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Days in the Life of Mega Wolf

Mega Wolf

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So, update on my friend. Plea bargain won't be lowered from 2 years. He has until Monday to decide. But he's decided he'll risk it, even though they say that it could make things bad to the point of him being in for 5+ years. He's going to go on trial and he's hiring a lawyer before Monday. The reason is, even if 2 years means just over a year in prison, he'd still have the 3 years parole, where he'd be forced to live in motels or on the street, as parole has such harsh rules that it'd be difficult for him to even move in with friends or family. And if he winds up on the street, if he accidentally ends up a few blocks from a school, just waiting for a bus even, they'd see that on the GPS tracker he'd be required to have at all times and he'd just be arrested and wind up in jail again. So, he's decided to take the chance and fight, with a lawyer that isn't just a public attorney who wants to get a conviction. It scares me a little. But he's been only thinking about this the entire time. So I suppose he would know best. His acquaintance who has been in there 19 months is finally soon to be freed because the DA had no evidence, and the judge finally recognized that it's ridiculous the man has been in there so long without a case against him, which also scares me that they can be held so long without anything, when my friend has a few people against him.

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What an update! :o What a tough decision to make, but my gut tells me that fighting is probably the best way to go. Our legal system is scary when you get to see a side of it that you might never have seen. I hope he can find a really, really good lawyer.

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Okay, now I don't know what's going to happen. An LA judge ruled part of Jessica's Law unconstitutional, meaning that the "2000 feet rule" can't really apply to sex offenders because it's does more harm than good putting so many convicted sex offenders on the street as it's so impossible to stay so far away from schools and parks in residential areas. It's true, though. However, I don't know if this is going to change his mind about this: he's not happy with other parole rules either. For example, if he lived with say, me, he'd have to have a room separate from me because I'm a female, and say if they found a shirt of mine that had mixed into his laundry in his room, he could get arrested for something as simple as that. Just as an example.

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He has a very tough road ahead of him. It is almost impossible to stay away from all those areas, but it is almost impossible to house everyone in a place where they are at the correct distance, unless of course you are somewhere in an area where there are no people.


Unfortunately for him, he is probably not going to like whatever happens, unless he is proven innocent. All I can recommend is that he fight to win his case. He needs to focus as much as he can and work towards helping his lawyer present the best case possible. This way he can honestly say that he tried. At least then he knows what is going to happen and what the new ground rules are. None of this is going to work out well.


I am so sorry for him.

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Yes. The more I think about it, the more settled I become with him fighting the case. Although we are told that our justice system says innocent until proven guilty, in a case like his it is more the other way around. He is guilty until proven innocent and has harsh consequences ahead regardless, if he were to just not fight it. Even now, since he is in jail fighting, he is still there in jail, and cases like his are not well protected.

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You are absolutely right! What is scary is the fact that our justice system is better, fairer and more humane, than a great number of justice systems other countries. In cases such as his, the good thing is that when he fights, if he can prove reasonable doubt, the verdict will be innocent. If that option is not clear cut, there are a number of lesser charges that might stick. The bottom line will be if he was involved with this girl, beyond just friends, and it comes down to a he said - she said. That is where her statement on the social networking site work against her. It is: were you lying then, when you wrote that statement or are you lying now? If he can dig up a number of inconsistencies in her stories, then he stands a chance. Unfortunately, no matter what tactic he tries, he still looks like the bad guy as he socialized with young ladies.


When do you go visit him again? Has he secured a new lawyer?

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Yes, it is indeed scary that as inhumane as the conditions may be in there, there are so many places where it could be worse. He's accepted many of the conditions. In fact, the conditions in jail tend to be humane and sensible with the only exception being the guards. It's probably going to come down to he said - she said. Best case scenario, she doesn't show up and there doesn't even have to be a fight. And yeah, that whole thing where he's naive and would text back anyone who would text him, pure foolishness that will cause him trouble now.


I can't visit him tomorrow, but hopefully I'll be able to visit next week on Tuesday. I don't know if he has that new lawyer- his sister hasn't replied and I don't know what's going on now. I checked the sheriff's department website and his case hasn't been updated.

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Thanks for the update. You are so right. When she finds out that she has to be disposed, show up in court, she might back down. If she does show up and he brings a copy of her post on that website, it will make her look like she is not a truthful person. To me, this would create reasonable doubt. It is hard not hearing from his sister... I wish she would contact you and give you an update.


It would be interesting to read what the sheriff's department says... how much of his case is posted? Are you just looking at the name and status?

