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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

hey guys...

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so i just remembered that after a long school year and jam packed first few weeks of summer, that this site was still here! and i see that peeps still post here too, thats crazy awesome!


umm i dont really know what to say so ill check back later... peace out people...

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so i just remembered that after a long school year and jam packed first few weeks of summer, that this site was still here! and i see that peeps still post here too, thats crazy awesome!


umm i dont really know what to say so ill check back later... peace out people...

MR. MOOSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So glad to see you again!!!!!!!!


Please go to Warm Wishes and read the topic called IMPORTANT, EVERYONE PLEASE READ.

Then please make a post saying you agree to the terms. When you do this, you posts will be visible immediately.

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ahhh im getting glompeded

Of course... we are so happy to see you have returned! :D

i hope i can stay around for a little, ive been swamped doing things, i just got back from 3 weeks in tennessee and im going back for 2 weeks on the 4th...

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