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Days in the Life of Mega Wolf

Mega Wolf

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WOW!!! I did not realize you were traveling and performing! Outstanding!!! For some reason I thought you were going away to an undisclosed location to practice for a month and then do a performance! So, if I head to the movies, perhaps I will see you!!! :D

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Yeah, there's spring training for about three weeks, which is also when we learn our show, and through mid august we continue to compete and clean our show.

I had no idea this was an all summer event. Impressive!!! This will be an incredible summer for you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heading to dekalb, IL, just had a show in paddock lake, wisconsin. as far as previous cities go, I'd need to check our schedule to remind myself of where I've been. :lol;

WOW!!! What a schedule! Sounds like you are having a phenomal tour!

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We're always out in the heat. :lol:


I don't know, it's been about two months, I'm both physically and emotionally drained, and we have four more weeks. It'll be over in no time, but now is kind of where the going gets even tougher.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just 10 days left, I can survive. I wonder how he is doing as well. Apparently he has sent me two letters since I've been gone. I do hope it's possible for him to simply accept me as his friend and nothing more. I suppose those letters have the answer to that.

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Ten days... it is all down hill now.


Do not know why your friend popped into my head. When you get home and settled, it would be terrific if you could fill me in on what is happening. Strange that this is on my mind. I guess it just makes me realize how fortunate I am.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I read the letters he sent me. It's mostly depressing, of course, quite a bit of hinting at the terrible things he has to endure in there. He'll be released in November. He seems to be somewhat more realistic about my unreturned feelings towards him, but of course, it's still up in the air whether or not he'll be able to really understand how much he needs to be just friends with me.

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November. That is close, but in his situation, a very long time to remain. Prison is a very bad place and I cannot imagine all that he has had to endure. The one thing that can be said, he has grown up and hopefully he can benefit from this bad situation. What I worry about, is him trying to adjust to life in society as things have changed immensely for him and it is going to be quite challenging.

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True. He does mention that although his current situation is terrible, that if this hadn't happened he'd probably still be doing everything the same way in the sense that he'd be working jobs he hated and just generally not seeking out what he really wanted to do. I worry about him in his current situation, because he is an effeminate man, a twig who wouldn't be able to defend himself, and the stereotypical things you would assume happen in prison are without a doubt happening to him.

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Mazda Miata... NICE!!!!! What colour? How nice of your parents, but I am certain that you have worked hard and they feel that you deserve it.


The summer paid off and you are probably a superb trumpet player. Congratulations on being selected for the wind ensemble!!!!!

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It's red, with a black soft top. Yeah, I've been driving my dad's car for about a year and my parents didn't want to have to share my mom's car anymore, but getting a miata was more than I expected for sure. Though, it is also practical for the gas mileage with how much I drive.


I'm really glad to have made the ensemble! Last year I didn't even give it a shot.

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How beautiful!!! Red!!! Very nice!!!!! I am really happy for you!!!


As for the music... you have worked so very hard and making the ensemble is just what you deserve for these efforts. The lesson here is to always give things a try as the only person who can limit you is yourself. Perhaps had you auditioned last year, you might have made it.


How did the Hollywood event go? When does the show air? Please let us know.

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True, I may have made it had I auditioned last year, but there were also not a lot of spots last year and I've improved significantly, so at the very least I'm much more prepared for this level of music. :D


The thing went well, it was sort of like being in a pep rally all day, because we stood around in uniform and there were bleachers filled with extras. haha. No idea when the show airs yet, I'll try to keep you updated!


The miata is fantastic, I've had fun driving it all week, the novelty of having such an awesome car has not worn off at all.

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Sometimes the novelty never wears off. I still love riding ALL my bikes!!! :lol: In your town, the weather is always top-down weather. You will continue enjoy driving your car for quite some time I believe.


As for the ensemble, at least you are much more comfortable with this level of music and that says so much for the terrific strides in improvement you have achieved.


*adoring fans are standing by*

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've taken on so many self-improvement projects, and I see results, but sometimes it's kind of hard trying to help myself become a better person and not necessarily seeing myself become instantly less lazy and more focused on important things in life. So much of it is mind over matter that it feels like I should be doing better.