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They're trying to get $3500 secured for the lawyer, his actual trial starts in something like two weeks. So, there's no information out there really except his name/status/court date. Anyway, he says he has a good feeling about all of this, that he'll at least get it down to a year in county, which would mean he'd at most be in there for 7 months, two of which he's already been in there for. I don't know. I feel like he's not considering the idea that things might not be so easy and perfect, but, I'm doing my best to refrain from saying too much to him on that because I wouldn't want to throw more negative emotions at him because I'm realistic, perhaps even being cynical. Half of me says that there's not even really enough evidence to say that he did anything, the other half says that it doesn't matter and things are somehow going to turn out terrible.

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Hopefully they will get the money. Unfortunately when this goes to trial, he will be paying his lawyer for years to come. It is very, very expensive to go to trial. Most often the lawyer will work out a payment plan. The initial payment must be paid in full, but he may be able to work out something for the expenses that come later.


As for the outcome, I am with you. I don't have a really good feeling about this either. But... you are so right, let him keep his positive thoughts. If the positive thinking keeps him working towards his trial, then this is a good thing. If he starts getting negative, then he might give up. You are right by allowing him the positive track even though you are much more realistic about this entire matter. I agree totally with you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He probably won't be able to have another court date until January. His lawyer is on vacation and the judge will possibly go on vacation during December.

Oh yeah... now that you mention it, I remember hearing that the courts virtually shut down from Thanksgiving until New Year's Day. Nothing much gets accomplished.

This is going to be such a hard time for your friend. Spending the holidays in jail is going to be awful. My heart goes out to him.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, if I can get a job within the next couple of weeks, I might be able to audition for another place. See, I auditioned for this marching thing I do. But there's another organization I'm interested in that I still have time to audition for.


The summer marching I do costs around $2000, holds auditions now, has monthly camps, and then all of summer is taken up by this show. Which is why I'd need the job first.

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Well, if I can get a job within the next couple of weeks, I might be able to audition for another place. See, I auditioned for this marching thing I do. But there's another organization I'm interested in that I still have time to audition for.


The summer marching I do costs around $2000, holds auditions now, has monthly camps, and then all of summer is taken up by this show. Which is why I'd need the job first.

I agree, focus on the job. $2000 is a ton of money, hope you find a job. Good luck!!!

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Taking a Spanish class. It's all review for me since I took 2 years of Spanish a few years ago, but it's a hybrid(online and classroom) class, and since it's winter term, only 6 weeks of it.

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At the gym I was listening to some Latin ladies talk amongst themselves, one lady was Mexican, one Colombian, two from Argentina and one lady was from Puerto Rico. It was hilarious as they had to insert many of the same phrases in English. When I asked them why, they said that although they all spoke Spanish, some of the pronunciations and words had very different meanings for other countries. It was fun to listen to the different dialects. The two Argentinian women, had beautiful Spanish. Of course, I understood nothing, but it sounded very melodic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A week ago I went to an audition, despite not having a job.


1. I got in!


2. I pretty much think I have a temporary Valentines season job at a florist, so that's kinda neat.

Outstanding!!!! Terrific that you auditioned!

Is this an audition for a play or a band or a _______?


Awesome job working in a florist. You will love it!!!

Isn't your father in the flower business? Any chance you will follow in his footsteps?

My address for Valentine's Day flowers is:


123 Hamsterdam Avenue

Hammytown, USA. 11111

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Drum and bugle corps, but it's like marching band. So yeah.


My dad's actually an accountant, but he works for a major flower company. :lol:

So, he has a nice view of potted flowers from his office.


I'm fairly certain I want to be a psychiatrist, though I realize I'll have to work like crazy to get there.

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OUTSTANDING!!! The drum and bugle corps will really be fun!!!


Flowers, accounting... no I wasn't even close. :blush:

Anyway, if you can hold on longer than the Valentine's Day, and they decide to teach you arranging, you will really love learning that trade.


You having to 'work like crazy'... no, I would say you will 'have to work with crazies' to get there. :lol:

Perhaps you can start by analyzing your jail friend. Start collecting data and when you get published, perhaps it will be on his case.

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Why I feel qualified for this job at the florist either way:


The people working there already are kind of awkward and I was asked to come in at 12:30 for training and was told to go in an hour later because the manager isn't in until 1:30. XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, there are 3 weeks of training, not paid(but not on the job, it's just like having balloon artist lessons), but you don't pay for it either. The trainer gets 10% of the tips earned when you make money through the gigs that are provided through the company, and that's why the trainers do it. With the training, I can also just do gigs I find on my own or street performances and receive profit even while I'm learning. It's going to be some work, but my friend said that once he was good enough, within about a month, he was making $200-$300 per gig.

