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Not poetry

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Slipping downward, spiralling out of control

I've lost track of my senses. I feel almost nothing

I hear no sounds and I see only black

From the depths of my mind I cry out for help

I shake and I scream, but there's no response

I'm alone in this world, sliding down to die

I begin to move faster towards the end goal

I know my journey's fleeting, I feel it in my heart

There's nothing left for me, my emotions flow out

I'm sliding, rushing, spinning, and never stopping

The depth of my agony seems to stretch on forever

I wish it would finish, and yet there's still more


But then there's a light slicing into my brain

And as I slip faster, I hear some kids shouting

I can feel water splashing against my skin

I can smell chlorine like in a large pool

I start to scream, I don't know what this means

And then I burst free.


Water slides are so much fun.




It's not poetry. There's no correlation between the lines at all besides the theme, and even that changes. There's no logical, or even illogical, setting out that it follows. It's a bunch of words mashed together.

That's what I think.


So. What about your thoughts?


- Glowurm

Seriously though, water slides are awesome.

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