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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

RP Team Challenge

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Alright, while I was away being devoured by school, an idea struck me. I thought it would give HD a boost in activity and get us all in the RP spirit for the ancient mega RP up there. This is something we do on another board I'm on, and it's pretty fun. Here, we shall call it:




To enter, gather a team of 2-5 people and start an RP! :D Once you've determined who will be on your team, make a post in this topic stating all your team members and the name of your RP, then make a topic for it in the Stories, Poems, and Anything Written board. And then RP lots and lots! At the end of August, we'll make a poll of all the qualifying RPs and people can vote on which team did the best!


Of course, this is a competition, so there are some rules:

1. Once you have your team, that's it. No adding more members (even if you have under five) or substitutions. If one person stops being active in the RP, you've got to figure out a way to carry on without them!

2. You can be on as many teams as you want, but don't stretch yourself out too far. Don't disappoint fellow team members by joining more RPs than you can keep up with and letting them go inactive.

3. If an RP topic goes TWO WEEKS with no in-character posts, it is disqualified. You can keep the RP going if you want, but it will no longer be in consideration for the final poll. An exception would be if there is a two-person team and one of them experiences technical failure or goes on vaction or for some reason beyond their control can't access the board.

4. RPs can be about anything you want! You can make it a knights and wizards serious fantasy game or make all the characters flying moon dinosaurs! Whatever! Just keep it active! This also includes fanfic RPs, should you choose to do one of those.

5. All RPing must be done on the board. I know some people have other people's IMs or whatever, but you have to post any in-character stuff in your RP topic so people reading it can keep up with the story.

6. If they want, a team can drop out of the competition at any time. That doesn't mean you can't keep playing your game if you want, but you won't be included in the final poll. Should you choose to drop out, a representative from the team should make an official post about it here. A team can drop out for any reason, be it too much school work or they just don't want to take part in the competition anymore. The decision should be a team decision, though, so make sure you're all in agreement first.

7. Team members can consist of anybody willing to participate.


If I remember any rules I might have forgotten, I'll add them to the list later. There will probably be voting-specific rules once the poll comes out. Any questions you have throughout the competition concerning the rules should be directed to me in this topic.


In the final poll, RPs will be judged on how active they were, how creative the players were, how much the storyline was furthered, etc. Keep all those things in mind when you're posting! The winners will recieve an offical title and the glory of being the RP Team Champions!


After the competition is over, all RPs started are free game. If you want to end it, end it. If you want to keep going, keep going. You can [attempt] keep it closed to only the original team or open it up for anybody to join, it doesn't matter. Challenge rules don't apply anymore after the winner is determined.


THE DEADLINE FOR ENTRY WILL BE TWO WEEKS AFTER THIS TOPIC IS POSTED! As soon as your team enters and makes the RP topic, you can begin posting!


So that's what my brain was cooking up while I was supposed to be reading about Thomas Biddle or doing systems of equations. :D Anybody interested?

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I forgot:


To recruit, I'd suggest making a post in this topic saying you're interested in forming a team. You can either wait until you've got a group and then decide what the game will be, or you could type a short summary of an idea you had and see who's interested in joining you. You can also call specific people out if you want and request somebody's team membership


Also, once you make your RP topic, the title should be the game's title, and the description should be the names of the team members.

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I demand to be on a team! I don't care with who! Kat maybe you and I can be togewther but either way I'm going to be on some team! MuaHahHa *has no idea why she is laughing*

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The first official team is being announced!


TEAM MEMBERS: Arkcher and Kat

RP: Lithara






Also, Kris and I have been talking about forming a team revolving around a D&D-esque dungeon-crawl, but we're open to suggestion. :D Talk to either of us if you're interested.

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The first official team is being announced!


TEAM MEMBERS: Arkcher and Kat

RP: Lithara






Also, Kris and I have been talking about forming a team revolving around a D&D-esque dungeon-crawl, but we're open to suggestion. :D Talk to either of us if you're interested.

