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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Inquire the Misinformed Advisor


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It was a worthy attempt, but I think its safe to say that the old topic has gone and died.


So, here's part 2 with some minor revisions.

first off the name is different.


Basically, this will be the topic for advising, question asking, question answering, so on, so forth.

Our own locally-run version of Yahoo Answers, only without the retarded questions [hopefully].


Be as serious or silly as you see fit, just be reasonable. I'd encourage some discussion topics that would have everyone post their unique view on the matter. ... Quite honestly, i havent any in mind that would fit in this category, I'm just following MW's suggestion to get some activity up and going.


Just like last time, anyone is welcome to ask a question, and unless otherwise specified anyone is welcome to answer it.

Be respectful of others opinions or views, should a touchy subject arise.


Theres no real limitations, so any question you may have... post them here.

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Where did I put my wallet?

In some blindingly obvious place, thats where my wallet always ends up being.


in my backpack, for example.


other my other pants pocket.

only, it doesnt make a bit of difference, guys. The balls are inert.

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What do the Hampsters eat for breakfast? :blink:

You'd know better than I would.

I'm a hamster... not a hamPster. :lol:

I'm a huMan. not a hamPster.


you're only 1 letter away :­P

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Does the Enclosed Instruction Book know the meaning of life?


Is David Bowie really God?

Well, if you checked out the enclosed instruction book like Mario told you, you'd know this for yourself.


If there was a G somewhere in his name, then he does have the potential to spell that. yeah.

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Does the Enclosed Instruction Book know the meaning of life?


Is David Bowie really God?

Well, if you checked out the enclosed instruction book like Mario told you, you'd know this for yourself.


If there was a G somewhere in his name, then he does have the potential to spell that. yeah.

I did, but it tried to kill me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If yuo go to Google Maps you can get walking directions. Pretty funny. I did from NY to CA, and it said it would take like 41 days. xD


But it would't let me go to places in Mexico for some reason. And it also didn't work from Spain to Beijing. That would have been funny. :P


So this wasn't technically a question, but interesting observatons that I didn't know where to post.



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If yuo go to Google Maps you can get walking directions. Pretty funny. I did from NY to CA, and it said it would take like 41 days. xD


But it would't let me go to places in Mexico for some reason. And it also didn't work from Spain to Beijing. That would have been funny. :P


So this wasn't technically a question, but interesting observatons that I didn't know where to post.



41 days. That doesn't seem possible, you would have to walk about 70 miles a day? :blink:

Speed walker. I am guessing it would take you about 41 hours to drive. How does that sound?

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If yuo go to Google Maps you can get walking directions. Pretty funny. I did from NY to CA, and it said it would take like 41 days. xD


But it would't let me go to places in Mexico for some reason. And it also didn't work from Spain to Beijing. That would have been funny. :P


So this wasn't technically a question, but interesting observatons that I didn't know where to post.



41 days. That doesn't seem possible, you would have to walk about 70 miles a day? :blink:

Speed walker. I am guessing it would take you about 41 hours to drive. How does that sound?

I don't know how fast they expect you to walk, but I think they assume that you would never stop. :wacko:



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Wow, that sounds like a pain, but it's likely cheaper than driving or flying. xD

Actually the northern route train rides are a phenomenal experience. You travel through some beautiful country, northern American and southern Canada, Lake Banff, for an example. You have sleeping cars, dining cars and areas to relax, and places to get together with others. It is a great holiday. A famous train is The Orient Express. Very famous, very luxurious and very expensive.

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A train ride sounds really lovely. Since I'll be teaching, I'll have a month in the summer for time to travel and I'm definitely taking advantage of that.

Look up The Orient Express. In the meantime, I will think of what the northern train route is called.

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