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What you do not realize is that you are doing better, in tiny increments. When you have change in small increments, you cannot see the difference. When someone else sees you, who has not seen you for a while, then the improvement is obvious.


Sometimes I feel as if my mind is under my matter. :lol:

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Haha, it would be nearly impossible to figure out which one I am anyway. It was Glee, I "played" mellophone in the background when they were singing Run The World. It's on youtube as well. Also if you look up "huddle sharepoint" on youtube that's something else I was part of.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's probably around a low B at the moment, I'm mostly concerned that if I miss too much class I'll miss quizzes and/or be dropped from the class. At the very least, if I get dropped, then I'll at least be able to get through the class fairly easily the next time, though it would be much preferred not to have to repeat this class, so I'm still giving it my best shot. It has been about 3 years since my last math class, so I knew to begin with that I didn't set myself up well for this.

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Today, I made a huge decision. I'm not auditioning for drum corps, no more marching for me after this fall season, unless I get called to fill a hole or miss it a lot and want to do my last year in a couple of summers. But for now, no more. I want to be a serious jazz musician, and I'm not willing to put my life on hold for marching anymore.

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It really is a much more responsible idea. Besides, if I really miss it this summer, there are always people that drop or get injured that I can fill holes for, or even if that doesn't happen I still have one more year to march after that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope so. It's really funny, they seem more supportive of my decision to be a trumpet performance major than that time I was considering going to med school to be a psychiatrist.


Again, I've been crazy busy, especially since I was invited to play in the main jazz band last week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is one person who will truly appreciate this Thanksgiving Day as he has a whole lot to be thankful for. Please keep us updated and do not let yourself get bogged down helping him. You have a lot of things going on and you need to focus on yourself. Give him your time when it works for you, but please do not redirect your life to accommodate him. He will have an enormous amount of adjusting to do and you cannot be his crutch. Enough said.

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We've decided it's better if we don't talk for now. We were talking and texting, and now it's been decided if we don't communicate. His feelings for me haven't left and it's better if we just don't talk. He was being slightly pushy about the fact that I wasn't always replying to him. He also started giving me a long lecture about certain choices I've made because he's concerned for my well-being, understandable but still approached in the manner of lecturing me about it.


Basically for right now that's going to have to not be a part of my life because it's not fair for either of us to have to simply deal with each other.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I missed fewer than 7 questions of the 65, I got a B in that class. haha. Not unlikely, but not terribly likely, but I know I at least passed that class, so that's nice. I'm a little anxious about the final from math that I had last week on Wednesday and Thursday, because that was a matter of a C or D in that class. Ballet should be fine, I just need to choreograph something in the next five hours because I'm busy this evening and the final is tomorrow morning.

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Well, I ended up selecting a song, changing my mind a million times, and wound up choosing a song before class, thinking of choreography while others were presenting, and basically winging it and still doing fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Very good idea. Colds can drain your strength and vitality, impacting your studies.


When you are traveling from one continent to another, and you get dehydrated, which you will... then colds seem to be arriving with an attitude. The last cold I had lasted ten days and I had no desire to get out of bed. It was the most brutal cold I have had in a long time. Since that cold, I have been washing my hands more and keeping them away from my face. This has helped Immensely. No need for any antibacterial stuff, just good old soap and water.

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She still hasn't graded it- but I think I did fine. Turns out, I'm doing pretty well in my class. For the "midterm" of sorts, I got one of the highest scores, which landed me in a special group for the top 4 scores. The class is divided into groups because we do small group work every day.