How about me? :blink:

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The first official team is being announced!


TEAM MEMBERS: Arkcher and Kat

RP: Lithara






Also, Kris and I have been talking about forming a team revolving around a D&D-esque dungeon-crawl, but we're open to suggestion. :D Talk to either of us if you're interested.

How about me? :blink:

Do you wanna join? :D We'd be happy to have you.

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The first official team is being announced!


TEAM MEMBERS: Arkcher and Kat

RP: Lithara




Also, Kris and I have been talking about forming a team revolving around a D&D-esque dungeon-crawl, but we're open to suggestion. :D Talk to either of us if you're interested.

How about me? :blink:

Do you wanna join? :D We'd be happy to have you.

Please, I would like to join.

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Alright, so me, Kris, and Horatio! :D Anybody else care to join us? Cheesey, mayhaps?


Also, you'll just have to read it and find out, Kris, because I'm far too lazy to type up a summary XD

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Alright, so me, Kris, and Horatio! :D Anybody else care to join us? Cheesey, mayhaps?


Also, you'll just have to read it and find out, Kris, because I'm far too lazy to type up a summary XD


I'll join up with you peoples.

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I wanna be a cool kid too.


Can I haz teem nao pl0x?


Unfortunately, as much as I would like to join in yours, I have various reasons for not doing so.

A.) It would defeat the whole purpose if there's only one team.

B.) Without a synopsis, I'd have no idea of what I'd be getting into. Considering you've just started up, it's still fairly bland and I can't really tell much from the get-go.

C.) Chances are I wouldn't really be that active anyway, so starting my own team would also be pointless. To be completely honest, I just wanted to post here for the sake of posting here.





End Transmission. C:

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Through the ancienct magicks of IM, I've allied myself in to one group already.


and want to try for two or so.

so im available for recruitin'.

We're still running out of time, so i'll try to get something going.


Several months maybe years ago, MW posted a cool RP topic that lasted about a week, so I wanna see if I cant revive it with this mess.

No, i dunno where the link to it is, or if it exists, so i'll try describing it from memory.


In a somewhat post-apocolyptic setting, where a vast majority of humanity or any other life had been wiped out by nuclear warfare.

nuclear warfare left almost all of Earth uninhabitable, driving most creatures [including humans] to live in the forests.

nuclear warfare left most existing forest critters and animals with some different ability (because any exposure to radioactivity unconditionally causes beneficial mutation, never a fast-acting form of cancer.) be it speaking english, having greater intelligence/resourcefulness, walking on two legs, heightened senses, whatever. As long as its reasonable, realistic and balanced. if you cant balance thangs gud, that a good way to start would be add just as many flaws to ones character as there are awesome traits.


Hoping this wont die like that time, yes, it does mean there'll be furries everywhere and anthros. just keep it clean and sensible.


and Im doing this largely for the purpose of getting this whole team challenge mess up and going. Anyone want to join?

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Through the ancienct magicks of IM, I've allied myself in to one group already.


and want to try for two or so.

so im available for recruitin'.

We're still running out of time, so i'll try to get something going.


Several months maybe years ago, MW posted a cool RP topic that lasted about a week, so I wanna see if I cant revive it with this mess.

No, i dunno where the link to it is, or if it exists, so i'll try describing it from memory.


In a somewhat post-apocolyptic setting, where a vast majority of humanity or any other life had been wiped out by nuclear warfare.

nuclear warfare left almost all of Earth uninhabitable, driving most creatures [including humans] to live in the forests.

nuclear warfare left most existing forest critters and animals with some different ability (because any exposure to radioactivity unconditionally causes beneficial mutation, never a fast-acting form of cancer.) be it speaking english, having greater intelligence/resourcefulness, walking on two legs, heightened senses, whatever. As long as its reasonable, realistic and balanced. if you cant balance thangs gud, that a good way to start would be add just as many flaws to ones character as there are awesome traits.


