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Alright, so the results for the second poll are in...you won't believe this.


The results:


1. EarthBound

2. Mother


4. Chrono Trigger

5. TIE: Majora's Mask/Super smash Bros.


Wow. seriously, wow. Mother, an obscure Japan-only game, beat Chrono Trigger and not one, not two, but THREE of Nintendo's best franchises. That's incredible to me.


But then there's what Nintendo Power said about it.


"This month's poll results aren't much different from last months, but Mother has climbed from fourth to second place. You gonna take that, Mario and Chrono fans?


I shouldn't be getting so worked up over this sort of trivial matter, but it angers me. It makes it seem like NP hates the Mother series, and it makes it seem as though they don't want EarthBound winning the poll. (Besides, both Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger have a heckuva lot less chance of winning than EarthBound, Mother, MM, or SSB, since Square seems to only want to release Final Fantasy 9,000 on the VC instead of their awesome games.)



Just because of this, I moved SMRPG on my vote from 2 to 5. >.<

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well dont see this as what peoples' favorite games are.


its games they want to see on Wii's VC, not necessarily the most awesome in their opinion.

thus, they'd want Mother/Earthbound to have more publicity since SMRPG and Chrono Trigger have both been obscenely popular at least once, and Mother/Earthbound has a much smaller audience in the US.

so maybe the majority of them just want to know what brought Ness in to the SSB series.


i dunno.

that was just a short-lived ramble, my mind hasnt quite woken up yet cause I just got up. :D

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well dont see this as what peoples' favorite games are.


its games they want to see on Wii's VC, not necessarily the most awesome in their opinion.

thus, they'd want Mother/Earthbound to have more publicity since SMRPG and Chrono Trigger have both been obscenely popular at least once, and Mother/Earthbound has a much smaller audience in the US.

so maybe the majority of them just want to know what brought Ness in to the SSB series.


i dunno.

that was just a short-lived ramble, my mind hasnt quite woken up yet cause I just got up. :D

i never said i was seeing this as favorite games. -_-


more publicity? most people I know want to play the game.

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