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Days in the Life of Mega Wolf

Mega Wolf

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She knows German and English and minimal French. XD She's a lot of fun. Mostly, she's into art. Oh, and we dyed part of my hair red. :D

And no picture? :(

Your hair must look great!!!


Well, you can start with the minimal French and follow with the German! LOL

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lol I'll put a pic when I'm not so lazy.

When you finally get around to posting a photograph, we will remove you from the position as Queen of the Procrastinators. That is of course if we could get around to voting on a replacement.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

March my favorite open class drum corps, basically. xD

So, anyhow, my computer fails because this one that's working is too old to allow me to upload the pictures from my camera.

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March my favorite open class drum corps, basically. xD

So, anyhow, my computer fails because this one that's working is too old to allow me to upload the pictures from my camera.

You do have a good time with your drum corps.

An updated computer will be excellent as we definitely need to see pictures.

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  • 3 months later...

Blah... so much to do. So many people annoying me. Really disliking high school after hanging out with people that really understand so much more about what enjoying life is all summer, along with actually really liking the whole not having any real responsibility other than knowing your show and doing your best at it thing. Annoyed with a person who has everything I want complaining about the two things that are wrong with her life. She has a solo she doesn't want and she doesn't get to conduct the show even though she's really bad at conducting anyway. I'm also tired of hearing about people talking about how my friend and I won't stop talking about our summer or inside jokes we have, even though the hypocrites have all kinds of inside jokes anyway. They just don't understand because we were doing a more advanced version of what they're doing, so they're assuming we're being arrogant about it by talking about it. Sorry we got a great new family that we spent 24 hours a day with for two months straight? gosh.

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Blah... so much to do. So many people annoying me. Really disliking high school after hanging out with people that really understand so much more about what enjoying life is all summer, along with actually really liking the whole not having any real responsibility other than knowing your show and doing your best at it thing. Annoyed with a person who has everything I want complaining about the two things that are wrong with her life. She has a solo she doesn't want and she doesn't get to conduct the show even though she's really bad at conducting anyway. I'm also tired of hearing about people talking about how my friend and I won't stop talking about our summer or inside jokes we have, even though the hypocrites have all kinds of inside jokes anyway. They just don't understand because we were doing a more advanced version of what they're doing, so they're assuming we're being arrogant about it by talking about it. Sorry we got a great new family that we spent 24 hours a day with for two months straight? gosh.

Unfortunately, those same people grow up to be adults. I understand completely.

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Having the information that there's a lot of people that never get over themselves is really depressing. haha.

And by getting over themselves I mean that some people are always miserable no matter what happens because not everything is perfect.

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So, less depressing notes.

Senior year isn't so horrible, I'm just looking forwad to college knowing that I can chill with some of my better friends and meet new people then.

In about half a year, I'll be 18. Weird. Not a huge deal to me, but I do remember when it was a bit further off. This entire HD thing reminds me of how time goes by, and how almost 10 years ago was the first time I'd ever heard about Hampsterdance at all. Then about five or six years ago I'd joined this, and for someone of my age that's really quite a bit of time. It's always been a great source of constancy and a great reminder of how much I still have to learn.

Everything is so weirdto me, I guess.

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Having the information that there's a lot of people that never get over themselves is really depressing. haha.

And by getting over themselves I mean that some people are always miserable no matter what happens because not everything is perfect.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Some people could have an almost perfect life and they would complain about that. Amazing.

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lol yes. It's my dad's old computer, about 8 years old. haha. But, my dad takes care of his stuff, so it's not bad, works for everything I need. xD

Age has nothing to do with it, unless it is 30 years old and has no internet connection. I looked around on the auction sites and the 3 1/2 year old Mac laptop I have is selling for $1000 on the low end on up. We had the max in memory, processor, etc. put in, so ours is almost $1500. I would never sell it though. I love the 17" laptop. And this laptop has LoJack. No one would know and if they steal it, I feel sorry for them.

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Yes, the age of a computer has little effect for me, especially since I only need it primarily for Microsoft Office and the internet, for school. Since I won't exactly be a graphic arts major, nor am I likely to even go into composition, I definitely don't need anything better than this for now. xD

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Yes, the age of a computer has little effect for me, especially since I only need it primarily for Microsoft Office and the internet, for school. Since I won't exactly be a graphic arts major, nor am I likely to even go into composition, I definitely don't need anything better than this for now. xD

Very smart! :)

I applaud you!!!

