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after the fall

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It was Sunset in the village of Perilin, as Rubi prepared to leave her drey for the watchpost. Carefully, she brushed out her ebon fur, taking special care to get her tails neat. It wouldn't matter much on gaurd duty, But she knew He liked looking at them.

Most humans of the village hardly gave the Risune a second glance. After all, her kind, at least in precourser strain, had been living among the humans long before the war. The second tail was a reletivley new development, as was their greater size, almost half as large as the humans themselves, but a few did take an interest.. Some more that others,. If rumours were to be belived..


In either case, She finished her toilet preperations. and set off, Smiling at the Storyteller as he told the youngsters about the horrors beyond the gates, But she knew there were far worse things than Lycans out in the wastes. Quietly, she Slipped up a tree, the ancient rifle slung across her back as she took up her post, Waving to the individual she was reliving afte g \tting set, She wated, eyes scanning the woods, and the edges of the water for problems..

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It was Sunset in the village of Perilin, as Rubi prepared to leave her drey for the watchpost. Carefully, she brushed out her ebon fur, taking special care to get her tails neat. It wouldn't matter much on gaurd duty, But she knew He liked looking at them.

Most humans of the village hardly gave the Risune a second glance. After all, her kind, at least in precourser strain, had been living among the humans long before the war. The second tail was a reletivley new development, as was their greater size, almost half as large as the humans themselves, but a few did take an interest.. Some more that others,. If rumours were to be belived..


In either case, She finished her toilet preperations. and set off, Smiling at the Storyteller as he told the youngsters about the horrors beyond the gates, But she knew there were far worse things than Lycans out in the wastes. Quietly, she Slipped up a tree, the ancient rifle slung across her back as she took up her post, Waving to the individual she was reliving afte g \tting set, She wated, eyes scanning the woods, and the edges of the water for problems..

[ Whoo Hoo, thnaks for continuing. ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

[i should probably post in here before the topic goes bad. :/ ]


Toako's destination came in to view, just over the horizon were some tall, worn buildings from a once great city. Encouraged, Toako hiked up the large pack on his back, and picked up speed.


He worked as a general strong hand, not having a specific occupation, being hired for jobs others may be incapable of. He was strong and agile enough to traverse between cities in a timely manner, and being able to defend himself.


A strong gust of wind blew from the south, ruffling his thick, grey fur. His age wouldnt allow him to keep up this active lifestyle forever, he wanted to get as much out of it as he could while it lasted.


Slowly but surely, the ruined buildings from a great human city were close. Amid these desolate streets was a temple, a religious site. He had some commodities to deliver there, for reasons he wasnt sure of but wouldnt argue with it.


The commission was to take a weeks food supply, some water, and general first-aid and repair kits to a group of roughly ten people who have been waiting in hiding for several months, barely getting by. Toako's understanding was that they believed it to be an act of faith, that dedicating their lives to whatever deity they believed in may bring prosperity back in to the world.


Regardless of who they were or what they believed, Toako felt it necessary to support them as living creatures, which were not often found in this world.


"Hey! You!"


A sickly voice called out from an alleyway nearby, as a woman came hurrying out from the shadows.


"You must be the messenger coming from Perilin?"


Toako nodded,


"Yes. I have food and water and varied supplies for your people. Where are they?"


A wide grin spread across her face, revealing some missing teeth.


"They're back in our temple, this way if you would..."


The woman adjusted her worn, dirty cloak, and excitedly lead the way further in to the dark city. In short time, they came to a wide, short building with few lights on inside. The door opened, revealing a small group of people inside, aroused by the presence of someone new.


Toako walked inside, and carefully placed the backpack on the ground, opening its orifices, as various MRE's and jugs of water spilled out. The people, all equally poorly bathed and clothed, looked upon the commodities brought as if it were the greatest feast seen in their lives.


As the ravenous humans dug through the backpack Toako brought, he looked over the small group, troubled. There were only seven people.


Seeking out the eldest figure present, Toako inquired.


"We sent two men out, three days ago, to search out food and supplies in the city, but havent heard from them since."


The elder responded, looking troubled.


"I have your payment ready, but these men are still a part of our group. Might I request that you search them out before you leave, young sir?"


Not wanting to come across as too rude, Toako accepted, definitely not being in any hurry.


"Where did they go? I'll... search the best I can."


A slightly disgusted grimace spread across Toako's countenace, as the elder directed him outside toward a small building within eyesight.


"Alright, i'll take a look."


Gripping his weapon firmly, Toako walked in to the shadowy unknown.


[unrelated, but im getting somewhere with this. just stall for time, lexxyman. o: ]

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  • 2 weeks later...
[yeah, knda had a brainfart last weekend.. and can;t really get into that state of mind If I know I need to be at work in a few hours, or I;m trying to sleep... will have it tomorrow..]

[i dunno if IC double-posting is an issue or not, but I'll continue on if you need me to.]

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As night settled in over the wastes. rubi hunkered in closer to the tree., keeping her rifle trained on the road.. not that she expected anything.. nothing with even half a brain would be out at night if they could keep from it.. SHe caught a whiff of something on the breeze, and flicked on the rifle's light amplifier, trying to get a better fix on it's nature, and proximity. it helped,, But trying to keep it adjsuted to the ever-changing conditions was practically a job in itself..

whateverr it was, it seemed to have foudn easier prey than the settlement.. she hoped, evn if it did reach the city, , the cultist enclave would be attentive.

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