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What pets do you want?

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I can't have any pets at all because of college life, except fish but I don't really want any of those. After that, I have no idea. Any pet that needs a good home and is independent enough...my career will probably take most of my life if things work out right.

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My fantasy dream lala land pet would be a pair of African Crows, but I know that I'll never actually have the time to give them the attention they need D:


More realistically, I'd like to get my own leopard gecko(s) and hedgehog (the ones I have now I'm only keeping for the school over the summer), moar kitties, and a dog. My favorite breeds are Mastiffs, Irish Wolfounds (^5 MW!), Malamutes and Huskys, Shiba Inus, Pharaoh Hounds, Dobermans, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers.


I'll obviously have to make a choice when that day comes ><;

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I have four cats.


But I want more...because cats are cute.

Are your cats neutered? If not your wish will come true.. :lol:

All 3 girls are. The boy is not.

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I have four cats.


But I want more...because cats are cute.

Are your cats neutered? If not your wish will come true.. :lol:

All 3 girls are. The boy is not.

Does your boy wander outside? :blink:


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