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Aw, thanks. :) I just find it absolutely ridiculous when my classmates walk in with their $1,200+ brand spankin' new Macbooks that they got just for the "cool apps." And then all I ever see them do is use the internet. They're in band, I know for a fact that they aren't using the computer for anything important. Just bothers me a little bit that they could use a netbook and save their parents at least $800 since all they're doing is using the internet anyhow.

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Aw, thanks. :) I just find it absolutely ridiculous when my classmates walk in with their $1,200+ brand spankin' new Macbooks that they got just for the "cool apps." And then all I ever see them do is use the internet. They're in band, I know for a fact that they aren't using the computer for anything important. Just bothers me a little bit that they could use a netbook and save their parents at least $800 since all they're doing is using the internet anyhow.

Obviously your parents brought you up right. Somehow those kids don't get it. They have no idea just how hard their parents work to pay for those things. But their parents should know better.


I admire you because you will be smart, have money in the bank and will take care of those big ticket items that you purchase. The reason you are bothered, which is admirable, is because you understand about money and where it comes from. Ultimately, you will come out ahead.

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I'm glad. I know that my parents give me a lot. But I also understand that my dad doesn't just magically have the money to buy everything I want and that a few hundred dollars more is "x" number of hours my dad has worked, not me. So the more expensive it is, the more my dad had to work for it and not me. Which a lot of kids take for granted, and it's really crazy to me that they don't think about it like that.

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Hehe, true. :)

and recently my mom has been buggin' out at the fact that I've been in my room on my laptop a lot. If I weren't on the laptop, before I'd just be sitting in the living room or taking extra nap time, so I don't see much difference in my lazy behavior. xD Besides that, I'm out of the house a lot doing stuff and I do have homework I work on in here. jeeeez.

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Hehe, true. :)

and recently my mom has been buggin' out at the fact that I've been in my room on my laptop a lot. If I weren't on the laptop, before I'd just be sitting in the living room or taking extra nap time, so I don't see much difference in my lazy behavior. xD Besides that, I'm out of the house a lot doing stuff and I do have homework I work on in here. jeeeez.

Yeah... I like the homework aspect. It works wonders. hehehe...

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Haha, wow, you're at 45,000 posts.

Anyway. Yeah, I have a tendency to play games and go on social networking websites when I get bored.


...Heeeey, random, but my birthday is in 2 weeks. XD

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Haha, wow, you're at 45,000 posts.

Anyway. Yeah, I have a tendency to play games and go on social networking websites when I get bored.


...Heeeey, random, but my birthday is in 2 weeks. XD

I am?????

*runs off to look*


Whoo Hoo! I just hit 45001! Of course, I had to ruin the 45,000 before I could make a screen shot. :(


I'm already planning the perfect birthday cake. Any preferences you would like to let me know about?

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Hehe, wow, Horatio, you have so many posts. xD Ah, gotta run off and do a project that's due tomorrow that's apparently taken everyone else a loooong time to do, 15 hours to start, actually. XD


I like white cakes with chocolate frosting, especially if I have milk. :)

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Hehe, wow, Horatio, you have so many posts. xD Ah, gotta run off and do a project that's due tomorrow that's apparently taken everyone else a loooong time to do, 15 hours to start, actually. XD


I like white cakes with chocolate frosting, especially if I have milk. :)

Perfect! That was exactly what I had in mind.


Good luck with the project. You'll get an A. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...


You have a very down to earth look about you. I like it. Out of curiosity, what nationality are you?

Thanks. :)

I'm half Filipino, a quarter Chinese, and a quarter "white"(consisting of some amounts of English, Italian, German, Dutch, probably some others).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Life carries on. After AP tests, now I'm not doing anything at school. All that's happening is the rotting of my brain. Plus, it's almost like I'm studying film, what, with watching 3 movies in a day.

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Life carries on. After AP tests, now I'm not doing anything at school. All that's happening is the rotting of my brain. Plus, it's almost like I'm studying film, what, with watching 3 movies in a day.

Three movies a day... that many movies would put me to sleep.

