :lol: To the tune of hammer, hammer, hammer.

I think your computer is set to a different time zone than mine, looking at the quoted time. It was about 10:30am when I posted that. I don't get up very early in the morning lol.


When I get off the internet I'm probably going to go to the mall to get hair dye. I'm hoping I can grab Phil and take him with me so we can hang out for the day, and then grab Eamon so he can do the actual hair dying. :rolleyes:

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Showering and going to the store for getting envelopes and harassing Phil. :rolleyes:

WHATTTTTT? You are just taking a shower now????????? :blink:

I did that very early this morning. :lol: To the tune of hammer, hammer, hammer.

I think your computer is set to a different time zone than mine, looking at the quoted time. It was about 10:30am when I posted that. I don't get up very early in the morning lol.


When I get off the internet I'm probably going to go to the mall to get hair dye. I'm hoping I can grab Phil and take him with me so we can hang out for the day, and then grab Eamon so he can do the actual hair dying. :rolleyes:

If it doesn't rain... I plan on getting on my bicycle for a short ride.

Does not look promising though. Very, very dark clouds getting very, very close.

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Showering and going to the store for getting envelopes and harassing Phil. :rolleyes:

WHATTTTTT? You are just taking a shower now????????? :blink:

I did that very early this morning. :lol: To the tune of hammer, hammer, hammer.

I think your computer is set to a different time zone than mine, looking at the quoted time. It was about 10:30am when I posted that. I don't get up very early in the morning lol.


When I get off the internet I'm probably going to go to the mall to get hair dye. I'm hoping I can grab Phil and take him with me so we can hang out for the day, and then grab Eamon so he can do the actual hair dying. :rolleyes:

If it doesn't rain... I plan on getting on my bicycle for a short ride.

Does not look promising though. Very, very dark clouds getting very, very close.

Actually, going for a bike ride in the rain sounds like me it might be refreshing. Just wear a swimsuit. :lol:

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Showering and going to the store for getting envelopes and harassing Phil. :rolleyes:

WHATTTTTT? You are just taking a shower now????????? :blink:

I did that very early this morning. :lol: To the tune of hammer, hammer, hammer.

I think your computer is set to a different time zone than mine, looking at the quoted time. It was about 10:30am when I posted that. I don't get up very early in the morning lol.


When I get off the internet I'm probably going to go to the mall to get hair dye. I'm hoping I can grab Phil and take him with me so we can hang out for the day, and then grab Eamon so he can do the actual hair dying. :rolleyes:

If it doesn't rain... I plan on getting on my bicycle for a short ride.

Does not look promising though. Very, very dark clouds getting very, very close.

Actually, going for a bike ride in the rain sounds like me it might be refreshing. Just wear a swimsuit. :lol:

That would surely be a sight. A roly-poly hamster dressed in a swimsuit on a bicycle dodging the lightning bolts.

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Help teach photography class withi my mom. In fact, I shoudl be doing that now. *leaves computer*



Now the class is over...sorry for the typos! :blush:


after this...i have the dentist...




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Go to BetterTan and Starbucks.

BetterTAn??? How about just go outside? :blink:

I don't have the patience.

I'd rather be pale. Ohwait, I *am* pale. :lol: Actually, even this is tan for me, and it's from just doing stuff outside. I really need to get out more....

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Go to BetterTan and Starbucks.

BetterTAn??? How about just go outside? :blink:

I don't have the patience.

I'd rather be pale. Ohwait, I *am* pale. :lol: Actually, even this is tan for me, and it's from just doing stuff outside. I really need to get out more....

Well, I'm going to a wedding Saturday, so I wanted a little tan.



Speaking of the wedding...

I have to do a speech for my step-sister, and I am flipping outtttttttt!

I had a nervous breakdown trying to read it to a friend.

I cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnot do this infront of 200.


I need help.

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Go to BetterTan and Starbucks.

BetterTAn??? How about just go outside? :blink:

I don't have the patience.

I'd rather be pale. Ohwait, I *am* pale. :lol: Actually, even this is tan for me, and it's from just doing stuff outside. I really need to get out more....

Well, I'm going to a wedding Saturday, so I wanted a little tan.



Speaking of the wedding...

I have to do a speech for my step-sister, and I am flipping outtttttttt!

I had a nervous breakdown trying to read it to a friend.

I cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnot do this infront of 200.


I need help.

Start practicing in front of groups of friends and such. And relax. Breathe. There's nothing to be scared about.

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Sleeeeep. It's not that late, but I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

Lucky you!


I am flying from Oakland to Indianapolis.

Heading into the sun. :wacko:

Ewwww. >_< One of the things I hate the most about driving is going into the sun where it lights up every speck of dust on your windshield so you can't see anything. At least when you're in the air there's not much to hit and you have instruments to guide you.


After I get off the internet, I'm going to get Phil and drive him to work. And then probably get some things done, like the dishes. And figuring out how to download songs for rock band.

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I've gotta work on my summer assignment >____> It's due Friday and I'm not even a quarter of the way through the book.

What book? I have to read 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'The Plague Journal.' And also one book for AP statistics. (I have a choice of ten)


And 3 for book club, but I read those already.


Anyway...after i get off the internet, I'll probably eat dinner.



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I will be taking a shower and getting dressed and all that fun stuff. And then I have to go get Phil from work, but I might make it back online before I do that.

Phil will appreciate you taking a shower. :lol:


Getting out of bed would be the first step, followed by coffee than go to the workout room.

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I will be taking a shower and getting dressed and all that fun stuff. And then I have to go get Phil from work, but I might make it back online before I do that.

Phil will appreciate you taking a shower. :lol:


Getting out of bed would be the first step, followed by coffee than go to the workout room.

lol I think everyone will appreciate it. :lol:


I shall be going to sleep shortly.

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Sleep. School tomorrow.

WHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT school tomorrow??????? Not already. :(


I am going to get some milk and cookies.

No f'real. It's like, what happened to September?



I'll be going to school.

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Going on a walk to the Hudson River.

Is that allowed? I hope so.

I don't see why not. It's 315 miles long. With two sides.

I hope I proved my point.

:lol: That's okay. For all we know you could be by Burlington, Vermont or down in New York City. :lol:

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Going on a walk to the Hudson River.

Is that allowed? I hope so.

I don't see why not. It's 315 miles long. With two sides.

I hope I proved my point.

:lol: That's okay. For all we know you could be by Burlington, Vermont or down in New York City. :lol:


Werdddddddd, although Burlington is not near the Hudson. According to Google, it would take over a day to walk from Burlington, Vermont to the Hudson River.

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Going on a walk to the Hudson River.

Is that allowed? I hope so.

I don't see why not. It's 315 miles long. With two sides.

I hope I proved my point.

:lol: That's okay. For all we know you could be by Burlington, Vermont or down in New York City. :lol:


Werdddddddd, although Burlington is not near the Hudson. According to Google, it would take over a day to walk from Burlington, Vermont to the Hudson River.


And we all know the accuracy of google for walking times.

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Going on a walk to the Hudson River.

Is that allowed? I hope so.

I don't see why not. It's 315 miles long. With two sides.

I hope I proved my point.

:lol: That's okay. For all we know you could be by Burlington, Vermont or down in New York City. :lol:


Werdddddddd, although Burlington is not near the Hudson. According to Google, it would take over a day to walk from Burlington, Vermont to the Hudson River.


And we all know the accuracy of google for walking times.

Google knows everything. It's like a God. In fact, Google IS a God.

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Going on a walk to the Hudson River.

Is that allowed? I hope so.

I don't see why not. It's 315 miles long. With two sides.

I hope I proved my point.

:lol: That's okay. For all we know you could be by Burlington, Vermont or down in New York City. :lol:


Werdddddddd, although Burlington is not near the Hudson. According to Google, it would take over a day to walk from Burlington, Vermont to the Hudson River.


And we all know the accuracy of google for walking times.


Well it was ridiculously fast for the New York to California walk...


So maybe more than a day?


I don't know. Burlington is not within easy walking distance from the Hudson River. Let's just leave it at that.

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Avoiding painting the bathroom.

So, I am going to ride my bike.



That isn't good, 'H. Don't put off responsibilities like I am doing right now. >.


Too late! Nice weather and a very nice ride!!!!


But, after I get off this evening, I am going to finish packing, gather my study materials and go to bed early.

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Homework, which I should be doing now. So tell me to get off HD. LOL





How's that? :lol:

Thank you, I did. LOL

I have finished my homework for the weekend already...yay! Because I have a sweet 16 tomorrow night, and we might go to the Big E (this big fair in Massachusetts) on Sunday.