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WOW! I had no idea that you could make so much per gig. On the street... for some reason, I do not believe your parents would be too excited about that. :lol: Please check them out with the Better Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce. You pay the trainer... ten percent of each gig... for life???????? I think you need to become a trainer. This way you will continue to collect money. Sort of like a Ponzi scheme, but you are relying on labour.

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Haha, I'm not sure either. But I can hang out on campus between my classes and bug college students. :lol: Yes, 10% forever on any gigs you get through the website. But, really, 90% profit is pretty great, better than selling knives or make-up because balloons cost about five cents each, so there's not a lot of risk involved. xD There's also a lot of gigs available in the area that I live because there aren't too many people that actually do balloon artistry around here. :lol:

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Thanks! I'm really anxious, waiting to be told when I get to be interviewed. XD

What I would do is to put a digital recorder in your handbag. Record your interview. When you get home, listen to your recording as if you were the interviewer. This is important as you want to learn from this interview for further interviews. You want to be the perfect interview candidate when the ultimate job interview comes along.

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Great idea!


I'm getting nervous, I haven't gotten another email back.


Also, I bleached my hair, so now I'm almost blonde.

W H A T T T T T T ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Now you have to post a picture of the "new" you!!!!!




As for not receiving an email, you will. Employers are not in the same rush as the applicant. It will come.


Go buy a composition book. Write down the date, time, questions asked, the interviewer and keep a record of the interview. I am certain you will be hired, then write down the date you started, the very first day you completed the paperwork, the training, the training leader, your supervisor, and pay data. This is very important for the future when you have to account for your time and actions. It sounds like quite a bit of work, but trust me, it will pay off in the long run.

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I'm not even sure if it's staying blond, I might change it to a dark red soon. :lol:


Okay! I'll make sure to do those things.

That will be two pictures please...


the blonde...


and the redhead! :lol:


You are sooooooo bold. I would never have the guts to color my hair. Blonde is all I ever have been. A toe head at birth through about college, then a little bit darker.

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I'm constantly(as in a couple of times a year at least) changing my hair, whether it be a haircut or slight color change. :lol: This is the first time I've done a major color change, but a burgundy might look better on me than blond. xD

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That was my second one. Up goes the insurace. <_<

I was going 72 in a 55. I was in the middle of nowhere and it was 3am and there was seriously nobody else around. Two miles later, there was a 70mph sign. It was ridiculous. (oh, hey, look, another reason for me to dislike our justice system. :lol: )

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That was my second one. Up goes the insurace. <_>

I was going 72 in a 55. I was in the middle of nowhere and it was 3am and there was seriously nobody else around. Two miles later, there was a 70mph sign. It was ridiculous. (oh, hey, look, another reason for me to dislike our justice system. :lol: )

Ouch! The insurance premium increases and then you have to have a great driving record for quite a long time before they decide to lower it. How much did it increase?

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In Florida, the insurance companies must have secret spies in the motor vehicle bureau, as they are calling you the day after the ticket to let you know how much money to send! :lol: If they had access to your mobile phone number, they would probably be calling the minute the police input your license into their database. :lol:

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It's already a lot of balloons to be paying my tour fees. :lol:

Not to mention that for the next two years this is on my record and therefore insurance will be more expensive for that long.

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So, I guess we are going to have to advertise for you. The newspaper, crazy cable adverts, sides of busses, laser lights on buildings... how is that for a start? Do you think we can book you for about twenty hours a day? You only need a couple hours sleep, right? :lol:

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What's this each night stuff? :lol: We are going to have you working a few shifts day and night, seven days a week. No fun, no time off, just balloons. :D I do have some questions. Are you responsible for your own taxes? Or do they pay you after taking your taxes out? It is in your best interest to claim zero deductions for purposes of withholding taxes. A little bit more in taxes is withheld, but then you will probably not have to pay anything at the end of the year. If you claim one deduction for the taxes being withheld, then sometimes you are hit with a bill and the IRS gives you only a short time to send them the money before penalties and interest start accruing. Your parents would know all about this, so I highly recommend you talk to them about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The burgundy looks good and the blonde is much better than the mental image I had conjured up. :lol: Something along the lines of Dog the Bounty Hunter's wife's hair colour. :lol:


The balloon flower is amazing!!!! I love it. Making that flower looks hard. You did a great job!!!!