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So, a previous on and off romantic interest but now one of my best friends, the older guy. He's being held in jail 'til Monday because some stupid 15-year-old was going around spreading sick rumors that she'd stayed the night at his apartment and you know what else that could get him in trouble. That already got him fired from his job as a high school instructor. So, he'll probably end up going to court. His innocence is extremely clear, as in schedules would not allow this to be physically possible. Also, she was stating over a social networking website that she had been told to lie, not specifically about what, but it's pretty clear. But I'm still really distressed. Again, he's one of my best friends. I can't stand that he has to suffer because of someones lies.

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So, a previous on and off romantic interest but now one of my best friends, the older guy. He's being held in jail 'til Monday because some stupid 15-year-old was going around spreading sick rumors that she'd stayed the night at his apartment and you know what else that could get him in trouble. That already got him fired from his job as a high school instructor. So, he'll probably end up going to court. His innocence is extremely clear, as in schedules would not allow this to be physically possible. Also, she was stating over a social networking website that she had been told to lie, not specifically about what, but it's pretty clear. But I'm still really distressed. Again, he's one of my best friends. I can't stand that he has to suffer because of someones lies.

You need to let him know that he needs to print out that statement from the social networking website. Print a copy for him just in case it gets deleted by someone or the site management. Perhaps if he presents the copy from the social networking website to his lawyer, this will help him avoid a court appearance. Due to the fact that the student is 15, this is considered statutory ####, and her parents are probably seeing dollar signs from the school district.


He is pretty stupid about dating or seeing a student, as I think parents would not be too thrilled about hearing this. Unfortunately he probably will not get his job back or any job teaching... ever. You need to think about the fact that you might be called as a witness for the girl as she will want to find any and all people he might have dated or socialized with. Remember, you will be under oath, so you cannot lie. If you think that you can get away with a lie or two, forget it. Perjury is punishable and you don't want to go down that road. One thing my mother told me when I was a small hamster trying to get out of trouble... "You are not smart enough to lie." Those are great words of advice.


My advice to you, make a copy of everything that girl wrote on all the social networking sites you can find. Keep a copy for yourself and somehow let the guy know. Other than that, I would stay away from both of these two. You do not want to be involved and by avoiding them, you might keep yourself from being called as a witness. Don't talk about them, don't try to find out what is going on and just plain avoid them as much as possible. You definitely don't want your name in the papers as this could happen as you are now an adult.


Sorry for the parent-type rant. These things seem to get blown up and explode and I don't want to see you as part of the carnage.


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I don't believe her mother has anything to do with this. Her dad has passed. For some reason, she and another girl have framed him.


I'm not one to lie. It was foolish to see each other, but at the very least we didn't do foolish things, to clarify. And I wasn't connected from a school district. In fact, nobody from that school is really aware of my importance except as a close friend. Also, I know stuff about instructors especially in music... this is sadly far from the worst, it won't be impossible for him to get teaching jobs, just unfortunately more difficult as someone wrongly accused.


I know I should stay far away. But it's difficult. Again. He's someone I trust a lot. Heck, I may be in too far deep as it is to avoid anything. Unfortunately I'm not one to fear harm to my name, nor fear involvement.

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I don't believe her mother has anything to do with this. Her dad has passed. For some reason, she and another girl have framed him.


I'm not one to lie. It was foolish to see each other, but at the very least we didn't do foolish things, to clarify. And I wasn't connected from a school district. In fact, nobody from that school is really aware of my importance except as a close friend. Also, I know stuff about instructors especially in music... this is sadly far from the worst, it won't be impossible for him to get teaching jobs, just unfortunately more difficult as someone wrongly accused.


I know I should stay far away. But it's difficult. Again. He's someone I trust a lot. Heck, I may be in too far deep as it is to avoid anything. Unfortunately I'm not one to fear harm to my name, nor fear involvement.

These two girls framed this poor guy? That's awful. You will need to print out that information as soon as possible. He will definitely need it.


You are smart and I know that you maintained a friendship, but sadly, even friendships are viewed in a bad light. At least you were not in his school district.


Please keep in mind that everything, and I do mean everything, you put on any site, email, text, is open information. When you think of the scope of things, it is pretty scary. So, just re-read everything you put in print as it may appear somewhere else later.


I know that you have a good sense of things, but please just be careful. You may not fear harm to your name, but when you are looking for a job later on, you don't want any tarnish to appear. Please look out for yourself. Innocent people can be damaged by rumours.