After I get off the internet, I should probably go to sleep, considering it's 1:11.



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Homework, which I should be doing now. So tell me to get off HD. LOL





How's that? :lol:

Thank you, I did. LOL

I have finished my homework for the weekend already...yay! Because I have a sweet 16 tomorrow night, and we might go to the Big E (this big fair in Massachusetts) on Sunday.


After I get off the internet, I should probably go to sleep, considering it's 1:11.




Fix your time zone then, cause you are behind by an hour.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Homework, which I should be doing now. So tell me to get off HD. LOL





How's that? :lol:

Thank you, I did. LOL

I have finished my homework for the weekend already...yay! Because I have a sweet 16 tomorrow night, and we might go to the Big E (this big fair in Massachusetts) on Sunday.


After I get off the internet, I should probably go to sleep, considering it's 1:11.




Fix your time zone then, cause you are behind by an hour.

That's weird. I checked, and it should be in the right zone. Whatever.



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Going to bed at some point, then tomorrow is Homecoming!


Hey tbfof, I heard Rachel is going to be at my dance. :blink: No idea how but that's pretty awesome. Kaity F. as well. ^_^



Have fun at Homecoming!!!!!!

Sounds like you are going to have a spectacular time!!!


As for me... when I get off the internet today, I am going out for another walk.

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Going to bed at some point, then tomorrow is Homecoming!


Hey tbfof, I heard Rachel is going to be at my dance. :blink: No idea how but that's pretty awesome. Kaity F. as well. ^_^



Have fun at Homecoming!!!!!!

Sounds like you are going to have a spectacular time!!!


As for me... when I get off the internet today, I am going out for another walk.

Thanks! I'm going to wash my hair, go over and have my friend's mom trim my hair, come back home, at some point shower, etc. get ready, and go to the dance at 7! :D



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Going to bed at some point, then tomorrow is Homecoming!


Hey tbfof, I heard Rachel is going to be at my dance. :blink: No idea how but that's pretty awesome. Kaity F. as well. ^_^



Have fun at Homecoming!!!!!!

Sounds like you are going to have a spectacular time!!!


As for me... when I get off the internet today, I am going out for another walk.

Thanks! I'm going to wash my hair, go over and have my friend's mom trim my hair, come back home, at some point shower, etc. get ready, and go to the dance at 7! :D



And of course, let us know all about Homecoming tomorrow!!! :D


I'm still going out for a walk. After eating all the food I will need to walk ten miles!!!!!

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Going to bed at some point, then tomorrow is Homecoming!


Hey tbfof, I heard Rachel is going to be at my dance. :blink: No idea how but that's pretty awesome. Kaity F. as well. ^_^



Have fun at Homecoming!!!!!!

Sounds like you are going to have a spectacular time!!!


As for me... when I get off the internet today, I am going out for another walk.

Thanks! I'm going to wash my hair, go over and have my friend's mom trim my hair, come back home, at some point shower, etc. get ready, and go to the dance at 7! :D



And of course, let us know all about Homecoming tomorrow!!! :D


I'm still going out for a walk. After eating all the food I will need to walk ten miles!!!!!

I will! It should be good.

Have a good walk! :)



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Going to bed at some point, then tomorrow is Homecoming!


Hey tbfof, I heard Rachel is going to be at my dance. :blink: No idea how but that's pretty awesome. Kaity F. as well. ^_^



Have fun at Homecoming!!!!!!

Sounds like you are going to have a spectacular time!!!


As for me... when I get off the internet today, I am going out for another walk.

Thanks! I'm going to wash my hair, go over and have my friend's mom trim my hair, come back home, at some point shower, etc. get ready, and go to the dance at 7! :D



And of course, let us know all about Homecoming tomorrow!!! :D


I'm still going out for a walk. After eating all the food I will need to walk ten miles!!!!!

I will! It should be good.

Have a good walk! :)



Thanks! I will!!!!!

The one interesting thing about the Hilton, they don't have any outlets (for computer plugs, etc.) so you can only eat so much before your computer dies. LOL

Good way to clear out the dining room. Although, I charged up my battery before I headed down to breakfast, so I have 42% remaining. Still time to do some food damage.

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