Thank you for the pictures!

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So, for my marching thing, because what I do requires the fitness of a marathon runner at the level I'm competing, I'm exercising more to prepare for the summer. Also, because I'm stick thin, I'm also trying to go on a high-calorie diet so I can gain weight and not lose muscle in the process of exercising.

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For a brass player, the amount of air we have to use to make pleasant sounds is probably the most intense part, because running around for 10 minutes straight really isn't too bad. :lol: Of course, drummers have it just as hard, because their instruments are much heavier. Imagine running with a 30lb drum. Or our 12 hour rehearsals, wearing that the majority of the time. :blink:

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The drums are heavy, but I had not considered the 'wind' instruments. You are so right, the amount of air to have a good sounding brass section is a lot, without having all the marching.




*drum roll*


Tomorrow is the big day...


Good Luck!!!

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My trainer forgot he had something he had to do for the company today and yesterday he rescheduled for next week. :rolleyes:


I went to an interview for a movie theater yesterday, though. That went pretty well, they'll call if interested by Friday.

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My trainer forgot he had something he had to do for the company today and yesterday he rescheduled for next week. :rolleyes:


I went to an interview for a movie theater yesterday, though. That went pretty well, they'll call if interested by Friday.

Good luck. I still think you should look into the option I suggested. The pay is good, the shifts would work with your schedule and there are lots of benefits. Besides, they have psychologists in the company. A stepping stone for the future.

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It was interesting! The gig was Logan's Roadhouse, chosen to go on Wednesday for the simple fact that there would be basically nobody there. I was nervous and popped a lot of balloons, but, overall, it didn't go terribly. I made The Little Mermaid, a puppy(which my trainer had to save me from, the puppy turned poppy too many times), and Shamu. Then, for a drunk couple, I made a sword and parrot pirate set and my trainer made a pistol. The woman knocked over her beer with the sword. :lol: At the end of the night, we got free food! Great burger.


Anyhow, it was a lot of fun and I'm starting going to gigs on my own next week. For the amount of money, it's not too bad to have to drive out to these restaurants.

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That is outstanding!!!!! I wish I could have been there to see you! That would have been superb!!!!!

Overall, I give you a lot of credit for being there and accomplishing what you did. I could never have done that. In you shoes, I would have probably popped all the balloons, and the puppy would have really pooped before he popped. :lol:


You did great!!! It will be terrific to hear about your first solo job. :D

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I think you should get some of your friends to take pictures of you at work on your first solo job if it is in a restaurant again. That would be terrific to see. You could always place the carcasses of the popped balloons in a little pile by your feet. :lol:

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Yes, more restaurant gigs. :D

I might also be doing a birthday party in the middle of the month for a friend's little sister.

Oh! Another cool thing about this job. It's not a problem at all that I'm leaving for a couple of months.

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Yesterday I got back from my weekend at a camp for my marching thing. Move-in for spring training is less than a month away. It's exciting and scary, 5 people quit last year because it was "too hard".

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Five people may have quit... but you are up for this challenge!!! This will be a fun time for you and I do believe you will not find any problems or difficulties in your marching camp!!! You will be awesome!!! I would love to see a video of you all at the end of camp. It is going to be amazing!!! The time will pass really fast until it is time to go.

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We knew you would be an outstanding succes!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! This is absolutely the greatest news!!! What a great way to start my day, a cup of coffee and this news!!! :D


Bring your balloon supply to band camp... you just might be able to sign up some new customers!!! :lol:

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*gives Mega Wolf a giant cyber hug*


I am so, so sorry. What an awful way to start the day. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know how hard it is when one of your beloved babies dies.


Hopefully your day is getting better.

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I'm stressing for no reason, I have to write my prison friend about the rabbit- it was the one I was watching for him while he's in there, and I'm just generally pushing people away.

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Your stress is totally understandable. The death of the rabbit in your care makes you feel responsible and writing the letter is extremely difficult. It is a normal reaction to push people away in this situation. I wish I had the words to help you, but I am at a loss.


The news will be hard for him, but no matter what, he will know that you tried your best to take the very good care of his rabbits.

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I haven't had the courage to send the letter just yet. I'm going to make myself send it by tomorrow because otherwise I won't get his reply before I leave for the summer.

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D: I'm really sorry to hear about that, MW. Hopefully, they will understand that it was not your fault and that you did the best you could. I hope things start looking up soon.

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