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I doubt that MW having a relationship with a teacher outside her school district is likely to get her in much trouble down the road. Most people would just dismiss that as being a stupid teenager (not that MW is stupid, just that that's how it will be seen), and she can brush it off as such. The only problem I could see would be a really uptight person denying her a job where she would be working with older students. As it stands, teacher guy will probably have a hard time getting a job in the area unless it's made REALLY clear that he was framed. If convicted, he's pretty much doomed as far as teaching jobs or any job working with children is concerned. All jobs ask about whether you've been convicted of a crime, and teaching jobs ask that as well as child abuse.

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This is very sad. The more that is revealed, the worse I feel for him. Just wait, if adults were involved, there is a money motive somewhere along the road.


As far as my comment about MW, it is always best to keep your name out of things, people can be so weird. As you mentioned, Jesusfreak, there may be some uptight person who stifles MW's career, my thinking is that there are more of these people out there than you can imagine and MW does not need any of this.


Please print out her social networking posts where she made those claims. This will help him.

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From what I've picked up, there is little money involved. Just sick adults that wouldn't simply fire him for speaking out a little. The worst part is how ridiculously innocent he is just as a person in general. I know for a fact that he doesn't know how to lie.


I understand. I'm trying to keep my name out if it's possible.


I've got her posts screenshots.

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He's not totally innocent but there's still something afoot. Just part of this doesn't line up, seeing as the one gap in the timeline was the time it happened, though she claimed it happened more than once. I just want to hear straight answers from him.


But, I suppose I follow my favorite proverb, and love him as my friend when he least deserves it, because now is when he really needs it.

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He's not totally innocent but there's still something afoot. Just part of this doesn't line up, seeing as the one gap in the timeline was the time it happened, though she claimed it happened more than once. I just want to hear straight answers from him.


But, I suppose I follow my favorite proverb, and love him as my friend when he least deserves it, because now is when he really needs it.

You do deserve the truth. Especially as his friend. Hopefully he will be honest with you, but I sincerely doubt it. He is not going to tell anyone what really happened for fear of what could happen.


If you are his friend, at least he has someone on his side when things get tough.

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It's been 3 weeks since I last talked to him. I didn't realize how important he was to my life. I mean, yeah, he's my best friend, but I never would have figured that I'd be so affected by this. I don't sleep as well, eat as well, and I'm really unhappy being unable to talk to him. He's the person that understands me more than anyone, that's why he's my best friend. He doesn't judge me when I screw up, he gives perfectly sound advice, and I can talk to him about anything. It's not that I don't have other friends that I talk to. In fact, I've been talking to them more if anything to try to fill in that space. But nothing I do can keep me from worrying about him.

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It is really hard when you care about a friend and there is no contact. With all that he is going through, he may be getting depressed, which would be totally understandable. If this happens, he could be avoiding contact with everyone, including all friends. I hope you can get to spend some time talking to him. He really needs a friend at this time.

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His sister got my address so he can write me a letter. We've been trying to get a hold of each other, but jail systems do not make this easy. Particularly, the more money you have to burn the easier the jail experience is, apparently. He's talked to his sister because she can receive collect calls, but I can't do that. One time she tried to visit, they were on lockdown, next time we tried they moved his row that day. They also apparently sell phone cards in jail so he can call me once he can get access to that.


No joke, money seems to be a major factor in getting "comforts" while one is in jail. :/

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His sister got my address so he can write me a letter. We've been trying to get a hold of each other, but jail systems do not make this easy. Particularly, the more money you have to burn the easier the jail experience is, apparently. He's talked to his sister because she can receive collect calls, but I can't do that. One time she tried to visit, they were on lockdown, next time we tried they moved his row that day. They also apparently sell phone cards in jail so he can call me once he can get access to that.


No joke, money seems to be a major factor in getting "comforts" while one is in jail. :/

I'm so sorry that he is in this situation. Jail is very, very hard place to exist. Keep in mind that all letters into and out of the jail system are read, so before you send anything, please reread it a few times.