Hoping this wont die like that time, yes, it does mean there'll be furries everywhere and anthros. just keep it clean and sensible.


and Im doing this largely for the purpose of getting this whole team challenge mess up and going. Anyone want to join?


Sure.. even if I must, on general principle, question your implication that furries are inherently tended towards the not-clean/senseless.

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Through the ancienct magicks of IM, I've allied myself in to one group already.


and want to try for two or so.

so im available for recruitin'.

We're still running out of time, so i'll try to get something going.


Several months maybe years ago, MW posted a cool RP topic that lasted about a week, so I wanna see if I cant revive it with this mess.

No, i dunno where the link to it is, or if it exists, so i'll try describing it from memory.


In a somewhat post-apocolyptic setting, where a vast majority of humanity or any other life had been wiped out by nuclear warfare.

nuclear warfare left almost all of Earth uninhabitable, driving most creatures [including humans] to live in the forests.

nuclear warfare left most existing forest critters and animals with some different ability (because any exposure to radioactivity unconditionally causes beneficial mutation, never a fast-acting form of cancer.) be it speaking english, having greater intelligence/resourcefulness, walking on two legs, heightened senses, whatever. As long as its reasonable, realistic and balanced. if you cant balance thangs gud, that a good way to start would be add just as many flaws to ones character as there are awesome traits.


Hoping this wont die like that time, yes, it does mean there'll be furries everywhere and anthros. just keep it clean and sensible.


and Im doing this largely for the purpose of getting this whole team challenge mess up and going. Anyone want to join?


Sure.. even if I must, on general principle, question your implication that furries are inherently tended towards the not-clean/senseless.

Its a terrible stereotype, but more true than I'd want to admit.

But knowing people on HD, it shouldnt be an issue.

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Through the ancienct magicks of IM, I've allied myself in to one group already.


and want to try for two or so.

so im available for recruitin'.

We're still running out of time, so i'll try to get something going.


Several months maybe years ago, MW posted a cool RP topic that lasted about a week, so I wanna see if I cant revive it with this mess.

No, i dunno where the link to it is, or if it exists, so i'll try describing it from memory.


In a somewhat post-apocolyptic setting, where a vast majority of humanity or any other life had been wiped out by nuclear warfare.

nuclear warfare left almost all of Earth uninhabitable, driving most creatures [including humans] to live in the forests.

nuclear warfare left most existing forest critters and animals with some different ability (because any exposure to radioactivity unconditionally causes beneficial mutation, never a fast-acting form of cancer.) be it speaking english, having greater intelligence/resourcefulness, walking on two legs, heightened senses, whatever. As long as its reasonable, realistic and balanced. if you cant balance thangs gud, that a good way to start would be add just as many flaws to ones character as there are awesome traits.


Hoping this wont die like that time, yes, it does mean there'll be furries everywhere and anthros. just keep it clean and sensible.


and Im doing this largely for the purpose of getting this whole team challenge mess up and going. Anyone want to join?


Sure.. even if I must, on general principle, question your implication that furries are inherently tended towards the not-clean/senseless.

Its a terrible stereotype, but more true than I'd want to admit.

But knowing people on HD, it shouldnt be an issue.

Knowing HD, it flat out won't be an issue.


...When a problem comes along, you must whip it...

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Its a terrible stereotype, but more true than I'd want to admit.

But knowing people on HD, it shouldnt be an issue.


Aye, that common dichotomy was one of the things that held my attention to begin with. But it is hardly inherent to the concept.

However, I tend to agree that it will almost certainly be a non-issue in this case.

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Alright, I'm gonna call me, Kris, Horatio and Cheesey a team. u___u And unless I'm mistaken, Arkcher, Lexxy-Man, and Glo are a team as well?