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You know, it's funny, I felt a little bit annoyed at myself with how low my score was compared to my group's prior to learning that my group was the top 4 scores. I did just as well on the multiple choice, but I didn't do as well as I would have liked on the fill-in. The funny part of this is the fact that we've studied the fact that sometimes people use the "wrong reference groups" to evaluate themselves through comparison. Looks like I used the wrong reference group for grades. :lol:

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:lol: Of course, if you compare yourself to the bottom four in the class, you are happy with your performance and do not strive to do better. If you compare yourself to the top four in the class, then you are unhappy with your performance and always striving to do better. Interesting how this works. I believe you will always compare yourself to the top people in the group and will always be an achiever. For example, this is why you did so well in band.
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I do tend to compare myself primarily to those who are better than me. It can be a bit of a double-edged sword. While it motivates me, sometimes I don't particularly feel like I'm making enough progress and get discouraged. But then I just talk myself out of that, because the idea of being perfect and the best at everything I do is entirely ridiculous. :lol:

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I'm pretty sure I have some serious ADHD problems. haha. Sometimes I stop working on what I'm doing to take those little ADHD check tests that they offer online, usually not get through the whole thing, and occasionally I'll finish them and they tell me I probably have ADHD. lol.

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Ignore those ADHD tests... sometimes you need a change of topic as focusing takes an enormous amount of effort. I think that you have a great ability to focus and accomplish tasks as you have good grades, are an accomplished musician and have completed many different things and done well at them.


Now procrastination... I am the King of the club. Of course, we have not gotten around to gathering more than one member, holding meetings, or electing officials, but I know that I am the absolute worst procrastinator in existence.

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I tend to get through those ADHD tests and then I don't allow results to affect me much at all because I would never get medication for something I have so easily maintained and learn to deal with. I get things done, so it's not really crippling to my life. :lol:

Procrastination is also my specialty!


In other news, I am making enough money from my balloon jobs to essentially pay for my own rent. My parents still help me with most things, some months I make extra, others I make less, but it's not bad at all. In fact, I've made around $100 at some 3-hour gigs. I'm just glad I'm helping now. :D

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You are still doing the balloon gigs????????


*falls over in shock*


You had not mentioned it for some time, so I just assumed that it had gone by the wayside. Glad to hear this is a way for you to make some money!!!


Like you, I would not start taking medication for something that I could control without.

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Yes, still doing balloon gigs, and it's doing pretty well for me. :D


I didn't figure I would be doing as well as I am, but, I'm getting better, and have even made $40 an hour at certain gigs and have the potential to charge $100 an hour if I were to start picking up parties. It's turned out to be a lot of fun, but, it's kind of like an annoying sales job and sometimes there are people I would rather not deal with. :lol:


My eventual plan, in a year and a half when I move out to wherever I'm going next for school, is to continue to do that but then try to get a part-time job at an Apple store (my friend works there and raves of the benefits) in addition to my balloon twisting. Music continues to be my main focus, but I'd like to be as independent from my parents as possible as quickly as possible. It's not like they can't afford to keep supporting me, I suppose we're considered "upper-middle class", but they already have my 3 older siblings to worry about, I'd rather not be another expense keeping them from enjoying their hard-earned money.

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Please start saving a little bit for when you are on your own and need some cash for that 'extra' expense that you had not planned for. It might make you take a bit longer to be on your own, but at least you will have some cash should an unexpected emergency arise.


Also, I would look at FedEx for a part-time job. Not only do they have medical, dental and vision insurance, there is a college tuition insurance rebate that will help with your school. Even though your parents may be paying for your education, $2000 to $3000 would be very nice for them to get back. This will help with your independence.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will definitely look into that when I have more time. At the moment, I'm doing full-time school(overload credits), plus the balloons, plus I'm in a ska band now. I definitely know that my parents will help me if I need it, and I'm making enough money that I'll be able to set aside some money as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A good professor can make all the difference. I remember my anthology professor. She was an incredible woman, very interesting and gave you assignments that really stimulated the brain. She was extremely inspiring and I remember her class with such a positive memory. Then I had some professors who were lower on the stimulation scale then spending a day in a graveyard. B_O_R_I_N_G_G_G_G_G. Reading a quantum physics textbook in reverse would be more stimulating.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Phew... spring break time. Well, tonight I have work, then a far-too-crazy party to help host at a friend's house where there will be at least 50 people, then in the morning I have to work again, and then I have some break time, work again the next day/spend time with my family, then I get to practice during my break.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^That happens way too often.


Biology, I currently have a C, which works for me, considering the fact that I thought I was falling a little behind. We're apparently not even halfway through the points.