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Haha, that would be sooo horrible. xD


Dude, as we already know, he's a naive idiot. I hope mostly that he doesn't incriminate his own darn self when he writes letters to me. But I suppose I'll find out soon, since he just sent me one today apparently. haha

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Haha, that would be sooo horrible. xD


Dude, as we already know, he's a naive idiot. I hope mostly that he doesn't incriminate his own darn self when he writes letters to me. But I suppose I'll find out soon, since he just sent me one today apparently. haha

I hope your right. Unfortunately, there are some people who don't think. There was a show on the world's dumbest criminals, it was pretty funny. Although there was a sad side to it. In one case, a guy was robbing a bank and he asks the teller for all her money. She told him that she would give it to him, but she didn't want to lose her job and could he please show her his driver's license first. He did. She gave him the money. I wonder what went through his mind when he arrived home to find the police waiting.

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Haha, that would be sooo horrible. xD


Dude, as we already know, he's a naive idiot. I hope mostly that he doesn't incriminate his own darn self when he writes letters to me. But I suppose I'll find out soon, since he just sent me one today apparently. haha

I hope your right. Unfortunately, there are some people who don't think. There was a show on the world's dumbest criminals, it was pretty funny. Although there was a sad side to it. In one case, a guy was robbing a bank and he asks the teller for all her money. She told him that she would give it to him, but she didn't want to lose her job and could he please show her his driver's license first. He did. She gave him the money. I wonder what went through his mind when he arrived home to find the police waiting.

There was a news story recently about a guy who went in to rob a bank, but was talked into taking out a loan instead. :lol:

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Haha, that would be sooo horrible. xD


Dude, as we already know, he's a naive idiot. I hope mostly that he doesn't incriminate his own darn self when he writes letters to me. But I suppose I'll find out soon, since he just sent me one today apparently. haha

I hope your right. Unfortunately, there are some people who don't think. There was a show on the world's dumbest criminals, it was pretty funny. Although there was a sad side to it. In one case, a guy was robbing a bank and he asks the teller for all her money. She told him that she would give it to him, but she didn't want to lose her job and could he please show her his driver's license first. He did. She gave him the money. I wonder what went through his mind when he arrived home to find the police waiting.

There was a news story recently about a guy who went in to rob a bank, but was talked into taking out a loan instead. :lol:

:lol: That's great!! :lol:

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Going to his court date today. As far as going all the way out there, it's more for his sister than for him. She's going through a lot with this, too, since she decided to be helpful and wants to be there for him. It's not like I'm not at all there for him though, it definitely relates to me wanting to continue showing that despite his huge lapse in judgment, I'm still his friend. He's by far just the most naive guy I know, and I could have said that pretty confidently before this mess.


On a brighter note, I keep being told I'm an excellent trumpet player. haha

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So, for court, it takes me two hours to drive over there (we live in different counties) and getting to try to visit him is a full hour. -.- But, I went on Tuesday only for it to be rescheduled to the 14th because they're still working on a bargain.

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So, for court, it takes me two hours to drive over there (we live in different counties) and getting to try to visit him is a full hour. -.- But, I went on Tuesday only for it to be rescheduled to the 14th because they're still working on a bargain.

You are truly a good friend. That is quite a bit of effort only to have to return. I am certainly hoping that things turn out okay for him. He must be beside himself.

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I got a letter from him today. This past month has just been so confused, a combination of anger, hurt, sadness, and worrying all the time. But the letter just... really lets me at least get rid of part of the bad emotions. The letter just really showed me how sorry he really is. And it makes all this effort so much more worth it, and remember why he's my best friend.

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Such sad news. It is understandable why he is so worried. Having a relationship as a teacher with a student is disastrous. I am really worried for him. As a good friend please make sure he has good counsel. He needs to have a really, really good lawyer. Hopefully he has some money for his defense, but I doubt it as he is a young teacher.


Please be there for him, but as I said before, say nothing that can be misconstrued. Remember that all jails have places where the prisoners are and your conversation is open to be recorded and monitored.

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So, when he finally got a chance to call me, I missed it. Gonna try to see him Tuesday. Maybe he'll call me tomorrow. Apparently I have something like a 10 page letter coming my way, though, that should get to me by Wednesday.

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How unfortunate that you missed his call. Hopefully you will get to see him on Tuesday. I always hate when I miss an important call like that.


The ten-page letter will probably be quite emotional, I'm sure he poured his heart out. That might be very difficult to read.


You are a very, very good friend.