TEAM MEMBERS: Kris, Horatio, Cheesey, Kat

RP NAME: Dungeon Crawl

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Alright, I'm gonna call me, Kris, Horatio and Cheesey a team. u___u And unless I'm mistaken, Arkcher, Lexxy-Man, and Glo are a team as well?


TEAM MEMBERS: Kris, Horatio, Cheesey, Kat

RP NAME: Dungeon Crawl

Sounds like it.. I'll give some thought to an intro, probably put it up in the morning, unless someone else beats me to it, with something incompatible.

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Sounds like it.. I'll give some thought to an intro, probably put it up in the morning, unless someone else beats me to it, with something incompatible.

sounds good.

Last call to join this here team, having close orientation to this description. anybody? =D?

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And unless I'm mistaken, Arkcher, Lexxy-Man, and Glo are a team as well?

Hold on there boyyo.


Er, girlo.


Chances are I wouldn't really be that active anyway, so starting my own team would also be pointless. To be completely honest, I just wanted to post here for the sake of posting here.


So yeah, no team for me. Even though I did say I wanted one, I probably shouldn't due to lack of activity in my part. Also, I tend to get bored and lose the point easily, so I'd end up just leaving the roleplay eventually whatever the case. I don't want to be letting anyone down, so I'm not going to join in on any team. Sorry.


I never was good at the waiting game.

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'Kay, so then it looks like unless somebody joins by tomorrow, it'll be just Arkcher and Lexxy-Man. O: Either way we'll have three teams, so it should work out.

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Okay, I'm gonna keep this open until next Monday 'cause the last team still needs to be sorted and Arkcher is leaving for the week. It's not likely, but people can still form teams if they want. O:


Alright, Hris, Horatio, and Cheesey. Like I said, this is a typical ye olden days fantasy dungeon crawl. We're not gonna be real strict about magic and abilities or whatever, as long as they're reasonable and balanced. I think all we've got plot-wise so far is that it's a new team of adventurers heading off on their first raid. I'll go and start us up a topic.

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Okay, I'm gonna keep this open until next Monday 'cause the last team still needs to be sorted and Arkcher is leaving for the week. It's not likely, but people can still form teams if they want. O:


Alright, Hris, Horatio, and Cheesey. Like I said, this is a typical ye olden days fantasy dungeon crawl. We're not gonna be real strict about magic and abilities or whatever, as long as they're reasonable and balanced. I think all we've got plot-wise so far is that it's a new team of adventurers heading off on their first raid. I'll go and start us up a topic.

I want magical abilities. :D

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Okay, I'm gonna keep this open until next Monday 'cause the last team still needs to be sorted and Arkcher is leaving for the week. It's not likely, but people can still form teams if they want. O:


Alright, Hris, Horatio, and Cheesey. Like I said, this is a typical ye olden days fantasy dungeon crawl. We're not gonna be real strict about magic and abilities or whatever, as long as they're reasonable and balanced. I think all we've got plot-wise so far is that it's a new team of adventurers heading off on their first raid. I'll go and start us up a topic.

I want magical abilities. :D

Then to the Dungeon Crawl topic with you, where I can offer you councel for character creation should you need it! :D

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Okay, I'm gonna keep this open until next Monday 'cause the last team still needs to be sorted and Arkcher is leaving for the week. It's not likely, but people can still form teams if they want. O:


Alright, Hris, Horatio, and Cheesey. Like I said, this is a typical ye olden days fantasy dungeon crawl. We're not gonna be real strict about magic and abilities or whatever, as long as they're reasonable and balanced. I think all we've got plot-wise so far is that it's a new team of adventurers heading off on their first raid. I'll go and start us up a topic.

I want magical abilities. :D

Then to the Dungeon Crawl topic with you, where I can offer you councel for character creation should you need it! :D

Of course I need advice on character creation... so I will see you there.

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Alright, I think the deadline passed, and all the proposed teams have made topics, so that's all then! The competition has officially begun! Whooo!

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