When it comes to trumpet, I'm getting much better at a rapid pace! I really got at the good practice habits this semester and it's paying off nicely. :)

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Good practice habits, just like good study habits return large rewards! We need you to post a midi!!! As for the biology, I do believe you are really trying and that is what is important. Biology is a tough subject. Keep up the good work.

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Yeah, Jesse, I just got really serious about it this semester and Southern California is a perfect place to be a freelance player, so I'm pretty set for success. :D


All recitals are posted online. So very possible. :)

A trip for my two minute performance. That would be something. :lol:

I have many, many performances coming for the rest of my life, and you guys are invited to anything you'd like to see. I would recommend waiting a few years for when I'm really good. :P


/end excessive smiley face use

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Sure... I will stop by - Kat's - house and pick her up on the way. Besides, I find any reason to ride my bike.


Wait... I don't think so. We need to be able to say we knew you when you had these two minute performances!

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You know what I should have mentioned? The three times this semester I've met trumpet greats. xD I've met Malcolm McNab, Don Clarke, and Wayne Bergeron, all featured in many a movie score. And I've performed with Clarke and Bergeron in jazz band. :lol:


Small details I forget to mention.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, finals time for musicians. Well, I guess they're probably not as hectic for people in fewer ensembles.

But I had something like 6 performances within a week, so that was kind of crazy.

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I'm taking politics and general psychology.

Currently, I'm trying to finish up an essay that was due a week ago. The very last thing I have left of school before I'm done for summer. I'm as stricken with writer's block as ever, and I'm not entirely sure I'll pass the class regardless of this essay and I'm simply doing it in order to attempt to pass the class.

On the bright side, my difficulties with said class have been a matter of not really balancing my time in relation to music, I've improved exponentially on trumpet.

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As you have experienced, choices have consequences. Congratulations on the improvement on the trumpet, and I am hoping you pass your class. Not turning in the essay would be far worse and I applaud you for making the effort to get the essay in. I have a good feeling that you will pass if you turn in the essay. Invite your professor to one of your concerts. :lol: Perhaps this will influence them. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to have to take a lab science again. Woops. Lesson learned?

Anyway, online classes start today. 6 weeks, two classes, let's do this! Ahahahah. Here's to hoping I can get through this.

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Hooray! Well, Politics will be a little harder, seeing as it's all writing. But the psychology course looks like half of an effort from the professor, meaning I could likely get through the material in two weeks if I really want to.

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It would be great if you could get through the psychology course in two weeks, but don't you have to only do the prescribed lessons at the specified times? I know that when I took a course, you were not permitted to work ahead and had to contribute each week. Is this the same with your courses?

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Psych had a test due Sunday, about 10 or more people sent out class emails trying to figure out various problems with the test, including myself, and still nobody has managed to contact the professor. This may result in failing grades. -.-

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Scratch that, the professor has finally checked his email as of a couple of hours ago. One exam grade is dropped regardless, so that's how we get to deal with that last test. Also, we've been given an additional half hour to our next tests. Still, it's a pain. These tests are available over the weekend, but otherwise we have little work.

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WOW!!! I want that course and professor!!! Of course, this test should be voided and not the one selected to delete. Do they select the worst exam grade to delete? Hopefully it would be even better if this was the case. What I found annoying was the fact that some professors are lazy when it comes to checking their email. I did not expect an immediate answer, but an answer that arrived within at least forty-eight hours.


Good luck in your summer courses, I absolutely, positively know you will do great!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha, this school practically never stops. I mean, it does for a period of a few weeks after Summer and Winter classes, but otherwise, not so much. But, with California budget cuts we might not have those off season classes anymore. :wacko: School has been going well, going insane doing too much as usual. :lol: Soon enough I'll have to fill out papers to transfer to a 4-year.

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You will have the pick of whatever four year school you wish to attend. You have done well, studied and gotten great grades, have a musical side that only adds to your resume and have done other things that would make any school want you to be one of their students! I think that you will have a hard decision to pick the school you wish to complete your four year degree at. They will all want you!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 3 schools in mind, all to stay relatively close to home and all great music schools. Also, fairly easy transfer. Actually, filling out forms due to be done by the end of next month. Pretty exciting.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Life update!