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Well, spent a few hours attempting to visit, didn't get to. Apparently he's on a busy floor, and I have to get there really early if I want to see him. But his sister said he was happy just to have heard my voicemail. Though all of this is pretty serious, I do get along with his sister quite a bit and we make jokes about this constantly to cope. haha.

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I had no idea about the process. You mean, you can spend hours getting there and waiting and still not get to see him? :o Is this because there are only so many places in the room to meet? How does this work? Once you get there you get on a list? Is there some sort of time limit when you do get in to see him or can you visit as long as you like until the visiting hours are over?


You spend an enormous amount of traveling to and from, only to be denied a visit. You are so amazing, as I would be really frustrated and discouraged. Hopefully next time you will get in to see him. Do you leave a voicemail in the prison phone system? I'm glad he was able to hear your voice.


He has no idea of what lies ahead. It is going to be a really, really long road. If he is in jail, he has no money for bail and this makes me worry that he has no money for a good lawyer. Does he have any idea of how far away his court date is scheduled? Does he say anything about his lawyer? Any word on how his lawyer plans on fighting this? I would think the post on the social networking site by the girl would be very important. It's a good thing you printed this out.


I am really, really worried about him and the way things are going. It is good that you and his sister get along, as you both need each other to help support him.

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Well, things are somewhat starting to wrap up a bit, and today I learned a lot more. The girl isn't much to blame, except that she was foolish enough to be going around bragging about it. He's only being charged with the one count. He's been offered two years in state prison, which essentially means he'll be there maybe a little over a year, with three years parole. He asked to be given time to think about it, and the public defender is going to try to get the DA to lower it a bit, considering two years is a bit high for a guy who clearly has no intention of repeating his actions. But, idiot him, of course, another girl came out and said that he was texting her, asking her if she had her license yet and asked if she could basically be a cuddle friend to her. It sounds really bad to the court, but cuddle friend is kind of a weird dialect thing that refers to just chillin' and watching movies. It's a completely innocent request, and my friend and I actually started laughing when we heard that he could be in worse trouble because of that. It makes him look like he's trying to befriend his students in order to be more than friends in general, but I know that he really doesn't go into these things chasing girls, he's just completely naive, trusting, and friendly. Like, worse than me. Couple more weeks before we get a definite answer on if he might be able to just get a year in state, essentially meaning less than that.


What kinda gets me? I've heard that this girl is completely aware of what she's done to his life. And she doesn't care. It was all consensual. She coerced it, if anything, though clearly he is at fault for not pushing it away, but I don't see how someone can get someone into their life in that aspect and be completely fine that partially because of her, he can never teach again, and he's in jail, soon prison. I'm not saying all of this is her fault, by no means do I blame her, but dang. Some compassion?


I tried calling back, but there's no way I can leave a voicemail for him. It seems that I'll need to write a letter soon, in order to communicate, or wait for him to call me again. While for now he's in county(which, by the way, since he's being sentenced to state, all of this time so far will count for nothing), visit days are Satuday through Tuesday, the hours are limited, you have to wait in a line to be scheduled a time.


Again, he's probably going to take whatever plea bargain he happens to be given, fortunately no more than two years. But considering he's going to state, it seems I'll have an even harder time visiting. Though at least I'll still be able to write him letters to help him through his days. I'll likely write him soon, but I've been refraining because I didn't want to send him negative letters that would only serve to hurt him.

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Whoa... this is so bad. Unfortunately, his life is ruined. As she is a minor, he will also be listed as a sexual predator. That is going to be a stigma he carries for life. I am so sorry that that time he is currently spending in prison is not counted towards his sentence. You need to tell his sister to tell that public defender to ask to have this included. Time served could be worked into the deal. One problem with lawyers is that, you the client, need to direct how your legal representation is being conducted. He needs to be more directive, not put his life in the hands of someone else.


As far as that girl not recognizing what she is doing to his life, what bothers me is the fact that she wrote that post that all this is not true. I am at a loss to understand what really happened. There seem to be some details missing and some lying going on, on her part. How old is he? I think you told me 26, is this correct? How old is she?


Another girl came forward? Oh my. I am afraid that the court will not be able to look at this any other way but bad. As a teacher, all contact with students outside of the school system is off limits. Any outside contact is viewed in a bad light, even if it is innocent. Another problem is the use of the "cuddle" word. This word, no matter what the context, is not a word a teacher uses with a student, especially in a personal message such as a text. The bottom line as the court will view it is, he is a teacher, an adult, and he is trying to make contact with a minor. They do not see anything past this.


