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Okay, so today my dad and I took home the three leopard geckos for my Student Nat. class to take care of them over the summer :D They're all cute and in my room now. The only down sides are that they're sort of smelly, so I need to invest in some air freshener and scented candles. The crickets I have to feed them smell even worse, but they're in the boiler room where nobody goes. You can, however, hear their constant chirping when you go downstairs.


I was also supposed to take home one of the two hedgehogs (we've got a nice one and a crazy one, I was supposed to get the nice one), but when I came in to class today we discovered, as the title of the topic suggests, that it had been stolen. O: There is a small chance that it could have escaped on it's own, but it's pretty unlikely. And tomorrow is the last day of school before summer, so we dont' have much time to find it. O:


And that was my day.

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Okay, so today my dad and I took home the three leopard geckos for my Student Nat. class to take care of them over the summer :D They're all cute and in my room now. The only down sides are that they're sort of smelly, so I need to invest in some air freshener and scented candles. The crickets I have to feed them smell even worse, but they're in the boiler room where nobody goes. You can, however, hear their constant chirping when you go downstairs.


I was also supposed to take home one of the two hedgehogs (we've got a nice one and a crazy one, I was supposed to get the nice one), but when I came in to class today we discovered, as the title of the topic suggests, that it had been stolen. O: There is a small chance that it could have escaped on it's own, but it's pretty unlikely. And tomorrow is the last day of school before summer, so we dont' have much time to find it. O:


And that was my day.

That's awful. Well, I hope that the hedgehog will be returned to the school, but if not that it at least finds a good home. I hate when things are stolen from the school, most times they can't afford to just replace all the things stolen from them...so most of the things are never replaced. <_<

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Yeah, we were all pretty angry. The hedgehog cost $100, but more importantly, the person that took it might not know how to care for it properly. Luckily, hedgehogs are not hard animals to maintain, especially compared to some of the other animals we've got but still. I mostly just want it to be safe.

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The person or people who stole the hedgehog probably don't know how to take care of it and I pray, will not let it go loose outside, as it will surely die. Of course, they have no place to turn it in if they wanted to because then they would get in trouble for stealing. This is such a sad situation. Hedgehogs need special food for their diet and it is not something that someone has in their refrigerator. I would contact all the pet stores in the area for someone coming in and asking for hedgehog food. Perhaps the pet stores can be of assistance in helping you find it. Doubtful.

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The person or people who stole the hedgehog probably don't know how to take care of it and I pray, will not let it go loose outside, as it will surely die. Of course, they have no place to turn it in if they wanted to because then they would get in trouble for stealing. This is such a sad situation. Hedgehogs need special food for their diet and it is not something that someone has in their refrigerator. I would contact all the pet stores in the area for someone coming in and asking for hedgehog food. Perhaps the pet stores can be of assistance in helping you find it. Doubtful.

We've actually been giving ours diet catfood that doens't have too much fat and occationally a mealworm, though the one I was taking home doesn't like them.

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That's what I was thinking. Where is the glory in stealing a hedgehog? D: Maybe it would have been more impressive if it was one of the iguanas, them things will cut you up. But, I will admit, for somebody to make off with the crazy hedgehog with all their limbs still attached would be quite a feat. But this was the nice one, so it's just stupid to take it.


And funnily enough, Lexxy-Man, the hedgehog's name is Sonic (don't look at me, I didn't pick it)

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That's what I was thinking. Where is the glory in stealing a hedgehog? D: Maybe it would have been more impressive if it was one of the iguanas, them things will cut you up. But, I will admit, for somebody to make off with the crazy hedgehog with all their limbs still attached would be quite a feat. But this was the nice one, so it's just stupid to take it.


And funnily enough, Lexxy-Man, the hedgehog's name is Sonic (don't look at me, I didn't pick it)

as long as ya don't have a puppy named Miles..

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That's what I was thinking. Where is the glory in stealing a hedgehog? D: Maybe it would have been more impressive if it was one of the iguanas, them things will cut you up. But, I will admit, for somebody to make off with the crazy hedgehog with all their limbs still attached would be quite a feat. But this was the nice one, so it's just stupid to take it.


And funnily enough, Lexxy-Man, the hedgehog's name is Sonic (don't look at me, I didn't pick it)

as long as ya don't have a puppy named Miles..

When I get my own hedgehog, I wanna name it Spiney Norman.


Oh, and for those of you wondering, the geckos are settling in nicely. The biggest one has been calm the whole time, and one of the younger ones let me hold her for a while earlier this afternoon. The smallest is still really squeamish, but she's always been. I'ma look up apropriate names for them here in a second. I believe they're from northern Africa or Afghanistan or somewhere, I dunno, I'll look it up, but I wanna give them names from the country they're native to.






"Dinnsdale? Dinnsdale?"

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That's what I was thinking. Where is the glory in stealing a hedgehog? D: Maybe it would have been more impressive if it was one of the iguanas, them things will cut you up. But, I will admit, for somebody to make off with the crazy hedgehog with all their limbs still attached would be quite a feat. But this was the nice one, so it's just stupid to take it.


And funnily enough, Lexxy-Man, the hedgehog's name is Sonic (don't look at me, I didn't pick it)

as long as ya don't have a puppy named Miles..

Actually, I have a dog named Miles. XD

(but after Miles Davis)

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Still no news about the hedgehog, geckos are still fine.


Okay, I'm dumb and don't know why there shouldn't be puppies named Miles.

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Still no news about the hedgehog, geckos are still fine.


Okay, I'm dumb and don't know why there shouldn't be puppies named Miles.

A Sonic da Hedgehog character is named Miles "Tails" Prower. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than Miles Davis, actually... XD

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Still no news about the hedgehog, geckos are still fine.


Okay, I'm dumb and don't know why there shouldn't be puppies named Miles.

A Sonic da Hedgehog character is named Miles "Tails" Prower. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than Miles Davis, actually... XD

Oh yeah XD I think I actually knew that a long time ago...

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Still now word on the hedgehog. D: But the geckos are all fine, I finally got the big one to eat so I'm not so worried anymore, and the small ones are seeming to calm down.


Also, you know you want to click it. I'll be your best friend :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it turns out that the hedgehog did escape, afterall, and was found hiding in one of the back science rooms this morning. It's alive, but understandable thin, so I'm gonna wait a few days and let Mrs. G make sure he's alright before I go to pick it up.

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She said he looks fine besides being thin, so I'll prolly get him sometime next week after he's back to a healthy weight. ^^

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She said he looks fine besides being thin, so I'll prolly get him sometime next week after he's back to a healthy weight. ^^

Spectacular news!!!!!!!!!

I am really happy to hear this.

I know you will do a great job getting him back into hedgehog shape!!! :D

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She said he looks fine besides being thin, so I'll prolly get him sometime next week after he's back to a healthy weight. ^^

Spectacular news!!!!!!!!!

I am really happy to hear this.

I know you will do a great job getting him back into hedgehog shape!!! :D

XD Now I'm all excited for next week so I can take him home.

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