A lot of being busy, just with a lot of stuff. Winter classes just started, before that, during that little break, I was working/playing trumpet/spending time with my significant other/spending time with my family a lot. Life is treating me pretty well, I'm on a pretty positive thinking track at the moment.


Let's see... I had one roommate move out, another one just moved in. She's not officially signed on the lease, so it was really awkward when the manager was on a smoke break and could clearly see her moving her stuff into my apartment. Here's to hoping the manager says nothing and I can just keep paying my rent like usual, because I really just didn't want to fuss with paperwork when it's someone I trust.


Jail friend! Well, actually, haven't really talked to him much. About a week before his birthday, all the way back towards the end of February, he deleted me from his "friends." I knew he was trying to start something, relating to me not having visited him more than once, nor had I been talking to him much. Honestly, I was just tired of him being pushy, so I let it go. I texted him happy birthday when the time came, he replied some form of thank you, and that was the end of that. Then he didn't talk to me again until my birthday, and his since only a couple more times texted me about his music projects. He just recently texted me a belated merry Christmas/happy New Year, and I just replied a brief "Same to you!" When he was a regular part of my life, even before all of this, he was just an exhausting person. Yes, we were close, but he required so much attention, no doubt how he ended up with his problems in the first place. What I've heard is he was writing some music, ended up working night auditing at a hotel like he used to, stopped doing that, and I believe he's currently working in a barber shop.


I guess overall, the year 2012 treated me really well, and so I ended up not letting the negative stay in my life. The guy I wasn't sure about, the guy that said he wanted to change and be there for me after a year and a half of not knowing what was going on with him? It's been almost a full year since the sappy declaration of love and changes, and things are better than ever. It strikes me as odd that I'm looking at this relationship in ways I haven't with others, a little more long term and never really thinking of it as, "Well, things are going to change soon, because I'm young and I'll probably get bored of him eventually because that's what always happens." He likes making me happy, and I like making him happy, and we both like pushing each other towards our goals, so I think this is going somewhere good.

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Thank you so much for the update! How about a photograph of you and your significant other!!! Please! Glad things are positive for you in the new year!!!


Hopefully the manager will not say anything to you about your roommate. As long as the rent is paid, they usually do not say much. It is only when the money does not show when they get fussy. If you were to change names on the lease, then there might be more paperwork and hassles for the manager, so perhaps she does not "want to know". Perhaps this will be good for you.


Good news that jail friend is moving on. Whatever the reasons and motives, at least this allows you to have the friendship on your terms. You do not need any negatives dragging you down, which it sounds like you are successful at minimizing. You keep doing what you are doing and relate to him on your terms. He needs to find a place where he is happy and this will mean not relying on you. Great news!!!!


Your relationship sounds very, very promising. I am so very happy for you. This sounds like you are going to have a most wonderful year.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Alrighty, sorry for the long absence again! Been really focused, doing schoolwork and practicing. A lot. And hanging out with my boyfriend. Funny story, I accidentally changed my relationship status on facebook to engaged for a minute, which was the most terrifying minute of my life and at least 5 people saw it and legitimately thought I was engaged.

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That should teach you! :lol: Be careful what you post... if Facebook likes it, they own it. And you cannot take it back. :o

*imagines Mega Wolf's boyfriend hearing they are engaged on an advertisement by Facebook*

Ohhhhh... surprise! :lol:


Wonderful that you stopped back in. I was wondering how you were doing. TBFOF stopped in on my topic. It was terrific hearing from him!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Slowly but surely pushing my way towards adulthood. :P Paying more bills, drinking more coffee, working harder to get important things done. I have my 21st birthday in a week. Probably won't be too exciting, considering it'll be a Monday.

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My how time flies!!! Adulthood is so over-rated. Yes, you can do what you want when you want, or so you think, but that is only after you have taken care of your other responsibilities and that is if you are not too tired. Working to pay bills is a big junk of time.

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