Here is my big fear... there will be one of these parents who considers a lawsuit against him and the school system looking for a big payout. Money can influence people to do things you never imagined. His horror may not be over with just the fact that he is sentenced to prison. I truly feel for him.


Good luck writing the letters. I truly admire you for the friendship you are extending to him. I do not know that I could be as good a friend as you.

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County and state are counted completely separately, there's no way it could be. He's 26, she's 15. From what I've gathered, she was bragging and that's how all of this got out. She stayed at his place one night because she said she was running away, and then when he came back from work in the morning he allowed something to happen, but from what I have figured out, she instigated and he's stupid. If convicted, he will be a registered sex offender, not allowed to work with students, but because she is a young adult, not a child, there will not be too extreme restrictions on him.


We all realize he's stupid like that, the whole coming forward about contacting students outside, doesn't surprise me. If a student starts contacting him, he's not one to ignore, and he foolishly acts as though they're any other person. The word "cuddle", yes, though our circle of friends uses that term lightly and often, not even necessarily implying doing anything more than sitting on the same couch, it was completely idiotic of him to not realize that it could be taken out of context.


It doesn't sound like a lawsuit will happen, nobody really knows where the girl's mother even stands in all of this.


On a darkly "bright" side, they may have done something incorrect in his arrest, and if so, we all know that's really good for him.

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I didn't know that information about county and state prison systems and time served. That is interesting.


As for the rest of his life, I truly feel sorry for him. I am hoping that something may have been incorrect in his arrest, but if that is the case, he needs to talk to his lawyer about what will happen. It is my understanding that they re-arrest him doing the procedure exactly by the book. Perhaps this will give him a little time out to straighten out his affairs. Glad you are 18 as this will remove any problems if you get together if he gets out for a bit. Please do keep me posted.


People do not realize how saying a phrase or using a word, can be twisted and turned into something totally the opposite of what someone really meant. For example, when you are talking to a friend and you might say, "I'm going to kill you!" Laughing as whatever happened caused you some embarrassment, you really don't mean that you are going to take their life, but it was just a phrase. Well, if that person ended up dead and you were heard saying this, all of a sudden you are under suspicion. Scary. It is almost like you cannot say anything in jest for fear it might be twisted into something sinister.


Lawyers are very adept at making people see the side of something that may or may not be the truth. It is all about winning. Unfortunately, when your friend's life hangs in the balance, these word games become the battleground of the lawyers. I am hoping that something good comes out of this as I am pretty worried for him.


By the way, there is a statute of limitations on filing another lawsuit and if some greedy attorney sees big dollars, the mother might be convinced to go for the money before the time limit expires.

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I did get to see him. I got to talk to him for 40 minutes, I'm just happy I was able to make him smile and laugh. He seemed pretty miserable, reasonably so. But he told me the three possibilities for how long he could be there. It seems more than likely that he could be home before Christmas, but I'm not counting on it. The only real evidence is a phone call. But who knows what the judge will say?

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I did get to see him. I got to talk to him for 40 minutes, I'm just happy I was able to make him smile and laugh. He seemed pretty miserable, reasonably so. But he told me the three possibilities for how long he could be there. It seems more than likely that he could be home before Christmas, but I'm not counting on it. The only real evidence is a phone call. But who knows what the judge will say?

Grrrrr... don't keep me in suspense. What are the three options?


I'm really glad that you got in to see him. It is totally understandable that he is miserable. What is the worst case scenario?

Forty minutes of your visit must have been such a great time for him. I feel so, so bad for him in his situation.

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Well, first off, I'd like to say that they're taking a lot of random stuff out of context, even ridiculous things that have nothing to do with even hanging out. Apparently they've used this to avoid giving him the opportunity of having a psychoanalysis to just say that this was a one-time mistake. So, right now options are out by December, if he can get it reduced to county jail time that's what he'll take, or if he fails in trial he's bound to get somewhere more than 2 years in state, but there's possibility that he can go into the military instead and serve overseas. It's hard to hear from him, as I get to hear how miserable he is often.

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I hope he can get the one-time mistake option. As for the military, I don't think you should count on this. The military will do a background check and probably not allow him in, no matter where he ends up. After talking with a local attorney, he advised me that the judge has quite a bit of latitude when it comes to his sentencing. The judge could, in fact, sentence him to time served, even though it is in a county facility. That is a good bit of news. The judge cannot order him to join the military.


What bothers me is the fact that he is in jail at all. He should have been "released on his own recognizance". I would think that he is not a flight risk, although the crime was serious, he had no previous record, had ties to the community, family, etc., would not have posed a risk to the community and would have appeared in court. Do you know why he was not given this option?


It is very hard for him not having regular contact, and I hope this entire matter gets resolved soon, but with the holidays coming up, I don't have positive feelings that will happen. Being in jail during Thanksgiving and Christmas will be extremely hard for him.

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Military is one of those slim-chance options that can apparently happen in the case that he's sentenced to state. When going to the court dates, I've seen that the judge generally makes sense. He was given bail of 100k(clearly none of us have 10k to get him out of there), and he's only being charged with one of the four original charges that were given to him. It seems that they're doing what they can to keep him in there and find evidence that doesn't exist: turn it into a witch hunt, one might say. This system... it's a shame that so many are blind to it. All of this is so much worse than originally thought. Look up LA Times article from the 24th about deputy misconduct claims... he says it's not far from what's usual in there.

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That must be a California option. Not an option in Tennessee.


That's quite a bit of bail. I'm not surprised that he did not have the 10,000.


Witch hunts are more common than people think. You don't know about the system unless you work in it or are involved in it. Unfortunately he is on the short end. You need to tell him to focus on helping his defense. DO NOT RELY ON THE ATTORNEY!!!!! His attitude will improve if he can be actively involved in his defense.


Heading over to the LA times article.

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He's not relying on the attorney at all. He's doing what he can, with the help of a guy who's been fighting his own case for a year and a half. If he relied on what his attorney said, he'd be done for already. I've met with her when I went to the courts with his sister, the public attorney essentially is just saying he should give it up and take the 2 years, while he's getting this information from other inmates that there's very little evidence.

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He's not relying on the attorney at all. He's doing what he can, with the help of a guy who's been fighting his own case for a year and a half. If he relied on what his attorney said, he'd be done for already. I've met with her when I went to the courts with his sister, the public attorney essentially is just saying he should give it up and take the 2 years, while he's getting this information from other inmates that there's very little evidence.

I'm really glad to hear that he is fighting this himself. The fact that she has posted the statement she did on a social network, this is a key piece of information. When they take the depositions of the girls, they will find inconsistencies in their statements, so it is imperative that he comes up with some money to take depositions. Let his sister know that this expense is coming so someone in his family will be in a position to help financially.

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I don't know. As much as I'd like to think he has a fighting chance with this, and as much as I'd like to think there's little evidence, the phone call was essentially an admission of guilt, so now I'm back to thinking, how the heck is he gonna get out of this? I don't know. If the fool hadn't spoken as he did in the call she made to him, then this wouldn't be a problem. The doof has always been the overly trusting type.

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Keep in mind, this is a game of wits. Not so much if you are guilty or innocent, but how you play the game. Convincing the judge and/or jury, that your point of view is the correct one, is the goal the attorney is seeking. Perhaps this is one of the reasons I am worried about his public defender. He needs to be pushing his lawyer, but I don't think your friend is mentally prepared for this battle.

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It's very true. If it weren't for the other inmates, he wouldn't really be fighting this much. All I can do is hope that he can figure this out, because there's little I can do. For one, me meeting him as a student in a youth arts organization and being close friends with him, that makes any mention of me... treading dangerous waters. Potentially incriminating. And I'm not the only friend he's made, just particularly close. His attorney, being a public defender, really doesn't have much time to spend specifically on him, and clearly isn't "in it to win it".


I'm a little uncomfortable with a couple of things: how they're treated in there, and how passive/confident he sounds at times.

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You are so right. Hopefully the other inmates will help him get some focus and drive to fight. The public defender will be of no use to him. As for your role, I agree that any mention of you is not good. Just being his friend will be more than enough and you are smart to decide exactly how much a role you want to play.


Certainly he has very rough conditions and this probably has a lot to due with his mental and emotional stability. The passive/confident display is also cause for concern. I don't believe overall, he is doing very well. This will be hard for you as his friend.

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